Take StarCraft with You

Chapter 646: Road distress

If anyone on the "Morning Star" is the most hostile, it is not Izsha, nor Howson, nor is it Churchill's group, but Bai Hao.

Just like when the aristocratic children were slaughtered at the Lanna Military Academy, he was never soft on the aristocratic class. The death of his twin brother made him hate these evil and ugly vampires.

He has his own logic, or values.

The world is very fair. Those who grew up in the heads of nobles have enjoyed a life of rich clothes and food since childhood, and this life is based on the exploitation of civilians, they occupy the best medical and educational resources, and have special powers. And the rising space, their lives are soaked with the blood and sweat of civilians.

Isn't this a sin? This is sin in itself!

Therefore, they all deserve to die, and all nobles should die.

Tang Fang persuaded him not to be blinded by hatred. Living in this world is very helpless. It is impossible for people to decide everything about themselves. There are also good people in the nobles, such as Annie, such as Zhou Ai, such as Annie's father Dunbar Taylor.

In many cases, a person is more involuntary when facing a distorted society.

Just like he couldn't kill all the nobles in the world, taking a step back, even if you really kill them all, a new noble will be born in the next moment.

If society is the sea, the individual is a single tree. More people choose to follow the current, but they can only choose to follow the current.

Bai Hao listened to these words and remembered it in his heart. He tried to suppress the hatred of the noble class, tried to learn from Roy, breathed air hard, and carefully discovered the beauty of the world.

Until today, I saw Linglong grouping herself into a ball. When curled up on the sofa, so lonely, so pitiful, and sad, he could no longer suppress the hatred and anger in his heart.

He had no control for the first time. He punched Roy hard in the face, said the words in his heart in a nearly roaring voice, then slammed the door and left.

He begged to do him a favor and investigate one thing.

He knew Linglong, and he believed that Linglong's father would not aimlessly, and Geltro must have a reason to die.

then. Bring back a message, an expected and reasonable message.

He went back to the room and wanted to see if Linglong was better. He didn't expect that she cried and kissed him...

There is joy. There is excitement, but more sadness and anger.

He was sad for Linglong and angry for Guan Jiaping. In response to Linglong's feelings, he wanted Geltro to die!

After that, he and Bai Yue returned to the place where the special operations transport ship was anchored and found the veterans, hoping that he would help them.

Aros thought for a while and agreed. He has always been sensible, knowing that there is a certain risk in doing so. But this kind of hatred must be washed away with blood, and if Bai Hao is forcibly stopped, it will become his heart disease. Become his nightmare.

The veteran likes these young people on the "Morning Star" and he treats them as his own children.

When his children suffer injustice or even misfortune, he is not accustomed to asking others to call the shots, and he is more accustomed to using his gun to get back the fairness and treatment they deserve.

He likes children. It is a pity that he has no children of his own. So he treats Roy, Bai Hao, Linglong, Yingluo, Joey, Yuffi... as his own children.

So in the dark, the special operations transport ship arrived at Andre, a suburb of Kagome. Waiting for the security equipment of the villa to be paralyzed, the sword of verdict descended from the sky.

When Bai Hao put his c-14 piercing hand against Geltro's forehead. The Lord Viscount was very confused, wondering what wrong things he had done and why he caused the murder.

He didn't think about "Alice" at all, because the kidnapped girls and young children were very weak and could not reach him at any threat. In fact, they were just a commodity to describe it more in line with Geert. Luo's psychology.

Bai Hao didn't give him a good time, but borrowed the Paladin m5 in Aros's hand, and broke his hands and feet with one shot and one shot, and finally pierced his heart.

Before leaving Andre Mountain, Baiyue set off a fire.

According to him, returning home with Yingluo and Linglong originally wanted to come here to relax, to clear up the depressed mood, how did he know that such a sad thing made him feel more uncomfortable.

To get rid of this depression, it is not enough to kill, and we must vent the fire in my heart.

