Take StarCraft with You

Chapter 328: Old friends

Freya leaned against his arms, her small face flushed, and a few drops of sweat hung from her forehead. She was fast asleep, like a kitten who was tired from playing and leaned on a soft cushion to fall asleep, with a few drops of saliva on her mouth, she did not know what delicious food she dreamed of.

After giving the sailing instructions to the nurse mm, Tang Fang turned his gaze to the scattered warship wreckage outside the porthole. Despite Emma's analytical data, the combat effectiveness of the Corruptor and the Flying Dragon surprised him.

The combat power evaluation report given by Emma at the time was based on the one-to-one heads-up mode, the result of data calculation through the addition of various aspects of the performance of both sides to the attack power.

In this battle, he invested a total of 396 air force units, including 78 Corruptors, 60 flying dragons, and 60 Viking fighters. In the face of the 160 naval warships that survived the "Fog of Death" incident, they only paid 5 flying dragons, 2 Corruptors, and 3 Viking fighters as the price. I was stunned to wipe out all Meredith’s troops. Knowing that there are 10 cruiser-class warships on the government side, 43 destroyers, and a total of more than 170 frigates and reconnaissance ships. In this battle, the entire army was annihilated, and even the shuttle did not escape. Such a record, if placed on the side of the empire, would be enough to become famous in a single battle and have a reputation in history. It must be said that factors such as environment, formation, morale, etc. have an incalculable impact on a war.

The Zerg vacated 14 units, and he simply replaced them as Corruptors. Today’s air power includes 83 Corruptors, 55 Flying Dragons, 83 Viking fighters, and 15 Ravens.

If it were not for a dangerous battle, it would be necessary to hide the clumsy. From the combination of battleships and individual equipment deployed by the military this time, it can be seen that before the action. The navy’s staff system had done its homework in advance, if it hadn’t been for the Corruptor before. Feilong also hid his arms and only showed up when he attacked Division 289. I am afraid that this battle cannot be won so smoothly.

"Iron Crow..." Tang Fang muttered to himself, turning his head and glanced in the direction of Twin Starport: "My high-ranking Templar hasn't used it yet."


When Tang Fang and Freya took the Starlink shuttle to Recto. Silbes Starport is staged a shootout scene.

Intensive gunfire was heard from Area A where the administrative department was located, and occasionally several explosions sounded.

Over the past month, Silbes Starport has been in a mess. All kinds of wealthy people, foreign merchants, family members of nobles, etc., all those who have a few money in their hands and are nervous, seem to flock to Silbes Starport. As for the purpose, both intend to leave Rector. Find a safe place to avoid the wind.

In this world, there are bold and reckless men, as well as cowardly cowards. Although the Rector government has repeatedly emphasized that the situation has stabilized and the rebel forces are gradually disintegrating, most people still believe that things like this are related to wealth and life. The attitude is not credible.

The García rebels have long been hacked under the government's publicity and cannot be hacked, although a large part of the public is skeptical. However, in the eyes of the powerful class, they are definitely a scourge. and so. As long as you have plenty of money, worry about food and clothing, or belong to a vested interest group. All the time, he was in a state of panic, thinking about how to escape the dark tide of Rector.

As Recto’s throat to the outside world, Gemini Port has a pivotal position in the Meghal star system, and Silbero is a military port, garrisoning the Recto naval fleet. Silbes Starport is a civil starport, which is responsible for multiple responsibilities such as freight, passenger and customs.

The rich are dragging their homes and leaving their homes. They are naturally full of sadness, but Xinggang's management is smiling. Spring breeze fills the noodles. For the families of the nobles, they had no guts to offend. But the rich, self-employed, and businessmen are just like sweet pastry dipped in honey and fresh cheese dipped in sugar. Everyone wants to get a share.

To prevent them from leaving, the relevant departments have ten thousand ways. What's more, in this sensitive period, their behavior can be said to be distrust of the government and ignore the call of the Governor.

As a result, a large number of people without aristocratic status can only stay in the space station, use money and friendship to buy customs officers, and wait patiently for the moment of release. In just one month, the customs has made a lot of money.

As the largest, most important, and only civilian port of Rector, Silbes is very large and resembles two screws with the heads close together. Its total length is 17 kilometers, and the diameter of the central part is eight or nine kilometers. If you add some auxiliary living facilities around, Silbes is a small and medium-sized city, including large shopping malls, shopping centers, hotels and other livelihood facilities.

The merchants in Xinggang have also made a fortune because of the excessive number of people stranded this month.

