Take StarCraft with You

Chapter 499: Defensive counterattack (2)

If he was replaced by Grant commanding this battle, he might choose to delay the time and wait for the effect of the emp shock wave to dissipate. After repairing the main engine, the maintenance staff immediately started the warp engine to escape from the dangerous place.

It’s a pity that the captain of the "Morning Star" is Tang Fang. He wants to know the origins of the Triangular warship and who wants his life more than trying to escape with his tail sandwiched. Moreover, it’s not his style to escape empty-handed. The actions of the Megall star system can be escaped, but before escape, a piece of flesh must be severely torn from the opponent.

His idea is very simple. It can also be said to be willful. He walks without taking advantage of it, calling it to escape, and then leaving after taking advantage of it, calling it to withdraw. He prefers the latter to the former.

Zhou Ai, Aros and others surrounded him. Although they did not speak, their frowned brows and unblinking eyes fully explained their mood at this moment.

The focus of Kleiya and Yuffi's attention is different from that of Tang Fang. They looked at the larger and larger asteroids on the No. 1 big screen, not knowing what Tang Fang had made.

If the "Morning Star" does not change its course and keeps flying like this, it will catch up with the asteroid wandering at an ultra-low speed in a few minutes. According to the calculation of the central computer, the diameter of the asteroid is more than 200 kilometers, which is considered large. Once a large asteroid falls into its gravitational range, the speed of Morningstar will inevitably be affected, and it will even delay the best time to escape.

They wanted to ask but didn't dare to ask, because they were afraid of disturbing his thinking and causing negative effects, they could only watch the "Morning Star" getting closer and closer to the asteroid.

Tang Fang didn’t want to escape, and he knew that he couldn’t, because the purpose of the five triangular pyramid warships was to beheaded, not to destroy them. . At the expense of losing all of the ship-based aircraft, the "Morning Star" will also be left behind.

If you want to start the speed engine, you must turn off the "Aurora". That would give the enemy ship a chance to launch a fatal blow to the "Morning Star", so. He can't escape, and because the anti-matter auxiliary thruster will run out of fuel sooner or later, even if the main engine of the warship is repaired, at the speed of the lightning python, it will never be the opponent of the enemy ship.

Once bitten by those evil wolves and attacked from the damaged shield, the "Morning Star" would surely be doomed, so. He needs a shield, and a shield that can support his own air force to drag down the enemy ship, and that wandering asteroid is the shield he needs.

It was not only a shield, for him, it was also a ground-based weapon platform.

No matter who it is, if he wants his life, he must have the consciousness of breaking his front teeth.

A few dozen kilometers away from the "Morning Star", the first to break through the bridge of a triangular pyramid warship surrounded by the Air Force of the People and the Insects, a strong body. The man wearing a black armor and a silver-white mask on his face looked the same as Tang Fang's expression, silently looking at the "Morning Star" on the big screen rushing towards the asteroid.

He is black 3. He was ordered to sneak into the territory of the Star Alliance to intercept and kill a guy named "Tang Fang".

At that time, he kept in mind what Black 7 said, he was not reckless or impulsive, but waited for him to leave "Babylon" before setting an ambush halfway and intercepting.

He acted cautiously does not mean that he valued the man named "Tang Fang", even if the target was playing in "Babylon", he was a very cunning little fox, how clever he was in the face of the strong scientific and technological strength of the organization . It's just a chicken dog, like an ant.

He just obeyed Black 7's orders. Worrying that being too arrogant will lead to rivals in the Star League and cause the mission to fail. Just follow the old road of Black 1 and Black 2.

What he didn't expect was that after the "Morning Star" was forced out of the virtual space, the scene of forceful crushing did not take place smoothly. An unknown force appeared out of thin air on the battlefield to encircle his 5 Pluto-class destroyers. What's even more incredible is that these small air force units actually fought them back and forth, and did not fall behind.

Only then did Black 3 realize a problem. He underestimated the man named "Tang Fang".

"If you don't eliminate him while he hasn't risen, once he has enough time to grow, there will be another force in the Star League that can rival the organization."