Just like the conversation between him and Bai Hao in the hotel corridor, when the moon was black and the wind was high at night, when murdering and setting fire.

Killing + arson is a perfect match. This is an art and a philosophy.


One hour later, after getting in touch with Aros, several people took a second-hand maglev vehicle to the assembly point.

Before leaving, Claire gently asked the two sisters if she wanted to go back to see her mother, and leave before leaving.

Linglong shook her head and rejected the suggestion. Just like George said, since their mother has regained the courage to live, if they bother her at this time, she will tear her heart together again.

This is cruel. As a daughter, even if she has some resentment and hatred in her heart, she still loves her mother more.

It is also a happiness to let her live peacefully and spend the rest of her time with George.

Under the blessing of their father, they found their own happiness.

Isn't it the mother?

Claire smiled brightly and left Avenham for a trip to the bank, using Linglong and Yingluo to transfer 2 million Turanx coins to Lu Xialan’s personal account, which would be enough for them to move to a new city. , Start a new life.

The maglev car ran smoothly on the road, like a flying rainbow under the sun.

Linglong and Yingluo sat in the second row, their sad expressions like flowing clouds on the horizon, slowly fading out of their vision under the wind.

The mother had a new life, and they also worshipped their dead father. Although they were still full of grief, they had nothing to worry about. From now on, "Morning Star" will be their home, Brother Tang, Kleiya, Roy, Bai Hao, Aros...These people are their relatives and their support.

Roy looked out the window, but carefully stretched out his hand from below, grabbing Yingluo's hand.

A chuckle appeared at the corner of her mouth. Suddenly I felt that the sun outside the window was very bright and slightly dazzling.

At this time, the co-pilot suddenly heard Bai Yue's warning: "No, someone has caught up."

Yingluo discovered that the shining came from the sun, not the dazzling.

On the rear view of the maglev vehicle. A silver brilliance flew from the rear, quickly approaching the maglev vehicle.

It was a military "Firefox" attack drone, usually used to remotely combat terrorist forces inside the planet and occasional civilian riots.

Just like a servant with a butcher knife in ancient times, "Firefox" was designed to kill people.

Bai Hao's face is very ugly. They obviously left Lavenham for the first time, but they still exposed Xingzang.

Facts have proved that not all the running dogs kept by the noble lords are wine bags and rice bags. The veteran's most worried thing happened.

Claire had heard about this from Bai Yue. They didn't blame them for being reckless, because if they changed to Tang Fang, they might play even bigger. She still remembers the scene of Quentin Island levelled by the nuclear bomb.

Tang Fang wouldn't be easy to be ruthless, but if he was really pressed into anxieties, he would definitely be able to do anything.

have to say. In this regard, Bai Hao is very similar to him.

She also couldn't figure out why the "Lelsey" military reacted so quickly. A veteran like Aros, who acts calmly and has rich combat experience, should not leave obvious clues, even if he really accidentally left behind enough to expose a few people. Things, the talents of those in the military, can never come to the door in a short time.

What happened?

At this moment, "Firefox" began to attack the maglev vehicle. The machine gun carried under the fuselage shot out rows of light rain, hitting the ground and splashing spring-like dust.

Kleiya steered the maglev car to make a sharp turn, avoiding the bullets that hit the magnetic energy unit. On the highway in an s-shaped trajectory.

"Firefox" is not only equipped with machine guns, there are also air-to-surface missiles, but it does not use more powerful missiles, but chooses a machine gun, the target is still a magnetic levitation unit, the purpose is obvious. The military wants to capture them alive.

She glanced at the rearview device in her busy schedule and said, "Call Aros quickly."

The empty spot in the third row flashed. Showing his figure, he promised. Immediately use communication equipment to get in touch with the special operations transport ship and inform the driver of the dangers faced by everyone.

After doing this, he suddenly kicked the car door, turned his body slightly outwards, lifted the c-20a, relying on the support of the door frame, aimed at the "Firefox" drone behind the maglev vehicle, and pulled the trigger forcefully.

