Take StarCraft with You

Chapter 348: Protective battery

Tang Fang nodded and walked in front of the lieutenant colonel officer. Before he could speak, the other party spoke first: "If you get a chance, you will definitely punish your clan."

Is he begging for death? Tang Fang narrowed his eyes, hesitating whether to fulfill his wish, a silhouette flashed by his body, blood flashed, and a sharp sharp knife cut into the artery of the lieutenant colonel officer's neck without delay.

The blood flowed outward along the wound, and the lieutenant colonel's body was stained red with a few breaths.

Zhou Ai flashed out from behind the officer, drew out the blade at random, and flicked it to the left. With a "chuck", the dagger sank into the neck of another soldier, and the spray of blood splashed on her uniform, which Zhou Ai looked upon. No, he turned his head and said to Walton and Joey: "What are you doing in a daze, do it."

The two men's facial expressions stagnated, and they hesitated slightly before pulling the trigger.

"Heh, heh, heh..."

Yinmang broke through the air, and the remaining 22 soldiers slumped to the ground and fell in a pool of blood.

"They are all personal soldiers of the Ferguson family. They have received the emperor's favor. Don't expect them to be grateful to you if you let them go. The bottomless kindness will one day hurt you."

Tang Fang scratched his itchy nose and looked helplessly at Zhou Ai who walked to his side and stood still. This girl is still so violent and bloody, acting fiercely and decisively, better than Aros.

In fact, he did not intend to let go of those crew members hiding in the "Silver Wheel". He knew the purpose of this group well. After the death of Lancelot and Shaw Rogge, the 620-meter-long giant ship was headless, and most of the crew chose to flee. From Rector to Ending Star, this journey has enough time for the group of people in front of them to escape. According to the message from the fanatics, there are still several space shuttles in the hangar, enough for them to evacuate.

But why don't they leave? Also hiding in some secret cabins. I'm afraid it's just waiting for him to board the ship, and then fight an ambush to avenge their master. A fool will spare them not to die. He is not a saint, there is no need to play with meat and eagles. The trick of throwing a child. He just hesitated for a moment, and Zhou Ai took the lead.

Of course, he would not say this, after all, Zhou Ai was also kind. As Zhou Hanlin's pro-granddaughter, she knew more about the background, relationship, and personnel composition of the imperial nobles than he did.

"Let's go, go up and take a look." After speaking, he stepped towards the connecting channel.

Claire glanced at the corpses of the soldiers with a complicated expression. Sighing, followed Tang Fang. She couldn't understand why these people stayed, just to avenge Lancelot? For that servant? The butcher who slaughtered millions of people in Wendengbat frenziedly, and whose crimes are hard to pay for a hundred deaths? does it worth?

They can leave safely, so why choose this road of no return?

She couldn't understand, how could she not understand why some people would rather be accomplices of **** evil spirits than crawl out of the abyss, but accept. To bathe in the warm sunshine that pierces the haze of the sky.

Many times, people who stay in the dark for a long time will feel that the sun is very dazzling. Just like some plants love shade. Some plants like the sun.

Zhou Ai followed Claire and walked into the connecting passage. From start to finish, she didn't even glance at the dead body on the ground. Until her back disappeared at the entrance of the passage, Joey swallowed and pulled Walton's sleeves vigorously: "Then...what's the origin of that woman? What a fierce skill, so domineering."

Walton, Joey and others were the people who joined the Tang faction after the Battle of Crotan. Naturally, they didn't know what happened to Planet 5. Grant was busy with other things and had no time to explain to them. The two did not know Zhou Ai's background.

"How do I know where she came from?" Walton shrugged, and there was still some horror on her face: "Anyway, no matter what her background is. Be careful not to provoke her. It feels like this woman is better than Aros. , Howson is still killing."

He was a monk halfway through. Rebel soldiers from civilian origins like Walton and Joey are very different from elite children from military families like Zhou Ai.

