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Chapter 1441: Posing as a royal family of fear

"Master, what is your goal for your Son?"

Auduin rode on the back of the Nightmare Beast, and the Doomguard held a charming face and held the Nightmare Beast, pleased to ask.

"Test of the Son?"

It was again the "Fear Prince" and the "Test of the Holy Son", and Auduin immediately understood that these demons obviously misunderstood his identity.

"Dreading the identity of the demon, plus the effect of phobia, has caused this misunderstanding?"

Auduin nodded secretly. "This identity seems to be very useful!"

"Defend Zaire, now that you know who I am, then ... you will be my guard!"

Pretending to nod, Auduin threw a sweet date at the Doomguard.

"Thank you, Lord!"

The doomsday guard couldn't help but hurriedly bowed to Auduin.

"Your strength is still too bad! To be my guard, it is too far away. Come here, I will give you strength!"

Auduin had to do things in the source of fear, and it would be much more convenient to have a leading party familiar with the environment.

"Thank you for your grace!"

The Doomguard Zaire quickly fell to his knees with a heavy hoe.

The other demons, seeing this scene, were full of envy, jealousy and hatred, and stared at Zaire.

"Look up!"

Auduin reached out a finger and nodded to Zaire's forehead.


The shadows rose up, countless runes swirled around Zaire's body, and were deeply imprinted in Zaire's body.

Warlocks are able to "slave demons"!

Auduin added a "Demon Hunter" template to the Doomguard, and at the same time gave him a "Slavery Demon", making Zaire a slave to Auduin.

Of course, this is not the key.

For Auduin, the information in Zaire's memory is the most important.

When I came to an unfamiliar place, it was natural that Li Da's habit was to copy a piece of information from other people's minds.

"Is that what happened with the trial?"

From Zaire's memory, Auduin learned a lot about the common sense of the abyss of fear, and also learned a lot about the "prince of fear" and "the trial of the Holy Son".

The family of dreads is the family of dreaded demons that the dreaded demon king is affiliated with.

Because the bloodline originates from the Dread Demon, these feared demons have more power than other fear demons. The iconic power is "Fear Aura."

As for the trial of the Holy Son, it is the internal competition of the family of Dread Devil. Every hundred years, the Dread Devil will use a trial to select outstanding talents of the Fear Demon family for key training.

"This way of doing ... is really not like a demon!"

The chaotic and evil creature of the devil, will there appear to be orderly rules such as "Son's Trial"?

For demons, isn't it the best to let them go, let them live and die, and survive?

"It looks like the dreadlord's ambition is not small!"

When the strength reaches the realm of the Dread Devil, it is already the top big man in the multiverse. The limitations of the abyss godhead, the Dread Lord will not be unclear.

The abyss godhead is just a virtual godhead given by the will of the abyss. The power comes from the abyss, not its own power.

The Dreadlord wants to go one step further, break free from the abyss, and become a real deity. This ... in the chaotic abyss, "orderly reform"?

"It's interesting! It's really interesting!"

A demon with a brain, an abyss lord who is not like a devil, but more like a devil, is really fun!

Yes! If the Dreadlord is a rough product without a mind, Li Dakeng really doesn't know how to pit him.

Because ... you can't guess a dumb idea at all.

"Then have a good game!"

Auduin stretched his fingers forward. "Zaire, lead the team! Our goal is the Bone Wasteland!"

From the memory of Zaire, Auduin learned a lot of information, and became interested in this "Son of the Son", and planned to play a game with the Dread Lord.

"Yes! Lord!"

With the strength given by Auduin, Zaire's strength soared, and he was obedient to the master of Auduin.

Of course, he did not know that this was the power of "slavery demons", which resulted in "loyalty."

The Bone Wasteland is a spooky wasteland.

The scorched earth was full of bones.

It is said that the original wasteland of bones did not have these bones. Because this place was used by the Dread Devil as the site of the "test of the Holy Son", countless years of slaughter made countless bones pile up on this land.

After Auduin stated that "the target is the Bone Wasteland", all the demons he recovered had "confirmed" Auduin's identity.

Not "Holy Son", who would go to the Bone Wastes? Who would go to participate in this "Sonzi Trial?"

The Dread Lord arranged rune bans in the "Bone Blight Wasteland". Without the blood of the "Fright Prince", entering the "Bone Blight Wasteland" is to die. He will be directly killed by the power of the Dread King and become bones.

"Ontology, the form of fear demon you have made is unreliable? If you don't have the blood of Dread Demon ~ ~, you will be killed if you enter the Bone Wasteland!"

Auduin communicates with the ontology through the Mark of the Spirit. For the "unreliable" of the ontology, Auduin was hesitant.

"Nianghua aura" or something, really special pit!

"In the amber city, when the miracle of the light came, it directly killed a clone of the Dread Demon. The blood of the Dread Devil has already become a specimen in the resource library. Your blood of the current Dread Demon, even posing as the son of the Dread Demon No problem. "

Produced by the system, must be fine.

Auduin's "Devil Metamorphosis" is based entirely on the bloodline information of the Dreadlord. Blood purity is not worse than the Dreadlord himself.

Seeing this bloodline, the Dreadlord will not have any doubt at all. At best, I can only think in my head: Who was this kid born with? Forget it, I've been too many, I can't count it.

Auduin's team kept moving forward, approaching the "Bone Wastes".

Along the way, more and more "Sonzi" teams were encountered.


A huge **** chariot, writhing with vast blood, galloped through the air.

An ornate robe wearing a gem horn ring inlaid on the horns, with a proud and fearful demon, sitting on a gorgeous throne on a **** chariot.

On the huge chariot, there are also tens of thousands of barbaric flames, which are fierce and imposing.

This is a "son".

Auduin's shabby team is a pile of **** compared to this "son".

"grown ups……"

Seeing the pomp and weather of the Son, Doomguard Zaire shuddered, even though he thought he was "heroic."

To fight such a terrible enemy in the Bone Wastes, we ... are we going to die?

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