The fire flashed, and the emp grenade shot out, accurately hitting the left wing of the "Firefox". The powerful electromagnetic pulse storm radiates instantly. UAV navigation system, weapon system, sensor system...all sensitive electronic components burn down under the coupling effect. It is like a big bird that has lost the ability to fly, diving down from mid-air. When it hit the ground, a flame was set off, and the air-to-surface missile was ignited and exploded.

Claire squeezed the steering wheel with both hands and concentrated on manipulating the maglev vehicle to avoid the metal fragments shot out from behind. Suddenly, a large truck drove up from the opposite side of the road and was startled by the maglev vehicle rushing straight forward and hit the steering wheel. , To the left of the road.

Exactly a fragment of the drone rolled over, like a huge hot wheel, slanting into the front of the car.

The truck driver was frightened, and slammed the steering wheel again, and the long carriage pushed forward under the action of inertia, driving the front of the car to drift all the way.

The balance braking system is activated, and the cargo compartment chassis extends out of the hydraulic deceleration system to relieve the impact of inertia and stabilize the car body.

The subconscious action of the truck driver saved his life. The hot wheels turned from the wreckage of the drone passed the front of the truck and hit the cargo compartment with a bang. The huge impact tore the shell of the carriage, exposing the flour bags placed in rows.

In a flash of time, dust was flying, flames skyrocketed, gun smoke swelled with the wind, and the high-temperature scorching surrounding air was slightly deformed, and countless broken flour bags were scattered on the road. The surrounding area was dotted with high-temperature debris from drone explosions, and some were still burning stars. Little bit of fire.

After a few breaths, the front door of the truck opened, and the driver slipped down from the driver's seat and walked a few steps on the grass beside the road. The wreckage of the drone, cold sweat on his pale face.

They... actually killed a military drone?

He felt that he was completely unlucky, why did he encounter such a thing and suffered a disaster.

Fortunately, this time it is filled with flour. There are some property losses, but they are not too great. What will happen if oil is the same as last time? I can't imagine it!

Just as he was about to use the mobile video camera to call the highway police, he heard a buzzing sound in the distance. It's like the sound of a turbine stirring the air.

He followed his reputation, and saw two Vulture helicopters flying quickly on the horizon in the direction of the drone's explosion. Looking through the air slightly deformed by the flames, they were sometimes distorted and sometimes beating, making them unrealistic.

Hum. Om...

The sound of the turbine went from far to near, and from near to far, and soon disappeared across the horizon.

The driver looked at the scattered fires on the highway and several private cars approaching slowly. The first thing he thought of was not how to dispose of the goods on the truck. But what happened? Who is sitting on that maglev vehicle is worthy of the military.

Even if the magnetic levitation car driven by Kleia is running at maximum horsepower, it is impossible to get rid of the turbo helicopter, not to mention that she deliberately bought a second-hand car to cover people's eyes, and the actual speed can reach 80% of the maximum speed. Favored.

When she saw the two low-flying turbo helicopters in the rear view, the sadness on her face increased a bit. Secretly said that the "Lelsey" military can really look up to them, sending the "Firefox" to attack the drone is not complete, there are follow-up reinforcements.

This time they no longer keep their hands. The tail of the rocket launcher above the Condor helicopter flashed brightly, and rockets shot out one after another, and the target pointed directly at the maglev vehicle.

A ray of sweat spilled over the girl's head. Concentrate as much as possible and avoid the rapidly approaching missile group behind you.

boom! boom! boom!

Rockets fell on the ground one after another, exploding dazzling fire waves and rapidly spreading gun smoke.

Some of them landed behind the car body, and some landed on the side of the car body. The debris raised by the explosion hit the car body and made a crackling sound. The shock wave caused the body to lose control briefly, and she could only grit her teeth and support it. Use the driving skills learned in the Charles Federation to dodge rockets.

It's hard, really hard.

There are many similar scenes in the movie. It looks very hot and cool, but when you really face it, you will find that it may be hot, but it is not cool at all, because a little carelessness is the end of a car crash.

