Take the Empire To the Other World

Chapter 236 The Desperate Yamato

Sure enough, after Wang Ziming began to besiege the ruins of Porto, England's big island completely cut off contact with the remnants of Porto City.

After previous battles, thousands of Yamato soldiers were hidden in the ruins of Porto City. The daily consumption of so many soldiers is not a small amount.

It's not that the Zilong Federation can't afford the food, but it doesn't feel necessary, so what if it feeds these thousands of Yamato soldiers?

As for transporting these thousands of Yamato soldiers back, it would be risky. The port area of ​​Porto City is an open land. As soon as the big ship comes over to Wang Ziming's Han army sentry post, you will be able to spot it immediately. What if the fleet is bombarded?

Although the fleet of the Zilong Federation has completed the steam power transformation and covered the outside with iron sheets, it is still finished in a few shots against the firepower of the rhino tank!

The technological gap between the two sides is too great...

In the past, the Federal Fleet sent small and fast communication ships to communicate with the remnants of Porto City, and never showed up at the port.

Small communication ships can dock on any flat area, and they are well concealed, but they can't transport many people.

In addition to the risk of withdrawing troops, there is only one fundamental reason why the federal government is unwilling to withdraw these thousands of Yamato remnants—they are Yamato people, not Han Chinese!

In the eyes of the high-level federal military, the concept that the Yamato people are equivalent to cannon fodder has long been ingrained, and due to the restrictions of the Han nobles, there will never be a general from the Yamato people, and naturally there is no voice to speak for the Yamato people...

If the thousands of remnant soldiers besieged in the ruins of Porto City were Han troops, the Federation Fleet would come over and make a big retreat even at the risk.

This is politically correct in the federal army, and it can even be made into a special news report in the local area, highlighting the federal government's generous treatment of soldiers, and shouting slogans such as not giving up a soldier.

In the Zilong Federation, the status of soldiers has always been very high, far surpassing that of civilians, so this kind of news is nothing, and most people still believe it.

Otherwise, it would be impossible for so many people in the federal society to be willing to serve as soldiers.

In the Zilong Federation, except for the marginal and Yamato ethnic groups, the main Han people are all voluntary military members, and there is no such thing as compulsory military service.

Compulsory military service is only available in the marginal and Yamato ethnic groups, and the conditions of the Yamato ethnic group are even more stringent. All Yamato men who have reached the age of 16 must participate in at least two years of military training.

This is also the fundamental reason why the federal government was able to pull out millions of Yamato soldiers in an instant after it officially declared war on the Han Empire!

As for the marginal ethnic groups, since they do not have the martial spirit such as Bushido, and do not have a high degree of recognition of the federal government (they are oppressed and discriminated against all day long, it is strange to agree), so soldiers of marginal ethnic groups are often used as expedition teams.

For example, to open up a new island colony, they will send marginal ethnic groups who are half soldiers and half civilians ashore.

This is also the reason why many civilians in the colonial areas of Rees City and Porto City are marginalized ethnic groups.

Of course, after more than a thousand years of assimilation, it is already difficult to distinguish the difference between marginalized ethnic groups and Han people in appearance.

It's just that the Zilong Federation has a very complete household registration certificate system, and the identity certificates of the Han people are completely different from those of the Yamato people and marginal ethnic groups.

The male ID card of the Yamato people is basically equivalent to a military card, because all Yamato males over the age of 16 will be required to join the military training, so their military ID and ID card have already been combined together, saving the management steps of the federal government.

The female identity documents of the Yamato ethnic group are another situation. The marginal ethnic groups simply only have a residence permit, not even an identity card!

Because marginal ethnic groups are not allowed to enter and settle in Han cities, unless they are special talents, they can be promoted to Han nationality.

Although the Zilong Federation does not have a clear racial hierarchy, all aspects of society reflect the discrimination against marginalized ethnic groups.

As for the Yamato people, because they are often on the front line and have made great military achievements, the Han people seldom discriminate against them.

People worship warriors, even if the social status of Yamato people is half lower than that of Han people.

This is mainly reflected in the application for jobs. After retiring from the army, Yamato people have no restrictions in their hometowns, but after entering cities where Han people live, except for security jobs that require force, Yamato people are refused to enter other jobs.

This is clearly stipulated by the law!

In order to prevent the Yamato people from grabbing jobs with the Han people!

Under the aristocratic system, the life of the Han people was very difficult. Naturally, people from other ethnic groups could not be allowed to come and grab jobs.

The reason why Yamato people are allowed to apply for jobs in the military is mainly because every Yamato person has received at least two years of military training, and being a security guard is more cost-effective than ordinary Han people.

With the same salary, bosses are naturally willing to choose people who have served in the army as security guards.

As for the high-end profession of bodyguard, Yamato people are generally unable to enter, mainly due to ethnic barriers.

Yamato people are not fools, and they naturally know that their social status is restricted by Han nobles, so Han nobles generally do not hire Yamato people as bodyguards, but hire professionals of Han origin.

The three major ethnic groups have always been a hidden danger to the Zilong Federation, but this kind of hidden danger is not as great as social class contradictions to the Zilong Federation.

After all, the total population of the Han people in the Zilong Federation exceeds the sum of the other two ethnic groups, so there is no need to worry about being replaced, and the Han nobles have been suppressing the other two ethnic groups and sending them to the front as cannon fodder.

As long as there is no problem with the Zilong Federation itself, Yamato people and marginalized nations must rely on the Zilong Federation if they want to survive.

Otherwise, once they break away from the Zilong Federation, the Yamato and marginal nations without any industrial base will immediately lose their civilization for hundreds of years!

The abandoned Yamato soldiers in the ruins of Porto City finally realized the reality when their rations ran out.

With the support of the Bushido spirit, they didn't want to starve to death, and after eating their last meal, they launched a suicide charge to the defense line established by the Han army outside the city!

Although there are many death squads with grenades strapped all over their bodies, under the firepower of the rhino tank's machine gun and the Bobosha submachine gun firepower of the Soviet conscripts, none of the Yamato soldiers can rush within 100 meters!

These Yamato soldiers finally died contentedly on the battlefield...

Many soldiers didn't even finish firing the bullets in their guns.

However, after eliminating a wave of Yamato soldiers who rushed out to die, the cautious Wang Ziming did not send troops into the search field, but continued to besiege outside.

Sure enough, three days later, another wave of desperate Yamato soldiers rushed out...

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