Although Silbes Starport is a civilian starport, it is mainly for foreign merchants and the people of Recto. There are very few garrisons. There are only a small number of police and navy security forces, but this does not mean that it has no protective capabilities.

In addition to living facility platforms around Star Harbor, there are a certain number of space-based defense weapons, heavy-duty missile platforms for star wars, solar laser turrets, long-range plasma cannons, and various projectile turrets.

After leveling Quentin Island, Tang Fang turned his eyes to Lancelot in Silbero Star Harbor. He said that he would make the Young Lord pay the debt!

In Sigma, 124 warships of the Meredith Division of the Recto Navy were eaten. Today, the Recto Navy only has about 300 ships. Except for the maintenance and repairs in the military port, only more than 270 can form combat effectiveness. . With the air force unit in his hand, if it can be unexpected and attack the opponent without being able to defend it, it is absolutely possible to win the Rector Navy.

"Sigma" is just one link in a series of plans planned and implemented by the Tang side. If the naval fleet exchanges fire near the Silbero military port, a large number of manned defense facilities on the periphery will pose a huge threat to the air force units of the insect and human races. .

Moreover, once the fighting gets to the point where the two sides kill the red eyes, God knows that the frenzied **** of Lancelot will mobilize the defense facilities of Silbeth Starport.

Unlike him, Tang Fang could ignore civilian casualties. Therefore, when he raided "Sigma" and slammed Meredith's naval fleet, he gave instructions for action to Tang Lin, Bai Hao and others who had mixed into Silbes.

This time, he was determined to ruin the entire Rector Navy. Let the Duke of Yadan feel bad for a while, and let Lancelot not die.

The "fog of death" on the periphery of "Sigma" will cut off communications, and news of Meredith's annihilation will be extremely difficult to reach Lancelot's ears for a while.

If during this period Silbes launched a riot. Another group of rebels raided the management unit in Area A and occupied the entire Xinggang. What will the Rector Navy do? Lord Lord can only choose soldiers to suppress the territory. Put down the rebellion before the rebels completely master the defense system of Star Harbor.

"Sigma" appeared in Tang Fang, "Silbes" appeared in Tang Lin, Lancelot would definitely not give up this opportunity to wipe out the rebels.

At that time, if the mixed air force of the two tribes of human beings and Zerg were suddenly killed, what would the result be?

When he was still on the ground, Tang Convenience had already begun to calculate the Rector Navy. Since he was not enough to directly crush the combat power of the Empire's armed forces, he had to use special methods. Can achieve the goal.

Lancelot has some information on the ground units, but this does not mean that he can understand all the functions of the StarCraft 2 system.


Those who launched a surprise attack on Silbes Star Harbor included Tang Lin, Roy, Bai Hao, Aros, Grant, Hausen, and a mixed unit composed of several mechanical sentries, machine gunners, fanatics, and puppies.

With the help of the mechanical sentinel's illusion ability, evading the Navy's security inspection system is naturally a piece of cake.

Hidden in all important sections of Xinggang, after Tang Fang sent instructions for action, the person in charge of Xinggang and his henchmen were killed immediately after the assassination mission. At the same time, puppies and fanatics with excellent mobility quickly entered the management of area a, dropped the gates, and launched a surprise attack on the police station and the naval garrison headquarters in Silbes.

Roy, Bai Hao, Kleiya, Valentine and some of the machine gunmen were sent by Aros to evacuate the civilians, which made Bai Hao very depressed. Compared to the copycat alex, he doesn't want to be a hero, he just wants to kill the rich and powerful who count the money and count.

but. The position of the veteran in the group is a bit special. He belongs to the veteran level. Apart from Tang Fang, he is the most authoritative. Even if his heart is unwilling, Bai Hao can only do it.

In fact, he didn’t want to control those who stayed here. Most of them were merchants, or rich people who had a close relationship with the officials, the nobles, the nobles, and the poor. .

but. Can't just watch them die, after all. According to the boss's plan, the next Silbeth will have a bad battle. Lancelot can ignore it in order to get rid of the imperial enemy. They can't.

Therefore, he can only admit his fate.

Evacuation of the stranded people in Xinggang is not an easy job. These rich people who are greedy for life and fear of death and regard their lives more importantly than anything else should have learned that rebels have mixed into Xinggang, and almost did not scare their pants.

From the living quarters, to the shopping streets, and then to the inner harbor, Silbes Star Harbor is a mess. Fortunately, the machine gunners acted decisively. After shooting and crippling a few guys who jumped up and down, the passenger terminal facing the inland of Recto finally calmed down.

