Take StarCraft with You

Chapter 540: G area offensive and defensive warfare (1)

Suddenly he realized that he was distracted, so he picked up the document again and cast his eyes on the name of "Medeleev", thinking about what to do. Henrietta was standing at the Pyramid of Turanx, United Kingdom. This matter must be handled carefully. In the current tight situation of the two fronts, if the Turanx United Kingdom is drawn into the vortex of war again, it will have an unpredictable impact on the current situation. Therefore, it must be Be cautious.

"It's better to transfer these people to the country and let the cabinet ministers trouble their brains."


When Harrington Harris was troubled by "Meterev", the two large naval ports on the high-altitude orbit of "Arumega" were just as they were in the past, and they kept vomiting one after another.

There is a sparse asteroid belt around "Arumega", during which some combat speedboats and engineering operations ships travel to maintain and repair a large number of nearby space-based defense weapons.

Further afield, a patrol fleet composed of a dozen warships cruised inside the star system for routine patrol missions.

On the periphery of the 6th planet of "Mubarak", a large number of curvy interception facilities form a curvy interception network that shields the entire star system. Any warship that attempts to violently cross will be stopped, and then the 1100 ships of the First Fleet of the Hells ⊕1 ship was reduced to a mass of ruins under the gunfire.

In the Mubarak star system-Ayalos-Koplin-Srandall’s unmanned area within a few light-years of deep space, there are scattered large and small velocity probes, forming an early warning span of 5 light years. For the frontline alert network, all warp-speed navigation activities in this area will be synchronized to the “Mubarak” warp-speed interception network by the unmanned/manned sentry quantum communication equipment at the node site for the first time so that the fleet can prepare for the attack.

Harrington Harris is in charge of "Arumega". The internal security of the star system is in charge of Bick Fred, commander of the Second Fleet of the Hells, and Dupont Cataland, commander of the first fleet The warships under his command are guarded by the warp speed interception nets on the edge of the star system, plus space-based defense facilities and external early warning networks throughout the "Mubarak". The defense of the entire stronghold is solid.

Bick Fred sat in the captain's seat of the flagship of the Second Fleet, "Eternal Night", touching the shining medal matrix in the military uniform with a thoughtful look.

The war is approaching, and it is time to add a few more members to the medal matrix that has not changed for several years.

He was quite critical of the surprise attack "Dillard" being carried out by the First Fleet. At the beginning, Harrington said he was more than sturdy and not calm enough, and was not as cautious and sophisticated as DuPont Catalander. It is not suitable for carrying out such complicated surprise operations. Now it seems that even he can easily razor "Christier."

"Huh, Tang Fang? It's just a mere idiot.

As he was thinking about it, there was a commotion in the equipment pool below, and the adjutant standing in front of the combat command platform suddenly turned his head and looked at him with a strange expression: "General...General..."

Bick Fred raised his head. He narrowed his eyes slightly and looked at the adjutant Lu Yongjun who had followed him for many years.

"General, the st-025 reconnaissance unit located near the 4th planet "Gypsia" sent a set of suspicious data. About a few seconds ago, the dwarf-type curvature sensor probe detected a very subtle spatiotemporal warping response. After measuring the unit, it is believed that it may be the space-time shock caused by the spacecraft's changing speed levels."

After listening to Lu Yongjun's report, Piccolo Fred's first reaction was impossible, and then he wondered if something went wrong with the st-025 system. Need to be overhauled, "Mubarak" clearly has a speed interception net. Is there a spacecraft that can break through the border line and enter the star system?

how is this possible? If this is st-025's cold joke, he doesn't mind smashing its steel brain.

"General..." Lu Yongjun pondered for a moment, thinking that it would be better to tell the rest. After all, this is a very rigorous matter, so careless.

"That aircraft...it seems...too big. According to the data provided by st-025, it is...10 kilometers long."

Piccolo Fred’s face was full of sullen expression, a light storm burst into his eyes, and he roared loudly: "Change the curvature in the inner space of Mubarak? A 10-kilometer-class aircraft? Is it kidding me? ?"

"This..." Lu Yongjun didn't believe this result either, so he showed a strange expression.

He also doubted whether st-025 was playing with them. But he didn't dare to vent as loudly as Bick Fred.

Not only Piccolo Fred and Lu Yongjun who think st-025, a reckless machine head is playing tricks, but also the observation stations around "Gypsia", node checkpoints, and several patrols not far away, Even the Dupont Cataland on the flagship of the First Fleet of the Hell’s Night Corps on standby near the warp-speed interception net.

The commanders at all levels of the "Mubarak" internal combat unit looked at each other, and did not know how to respond to the warning "please be prepared for combat".

A captain called the logistics maintenance department: "What's the matter with st-025? How long has it been repaired?"

Some logistic maintenance staff yelled: "Ge Laozi, didn't st-025 only be overhauled yesterday?"

st-025 is normal, the system did not lie, nor did it play tricks.

