Take the Empire To the Other World

Chapter 224 The Sad Native

After the main campaign to destroy the Kingdom of Casti, Wang Ziming returned to the territory of the different space with the rhino tank.

At this time, a maintenance factory has been established next to the house where Augstorovsky originally lived around the territory of the different space.

This was built overnight by the Soviet camp after they realized that Wang Ziming had a big business here. The speed of construction really made Wang Ziming, who had seen the construction madman in his previous life, feel ashamed...

The entire construction of this Soviet maintenance factory did not use any ordinary workers, and only a small number of engineers were responsible for commanding and operating the machines.

All the buildings are built by automated machines, using modular splicing technology!

Wang Ziming couldn't understand the specifics. In his field of vision, it was a truckload of module materials being transported, and then spliced ​​together into a maintenance factory, which was similar to the construction scene in the Red Alert game...

If it weren't for Augstorowski's forced explanation that this is the latest modular rapid construction technology...

Wang Ziming thought it was a miracle reappeared from the Red Alert game!

Of course, after learning that the construction speed of the Red Police building is so fast, Wang Ziming wanted the core base vehicle of the Soviet camp even more!

Because in Augstorowski's boast, it is revealed that as long as you have a base car to expand into a construction factory and have enough raw materials, you can have this kind of rapid construction ability!

Besides minerals in the conventional sense, the raw materials used for construction are the universal energy that Augstorowski talked about—magic stone gold coins!

This is also the reason why the Soviet camp desperately wants money!

Magic stone gold coins are strategic resources for the Red Police camp!

It can be transformed into any raw material or even rare metal at will in a different space. As long as there are enough magic stone gold coins, even if you don't mine any minerals, you can still be violent!

As for where the personnel come from...

Well, this has always been a mystery in different dimensions.

In Augustorowski's memory, those soldiers were born by their parents, but Wang Ziming knew that the human soldiers of the Red Alert camp that appeared out of thin air must not have been born through normal means!

With this Soviet maintenance factory, Wang Ziming's rhino tanks drove in one after another, and all operations such as replacing parts and replenishing ammunition could be completed in it!

The truly damaged rhino tanks have long since disappeared in the real world, and the rhino tanks that can be driven in are naturally not completely destroyed. In the words of the game, the blood bar has not been cleared...

Therefore, as long as the magic stone gold coins are in place, these rhino tanks can be resurrected from the Soviet maintenance factory with full blood on the spot!

It's just that the consumption of magic stone gold coins is a bit high.

After Wang Ziming repaired all the rhino tanks in this battle and replenished the ammunition, he spent more than 50,000 magic stone gold coins!

Even with the more than 10,000 magic stone gold coins captured on the battlefield, Wang Ziming's savings is only more than 80,000 yuan...

The chaotic human lord and chaotic human knight carried a lot of magic stones, but most of them were consumed in the battle, or were destroyed by suicide attacks, so Wang Ziming only seized more than 10,000 grams of magic stones.

If the income from soul power and the harvest of soul essence are not counted, Wang Ziming will definitely lose money in this battle!

After a few more times, the magic stone gold coin account will be cleared!

Of course, the political benefits are huge.

For example, after realizing that all the chaotic humans in the Kingdom of Casti had been massacred, the Iberian Peninsula launched an anti-Han alliance as quickly as possible.

The boundaries and differences between countries have been suppressed to the lowest point in history. The Kingdom of Navarre, the Kingdom of Aragon, and the Kingdom of Granada are ten times more united than when they fought against the federal colonists!

Even the command of the main force has been handed over to the most powerful king of Aragorn!

Of course, this does not mean that Chaos humans from other countries will serve as cannon fodder...

If the combat mission issued by the King of Aragon makes the Chaos humans in other countries think it is 'suicide', they will still refuse it.

It's just that King Aragorn wouldn't dig his own grave that way.

He managed to get the actual command of the chaotic humans in the Ilibian Peninsula, how could he give up?

As for the Knights Templar of Harlaus, they fled to the Kingdom of France in the north very sincerely...

The death of King Custi, an old enemy, made King Harlaus completely terrified, wishing to stay as far away from Prince Ming as possible!

In addition, after the news of the fall of the Kingdom of Castile spread to England Island, which had already been controlled by the Purple Dragon Federation, the Purple Dragon Federation felt a serious sense of crisis, and began to expedite the transportation of troops to England Island at any cost!

England Island is being built into a large military camp by the Zilong Federation at a rapid speed!

The native whites of England Island, who were called Irish and English natives by the Zilong Federation, were forcibly recruited in groups.

Ordinary old and weak women and children were forcibly recruited as servants to serve the federal army, and young women were reduced to playthings for the federal soldiers.

The young and strong were forcibly recruited into the cannon fodder corps of the federal army, and their weapons and equipment were the Longzheng rifles eliminated by the federal government after replacing them with Lianju rifles.

The English and Irish paid a heavy price for their stupid civil war actions before, only then did they realize that the Confederates were not liberators, but enslavers!

Even the degree of enslavement is even more vicious than the original elves!

After all, the high elves and wood elves are different from chaotic humans. They don't need blood tax, and most of them are vegetarians, so the oppression of humans is not great.

The living conditions of the white aborigines on the island of England are much happier than those on the Iberian peninsula!

Of course, there is also oppression. After all, the elves have always regarded themselves as a group higher than humans, until the federal fleet appeared in the port of England!

But now?

The federal people do not regard the English and Irish as human beings at all. If it is the indigenous white people of the Iberian Peninsula, it may not be a big deal to serve as servants and hand over their wives and daughters to serve as soldiers. But to the English and Irish, This is a kind of humiliation!

The most frightening thing is that they can't say no to the federal army in terms of population or armament!

Even if there is even a little resistance, the whole village will be slaughtered!

After all, in the Purple Dragon Federation, white people have always been the target of discrimination, not to mention the white natives of Obaro continent...

The Commonwealth have always called them barbarians or savages.

The federal government even oppresses and humiliates its own civilians, let alone a group of white barbarians?

As a result, the English and Irish whose population had been greatly reduced due to the civil war were quickly captured by the federal army like livestock to serve the federal army!

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