In fact, apart from Walton and Joey, another person looked at Zhou Ai's back thoughtfully. Bai Hao and Luo Yi blocked Tang Yun and Yingluo's sight, but did not take care of Linglong.

Not far away, blood was flowing into a river on the dock platform, and 24 corpses fell to the ground. Some of the corpses were even more angry and bloody, and they were miserable.

Except for her face pale, Linglong didn't show shock, screaming, palpitation and other emotions like ordinary girls. She just stared at Zhou Ai's away back, not knowing what she was thinking.

Tang Fang was not worried that Tang Yun would be frightened, or even psychological barriers would occur. Although Bai Hao and Luo Yi were young, they always knew what to do at critical moments. Moreover, Tang Yun is not a child. After experiencing the Wendenbat tragedy, she has more or less immunity to war, death, bloodshed, etc.

Follow Emma's instructions all the way forward. A few minutes later, the three of them came to the core part of the "Silver Wheel", the "Aurora" shield core catalytic room.

There is a gap with imagination. This cabin carrying the star ring is not big, only a few thousand square meters around. Compared to the 620-meter hull of the "Silver Wheel", it really feels like a big hall for the imps.

"Is this the center of the star ring? It's so small..." Claire glanced at the surrounding environment and exclaimed.

The structure of the entire cabin is very simple. On both sides of the entrance are a row of consoles. The platform structure is ten meters directly opposite, and there is a staircase in the center that leads directly to the spherical sealed cabin fixed in the air.

Around the airtight cabin, there are six pipes more than one meter wide extending out of the cabin, and when viewed from a distance, it looks like a turbine.

"Indeed, the outer starring is almost 200 meters in diameter, and its core compartment is only a few thousand square meters, which is too small." Zhou Ai also casually agreed. Although she is not a professional engineer, when she was in the military school, she also read a lot of books on mechanics. It is hard to imagine that such a big guy is a zero-powered "Aurora" shield whose core is only so small.

"Hey, haven't you heard a word? The so-called short and sharp, condensed is the essence." Tang Fang said this half-joking, half-daughter remark, and stepped to the console.

Zhou Ai's eyes went straight. "Hey!" Claire gave him a vigorous look next to him: "I started running the train again."

Tang Fang didn't care, and entered the command prompt according to Emma's instructions. On the one hand, he said nonchalantly: "That's the Epsilon device. The monk from outside will recite the scriptures. If you look at it from a human perspective. That's not happy."

"That's right." Claire nodded seriously.

Next to Zhou Ai, watching the gossip between the two of them, unconsciously tugged at Claire's back. Whispered: "He was teasing you just now..."

Claire's face was strange, "Don't ignore him, this guy always loves to take advantage of people. The more you care, the more you will let him succeed."

Zhou Ai looked at her, then looked at Tang Fang: "You two... shouldn't you..."

Claire hurriedly explained: "Don't get me wrong, me and him...actually...no...what?"

Nothing, your evasive eyes, a guilty expression? Of course, Zhou Ai wouldn't click it, and smiled and nodded: "Oh. Oh, it seems that I'm too worried."

"Hey, what are you two talking about?" At this moment, after finishing the business at hand, Tang Fang walked over from the console. Seeing that Claire's expression was a little unnatural, Zhou Ai had a smirk and couldn't help asking. One sentence.

"What can women talk about? It's nothing more than men." Zhou Ai said openly.

"Man? Who?"

"Is there a second man here?" Zhou Ai shrugged.

"Me, what do I have to talk about?" Tang Fang said angrily.

"Why it's not a good chat. You don't know, but Claire made a gentleman's agreement with me."

Tang Fang was stunned: "The gentleman agreed?"

Even Claire was stupid. Even if Tang Fang ran the train with his mouth full, he didn't expect that Zhou Ai's small cherry blossom mouth was also not worrying. What gentleman's agreement? Why doesn't she know?

"In fact, it's nothing, Claire told me that you are hers and I am not allowed to start. In exchange, other men will pick me up." Zhou Ai said lightly.