When st-342 sent the same warning information to the command units at all levels in the form of a global broadcast, everyone was stunned. However, they suspected that the warning system was infected with a highly spreading computer virus. At that time, a strong light suddenly exploded more than 2,000 kilometers away from "Arumega". In the next second, a behemoth appeared on countless monitors of all levels of command units.

What a shocking guy that is! The single body is more than 10km long and looks like a whale with a hard carapace. The numerous eyeballs make it look terrifying. The surrounding battleships and space-based defense facilities are like cockroaches in front of it, so small. So weak, only the military port on the "Arumega" high-altitude orbit can be compared with it.

In the space-based communications facility closest to Behemoth, an Asian second lieutenant looked at the huge shadow outside the glass window, his face as if a layer of putty powder had been scraped off the wall. Muttering to himself: "10 kilometers, really 10 kilometers, st-025 is not bad..."

An upper class soldier next to him stammered: "Young... Lieutenant, we... what shall we do?"

What should I do? It's too late to do anything.

A black shadow flashed outside the window, and Behemoth's left appendage directly knocked the communication facility several meters high into flight.

On the "Eternal Night", Piccolo Fred stood up from the captain's seat. He stared at the slowly rotating Behemoth holographic projection on the combat podium without blinking, with an unbelievable expression on his face.

"What the **** is that? It... how did it appear here through the border warp speed interception net? Can anyone tell me? What the **** is that?"

No one can answer his question, because everyone has similar questions in their hearts, the liaison officer is already sweating, and the inquiry window from the lower-level battleship formation has covered the entire display screen.

Lu Yongjun suddenly thought of the famous "Yemengjiade", thinking that they are not the same kind? This big whale accidentally broke into "Mubarak". Is this an accident?

A crazy thought suddenly came into him: "If you can catch it?"

DuPont Cataland, who was far away from the border line of the star system, thought of another possibility, earlier in order to ensure that the raid on "Diral" could be successful. He had done a lot of homework, especially information about biological battleships, so he thought of a possibility, albeit a little nonsense.

This big guy like a whale, could it be that a young man named Tang Fang sent "Mubarak" to avenge the Hells Corps' biological warship? If so, then the situation is in trouble.

The situation is really troublesome...

After a communication facility was hit and flew, the behemoth flicked its tail, and the st-342 reconnaissance unit and its auxiliary facilities burst open instantly. With electric sparks, it smashed into a patrol fleet not far away like a cannonball out of the chamber.

A Sea Dog-class frigate was too late to evade. After being hit by a 5-meter-wide remnant, the upper surface was smashed into a huge depression. The 130-meter hull overturned to one side, and the following small fragments scraped across the hull, wiping out sparks.

At the same time, Behemoth's "pocket" slowly opened. A battleship drove out quickly, the surface of the "Aurora" shield was flooded with colorful light, and the 200mm magnetic rail cannon projectiles vented a ray of lightning to the left and right, and shot into the patrol fleet that was dispersed by st-342 fragments.

The previous Sea Dog-class frigate lost its balance due to being hit by a large piece of wreckage, and was unable to avoid the rapid-fire magnetic rail projectile. The surface armor is like egg skins smashed by a mace. Fires burst out from the crater, throwing out high-temperature metal fragments, as well as ship supplies that were scorched in the explosion, and even human corpses.

The attack of the "Morning Star" played the prelude to the "Mubarak" battle, followed by two triangular pyramid battleships, which were actually two Pluto-class destroyers captured by the Black 3, followed by nearly 300 corrupted ships. A mixed air force consisting of 100 flying dragons, 20 eyeworms, 40 Viking fighters, 8 Ravens, and 6 medical transport aircraft.

The bridge crews of the nearby patrol fleet were all dumbfounded. That... the behemoth turned out to be a biological mothership. Even the elite troops like the Hell Corps, the officers have very good combat literacy. At this moment, Can't help swallowing hard, some people even rub their eyes with both hands, thinking that what they see in front of them is an illusion.

On the "Eternal Night", the expression on Pic Fred's face was wonderful, dazed, shocked, unbelievable... and so on, the emotions merged into a ball, like a big dye tank with all kinds of pigments added in one mouthful.

He didn't know the triangular warships, but knew the "Morning Star", and even the living warships.

The poor worm he called the bereavement dog actually did not cry on the ruins of "Christier", did not complain in front of the Star Alliance people, and cursed that the high-level government was a bunch of bastards.

He... actually came to "Mubarak," and he really came to take revenge, and he brought his big pet.

It seemed to Bick Fred that the most unlikely thing to happen happened in front of his eyes. There was no sound of this slap, because it was not his face but his heart that was drawn.

DuPont Catalander led the First Fleet of the Hell's Army to the backyard of Captain Tang to kill and set fire. Now the revenge is coming...Of course, this is not the point. The point is how he could do it, why did he do it?

"Mubarak" is not a weakly defensive "Dilal," but a stronghold of the Sulu Empire in the Tianchao area. How dare he come to the door alone?

"No...it's not right, not single-handedly, and those biological warships."