"It seems that the Lord has a foreboding long ago that he sent me to sneak into the Star League to intercept this person."

Hei 3 took a deep breath, and suddenly realized that arresting people is more valuable than killing people, so he looked at the distinctive combat console in the middle of the bridge and said: "At all costs, you must hold that battleship for me, if possible. , Try to catch lively."

His voice is still so hoarse, like sandpaper rubbing the uneven wall, making people irritable.

"Yes." The answer to him was a dull sound with a metallic tone, cold, without a trace of temperature.

What is strange is that the cold and blunt voice comes from a human being. He is located in the center of the combat podium. The bare skin of his hands and feet is covered with electrodes, and countless cables are gathered inside the black metal full helmet. , A row of data lines stretched out from the back of the head to connect with the cylindrical super-large number of sub-computers flashing behind.

He is not alone, but there are six, sitting around a cylindrical quantum computer. This is the source of the duplication.

The main guns on the bows of the five Mingfan-class warships moved in unison, and the deep purple crystals lit up a brilliant light. The high-energy laser beams instantly spanned dozens of kilometers, hitting the severely weakened shield of the Morningstar, and swayed one after another. Faint blue ripples.

Because the "Aurora" gap is at the bottom of the battleship, the flight posture of the "Morning Star" is not standard, but the hull is tilted sideways. It uses expensive antimatter fuel and uses antimatter auxiliary propellers to drive towards the asteroid. The five triangular pyramid warships were limited by the angle problem and were unable to attack the damaged shield, so they had to face the "Aurora" head-on, thus creating a spectacle.

The main gun caliber of the Starbat-class battleship is not a small twin laser cannon, which is a heavy laser weapon, but the actual beam of light emitted is very narrow, looking like a purple-red filament from a distance.

But it's just such parallel filaments falling on the "Aurora", as if two bricks were thrown into the calm lake, causing waves of ripples.

What is the sight of 5 Starbat-class battleships, 5 laser cannons, and hitting "Aurora" at the same time?

The streamer is shining, gorgeous and colorful, like a gem that can change colors in the endless dark night. It's spectacular.

Fortunately, "Aurora" works in the "universal" mode optimized by Tang Fang. The energy comes from zero elements, not plasma. And because the resource reserves of the "Silver Wheel" were robbed before leaving "Mikare", the "Morning Star" had dozens of tons of vanilla. With full supply, the integrity of the shield facing the enemy ship can be maintained.

Tang Fang is not a miser, life and money, he knows which is more precious.

After the firing of the five laser cannons lasted for half a minute, suddenly, a violent flash illuminates the entire space, with high-speed fragments of sparks and arcs hitting the diamond-shaped matrix on the surface of the Pluto-class destroyer, splashing dots of flashes.

The five laser cannons that originally suppressed the "Morning Star" to delay its flight speed became four. Because the last one of the Dark Bat-class battleship exploded and disintegrated, becoming a piece of metal wreckage fading away.

Black 3 is determined to kill the "Morning Star" and stifle the new threats that may emerge in the future in the cradle. I don't want his tough move to be used by Emma. Since the enemy ship uses its strong defensive power to charge hard, the containment strategy has failed, so The five groups of people and the Zerg two-clan troops were combined together to encircle and annihilate the last of the bat-class destroyers.

The diamond matrix of the battleship class is indeed very strong, but it does not mean that they are indestructible. Just now, the raven bomb and 6 mt50 Lanzel flying mines successfully destroyed the diamond matrix of a "Pluto Bat". Now, facing the siege of hundreds of people and air force units of the Zerg Clan, the last "Dark Bat" is naturally hard to escape.

Through the process of engagement just now. As well as the data from the detector synchronized to the center of the star orbit, Emma has a full understanding of the combat and defense capabilities of the "Pluto Bat". Based on this, he coordinates the attack rhythms of various units and uses a mixed attack mode to maximize The degree of weakening the diamond matrix.

In addition to the powerful laser cannons and heavy missile launchers, the Pluto-class destroyers have main gun-class weapon systems. The two wings are also equipped with string gun systems. They are equipped with honeycomb pulse laser transmitters similar to the Pluto-class aerospace fighters. Cannon composition.

