Take the Empire To the Other World

Chapter 245 Unbelievable Speculation

"Oh? How do you say that?"

"The Zilong Federation's rebellion shown in this information seems reasonable, but there is something unreasonable to my subordinates.

As one of the eight great families of the Zilong Federation, the Wang family is unlikely to be suddenly squeezed out by the other seven families. Even if there was, why did the Wang family openly start a rebellion when they knew they were invincible?

The current political situation of the Eight Great Aristocratic Families of the Federation has been stable for hundreds of years, and a kind of balance and containment has already been formed. Even if the Wang family really miscalculated, it is impossible to suppress the entire family on a rebellion that must be defeated. "

Wang Ziming was puzzled and said, "Didn't the Wang family pull up the banner of the Revolutionary Party?

The Wang family should be able to gain a lot of support by inciting the people to rebel. "

"Your Majesty, this world is not our original world, there are superhuman professions in this world!

Even high-level professionals can escape calmly in the face of the army!

The folks do not have the support of high-level professionals, and even if they do, it is impossible to challenge their privileged status.

In the eyes of my subordinates, those revolutionary parties are nothing more than the fantasies of a group of idealistic lunatics.

They didn't see through the huge gap in force between the two sides at all.

One day without powerful high-level professionals standing by their side and fighting for the Revolutionary Party, it is impossible for the Revolutionary Party to overthrow the aristocratic politics of the Purple Dragon Federation.

People are greedy, and those middle and high-level professionals are no exception. Since they have obtained privileges and wealth, why should they risk their lives to overthrow the Purple Dragon Federation that supports them?

The Zilong Federation is very tolerant, even conniving, to middle and high-level professionals in law. Even if they serve the nobles, they are treated equally as priests or consultants, not servants.

Therefore, the ministers could not see the possibility of rebellion by middle and high-level professionals.

That being the case, a revolutionary party based on ordinary people is naturally nothing to worry about.

The facts shown in the intelligence are just as I thought. At the beginning of the mutiny, the Revolutionary Party did achieve a lot and instigated many regular troops, but in less than a week, those so-called revolutionary leaders were arrested More than half of the high-level professionals were assassinated, and the rest either compromised or continued to flee incognito. The revolutionary army died before going out...

We can all see this, but can't the Wang family, the top wealthy family in the Federation, not see it?

Therefore, the banner of public opinion is really just a banner. As long as the Wang family is not too stupid to be incurable, it is impossible for the Wang family to regard the revolutionary party as their own help!

However, the Wang family chose a rebellion that was sure to fail, which is very intriguing.

There are only two possibilities for this to happen.

First, the Wang family has a trump card that can turn the situation around, but the ministers don't think that a top giant has a trump card that can defeat the other seven top giants, otherwise it wouldn't be worth waiting until now...

Second, the Wang family is plotting a shocking plan. In the Zilong Federation, there is almost only one thing that is worthy of such a high price for the Wang family to plan.

Subvert the Zilong Federation Supreme Council system!

The Supreme Council of the Purple Dragon Federation has existed for almost two thousand years. It has been too long. All ships on board that do not fly the flag of the Zilong Federation will be sunk.

The powerful side suppresses the ambitions of those in power within the Zilong Federation, and there are large colonies where the dignitaries of the Zilong Federation can enjoy the carve-up feast.

But this time, Your Majesty, you put an end to the expansion of the Zilong Federation, and at the same time awakened the dream of the Zilong Federation's invincibility!

The inability to defeat our Han Empire will not only detonate the prestige crisis of the Zilong Federation, but also greatly hinder the Zilong Federation's external expansion.

The known world has almost been divided up, except for Obalo Continent, there is only one Dark Continent left, which is not a place where humans can easily set foot.

With the benefits of external expansion gone, the eight top aristocratic families of the Zilong Federation will naturally look away.

It's just that, as the leader of the battle against us, the Wang family became the one who got beaten up.

In order to continue to maintain the power of the Wang family, the Wang family must take a slant.

Let me ask, are the other seven major families really working together to maintain the harmony of the Purple Dragon Federation? "

"However, after the Wang family is destroyed, the Wang family's large fief is also a piece of fat, which can benefit the seven great families."

Wang Ziming replied.

"That's right, it's true from the outsiders' point of view, but who can guarantee that the Seven Great Aristocratic Families only have this capacity?

What's more, the Wang family's desperate resistance will definitely cause a lot of losses to the federal army. At that time, which one will lose more and which one will lose less, won't it be another dispute?

Wouldn't those top aristocratic families in the Zilong Federation feel bored with this kind of dispute?

Although the Charles Empire next door is an emperor, but they are very confident in the country. Dare I ask if the helmsmen of the seven families have never thought of becoming the ninety-five kings?

The appearance of the Wang family just happened to muddy the water. "

"Jia Xu, what you said is true, but it's all based on your guesswork." Wang Ziming shook his head and replied.

Jia Xu pointed to the panoramic map of Zilong Federation which was bought with a lot of money.

"The people on the island of England are still very capable, and they can even get the military deployment route of the Federal Supreme Council to encircle and suppress the Wang family.

During this encirclement and suppression campaign, there was a huge gap in the number of troops dispatched by the seven major families.

The Zhao family and the Ye family are completely soy sauce existences. Of course, the apparent reason is that the distance is too far, the army is too late to mobilize, and they have to guard the frontier.

And the distribution of the troops of the remaining five families is uneven, especially the Qin family, which has concentrated almost all the main force of the direct line, as if the Wang family is their sworn enemy...

Looking at the location of the army controlled by the Qin family, is there a tendency to control the overall situation? "

"This..." Wang Ziming looked at the map with wide-eyed eyes. If Jia Xu hadn't pointed it out, he really didn't pay attention to these details before.

"It's impossible. The Qin family doesn't have that much courage. Even if they did, they don't have that much appetite. At the same time, they are going against the four top families of the Zilong Federation. Are the Qin family crazy?"

"Your Majesty, there are risks in doing anything. There are not many good things with small risks and great benefits. Even if they appear, they will be snatched away. Since you want to aspire to the supreme power, you will naturally do some things that ordinary people can't imagine.

It can explode three or four times the fighting power of the Qin army, ha ha. "

Jia Xu smiled slightly.

Wang Ziming looked up at Jia Xu: "What does this mean to us?"

Jia Xu meaningfully reminded Wang Ziming: "Your Majesty, it's time to hire a real navy from the Soviet camp. We need our own fleet!"

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