"Huh?" Tang Fang glanced at Kleiya, who was confused, and then at Zhou Ai, who was really serious. He suddenly felt that it was a mistake to bring them both over.

"I...you...she..." Claire never expected Zhou Ai to say such a sentence, she wanted to refute it, but she didn't know how to organize the language. Don't refute it, you won't be able to survive.

in fact. In her heart, she still had such a little bit of a girl's mind that was not worthy of outsiders. For this sudden joining, Zhou Ai, who seemed to have a close relationship with Tang Fang, had more or less sour hostility in his heart.

"Ha. Look at this kid, his face is blushing. How about it, sister has revenge for you, hahahaha..."

Tang Fang rubbed his forehead vigorously. This week Ai was a 100-changing witch, her mouth was sharp on the side of her knife. Well, I want to molest Claire in the future, but it becomes a technical job.

Claire was taken aback again, Zhou Ai pushed her to the forefront of the storm, the feeling is to fight back against Tang Fang?

"Hmm... Hmm..." At this moment, there was only a sound of metal and iron, accompanied by the sound of air jets. The originally tightly-sealed spherical capsule split from the center and retreated to both sides.

Tang Fang was awakened when he heard the sound, and the second woman nodded, and walked to the front stairs.

According to Emma's instructions, after securing the Starlink Energy connection on the bridge, the airtight chamber slowly opened in response to Tang Fang's operation request, revealing the shield core inside.

"Tang Fang, be careful." Zhou Ai said with a worried expression.

"Don't worry, it's okay." It was not the principal who answered, but Claire. Zhou Ai may not be clear, but she has already seen no surprises. For ordinary people, it is absolutely tiresome to touch a handful of an Epsilon device like this. However, for him, it was a docile little sheep.

Tang Fang nodded, smiled at the two, and continued to walk towards the core of the shield.

The core of "Aurora" resembles a flat, silver-white ring with a diameter of about 35 meters. Like most Epsilon precision equipment, there is a psychic flame in the middle.

The flame was spherical, one size smaller than the circle, and compared to the previous psychic flames, it was more active, and there were flashes of electric light flashing through the sparkling silver stream.

There is a circle of transparent crystals between the ring body and the psychic flame, which is supposed to be a central transformation device. Seen from the side, it looks like an ice-covered flame, with a diamond-colored light, intoxicating.

Tang Fang walked to the flame and took a deep breath. Enduring the dazzling golden light, slowly stretched his hand to the psychic flame.

It was no different from the previous experience, a circle of water rippled in the void. The surging psychic flame core inadvertently shot out a few strands of light, lightly attached to the back of his hand.

With the forehead e rune lit up. A stream of runes flowed out of the psychic flame, flowing along the arm into Tang Fang's forehead.

"Psionic fluctuations are detected, the diagnostic program is started..."

"The diagnosis is complete, confirm the suitability of Protoss."

"Perform frequency analysis..."

"Fluctuating level e+, unlocking the folding tree, technology level 1, unlocking the building'protective battery'."

"Protective battery?" Tang Fang was taken aback, but he did not expect it to be a protective battery from the StarCraft 1 era. But after thinking about it, it makes sense that the "Aurora" shield unlocks the "protective battery".

Protective batteries, also known as armor batteries, can help protoss units quickly replenish their shields. In the game, when the shield of a Protoss unit is damaged in battle, the armor battery can quickly replenish the shield energy for it within a certain range.

In the battle mode, this thing is said to be tasteless, but it is not accurate. To be practical, it is a bit far-fetched. It is very practical in some situations, such as defensively. Before crossing. Tang Fang once had the honor to watch a section where a stick player, with a protective battery, almost slaughtered dozens of units of the enemy human player with a single dragon, and finally forced the opponent to play gg.

Of course, that is the battle mode. Tang Fang does not know whether its performance will be improved in reality. But well, it's still practical if you want to. This thing is not expensive, only 100 crystals, built a dozen in the Protoss base. In the battle, which protoss unit lost its shield, just pull it back to replenish the shield. Blink is another hero.