These string guns pose a strong threat to light armored units such as flying dragons and Viking fighters, but to corrupters with thick skins. Not enough to damage them in a short period of time, Emma used the flying dragon and some Viking fighters to contain the few Moth-class air and sky fighters in the residence. On the other side, the Corruptor is instructed to interfere with the string gun system of the Plutobat destroyer and spray strong corrosive acid on the diamond matrix. Destroy the balance of the heavy particle colloidal layer and weaken the force of the binding force field.

After that, the Viking fighters used the mt50 Lanzel flying thunder bomb or the explosive power of the Raven bomb to completely disintegrate the diamond matrix, and then attack the battleship itself.

Because of the existence of the diamond matrix and the miniature aircraft carrier platform, the "Pluto Bat" is a light destroyer, and its body armor is not too heavy. After losing the shield protection, it will be like a broken body under the double blow of the parasitic spores and the Gatling gun. Like an egg shell, it was torn apart by a raw material, and finally hit by a raven bomb, triggering a series of explosions, and finally disintegrating, becoming a piece of steel wreckage.

Of course, in exchange for destroying a Phantombat-class destroyer, the Human and Zerg Air Forces also paid for 4 Viking fighters, 6 Corruptors, and 1 Raven. This can be described as what they have encountered since the Battle of Recto. The trickiest enemy.

But in any case, the fall of the "Dark Bat" was a great encouragement to Kleiya, Yuffi and others. Tang Fang was determined in his heart and turned his attention to a flat area on the surface of the asteroid on the bridge No. 1 large screen.

After the Corruptors, Viking fighters, and Raven swarms fell on the last Destroyer Destroyer, they quickly moved closer to the fourth ship ahead. In the process, the Corruptors who were injured under the attack of the side guns secreted a large amount of body surface. Mucus, the damaged area heals, regenerates and rejuvenates.

On the other side, seeing the "Morning Star" flying straight to the asteroid, he had no intention of avoiding it. Hei 3 suddenly woke up and guessed Tang Fang's plan, knowing that the opponent was not fleeing for his life, but was prepared to follow him under the cover of the asteroid. Stubbornly.

This is tantamount to seeking a dead end, willing to be a living target.

No matter how hard "Aurora" is, there will be a moment of overload, unless it can turn defeat into victory in a short time and end the battle.

Didn't that kid know that he was expecting the "Morning Star" to slow down or even run aground?

Because only in this way can the landing battle be carried out and the target can be captured alive.

Black 3 doesn't know where the opponent's confidence comes from, relying solely on the more than 100 units behind it? If all the "Pluto Bats" give up the containment of the "Morning Star" and switch their main guns to fight head-on, they will win even more.

However, this idea disappeared in an instant after a "Pluto Bat" encountered an explosion.

The Black 3 station has no captain's seat on the Dark Bat-class destroyer, only a narrow bridge of more than 40 square meters. A cold light flashed across the jet black armor.

He wears a mask and can't see the facial expressions, but the heavy breathing and slightly shaking hands. But clearly expressed his anger now.

The last ship that fell on the "Netherbat" caught fire and exploded in just over 2 minutes, which surprised him. Also very angry.

The "Dark Bat" was defeated by a small person, even if it was just one ship, it was a great humiliation to the organization.

Yes, Tang Fang is a small person in his eyes. Even if he can play with the Star Alliance government, he is still a small person in his Black 3 eyes.

Well, for the air force. Is a small person with development potential.

He actually thought that he might lose two or three "Pluto Bats" in the end, but that must be on the eve of the destruction of the "Morning Star", when the dog named Tang jumped over the wall and made a desperate move, but he did not expect the "Pluta Bats" to return. If he didn't catch up with the target, he would sink a ship for the opponent.

He became mad, and then couldn't restrain his emotions. He took off his mask and cursed loudly. The original hoarse voice became more dull, like a sledgehammer hitting a drum. It made people's eardrums hum.

