[(Honkai) Cirlene: That's the other side, Kiana, you didn't reconcile with yourself all the time!, but I'm sure you can do it, because you're all good!]

[(Honkai) Raiden Mei Mai: Don't give up!Kiana in the picture, we're all by your side!]

[(Honkai) Himeko: I'm glad as a teacher to see you grow up step by step, the last lesson is over, and now it's your life exam! ]


Kiana and the Lawgiver of the Void returned to their original consciousness space.

The Lawgiver of the Sky brings up Ragnar, and then asks Kiana that your presence has brought only destruction to Himeko, and Himeko is still trying to save you, and in the end, it is nothing more than a farce.

No one will thank you, and in the face of such a world, you can still say it without shame: fight for all the good in the world?

Kiana replied that everyone has painful memories and feelings of despair in difficult situations.

But after that, they will also grit their teeth and stand up, and live with their wounds all over their bodies.

Good and evil are like two sides of a coin that cannot be separated.

"You're right, the world is not beautiful. "

"Therefore, beauty is what people desire in their hearts. "

"That's my reason......"

[March 7: Shocked me for 100 years!Kiana became a master of philosophy!]

[(Honkai) Kiana: This is the future me, so I'll admit it cheekily, Himeko-sensei, did I pass this answer when facing the test paper of life?]

[(Honkai) Himeko: I didn't qualify, but - full marks, you did what you promised me.] ]

[Funina: Accept yourself! Kiana, the whole world will be your stage!]

[(Honkai) Sirin: I want to be like you, Kiana, and now I have this opportunity.] ]

[(Xingtie) Sister Xing: If there is a fate, what is the fate of Kiana "820", I am looking forward to it. ]


Kiana and the Lawgiver of the Void agreed.

There is no room for compatibility, no possibility of mutual understanding.

The battle is on the verge of breaking out.

The Lawgiver of the Sky summoned Benares, who did not attack Kiana.

Kiana explained why.

Bernarus is a friend of Siline and recognizes Siline's kindness, so he hopes that Siline will be happy.

And she was exactly what Benares had chosen and wanted to see.

Enraged, the Lawgiver of the Sky obliterates Benares and takes back Kiana's Lawgiver powers.

"Alright, now let's have a fair and just duel!"

Kiana felt her power lost.

Instead of giving up, though, she looked at the Lawgiver of the Void.

The Lawgiver of the Sky took the lead in attacking, and it didn't take long to push Kiana into danger.

Seeing that Kiana couldn't stand still, she uttered sarcastic words.

Kiana said, "That's true, but every time I fall to the ground and want to give up, I think of a lot of things."

"Burnt toast pizza, non-spicy bell pepper curry, parfait for three, shimmering feathers, St. Freya's door, and her last lesson......"


[(Honkai) Raiden Mei: Not a spicy bell pepper...... I thought you didn't know anything. ]

[(Honkai) Cier: Sister Kiana, she actually remembers the trio parfait I will eat with her in the future!]

[(Honkai) Fu Hua: Yu Du Chen.] ]

[(Honkai) Siegfried: Toast pizza is just to be grilled to be delicious, this kid really likes it.] ]

[(Honkai) Himeko: Kiana, at this moment, you carry the will of all of us!]

"So- I'm not nothing!"

Kiana spoke the last words out loud.

"I'll carry her ideals, theirs – keep going!"

The Lawgiver of the Sky was shocked that her Lawgiver core was temporarily out of control.

Kiana looked at the plague gem in her hand, and in the next second, she held a big sword, which was the Divine Fall Sword!

She launched an offensive against the Lawgiver of the Sky.

The obsession is extremely firm.

As the battle progressed, the Lawgiver of the Sky asked questions.

"Why? Why do you think you can defeat me? "

"Just because you're the good Cyrin and I'm the evil Cyrin?"

For the first time, there was panic in her voice.

Kiana replied, "That kind of thing never exists, I chose the good." "

"And you chose evil. "


Kiana swung her sword and defeated the Lawgiver of the Sky once and for all.

[(Star Iron) Fu Xuan: Xilin, her heart has always been towards the sky, and there is no such thing in this world that says that Kiana is good, but she chose goodness and became one with the real Xilin. ]

[(Honkai) Teresa: So...... The Second Lawgiver, Celine, is the Lawgiver created by our destiny and humanity, and I have to kill her for the sake of humanity!]

[(Honkai) Cirlene: Teresa, Kiana's goodness is also my goodness, you don't have to blame yourself, the person who should blame himself will not apologize to me, because he thinks he is not wrong. ]

Kiana and the Lawgiver of the Sky looked at each other.