The cold sweat on Claire's face grew stronger.

Yingluo and Linglong clung to the rails of the carriage, Roy's face turned pale, gritted his teeth, trying to resist the fear in his heart.

Bai Hao pulled out the c-14 piercing hand from under the seat and fired it backwards from the window. Unfortunately, the weapon's range was limited and it was difficult to pose any threat to the helicopter.

Even the c-20a in his hand is beyond reach. The two Condor helicopters learned the lessons of the "Firefox" attacking drones, deliberately hiding out of the range of the firearms, and using rockets to perform precision strikes on the maglev vehicle.

I can only give up the plan to shoot down the condor helicopter, switch the smoke bombs, and shoot a group of rapidly spreading fog to the rear to interfere with the opponent's locking of the maglev vehicle.

Such a scene scared the pedestrians on the highway half to death. The maglev vehicle driving in the same direction relied on the rearview device to see what was happening behind it, and the accelerator was pushed to the end, and it flew to the next intersection.

Missiles do not have long eyes, and if they fall behind a small passenger car, they may lose their lives.

Some buses traveling in the opposite direction, seeing what happened on the opposite side, either turned their heads temporarily or slammed into the guardrails on both sides of the road and plunged into the green belt to avoid the attack of the condor helicopter.

Rocket explosions and the roar of vehicle engines rang across the sky, and occasionally people's screams and screams can be heard, as well as the loud noise of vehicles hitting the guardrail.

Kleiya felt that her heart had been wet with cold sweat, and asked without looking back, "Aros has not come yet?"

Just as he was about to answer, a rocket pierced the smoke and landed less than 3 meters away from the maglev vehicle, exploding into a ball of flames.

The red light illuminates the car windows and Yingluo's pale face.

Shrapnel destroys the magnetic energy matrix, and the rapidly spreading shock wave overturns the car body and throws it towards the green space along the road.

The warning light of a malfunctioning driving system illuminates Claire’s sweaty face, and her body hits the frame of the car under the action of inertia, and then swings back. If it were not for the safety belt protection, she might have hit the steering wheel.

The vehicle began to turn, Yingluo's face pale.

Linglong pursed her mouth and firmly grasped the handrail to stabilize her body as much as possible.

The third row is in the worst situation with Bai Hao. Fortunately, he has very strong physical fitness and has a bad environment protective clothing bonus. At the moment when Bai Hao is about to be thrown out, he grabs his back collar and puts it back into the car. .

The speed of the maglev car is very fast. If it is allowed to hit the guardrail, it will cause great harm to everyone in the car.

At the moment, Roy smashed the window with a fist, his right arm turned into countless tough tentacles attached to the car shell, forming a thick buffer layer, tightly wrapping the small half of the body.

This scene was slow to say, but it was actually very fast. In Yingluo's consciousness, her body shook, and then there was a muffled noise, and her body slammed to the left.

At the same time ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ the all-round airbag built in the cabin pops out instantly to protect the passengers in the car.

The guardrail on the left side of the road was hit by a big opening, and the maglev car slid in the green area for a while before slowly stopping.

The changing biological buffer structure of Roy's right arm receded like a tide, shrinking into the gap of the inflated airbag in the cabin.

After a few breaths, accompanied by a coughing sound, the co-pilot's door opened, Bai Yue crawled out of it, and then opened the main driver's door, took Kleiya out of the coma, patted her face vigorously, and called out. Girl's name. (To be continued)

ps: I couldn't help but spit out a few words yesterday, thank you for your understanding.

To be honest, this kind of big map adventure mode is much harder to write than a fantasy copy. It does not mean that a plot is over. After changing the map, it has no connection with the previous one. Because all kinds of bright and dark forces are intertwined, the world view is too complicated. The progress is too fast. With my IQ, it is easy to break the writing, so please be considerate.

Furthermore, because this story is a two-line, a holiday at home on National Day is to complete the two-line development as soon as possible, so that the plot is unified.

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