Taiqing Asking the Dao

Chapter 126 Xuanyuan's Way to Rule the World

Chapter 126 Xuanyuan's Road to Govern the World

Human Race, in Chen Duzhong.

"Common Lord, the humanistic system has been completed, and the next road to governing the world will be left to you..."

Cangjie looked at Xuanyuan, smiled and said.

He has clearly understood the past and present life, and has also decided the path of this life. He has finished his journey in the human race, and now he is summoned by the ancestors of the human race, and he plans to go to the holy land of the human race to cultivate and reach a higher level.

After all, the current him has only reached the consummation of Da Luo Jinxian.

If he wants to continue to improve his cultivation, although he has other aspects, what he lacks now is time. And at this time, he planned to cultivate quietly in the holy land, because he was no longer needed for the affairs of the Chendu human race.

Next, it's Xuanyuan's stage.

Xuanyuan nodded, and then said, "In this case, then Wen Zu will practice hard in the Holy Land. After Xuanyuan proves the Tao, he will go to the Holy Land to meet Wen Zu." Of course he knew that Cangjie had lost the Holy Land.

Cang Jie nodded slightly, then left Chen Du and headed towards the Holy Land.

As for Xuanyuan, after watching Cangjie leave, he was also ready to start his own way of governing the world.


After Xuanyuan defeated the alliance of Jiuli and Dongyi, it ended the tribal alliance era of the human race in the past.

Eight families are one well, and three wells are one neighbor. Three neighbors are one friend, three friends are one mile, five miles are one town, ten cities are capitals, ten capitals are one division, ten divisions are prefectures, and there are always nine prefectures that serve as the capital of Ji Yang Liang.

With Jizhou as the center of Kyushu, it is the capital of the country; set up court offices, set up left and right supervisors, supervise in Wan Guo, and set up a total of 120 official positions to manage nation.

After the unification of the world, Xuanyuan divided the state and the country, established rites, promoted music, and educated the people. At the same time, various utensils were invented to facilitate daily use.

Among them, the minister Cao Hu invented the upper garment, Bo Yu made the lower garment, and Yu Ze made shoes, and the common people no longer wore animal skins and bark. Du Kang, the patriarch of the Du clan, invented wine to make better use of people's surplus food.

In this way, not only the food is utilized, new items are created, but also life is enriched.

Xuanyuan also made a boat according to the principle of floating leaves floating on the water.

A total of drums and boats bowed on the water. According to the principle of turning Peng, Chefu was invented, which made it easier for Huang Yongfu to invent Xuanyuan, and then he made people make cauldrons, so that the people could steam rice and cook porridge.

Later, houses were built and cities were built so that the people would no longer live in Xuanyuan. He also conducted internal and external scriptures with Qibo, so that the people's diseases could be cured.

He also determined the names of all things in the world, and divided the stars into twenty-eight constellations.

The ten days of Jia and Yi are used to record the day, and the twelve days of Zichou are used to record the month, and sixty days are one Jiazi.

In terms of politics, Xuanyuan put forward "six prohibitions" for officials at all levels, "sound bans, sex bans, clothing bans, incense bans, smell bans, and room bans", requiring officials to be simple and simple, and against extravagance.

It is proposed to rule the country by virtue, "cultivate morality and revitalize the army" to serve the world, cultivate morality together, practice only benevolence, cultivate morality and establish righteousness, especially set up "ministers of nine virtues" to educate the people in nine behaviors, that is, filial piety, faith and loyalty to carry out ideological and moral construction .

In the use of talents, visit, select and appoint talents, and use them according to their talents. The country is governed by law, and "laws and regulations" are set up, and "the rule of law remains unchanged".

In terms of agriculture, Xuanyuan also has many inventions, among which is the implementation of the field mu system. Before Xuanyuan, the fields were boundless, and there were countless cultivations. Xuanyuan re-divided the land of the whole country in order to prevent disputes.

Implement the farming system on the farmland, sow hundreds of grains in time, invent pestles and mortars, open up gardens and nurseries, plant fruits, trees and vegetables, grow mulberry and silkworms, raise animals and poultry, and carry out grazing, etc. In terms of sewing and weaving, the machine loom was invented, and weaving was carried out to make clothes, shoes and hats, tents, felts, clothes, furs, canopies, and armor.

In terms of pottery making, bowls, steamers and stoves are manufactured. In terms of smelting, copper is smelted, and copper tripods and bronze mirrors are manufactured. In terms of architecture, palaces, luan halls, courts, Mingtang Castle Jamsil, ancestral temples, imperial palaces, etc. were built. In terms of transportation, boats, carts, guide carts, and drum carts are manufactured.

In terms of military equipment, knives, guns, bows, crossbows, six flags, flags, five-party flags, horns, cymbals, soldier symbols, ladders, towers, etc. are manufactured. In terms of daily life, cooked food and wine are called rulers, buckets, rules, inkstones, Jian printed mats, Cuju and so on.

In addition to the previous aspects, in terms of transactions, the invention of rulers and money is used to measure the size of items, and according to the value of the items, they are marked with the number of coins, thus solving the problem of human transactions.


As the co-lord of the human race, Xuanyuan has four concubines and ten concubines, and the main concubine is the Xiling family, named Leizu.

She planted mulberry and raised silkworms by herself, and taught the people to weave. People called her "the first silkworm".

According to legend, a young girl met Xuanyuan when she was raising silkworms in a mulberry garden. Xuanyuan saw that she was wearing a golden dress, with a soft, gentle yellow light shining, and a pile of silkworm cocoons piled up on the ground.

Xuanyuan asked the girl what she was wearing, and the girl told the truth about planting mulberry, raising silkworms and weaving silk.

After hearing this, Xuanyuan remembered that people were still living a life of wearing tree leaves in summer, animal skins in winter, and naked clothes all year round. He felt that this was a great invention that allowed people to wear clothes to keep out the cold.

He married the girl and asked her to teach the techniques of raising mulberry and silkworm to officials and common people. This girl was Xuanyuan's concubine, Leizu, who was in her thirties at the time.

After Xuanyuan appointed Leizu as his concubine, Leizu organized a large number of women to go up the mountain to raise mulberry, raise silkworms and weave silk. But soon came across another big problem. There were a lot of silkworms raised, cocoons produced a lot of silk, and we had difficulties in weaving silk.

At this time, a short, dark-skinned woman with an ugly face among the group of women invented the spinning wheel for winding silk and the loom for weaving silk.

After Xuanyuan learned about it, she greatly appreciated the invention and asked her to teach the skills to everyone. Later, under the matchmaking of Leizu, Xuanyuan married this ugly girl as his second concubine, who was honored as Leimu by later generations.

After finishing all these, Xuanyuan began to tour the world, enshrining Chan Taishan. Xuanyuan went east to the East China Sea, climbed Maru Mountain and Mount Tai, went west to Kongtong, and climbed Jitou Mountain.

Going south to cross the Yangtze River, boarded Xiongshan and Xiangshan. He expelled the meat porridge tribe to the north, came to Pusan ​​to verify the contract with the princes, and built a city at the foot of Zhulu Mountain.

Xuanyuan moved around without a fixed residence. Wherever he led his troops, he set up military camps for self-defense. Xuanyuan's official positions are all named after clouds, and the army is called Yunshi.

Afterwards, Xuanyuan even developed weights and measures to measure the exact size of an object.

Since then, the human race has once again entered a period of rapid development, Xuanyuan's prestige has also increased, and now there are no more than the emperor Fuxi and the emperor Shennong.



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