The machine gunners are not as easy to talk as Roy. These guys in iron armor and cold body are like a killing machine without emotions. Whether they face celebrity scholars or beautiful women, they are all treated the same, indifferent and fearful.

In such a situation, the wealthy people who usually spoiled themselves finally settled down, entered the atmospheric shuttle obediently, and were transported back to the inland of Recto.

With the transportation capacity of Silbes Starport, it only takes about 20 minutes to arrange for tens of thousands of people to leave. However, there are too many people pouring into Xinggang during this period. Even if all the passenger shuttles are dispatched, it is difficult to evacuate more than 100,000 people in Xinggang in a short time.

Claire discussed with Valentin and decided to use those cargo shuttles, and strive to transport these more than 100,000 people back inland before the naval fleet is under pressure.

However, something unexpected happened to them. There were more than 700 Marines in Silbes Star Harbor. They were not stationed in the management of Zone A, but scattered in the living area. Commercial areas, outer harbor docks and other places, this is very different from the Star Harbor deployment data provided by Emma.

It turned out that after learning that Tang Fang and others were not dead and dropped three fusion warheads on Quentin Island, Lancelot was as wise as him. Not only did he use the navy's reconnaissance ship to dive into the atmosphere of Rector for 24 hours Search outside without interruption. It also ordered a group of elite armed forces to station in Silbes Starport, and cooperate with the original garrison forces to increase the security check of Starport. In response to possible smuggling by the rebels.

After all types of space-based unmanned platforms were destroyed, Emma's information collection ability was severely damaged. Only relying on the previously collected data to provide support for Tang Fang, it is inevitable that there will be errors.

Those in the Marine Corps did not expect that a small group of rebels would dare to blatantly roam in Silbes Starport. After all, Starport is no more inland than inland. It is only so big. Once the rebels show up, they will represent them. Turning from dark to bright, this will give Lord Lord a chance to launch a fatal blow.

Ever since. When Tang Lin, Aros and others launched a lightning raid, the Marines scattered around Xinggang on guard patrol did not react for a while.

When the management of Area A was isolated and Bai Hao, Roy and others tried their best to evacuate the stranded personnel in Star Harbor, the Marines were finally gathered by their commanders.

The commander, who was full of overall view, capable and decisive, gave them a very "wise and martial" order: "No matter what the purpose of the rebels is, it must be something that is not conducive to the military. They must be held back and disrupted. With their rhythm, as long as the Rector Navy fleet forms an encirclement net, these field mice will not escape with their wings."

Next. These marines who are accustomed to combat took a cameo role as Tang Fang and others, and really acted as a ground rat.

The reconnaissance, attack, and intercept platforms around Silbes Military Port have response control nodes in all districts of Xinggang, because the management of district a is fiercely fighting fire. Judging from the forces invested by the rebels and the individual combat power provided by the staff, it will be sooner or later that the control center of Starport will fall into the hands of the rebels.

If Starport falls and is completely controlled by the rebels, the Recto naval fleet coming for reinforcements will inevitably be exposed to the muzzles of the defense facilities around Starport, causing heavy losses. To prevent this from happening, there is only one way to blow up the control node and disconnect the link between the weapon platforms and the central system. Disarm the defense force of Star Harbor.

I have to say that the commander of this Marine Corps does have some cleverness. However, he overlooked one thing. There are still many stranded people in Xinggang. When the dull explosions spread all over Xinggang, the soles of the feet swayed slightly, and the fire light illuminates the dark void outside the portholes, they were still in order, waiting for it. The people who evacuated Starport were completely panicked.

At this moment, a group of soldiers led by Marine Commander Malachi Keith blew up the cargo shuttle again. They think this can organize the rebels to leave. The next thing the Navy has to do is to catch turtles in the urn.

Of course, Starport still has a lot of escape pods that can be used, but those single-person escape facilities are equipped with signal tracking equipment. Once it enters Rector’s atmosphere, the Army search and rescue team will dispatch to rescue those who fell inland. The survivor.

We must know that the leaders of the rebels belong to the "famous on the list" in the military.

Malachi's draw from the bottom of the pot is indeed beautiful to some extent. As a commander, he is really qualified. However, he did not expect that the Marine Corps' behavior did not bluff Claire, Bai Hao and the others, but frightened the stranded people in Xinggang.

In the face of the rebels, they were afraid that these rebels would kill them with a single blow, but in the subsequent evacuation operations, it proved that the rebels were not malicious, so they were a little relieved. Until this time, the explosion came from underfoot, and gunshots sounded in the living quarters, freight docks, and commercial areas. They were completely panicked. They ignored the screams of Claire and Valentine, and even ignored the warnings of the machine gunners. Ran towards the emergency evacuation passages in various areas of Xinggang.

