Twelve: Lyu Leon

In anime, novels or legends, there will always be women bathing in the wild.

In the past, Natsume Yu didn’t believe it.


Looking at the snow-white body of the lake in front of him, Natsume You fell silent.

Beside him, Kato Megumi silently looked at him.


Maybe it’s the line of sight, or maybe it’s the talent of the elves in the forest.

Something was wrong with Liu’s figure, his emerald green eyes glowed with a cold light, he covered his body with one hand, and looked at Natsume Yu’s place.

A strong killing intent emerged in an instant, and the nearby birds and beasts immediately sensed this aura, and flew into the distance with a panicked sound.

Natsume Yu didn’t speak, but just looked away.

“Sorry, we entered here unintentionally.”

Bearing the killing intent, Kato Megumi walked out of the bushes, speaking softly.


Originally, the elf was relieved to see that it was a girl, but raised his eyebrows immediately after hearing this sentence.

The figure is even squatting under the lake, using the lake to hide the figure.

“Don’t worry, he’s not looking this way now, you can put on your clothes first.”

With half of his face buried, his emerald green eyes stared at the girl who was looking calmly.

Facing the gaze of the elves, Kato Megumi faced it calmly. After all, what happened this time was just an accident.

If the other party attacked unreasonably, then she wouldn’t allow herself to be beaten.

long time

He realized that the girl in front of him was not lying, and there was no line of sight coming from Qi An.

The elf quickly got up from the lake and made a sound that made people think.

After walking to the shore to pick up his clothes, he hid behind a bush and put on his clothes.

Even if the other party is a woman, she is too embarrassed to change clothes in person.

There was a rustling sound, and it wasn’t long before a man was wearing a black cloak, with a wooden knife around his waist, and his face was covered by a hood.Gai half of the people came out.

What surprised Megumi Kato was that she still had a bouquet of white flowers in her hand, which she placed in her bosom as if cherishing it.

“Do people in this world like to dress like this?”

Kato Megumi looked at the figure in the black cloak, and thought of the god named Freya in the morning, and immediately thought about it.


The elf covered by the cloak stepped out and said something in a low voice.

After that, he bent his knees and sank directly into the woods like the wind, disappearing instantly.

It makes me very annoyed to be seen by others, but this is not my own place, and I don’t have a temper.

I wanted to go to pay homage to my teammates after washing up.

As the apex of LV: 4, and in the forest (baab), her perception is no less than LV:.

There have been no problems in the past, but I didn’t expect to be discovered only after being approached this time.

And there was a man among them, the tender cheeks under the hood blushed when he thought of this.


Originally, I thought that the other party would say something, but I didn’t expect to leave after just saying a word, making Megumi Kato tilt her head in doubt.

“In this kind of place, her identity is not suitable for too much contact.”

Natsume Yu walked out from behind, looking at the place where the elves disappeared.

Although it was just a glimpse, the elf in this outfit was only in Liu Lion’s impression in him.

“Is it some kind of dangerous person?”

Kato Megumi raised his eyelids to reveal surprise.

Thinking of the short meeting just now, although he looked fierce, he would not make trouble for no reason, and he seemed to be a nice person.

“It’s not a dangerous person for us, but it is for adventurers from the dark faction.”

“It was only because of excessive strength that the four gods were sent back to the heavens.”

“In addition, those who were only related to the dark faction died at her hands, so they were put on the list of dangerous people by the guild.”

Natsume Yuu said softly, his eyes saw an open space in the distance through the obstacles.

Surrounded by slender trees and crystals, there are rows of ten cross-shaped tombstones,,’,?,??:”!’..!?’,?:?:,””!:?: “”.;,?:.'”‘:.,?!:..?!’,”:List.


Although Natsume Yu didn’t say why she was so persistent in eliminating the dark faction.

But thinking of her indifferent appearance that resisted communicating with others, Keishin Kato had a clear understanding.

“Let’s go, it’s not easy to move on over there.”

Withdrawing his gaze, Natsume Yu didn’t go in that direction to disturb his communication with his teammates.


Putting away some dark emotions, Kato Megumi walked towards the big tree in the heart of the grassland.

After resting for a period of time, I calmed down the tense spirit of fighting Goliath, and it was time to continue fighting.

Beside him, Natsume walked slowly. If you look carefully, you will find that there are no traces left under his feet.

Although it is said that fighting is the best way to increase ability value, it does not necessarily require fighting.

And the dungeon, at least so far, hasn’t seen enough monsters from World War I.

Most of them are things that can be done by waving your hands and lifting your feet.

So in order to improve his ability value, Natsume Yu set himself a 300 times gravity magic.

Powerful oppression can cause various reactions in the body, almost all of which can be exercised such as durability, strength, and speed.

And in order not to step on a place on the outside, there will be a big hole in asking for leave.

Still using flying magic all the time, keeping his body a millimeter away from the ground while walking.

Continue to use magic to increase the mana value.

And it has the supplement of the third star particle.

Natsume Yu won’t have magic power decay and be too exhausted to be unable to fight in sudden situations.

“Hey…how come those two people haven’t come out yet.”

In the guild hall, Aegina looked at the setting sun that was slanting to the west, and couldn’t help but sighed again.

His eyes couldn’t help but look towards the stairs again.

“It’s true, I’ve already said it, you can’t go into the deep level at will, and you didn’t remember it at all!”

Thinking of the news she got from the returning adventurer, Aegina’s heart suddenly became furious.

Maybe it’s a picture book or a legendary story.

Some adventurers who enter the dungeon for the first time will think that they are special.

Completely disobeying dissuasion, entering levels that one should not enter at will.

The floors of the dungeon are not just convenient for recording, but also represent the strength and danger of monsters.

So the kind of adventurer who is lucky will be rescued and brought up.

Those who are unlucky can only become nourishment for the dungeon.

And Aegina has seen this situation many times.

“Don’t worry too much. Forget what the adventurers said. I don’t know why there are so few monsters today. Maybe you will be lucky enough to come back.”

The pink shoulder-length Misha patted his friend on the shoulder and comforted him.

It is an abnormal situation that dungeon monsters decrease for no reason.

So some adventurers will choose to report to the guild when they return to the ground.

Although it feels like there is little hope, Misha can only comfort her friend in this way.

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