Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Vol 4 Chapter 2278: Boundless darkness

The huge fleet is struggling forward, the sails are blowing and hunting, no one wants to lower it.

"Bun will move forward at full speed!"

Fang Xing was looking ahead, and Fu Xian persuaded: "Xing He Bo, we can't figure out where they are. If you go at full speed, the food boats will not be able to keep up."

"What are you afraid of?"

Fang Xing said without a map, "According to the captives, their main force should be within a two-day voyage. Now they can get in contact with the wind in a day and a half. Lin Zheng is alone in front of the army. Once they alarm the opponent, will they? Fleeing?"

Hong Bao was looking at the sea chart and raised his head when he heard the words: "Uncle Xinghe, they won't run away. If they escape, they won't have the courage to face the Daming Navy!"

Fang Xing rubbed the telescope in his hand and said: "The battlefield is not a casino. This is a strategy, not a tactic, understand? So we can't allow mistakes."

Seeing the two people at a loss, Fang Xing said: "Daming and Taixi's strategies have many overlaps, and they are natural rivals. They went out to sea and searched for land. Now they have found it, what should Daming do?"

This question cannot be answered by Fu Xian and Hong Bao.

At this moment, they also knew why the emperor sent Fang Xing to lead the army, not why the two of them were sailing.

"Even if it is empty, it is only a tactical failure, but once their main force is captured, it is a strategic success!"

Hong Bao frowned and said, "But that's a risk. What if they turn around from the open sea and raided our grain ship?"

Fang Xing said coldly: "Out of the sea, what if that uncle used those grain boats as bait to destroy them in one fell swoop?"

Even though he had been accustomed to life and death after many years of sailing, the coldness in Fang Xing's words still made Hong Bao shiver.

The fleet is accelerating gradually, and the supply ships behind are gradually being left behind. More than ten old warships will be their protective force.

Standing on the bow of the ship, Hong Bao glanced over Fang Xing in front of him from time to time, feeling gloomy in his heart.

If it's about sailing, Fang Xing doesn't even have the qualifications to give him shoes.

But starting from the start, he stayed awake in the directionality and refused to follow their advice.

This is almost contempt for Hong Bao. You must know that even Zheng He will value his views, and even the emperor will consult him about overseas affairs.

"They dare not."

Fu Xian walked over and whispered: "Xing He Bo said that after the vanguard of the advance fleet disappeared, the Taisi people would not dare to take risks without knowing the situation ahead, because this was their first voyage."

At this time, Chen Mo, who felt that the atmosphere was not right, also slipped over. As the representative of the Ministry of Rites, he was only awake, but not afraid of these two people.

"Grandpa Hong, this is the first time!"

He raised his eyebrows, but only raised the right eyebrows alone. With that expression, people couldn't help but want to reach out and beat him up.

It's so wretched!

Chen Mo said trivially: "Duke Hong, the first time a woman...would be scared!"

Our family is an eunuch!

Nothing about that guy in our family, how dare you say something for the first time with a woman!

No matter how good Hong Bao was, he couldn't help it.

Chen Mo continued: "Those Thais are like women for the first time, and the man is not her lover, so he will definitely be afraid! She trembled all over and didn't dare to move at all. He was estimated to be like a dead person. ...Will be boring."

Hong Bao originally wanted to clean up this guy who dared to ridicule that he was okay, but he laughed when he heard that, and then asked, "Dare you pack your tickets?"

Chen Mo nodded and said: "Dare! The officials have experienced those outside the domain, they are afraid of Daming, they are as afraid as the first woman, unless they know our weaknesses, otherwise they dare to take risks..."

Hong Bao was stunned and a little embarrassed.

He knew that he had neglected the overall situation, so he made a wrong judgment.

But this overall situation was spoken by Chen Mo in a wretched way.

What a shame!

Chen Mo, who is at sea and overseas, is not used to wearing clothes. He opened his shirt and said proudly: "We are like a brawny who is going to steal people. The Taixi ladies are in a panic. Use strong!"

This analogy even Fu Xian felt was too vulgar, Hong Bao resisted the urge to kick him down, and went straight to the front to find Fang Xing to speak.

"Hey! Father Hong! Father Hong!"

Chen Mo said disappointedly: "Master Fu..."

The men in the army naturally talk about the beauty of women in their leisure time, but most of them are rude, but Chen Mo is rarely seen as awkward.

Fu Xian only felt that Chen Mo's words were like wool brushes. The brushers were itchy, but they were only uncomfortable.

So he also left. Chen Mo felt hot all over, and wanted to see a beauty... No, as long as it was a woman, he was willing to stay and fly with her.

So he pulled his clothes, exposed his tender chest, and leaned forward.

"...Xing He Bo, our family has forgotten the overall situation. If we can destroy the Taixi fleet, the Daming Sea will be safe."

Fang Xing slowly turned around and saw Chen Mo's face flushed. He frowned and said, "Whether they are destroyed or not is not the most important thing. Provoking Daming's mind."

Hong Bao understood, "Yes, Daming still has to look at Halle's side. It takes a lot of effort to spend on the sea, and it takes a long time to make achievements in a short time, so it is best to stop first."

Fu Xian also said: "Block them and Daming can build a warehouse city along the way. When supplies are available all the way, Daming..."

There was more enthusiasm in his eyes, and he said: "At that time, Daming was afraid of who will come!"

Fang Xing smiled and nodded, but in his heart he wondered whether the Taixi people would dare to cross the sea and explore the land.

They must not dare in twenty years!

Fang Xing made a certain judgment, because the Taixi people later gradually accumulated experience in voyages through continuous external exploration ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ coastal exploration.

No one is a fool!

Expedition is one thing, to die is another.

Lin Zheng, Chen Mo and others were forced to go to the land to search for seeds. This was Fang Xing’s prophetic vision, but how did the Taixi people know what was on the opposite side of the sea?

All they saw at this moment was a vast ocean, as if they could only lead to a desperate hell.

"Xing Hebo, what should Lin Zheng do when he encounters an enemy?"

Fu Xian proposed a possibility: "They only have three new-style warships, and if the enemy forces swarm in, they can only flee."

Fang Xing's face remained motionless, and said, "He should know how to deal with it, Daming...can sacrifice!"


"Ming Army's firearm!"

There was a panic on the deck, and the soldiers who had assembled stared blankly at the black spots that were flying over.

what is that?

An iron bullet flew over in this dazedness, and then hit a longbowman in the chest.

The human body flew up, and the iron bullet continued to sweep down.

The red and white semi-solids were flying, and the broken bones were like hidden weapons, piercing the soldiers one after another.


A soldier was screamed with spattered bone debris through his throat. He opened his mouth and screamed, then blood surged up, and the screams turned into blood spraying all over the sky.

A soldier holding a hammer subconsciously blocked the hammer in front of his chest, and actually successfully blocked the iron bullet.

There was no sound of metal striking, the hammer was slammed into his chest, and then his breastbone sank in an instant, and the iron bullet came just right.


Darkness fell, and the warrior's body flew up.

He saw the ship trembling at his feet.

He saw that the deck had become a killing field.

He saw... the darkness...

Endless darkness...

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