: Humans and demons cannot be bound together, it will only increase sadness

“It seems that you have already understood, so do you have anything to say?”

Sitting on the sand, Natsume Yu put one hand on the gauntlet to support her cheek, and looked at Granny Tang.

Was Granny Tang’s words deceiving? The answer is no.

Under his eyes, it is only possible for the other party to lie unless the strength of the other party completely surpasses him.

Then there are other reasons, and the fact that Bailong’s attitude is contrary to the original book made him very curious.

Could it be that Chihiro and him met when they were young because of the integration of the world, so they didn’t touch each other?


“It doesn’t look like looking straight at Chihiro, does it?”

Scanning Bailong with his eyes, he found that he was quietly looking at Qianxun, muttering in his heart.

“I’m glad you didn’t go to war directly.”

Granny Tang rose from the chair, landed lightly on the scene and said.

“Your parents ate and drank the food given to the gods without the consent of the master. I turned them into pigs to suffer the punishment they deserved. Is this normal?”

“But it’s too much…”

Chihiro could only blushed and said softly.

After all, I had persuaded my parents several times at that time, but they didn’t listen.

As for giving money, although I only stayed here for a few days.

But I also know that the money used in the world over there doesn’t exist in this world at all.

“I can probably understand this, but after you become a pig, how do you plan to deal with it? You have mentioned the agreement with the Witch Association.”

Nodding slightly, Natsume asked leisurely.

He couldn’t say much about the actions of Chihiro’s parents.

After all, in their thinking, there are no strange things in the world, so they eat and drink as they please, thinking they will pay for it.

But when they arrived in a strange and weird place, they just started eating and drinking like this. It should be said that they were more careless than careless.

“A few days ago, I sent the familiar to inform the Witch Association. When they send someone over, I will naturally restore her parents.”

“Sir, if you are interested in members of the Witch Association, you can stay here and wait.”

“not sureThey will arrive in a day or two. ”

Granny Tang ignored Chihiro and looked at Natsume Yu with a smile.

This is an extremely generous guest. If he stays here for a day or two, he will definitely make a lot of money.

Compared with gold, she is not interested in paying attention to a few human affairs.

“Of course, if you want to take them out, I won’t mind,”

Then, looking at Yoyo who comforted Chihiro, Granny Tang continued.

Anyway, it doesn’t matter to her whether she is taken away by the Witch Association or by the person in front of her.

Fortunately, it’s not bad to be a sympathetic person and to make a good impression on him so that he can come to spend again in the future.

It can be regarded as their final value.

“The Witch Association…Forget it, then I’ll leave it to you.”

Natsume Yu nodded and said to Granny Tang.

The headquarters of the Witch Association is here anyway, so there is no need for him to wait here.

Not to mention that the girl my mother said would come after the vernal equinox, he also needs to go back and wait.

“Bailong, go and bring Xiaoqian’s parents here.”

A little disappointed that this big fat sheep was not left behind, Granny Tang could only give instructions to the bob-haired boy.

“Take it directly below, we will go back later.”

Natsume Yu stood up and said to Bailong, while walking outside.


Bai Long was stunned for a moment and then responded.

One person walked down in a mighty manner.

Not long after, it was on a hillside.

“Your parents have recovered, and you can return to the original world through this tunnel.”

Pointing to the tunnel ahead where Chihiro’s family came in, Granny Tang said.

“Brother You, thank you very much for the sisters!”

Chihiro, who had changed back into modern clothes, bowed to Natsume Yuu and the others again to thank her.


“Chihiro, where are you!!?”

Under the hillside, the flashlights of the two mobile phones were turned on and moved around, and at the same time, a calling sounded.

In order to save the time of explanation and prevent them from touching the world here.

So Chihiro’s parents don’t have the memory of when they turned into pigs.

In their memory, after passing through the tunnel, they saw the beautiful scenery here, and accidentally fell asleep while lying down.

“Go quickly, don’t take the trail in the future.”

Natsume Yu nodded and said with a light smile.


He responded heavily, scanning the faces of several people by the moonlight, and then quickly ran down the hillside.

“Dad! Mom!”

Seeing that familiar figure, Chihiro couldn’t help but call out when he ran to the way.

“Really, why did I run so far? I’m so worried!”

“Don’t talk about it, let’s go, I didn’t expect to sleep for a while and it would be dark.”

As she spoke, she walked towards the tunnel. Before entering the tunnel, Chihiro turned around and waved to the figures on the hillside.

“Okay, we’re going back too.”

Seeing Chihiro’s figure disappear, Natsume Yu also said something, and the figures of Huihui and others disappeared in the light of the feet.

“It’s a pity for this big client… Is this all right, Bailong?”

Tsk tut sighing at the disappearance of the big client, Granny Tang looked at Bailong who was staring blankly at the place where Chihiro disappeared.

“Well, it’s just that Amber River still has a day to meet again, when the time comes…”

Bai Long nodded lightly, the previous cold image on his face disappeared, and he smiled apologetically at Granny Tang.

“I know, after all, that’s what the contract we signed was like this.”

When she was on patrol a few years ago, she discovered this white dragon.

She asked and found out that Bailong came here because his real body was buried and had nowhere to go.

Bailong’s strength is not weak, and Granny Tang also wants a thug to deal with her sister.

So she told Bailong that she could let him stay here, and even teach him magic, but she had to help her.

And Bailong also agreed because he was homeless.

But he also mentioned that when the physical body circulates in this world, he has to go back there.

Want to see that little girl again.

When Chihiro appeared in this world, looking at his happy face, he knew that that child was the one he wanted to meet.

It’s just that his body in this world was buried after all, and he couldn’t go back.

Therefore, in order not to make Chihiro feel sad when parting, Bai Long kept acting indifferent.

“Humans and demons should not be bound together, it will only increase loneliness. This sentence is also true for you, a god.”

Seeing Bailong’s appearance, Granny Tang shook her head and sighed.

Chihiro, who is just an ordinary little girl, even if he meets again, he will still leave sooner or later. At that time, he can only miss that person with his endless life.

The white dragon smiled softly and didn’t speak, but turned into a young dragon and flew into the sky, then fell into the churning outside of the small town.

And Granny Tang also turned into a human-headed bird and flew back to the top floor of the oil house.

“Yo~ Granny Tang, you’re back~”

A woman with short white hair and wheat-colored skin showed a hearty smile and greeted Granny Tang who entered the house.

ps: Because of the great influence, this Granny Tang has restrained herself in her work, but she is still greedy for money.

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