The two were silent for a long time.

"It's over. "

Kiana was the first to speak.

"yes, it's over. "

The Lawgiver of the Void uttered a voice of relief.

"The power of gems is flowing to you......"


Kiana and the Lawgiver of the Sky spoke.

The two of them answered one by one.

Kiana's voice was sympathetic.

Because she is also Xilin, she also understands the other party's feelings, but she has to make a move!

The former lawgiver of emptiness has endured no less evil in her heart than the whole world, and at this time, she has lifted her burden.

The sound has also become much more cheerful and complex.

"I will work hard so that there will be no more Celine in the world!"

Kiana uttered her oath and her pact with the Lawgiver of the Void.

The voice of the Lawgiver of the Sky sounded like a cry, and let out a sigh.

"Alright, stop, I don't need your sympathy. "


"Goodbye, Lawgiver of the Void. Kiana pursed her lips, "Goodbye, another Siline." "

The Lawgiver of the Sky looked at Kiana, his eyes showing tenderness that he had never felt before.

"I'm not going to approve of your idea. "

"But...... Since you've won, go down your path. "

"What do you say? "

Her hand touched Bella's head.

"Do what you can, fight to the end, Kiana. "

In the next second, the Lawgiver of the Void and Bella turned into golden light and disappeared......

[Zhongli: At the last moment, the Lawgiver of the Void got the answer he wanted. ]

[Navillette: Celine, who has been well-intentioned from beginning to end, and the entire world of Honkai, should thank her.] ]

[Kiana: She...... It doesn't seem to be so annoying anymore, she is a proud queen, but under the heart, there are bloody wounds that can never be filled.

[March 7: Kiana! You did it! You defeated yourself!]

[(Honkai) Lawgiver of the Void: Hmph! That's the ending, Kiana, as you said, you chose the good and I chose the evil, so this time, I also try to accept the good, so, will there be a different ending?]

[Arataki Itto: Huh, what's going on?Isn't the Lawgiver of the Void dead?]

[Kevin: In this worldline, the will of the Lawgiver of the Sky still exists, and perhaps, she watched Kiana's growth before, and finally chose another path at this time.

Honkai World.

The crowd looked at Kiana.

Siegfried was the first to speak: "Kiana." "

"Remember the rewards you got earlier? "

Then he reconciled with the Lawgiver of Emptiness, she was a loveless person. "

"That's not the Lawgiver of Emptiness. Cecilia shook her head, a gentle smile in her eyes, "That's my daughter, Kiana's other personality, why don't you call it the Moonlight Queen?"

"Domineering and good-sounding, I feel like she's the same queen. "

"Exactly, Kia also means the goddess of moonlight. "

"I'll ask. Kiana closed her eyes, and after a moment they opened, shocked.

She ...... Seems to have agreed?"

Himeko smiled, "I didn't expect it to be the same as Xi'er's situation." "

"Also, as Kiana said, she chose good, and she is good. "

[(Honkai) Moonlight Queen: Hmph, stupid human, I just don't want to be wiped out by you in the future, don't think that I really accepted you, that's absolutely impossible.]

[March 7: Please, you tsundere retreated from the environment!]

[(Honkai) Hei Xi'er: Huh!]

Kiana closed her eyes, feeling all the emotions of the Lawgiver of the Void's departure, and then touched the core gem.

In the next second, countless fragments of consciousness poured into her mind, completely engulfing her consciousness.

I don't know how long it took. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Kiana opened her eyes, and she was greeted by a vast white landscape.

She blinked, and everything in front of her became clearer.

That was the end of her search.

The pure white St. Freya School Park,It's just that there is a bright red of flame in front of you.。

"Ha ......"

Kiana looked at the red figure not far away, and her throat trembled.

Is that...... Himeko!

Even though she knew it wasn't true, she longed for a chance to meet.

She no longer hesitated, but walked over.


Kiana stopped, looking at Himeko in front of her, and all kinds of memories flooded into her heart.

She didn't know how to speak, but she made a sound that looked like she was crying......

"Long time no see, Kiana. "

Himeko turned around, smiling as before.

Himeko...... Teacher!" Kiana only felt that these words weighed like a thousand pounds, and she almost couldn't spit it out.

[(Honkai) Teresa: Finally, Kiana got what she wanted. ]

[(Xingtetsu) Himeko: I'm so happy for this child, as Mei Yi said, she understands the big truth of saving the world, but who will save this stupid Kiana?

[(Honkai) Himeko: Kiana, I'm glad you got enough candy wrappers from me.] ]

Kiana and Himeko chatted.

Himeko said she was sorry for not being able to be by your side.

