Take the Department Store Back To the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 1002: Pang Tong is going to Luofengpo

Under the moonlight.

By the campfire.

Liu Bei, Guan Yu, Zhang Fei, Fazheng, sitting cross-legged around the bonfire, southeast, northwest.

Guan Ping, Zhang Bao, Liao Hua, Sun Qian, Jian Yong and others stood behind them.

The expressions of the people are bleak and unlovable.

The only good news is that Guan Yu has not defected.

At this moment, Guan Yu's face was swollen, and he looked at his elder brother with disgusting eyes from time to time.

Every time Liu Bei arrives, his face is hot.

They are all very tacitly no longer mentioning the previous things.

Suddenly, Liu Bei looked up to the sky and sighed. After more than 20 years of ups and downs, he returned to the original point today. Suffering. Others have changed one hundred and eighty degrees. Why do they always come to him three hundred and sixty degrees?

It is true that the east wind turns to the south wind, the south wind turns to the west wind, the west wind turns to the north wind, and the north wind turns to the east wind, every time it is a whirlwind.

Fortunately, Liu Bei has faced decades of failure, and his experience and endurance in this regard are several times that of others.

"We must not be defeated by Yuan Tan. The Yuan family will be devastated sooner or later, and he will never escape." Liu Bei said gloomily.

Of course everyone knew that they were talking about the internal contradictions of the Yuan family.

Liu Bei was defeated this time, and there were not many soldiers and horses in his hands. Even if he was not killed by Yuan Tan, he would die in Liu Zhang's hands.

In fact, Liu Zhang is weak and incompetent, but he also has a group of loyal civil and military personnel, and each of these people does have certain abilities.

Liu Bei didn't listen to the order of Liu Zhang, the king of Hanzhong, and he lost his military power and returned to Chengdu. He certainly did not end well.

As the mastermind, Fazheng knows all this well, "Lord, although Yuan Tan has broken the sword pavilion, he has not completely wiped out our army. He still needs to send people to various roads to gather the defeated soldiers. Or he can get 10,000 people... ."

At that time, Liu Bei watched Guan Yu approach and chop him, and he ran very fast.

As Fazheng said, a certain amount of military strength can still be gathered.

But the defeated army of only 10,000 or so was not enough to support Liu Bei, who has lost his city.

You know that Zhang Ren has fifty thousand troops in Luocheng, and Liu Zhang has one hundred thousand troops in Chengdu. This is the accumulation of Liu Yan and Liu Zhang and his son in the middle of Shu for more than 20 years.

So despite Yuan Tan's strong offensive, Shu State still has a certain degree of stamina.

As the mastermind, Fazheng also intends to use this stamina to continue the long-term struggle with Yuan Tan.

Throughout the ages, various things have always occurred in long-term struggles. When there is a change in the Yuan family, it will be a different world.

Fa Zheng said: "It is absolutely impossible for Zhang Ren to win Yuan Tan. The lord can watch the changes, and after Zhang Ren is defeated, he can gather his defeated soldiers."

This has strengthened a certain degree of military strength.

"What about after that?" Liu Bei asked.

The law is right: "After that, there will be the capital to negotiate with Liu Zhang. Facing Yuan Tan's offensive, we will do two harms if we divide, and we will benefit both if we cooperate."

"Then after that." Liu Bei asked again.

Fazheng was silent. Although he was a mastermind, it was not easy to find a foothold for Liu Bei in the current situation.

Liu Bei didn't ask any more, got up and gave a solemn salute to Fazheng.

"Master!" Fazheng hurriedly got up to return the courtesy.

"Xiaozhi has been wronged here with me. If it weren't, he would have been famous all over the world." Liu Bei was so embarrassed that he couldn't help but sullen.

Fa is worshiping and falling to the ground, "Master, you must not say such things. It is not yet the time when the mountains and rivers are exhausted."

Vertical sun.


Luocheng is the last fortress-like city in the north of Chengdu, facing the Jiange.

General Zhang Ren of the Kingdom of Shu was entrusted by Liu Zhang, the king of Hanzhong, with 50,000 troops to defend here.

After receiving news of Liu Bei's defeat on this day, the generals were called for discussion.