"Not bad, not bad." Tang Fang couldn't help laughing out loud. This is a surprise. Not to mention that Lancelot contributed a heavy battleship, he also unlocked the "protective battery" by the way.

Think about the current Protoss technology, the basic buildings have been unlocked, only some advanced buildings have not been unlocked.

"Sure enough, it really is like this..." Tang Fang walked all the way, laughing all the way.

Watching him walk down the stairs safely, Zhou Ai could not help but let out a sigh of relief. Next to Claire, she smiled and asked, "How is it? Look at your expression, I think it's not a small benefit."

"Of course." Tang Fang smiled slightly and relayed the information he had just obtained to the two of them. Of course, he concealed the "protective battery".

At first he saw that the core of "Aurora" was only more than 30 meters away, so he was puzzled until he came into contact with the psychic flame and obtained information about "Aurora", finally clarifying the mystery.

The shield generator originally named "Aurora" by the young duke is a universal force field generator. After learning about the operation principle of this universal force field generator, Tang Fang can be said to be taken aback.

He originally thought that the technology of the Ypsilon was almost the same as the technology of the Protoss in StarCraft. However, the Protoss has a universal energy source such as the Kaidarin crystal and the ability to cultivate phantom energy. It must be better than the Ypsilon. One-on-one.

However, at this moment, he found that he was really sitting in a well and watching the sky. The Epsilon clan and the StarCraft Protoss can be said to have their own advantages. Protoss has Kaidarin crystal, and Ypsilon has zero source element.

In the application of zero elements, human beings are still in the stage of universal energy, which is far different from the methods of the Ypsilon.

Lancelot called the ring device outside the "Silver Wheel" a star ring, because he didn't understand the working principle of "Aurora". If he changed Tang Fang, he might call it the "Hand of God". ", or "origin."

Speaking of the operating principle of "Aurora", it is necessary to mention the characteristics of zero element energy. In a broad sense, zero element is an energy substance composed of a large number of zero element particles, which can be transformed into any element known to mankind, even unknown elements, through different catalytic equipment.

Humans have made slow progress in the research of zero elements, and even the extraction technology is very backward. The Epsilons can already produce high-energy isotopes of zero elements in large quantities. Obviously, the Ypsilon people are more flexible and diversified in the use of zero elements.

This is also reflected in shield technology. The "Aurora" shield generator in Lancelot and other populations is not just a simple shield generator, but more like a particle processing factory. And the binding force field.

The StarCraft 2 Protoss unit has a plasma shield outside the body, but the "Aurora" is different. Under the control of the flame-shaped particle computer in the core, the zero source element is processed by the star ring. Turned into microscopic particles, a "particle" shield is constructed on the surface of the ship.

This so-called "particle" has no definite name. It can adjust the particle composition and shield structure according to the enemy's attack to withstand all kinds of attacks.

For example, in the face of a kinetic energy attack, the zero element particles will be processed and transformed into a special form of graviton, thereby operating the mass effect field to achieve the purpose of intercepting the kinetic energy attack. For another example, in the face of particle weapons, the zero element particles will be converted into negative matter by the star ring, thereby offsetting the energy impact. As for the laser attack, it can even condense the boson, let alone the plasma shield.

Therefore, the "Aurora" shield generation device is more like a "particle" processing factory, relying on the action of the binding force field to form a "universal particle" shield, by adjusting the level, sorting, and combination of different particles. Resist all kinds of attacks.

Randomly transforming the manifestation of elementary particles, such a method, called the "hand of God", or "origin", is by no means excessive. Moreover, the universal force field generator is a virtuous man and wife who can go to the hall and the kitchen. Not only can they use precious components, but they can also be grafted on nuclear power facilities and combined with a plasma engine to construct a plasma shield. Of course, this requires manipulating the psychic flame and changing the operating mode of the universal force field generator. (To be continued)

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