Kiana says it's okay, and then answers Himeko's question, and she defeats the Lawgiver of the Sky.


Himiko asked if she wanted to go back to St. Freya?

Kiana nodded in agreement.


Kiana and Himeko, walking on the path of St. Freya's Academy.

She looked at Himeko-sensei beside her, and there was a sense of unreality, and she was determined to enjoy the only warmth.

They talk about growth、School Park。

Himeko pointed into the distance.

"Kiana, look, our dorm is here, and that window is my room. "

Kiana immediately replied, "I know that when it's night, Himeko-sensei's light is always on. "

"Thinking about it this way, it was really hard for you at that time. "

Himeko smiled, "It's not that hard, sometimes, it's just that I forgot to turn off the lights when I got drunk." "

With that, she walked ahead and pointed to the bushes in the distance.

"Look, that little bush. "

"When you skip class, you always hide there, and I'm curious, why do you always hide there?"

Kiana seemed to think of the past, and showed the smile she used to have.

At that time, she was a carefree student.

"The sunshine is the best there. "

[(Xingtie) Jingyuan: Kiana and Himeko, just like Master and I used to be. ]

[Collei: I'm too, I like the sun.] ]

[Amber: Collei, I'll go to Sumeru to play with you when I'm free.] ]

"Remember the wall?"

Himeko pointed to the fence in the distance.

"Well, I turn it out a lot. "

Kiana nodded heavily.

Himeko: "Theresa has a headache and has raised the wall three times. "

"But you can still flip it out. "

Kiana let out a surprised voice.

"I said how to work harder and harder every time. "

Himeko: "But it hasn't been raised since then." "

Kiana: "Why?"

Himeko: "Well, because she's afraid you'll fall and get hurt." "

Soon, they walked to the training ground.

"It's like yesterday that you're having classes here. "

"Tell me about everyone, how are they doing?"

Himeko looked at Kiana gently.

"Hmm. Kiana nodded, and talked about what had happened after the Manifest Destiny War.

Himeko slowly accepts everything Kiana says.

These things are shocking.

Then she sighed about Bronya and Fu Hua.

In the end, I comforted Kiana that Mei Yi is a kind child and will not change.

Kiana also completely opened up at this time and said how much she missed Mei Yi.

And she is the person who has been helped the most by everyone, and she is worried that she is not doing well enough......

[(Honkai) Teresa: This guy is going to skip class! I'm so angry! Sometimes I really want her to fall and eat.] ]

[Kiana: Ahhhh ]

[(Honkai) Himeko: From the beginning, she knew who you were, but she still treated you as a relative.] ]

The footage continues.

Himeko: "Kiana, let me tell you a story." "

Kiana: "Well, is this going to class?"

Himeko: "What? You don't want to hear it?"

Kiana smiled.

"No, I want to hear it. "


Himeko told some of her own stories.

When she was still in college, she was about the same age as Kiana and the others.

Have a good father. 3.2 Even if she is busy at work, her father will take the time to come back for dinner, buy her cakes, and praise her for her good test results.

Until one day.

Her father left her forever.

So, Himeko joined the Mandate of Heaven and became a Valkyrie.

She wanted to find out the truth.

Then, she met Captain Ragnar.

"She told me that Valkyries are the ones who bring light to the world and should not let obsession and hatred fill their hearts. "

"She guided me to vent my inner anguish and find coordinates for my Valkyrie career. "

"It was the first time she encouraged me to make this imperfect world what you want it to be. "

Kiana's voice was low: "It's the disaster of 2010. "

Himeko said.

The Lawgiver of the Void is not right to blame you for the consequences of the disaster, she does not see people's choices, and she cannot tolerate those beautiful glimmers.

[(Honkai) Teresa: Ragnar passes the fire to Himeko, who in turn passes the fire to Kiana.] ]

[Ying: That's what it really means to burn forever.] ]

[Walter Young: I'm sorry, Himeko......]

Himeko is still telling.

She sorted out the relics of Captain Ragnar.

A letter was found.

And that's where the story begins.

It turned out that when Ragnar first became a Valkyrie, she was often sent to do the aftermath of the disaster area.

She was puzzled and felt that it was a waste of time and talent.

Rather than rescuing these weak and visionary civilians, it is the real duty to destroy the enemy.

That is until she meets Otto and has the audacity to ask questions.

"Sending the Valkyrie to ask for warmth and make up for the dead, can it really destroy the Honkai?"

The bishop just looked at it and said no.

Ragnar expected to be reprimanded, but what happened next made her change her mind about her career.

"But Destiny has always used this way to convey its beliefs. "。

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