Survive the Fourth Natural Disaster

Chapter 599: Go home satisfied

Hill collected two such small spaces. He almost thought he had arrived too late, but fate had always been kind to him. Finally, he found a slowly forming space hidden in a large pile of stardust. A medium-sized demiplane.

Hill immediately became more energetic and directly connected to this demiplane with his mental power, and rushed in without hesitation.

The laws within the demiplane are still boiling. It is indeed a space opened up by the original power. Although the laws are weak, they are very complete.

Hill happily marked the demiplane, and then released the large amount of supplies in the pendant, letting them float in mid-air.

Although it can't be said to be groundbreaking, this method of creating a demiplane does have some meaning.

Hill waved his hand and threw out a relatively large sun crystal that he had obtained in Gernes. He had relatively weak control over the laws of the fire system, so he could only make a sidestep and use the power of the sun to activate the source of the fire system.

The sun crystal rose higher and higher in the demiplane, but failed to burn. Hill hesitated for a moment and threw out a tail feather of Lansendre.

As a result, the crystal quickly exploded into a ball of red light.

The fire source established in this way also confirms that evil fire cannot appear in Hill's demiplane. Even if the elements of his demiplane are balanced, it will reject the existence of negative energy.

The first time the evil camp enters, they may be attacked by arrows from the sun.

This is not a bad thing for Hill, but it saves him some trouble.

Even if there is no such thing as sun fire, Hill will build various magic circles to drive away evil.

Hill directed the earth crystals and various ore metals to form a continent like a spherical dodecahedron. The earth laws of the demiplane were very obedient, and the continent was quickly formed.

The Ring of Winter in Hill's hand shone with light, and the Sea of ​​Elements quickly emerged upside down.

The water laws of the demiplane almost jumped up with joy and jumped into the sea water quickly. When it was formed, they sensed the purest ocean. Even in the future, the water of the demiplane will never be polluted again. Something like that.

The entrance to the Sea of ​​Elements that Hill opened was not very large, and the waterfall-like water flow was estimated to be able to submerge most of the Dodecahedron continent before the spell ended.

Hill plans to convert the more obvious sections of the upper layer into a continental shelf-like structure, which will look natural.

Hill was a little dazed when he touched the silver moon fragment in his hand. This was not from Gernes' world.

Although Trasil Silver Moon has never had any major incidents, her moon has never been troubled by small things. After all, even the artifact moon ring was lost. Therefore, although the fragments of Trasil Silver Moon are precious, they are still in the Earth Bear's warehouse. There are still a few pieces in it.

These things are generally useless to the Earth Bear. Seeing that Hill likes them, they give them to him.

But Hill has never been willing to use it.

Mainly because he is still thinking about the large demiplane in the future!

Hill quickly found the smallest piece. Although there is less negative energy in this demiplane, it is not without it. If there is no more control and the energy is burned by the power of the sun, it can easily cause the demiplane to explode. turmoil.

The best way is to turn these negative energies into the power of shadow illusion controlled by Silver Moon.

Speaking of which, mist and illusion are originally Silver Moon’s innate priesthoods! Su Lun had been lost for so long, so why did she just watch an inexplicable goddess occupy her place and not intend to take it back?

The mist goddess actually knew that once Su Lun fully recovered, it was Su Lun's mercy that her divine power could remain weak, so she kept hiding, for fear that one of her allies would give her a knife without Su Lun herself minding.

Among Sullun's allies, there is Lansander who is the most threatening. It is normal for him to do anything when he is emotional.

But the one who is truly hostile to this misty lady is Shar.

For Shar, it was Selune she worked so hard to kill that turned her into the useless Selun she is now, so all of Selune's lost priesthoods should belong to her, Shar.

These weak gods who took the opportunity to sneak away while she was devouring shadow-related priesthoods must be killed and devoured as soon as she finds them!

So now not only the gods, but also people who know this matter feel that sooner or later, Lady Mist will be swallowed up by Shar and become an aspect of her.

Well... Although Shar didn't succeed in the end, Suellen, with Shar's diligent help, transformed back into Selune and took back all her power.

Hill was thinking about these things, but his hands did not stop. He held up the magic book filled with the power of Selune, and then used his mental power to inspire the Silver Moon Shards.

Sure enough, the light on the magic book suddenly magnified, and a ball of silver-blue moonlight directly enveloped the fragment and slowly rose into the air.

After the powerful power of the silver moon spread, the sun beside him slowly slanted westward and fell directly into the sea water.