"Liu Bei's husband, I missed the Kingdom of Shu, and the Jiange gates like Jiange could be lost." Zhang Ren made no secret of his contempt.

General Lei Tong said: "General, I heard that it was Yuan Tan who faked Guan Yu. The final general is also strange. Brother Liu Bei, who came to sleep and talked every day, didn't recognize him?"

Zhang Ren waved his hand at this time, "It's nothing more than a group of incompetent people, don't mention this again so as not to affect morale."

Now that Liu Bei is defeated, they will face the menacing army.

However, Zhang Ren still had some confidence in holding Luocheng.

This comes from the fact that most of Xichuan's resources are concentrated in Guanghan County where Chengdu is located. Both population and food output account for one-half of the entire Xichuan.

The Kingdom of Shu has the power of World War I.

Zhang Ren said: "The city of Luo is built on a mountain, with only two gates, and it must be attacked in two ways and cannot be broken."

Then he said: "There is a road in the north of the mountain, take the east gate of Luocheng directly, and a small road in the south of the mountain that leads to the west gate. When the road comes to the enemy, you can use the terrain to stand on the ground, rolling stones and wood...not to be afraid. If the road is small, the enemy will come from high on the ground. critical."

Wu Lan, General Lei Ping looked at the map.

The city of Luocheng is very different from other cities in the world. It is a city embedded in a mountain with only two gates.

Outside the north gate is a large mountain. If the enemy comes from a high level, the city cannot be defended. Therefore, troops have always been stationed on the mountain outside the city to defend against the enemy.

Zhang Ren said: "Wu Lan, you command 20,000 troops and guard the east gate. I will bring 30,000 troops to defend in the mountains. The same general is responsible for food and grass."


As Jiange was broken by Yuan Tan, southern Sichuan shook.

In addition to Guanghan County in Chengdu, Brazil County and Zitong County surrendered one after another.

On this day, Yuan Tan entered the army in Mianzhu.

Mianzhu is a famous place with beautiful mountains and clear waters. The Battle of Mianzhu has taken place in history. The Battle of Mianzhu was the last battle of the Shu Han Dynasty, and it ended with the defeat of Zhuge Liang's son Zhuge Zhan.

Mianzhu also has Mianzhu Daqu, and the wine is not bad.

Qinglu Town is a paradise town, rich in bamboo, and it is also the place where Mianzhu Daqu was later brewed. Now the Qinglu rice wine is also very delicious.

Now this small town is the headquarters of Yuan Tan, and the yard of the landlord's house has also become the place where he lives now.

"Caotangchun sleeps enough..."

Yuan Tan didn't sleep, but just felt it. The next step is to attack Luocheng, which is also a place with a lot of stories.

The most famous story is Luofengpo.

There are roads and small roads leading to Luocheng, and Luofengpo is on the way of the small road. Yuan Tan, as a traversing crowd, naturally knew that Pang Tong had died in Luofengpo. The hero died before he was rewarded, and the hero burst into tears.

at the same time.

Next to the yard of the landlord’s house, Zhuge Liang and Pang lived together.

"The big son is trying to turn the tide, really is the Holy Lord, of course, how will history evaluate the two of us?" Pang Tong sighed.

Zhuge Liang shook the feather fan, and the two said together: "We are going to take Luocheng."

Pang Tong said: "There are two roads to get from Luocheng, the big road and the small road, the big road is easy to walk, which one would you take?"

"Hahaha." Zhuge Liang shook the feather fan lightly, "Brother Fengchu, do you think I don't know? The small road has the power to suppress the terrain. If you want to attack the city, you must take the small road.

In other words, the small road is the main attack and the big road is the auxiliary.

Of course, no one wants to be a supporter of Wolong and Phoenix.


For a while.

"Scissors, paper, rock."

Zhuge Liang looked at his fist, speechless, and lost again, as if guessing had never beaten this person.

"Hahaha..." Pang Tong laughed, "Mr. Wolong, who has no plan, can't guess the boxing."

In fact, Pang Tong knew that Zhuge had a bright temper and was eager to win, and psychologically he would definitely like to punch, so he often defeated the force with softness.

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