"The battle is about to start. The real battle is about to start. The emergency evacuation channel is connected to the escape system of Star Harbor. You can be rescued as long as you enter the escape capsule."

"Quick, run, it would be bad if you get involved in the battle for Starport."


"Oh!" Valentin sighed heavily. After experiencing the Wendenbat tragedy, there were a few more wrinkles on the old face. "These Marines are really inadequate and more than defeated."

Kleiya also shook her head: "It would be a good way to go back inland from the escape capsule."

"What about those Marines?" Bai Hao asked.

After exchanging opinions with Aros and Grant, Claire turned to the three people and said: "Uncle Valentin, you and Roy will bring a few machine gunners to maintain order, so as to prevent those people from having disputes or even death or injury due to the grabbing of the escape pod. ."

"Bai Hao, you and I are responsible for dealing with the Marine Corps."

"Okay." Valentin nodded, and along with Roy, with 12 machine gunners behind the large crowd, they ran towards the nearest emergency evacuation corridor.

Claire separates with Bai Hao, the girl goes to deal with Malachi at the wharf, and Bai Hao goes to deal with the blasting team.

Xinggang is so big that it can run at full speed with "Ma Runjia", and it takes more than ten minutes from start to finish. However, the target of the blasting squad is the control nodes of Xinggang. As long as you wait and see, you can catch these troublemakers.

After separating from Claire in Area B, Bai Hao brought 48 machine gunners to the control node of the outer ring of Area C.

In addition to the functions of building a weapon system network, collecting operating parameters of various subsystems, distributing electric energy, and monitoring regional abnormalities, the control nodes in each district of Xinggang are also responsible for the regulation and control tasks of escape, oxygen supply, air conditioning, and pressurization.

Of course, because Starport is very large and there are many sub-modules, a few control nodes alone are not enough to support the operation of the entire Starport system. Therefore, many sub-control nodes are divided under the control node, and a huge control network is formed according to the structure of "central computer-control nodes in each area-sub-control nodes".

Judging from the direction of the explosion, area c will be the next target of the Marine Corps blasting team, because there are as many as 8 "sub-control nodes" in area c. After weighing it up, Bai Hao walked straight into area c. The monitoring room of the control node called up the monitoring image of zone c. When the real-time images recorded by probes c-107 and c-109 appeared in front of him, his expression changed.


"Yingluo, take it inside."

"No, sister, I'll go with you." She struggled to get out of the escape pod.

Linglong pulled up the zipper of the spacesuit and quickly pressed the "" button on the escape capsule.

"Hmm..." The hatch slowly closed, and Yingluo's pair of powder fists punched the transparent glass window in the center of the hatch, her mouth opened and closed, and she didn't know what she was saying loudly.

The sealing performance of the escape capsule is very good, even if Yingluo shouts loudly inside, the fixed-point sound cannot be heard outside.

"Yingluo, I said I would protect you, even if it takes my life." Linglong looked affectionately at the sister in the escape capsule, stroked her five fingers on the glass window, then gritted her teeth and turned her head outside.

After leaving the "Blood Fate", the two sisters hid in Tibet and suffered a lot. Finally they found someone who could help them forge their identities, leave the Monya Empire, and return to the Turanx United Kingdom.

Of course ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ In exchange, the two sisters must hand over the 200,000 myd they got from Tang Fang.

As long as they can go home, things outside of them are nothing. So, the two sisters were led by the so-called "nanny brother-in-law of the director of the Recto Customs Administration" to Silbes Star Harbor.

After the Arab man arranged for the two to stay in a small hotel in the living area, he asked them to wait slowly because it took time to clear the relationship. How can I know this, it is nearly a month. During this period, men successively took 180,000 myd from them to bribe customs officials.

In the beginning, the man also introduced them to several civil servants from the customs department, which made Linglong and Yingluo relieved and thought they had found the right way. However, the facts have proved that there are not so many good people in this world, and there are no honest businesses. In recent days, men often bring some people with violent faces and violent faces to visit them, so that they can comfort them with good words and make them wait a few more days, saying that the director will be back soon.

Although Linglong and Yingluo are young, the two poor girls have suffered more than ordinary people. The suffering experience of "Blood Feud" made them unbearable to look back, but they also taught them a skill-the ability to distinguish whether the person in front of them is a gang member. (To be continued)

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