Hill was extremely surprised and used his mental power to observe, and finally discovered that the sun withdrew its rays, was surrounded by a strange white shell, and was slowly moving eastward in the sea water.

Hill was very interested in the white shell, but after studying it for a long time, he determined that it was ice.

When the sun plunges into the sea, the temperature drops rapidly and forms thick ice!

Hill was confused.

Although he summoned the sun and moon, he really couldn't figure out how to make them exchange day and night. As a result, the law itself knew how to operate.

But Hill couldn't understand why the law had such a logical formation. valley

Hill sighed, took out the crystal fan and summoned twelve tornadoes, causing them to move disorderly throughout the entire demiplane.

The laws of wind were quickly integrated into these storms.

And Hill could feel that the wind began to change in big and small ways.

No matter how big the storm was on the sea or the continent, there was only a light breeze where he stood.

His demiplane has already taken initial shape.

Then there is another important thing, which is to open the door.

Generally, there will be several space passages in such a demiplane.

In this demiplane, Hill intends to fix it in the body of the alien whale, so it is best to open the door in the center of the continent.

And for the sake of safety, except for the dimensional door leading to the large demiplane in the future, it is best to completely seal all other space gaps.

Hill dealt with it a little bit. If you want to seal it completely, it will take a lot of time and materials. This will be done later.

Now it's time to do one last thing.

Hill left the space passage left behind and returned to the star realm.

At this time, the magic ship flying slowly behind him had also arrived at the place where Hill was. As long as he sealed this demiplane, he could go back home directly.

As for the large demiplane, that kind of good thing that can only be encountered but cannot be found, once it is formed, the scene will be particularly spectacular. It will not hide in the corner quietly like the small and medium-sized ones, nor can it be sealed into anything.

As soon as Hill arrived at this place, he knew it couldn't exist.

He took out his only 1-meter-square space crystal box and spent most of his mental energy to seal this slowly growing demiplane inside. From now on, the demiplane can slowly change according to its own trajectory. Topography and even ocean currents.

After Hill returns, he will have to open several large rivers across the continent, including underground rivers. Then he will no longer need to worry about anything, and the demiplane will grow on its own.

Then it was just a matter of waiting for Purvi to sort herself out.

No, he also had to prepare a piece of simulated leather that was large enough. Otherwise, if it were completely made of metal, the alien whale would not look so vivid.

Hill patted his treasure box gently, hoping that the next time he saw William, he would have more and better huge space crystals.

Hill, who was in a good mood, returned to the magic ship. Although he was delayed for two days on the road, he still had plenty of time. Even if he took a detour to pick up the unlucky slaves, he would still be in time.

His happy mood only lasted until Longyan Star.

His ship was easy to identify, so Hill didn't find it strange that the group of magic ships outside Longyan Star gave way immediately after seeing the white multi-masted sailboat.

But after seeing his ship docked at the port, his expression changed drastically, and the cautious steward gave him a bad feeling.

Hill's first thought was that something had happened to those elves.

So he didn't even move and directly asked the steward to hand over the person he entrusted Long Yanxing to keep.

The steward almost ran away.

Hill frowned. His behavior was a bit abnormal. Instead, he seemed to really hope that Hill would find those slaves as soon as possible.

This means that no matter what happens, Long Yanxing has no responsibility, but these businessmen are worried about Hill's anger.

He relaxed and sat back on the sofa. There shouldn't be any problems with the elves.

Hill soon understood why.

Of the dozens of slaves who came to his ship, only a dozen wished to follow him back to Toril.

The remaining thirty or so have all found their sponsors in the past few days. They knelt on the ground at the port, facing the side of the ship and begging Hill to let them go free.

Hill almost laughed angrily.

These slaves, whether male or female, are all young and beautiful, otherwise they would not be attractive to the demi-succubi.

Although it is nothing in Toril, here in the Star Boundary, it is really a rare thing.

Hill took a look and saw that the elves, including three half-elves, were standing by the boat. Their faces were full of disdain. They probably had quarreled with them in the past two days and even fought with the financial sponsor they found.

He had already dismantled the magic-forbidden devices on the elves.

What's there to say? There are people who are willing to rely on beauty to survive in any world. Hill doesn't want to care about other people's way of survival. Anyway, these businessmen in Longyan Star are just inducements, not threats.

Hill waved his hand, and a piece of the ship's side quickly turned into a trestle and connected to the port: "This is your life, it has nothing to do with me, you can choose whatever you want. Those who want to go back, just get on the ship!"

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