But based on these? The whole family together, the total number is not more than 500. You must know that the first and second fleets of the Eye Legion add up to more than 2,200 battleships alone, plus more than 600 of the garrison. There is also Lord Duke’s guard fleet composed of 380 modified warships. The number of "Mubarak" warships totals 3000+, not to mention numerous space-based defense facilities.

Even if the Star Alliance navy in the Ayalos-Koplin-Srandall No Man’s Land is attacked, and there is no conventional fleet size of more than 5, don’t even want to win the "Mubarak". This is why the stronghold forces will be affected by the Star Alliance. The government described the reason as a hard bone. If it wants to bite down, the navy must be prepared to smash the front teeth.

There was no warning from the warp detection networks deployed in the area surrounding "Mubarak", indicating that the Star Alliance Navy did not send troops to attack. Only Tang Fang's biological warship came.

Is it possible that those biological warships have a combat effectiveness of 1 block and 10? Does he really think that the Hell Legion will be as vulnerable as a mob like Albert and Whitebeard?

Arrogant! It is arrogant!

The horror in Bick Fred's heart gradually subsided, and replaced by anger, like a male cat stepped on its tail, and its hair exploded.

"Tell the patrol fleets to gather in area g-27. All battleships and cruiser formations of the Second Fleet berthed in the Port of'Rodenis' will immediately leave the port. All space-based defense platforms will be guarded at the first level, and any biological warships entering the attack range will be imposed. With a devastating blow, the "Eternal Night" moved to the G-30 area. Informed all the air and space fighter formations to prepare for the attack, and at the same time immediately reported the situation to the General's Mansion. And the first fleet of the border zone DuPont? Cataland General.?"

"Yes." Lu Yongjun agreed and immediately returned to his post, ordering the liaison officer to send a series of orders to the command units at all levels.

The orders of commanders at all levels were fermented in the "Mubarak" communications network, and the space-based defense facilities in the G-25 area where the Second Fleet of the Hell Corps and Behemoth were located entered a state of combat readiness under the orders of Pic Fred.

The patrol fleet wandering inside the "Mubarak" began to assemble to the g-27 area, trying to cooperate with the "Eternal Night" aircraft carrier sailing to the g-30 area, and the main force of the second fleet formed an encirclement to Behemoth.

Some space-based defense facilities equipped with plasma engines have ignited and moved. According to the deployment plan, rush to the target location, scattered and distributed, forming an attack array.

The main battleships of the Sulu Empire fleet are usually divided into Seal-class frigates, Seahorse-class destroyers, Cub/Sea Lion-class cruisers, Walrus-class battleships, and Poseidon-class aircraft carriers. Under normal circumstances, most of the fleet responsible for patrol missions consists of fast assault ships and Combination of frigate and destroyer class warships. Cruisers and larger warships are usually docked at military ports.

When Bick Fred’s order was issued to the "Rodenis" port under the jurisdiction of the Second Fleet, hundreds of light and heavy cruisers, and 48 battleships disconnected the hydraulic fixed equipment connected to the trestle and left the berth one after another. , Start array.

News of the attack on the "Morning Star" and its biological warships arrived at the "Arumiga" General House as soon as possible. At that time, Harrington Harris was washing up before going to bed. He saw the telegram in the secretary's hand and sent a message. The toothpaste from the mouth was swallowed into the throat and into the trachea, causing a violent cough. It was not until the sensible secretary stepped forward to slap him that he took a breath.

That guy who should have regretted in "Dilal" actually came to "Mubarak"? How bold and arrogant is this?

Harrington Harris thought of a word, the dog jumped over the wall...then he let his heart down, restored his former peace, spit out the toothpaste foam in his mouth, and carefully wiped his face with a wet towel to wipe out the greasy feeling. Then he asked the secretary how the situation was.

When he learned that Tang Fang had only 400 biological warships under his team~www.wuxiaspot.com~, he smiled and said: "Sure enough..." Then he wiped his hands and handed the towel to the secretary. Go to the ground command center.

Although Harrington has always been strict with himself, he has maintained the habit of going to bed early and getting up early for many years, but he doesn't mind going to bed for a while tonight and watching the game of playing dogs... I just hope that the process must be more exciting, otherwise, wouldn't he Live up to expectations.

"Zhengchou only has samples of therapeutic radiation medicines, and no samples of biological battleships. He didn't expect him to personally send it to the door... Hmph, the guy who wanted to die."

Susan gently put the towel back to its original place and walked slowly behind him. The facial muscles were stretched and calm, not unnatural at all, just like Harrington's footsteps.

The "Mubarak" defense force activated an emergency response plan, and the "Morning Star" and the Human and Zerg Air Force did not need to adjust their formation at all, because the Tang Fang gave them an order to quell all enemy forces.

The Viking fighters lined up to attack the larger laser and plasma turrets in the g-25 and g-26 areas, followed by the flying dragon cluster. The Corruptors greeted the patrol fleet, and the "Morning Star" and two Pluto-class destroyers flew to the g-30 area. The target was Pic Fred and his "Eternal Night" aircraft carrier. (To be continued.) R752

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