The remaining 4 "Pluto Bats" stopped firing and transferred the surplus energy to the propulsion system to speed up again. Directly towards the opposite "Morning Star", at the same time, the bow heavy missile launcher once again fired countless missiles.

With the current distance between the two sides, the fighters behind are simply unable to prevent the heavy missiles from attacking the "Morning Star". Their target is the "Aurora" gap. Regardless of whether Tang is seeking his own way or not, Black 3 does not intend to let the opponent's plan succeed, because The explosion of a "Dark Bat" made him realize that one thing is not so easy to catch. Great credit means great price, and this price. It may not be what he can afford, it may be his life.

He is not afraid of death. But if you can live, who wants to die?

The speed of heavy missiles is slightly slower than that of light missiles, but because it is equipped with a micro fusion core and the propeller uses dual power, the speed per hour is actually not slower than that of light missiles.

At this time, the distance between the "Morning Star" and the next four "Pluto Bats" has been shortened to less than 20km, and not to mention the slow-flying Corruptors, even the flying dragon and the Viking fighters cannot intercept them, even if Tang Fang takes the system space China-Singapore supplementary air force units may not be able to stop these missiles.

They are different from directional weapons like laser cannons. The built-in guidance system is sufficient to control the missile to bypass the side of the "Morning Star" supporting the shield, and penetrate from the "Aurora" damage, causing fatal damage to the ship's hull.

The Corruptor and the Raven are not flexible enough, and it is difficult for the Flying Dragon and the Viking Fighter to destroy these redirections that are enough to endanger the "Morning Star" itself.

Zhou Ai, You Fei and others couldn't help clenching their hands, staring at Tang Fang scorchingly.

Aros was much quieter than them. He jumped off the combat command platform as soon as the re-direction struck, squeezed Hausen, who was at a loss next to the weapon console, and activated the "Morning Star" missile interception system. The "Aurora" was damaged in order to intercept those redirects, and at the same time activate the string guns that had just resumed operation on both sides, and fired at the four Pluto-class destroyers that followed.

His idea is very simple. Use stringed cannons to disrupt the attacking rhythm of enemy ships and try to buy time for the human and Zerg troops.

Tang Fang did not give you any new instructions. He focused his attention on the Zerg base. In this short period of time, the "worm dens" used to breed larvae have changed from one to eight.

With the help of the queen’s "hatch larvae" skill, the larvae bred extremely quickly, and quickly mutated into worker bees and a consumable unit-explosive mosquitoes.

After a "Pluto Bat" was killed, the opponent stopped its main artillery and switched to a redirected attack. This fully shows that the enemy ship commander has changed the original plan and intends to completely destroy the "Morning Star".

With reference to the speed, defense, and distance between the "Morning Star" and the asteroid, he had to use this expensive one-time consumable to gain time.

Again, life is more important than resources.

At the moment when 60 exploding mosquitoes broke out of their shells, more than 20 redirects had already circled to the "shadow area" on the back of "Aurora".

Disturbed by the "Aurora" ~www.wuxiaspot.com~The combat network of the Mtlnovel-class destroyer loses contact with the Redirector and cannot obtain real-time battlefield images, but this does not mean that the Redirector will lose combat capability. The built-in system will continue. Carry out the original plan to attack the target body through the "Aurora" damaged area.

Black 3 starts from 1 and counts up. He thinks that at most 5, he will see the scene of "Morning Star" being torn apart by the explosion.

No one knew it had only counted 2, and the explosion of fire would illuminate the tens of kilometers of void on the other side of the "Morning Star", illuminating the dark asteroid.

The "Morning Star" was like a gull bird digging into the clouds, disappearing on the big screen in the blink of an eye, only the smoke that was squeezed by the "Aurora" and surging quickly mocked his incompetence.

More than 20 redirects were successfully intercepted, making Black 3 angry and at the same time full of doubts, not understanding what happened.

It's not ordinary "Stinger", "Claw", "North Wind" and other conventional missiles, but a redirection equipped with an intelligent system, a fusion core, and a diamond matrix. How could it be intercepted so easily? (To be continued)

ps: Thanks for the reminder, I confuse the two Yingluo-Linglong, so I will fix it immediately.

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