Survive the Fourth Natural Disaster

Chapter 528: The Northland Youth Heroes Group Besieged

Hill finished the maze and went directly to the tavern.

Terry has always been very hard-working and usually opens the door at 8 am.

And someone came to order his special Golden Dragon very early in the morning.

Although Taili has an ordinary cocktail that costs 10 gold a cup, generally no one dares to order it. The small words written in the corner indicate that this is just a facade of this dragon.

The one he placed in the middle of the signboard is, of course, a cup of 100-gold 'Sunrise', which was developed by Lynn. It uses the unique flavor of Caulfor as the base, and is paired with green juice, cranberry and red. Fruit sauce.

The successfully prepared 'Sunrise' is like a red cloud in the sky, which looks very romantic.

Caulfor is a popular wine in the Sword Coast region. It has some unique hues, with the wine showing a bright and clear blue hue. Despite this tropical appearance, it's not fruity but has a more floral flavor.

But few people use it as the base of cocktails. After all, a bottle costs 50 gold.

But it seems to be more valuable when used to make golden dragon concoctions! The merchants knew the prices of the materials Tai used and knew they were all good stuff.

Then you can also enjoy the service of Golden Dragon, which is a great deal!

After all, pioneers have long proven that Jinlong only cares about the price you pay for the wine and does not care about your enjoyment of his service.

Every day, one or even several straight-backed businessmen would loudly order a cup of 'Sunrise' in front of everyone, watching the smiling golden dragon whispering warmly, taking a big gulp of the cup, mixed with the envy, envy, and hatred of others. expensive cocktails.

However, the actual cost of this cocktail is only 10 gold coins, but the wine actually doesn't cost much.

If it's some wine with special seasonings that Hill can't replicate, it's pure wine, but the type of grapes is a little special. For Hill, there won't be any trouble at all.

There are several large barrels of Corfu wine in the underground warehouse of the tavern. This is because the wine will have more flavor when stored, and Linn likes it very much.

According to the agreement between Hill and Terry, Hill only wanted half of the money for the materials, and the rest, no matter how much, belonged to Terry.

How can I earn 95 gold for each glass of wine? I have been very active recently.

So even in the forest maze that he was very interested in, Terry was indifferent. Gold coins were the greatest fun.

The game is just to pass the time.

Until Hill accidentally mentioned the specific treasure of this treasure game.

When he heard that there was pure gold, he was completely shaken.

His only remaining sanity was to tell Martha that when Lynn was free, remember to ask him to cover for a few days.

Linn rarely appears now, and he has to stay at home most of the time to manage the chores in the territory.

When there are more people, although it is no big deal, the more trivial things are, the more troublesome they are.

Moreover, now that Lin En is here, the Paladins of Silver Shield will naturally find him responsible for security issues.

In the past, Hill, no one would bother him with these little things, and the paladins would solve them by themselves.

Especially petty thefts, quarrels and fights, they can only manage according to the laws created by Pastor Tire.

But in fact, they knew very well that the legal provisions formulated by the Tyrian Church were not applicable everywhere in Toril, and not every lord was willing to accept them.

It is a precise law that can only be recognized after the entire society recognizes the legitimacy of the law.

But for Toril, most of the laws are actually false appearances, and what binds the bottom is still a powerful force.

Most of the time, the law is just a piece of tattered paper, with a hole poked into it.

Hill doesn't intend to interfere. In fact, the people of Silver Shield can understand. Anyway, the residents are their own family members and they will abide by Tyr's laws.

But after the arrival of these outsiders, the paladins have already felt the dissatisfaction of the new residents.

They don't feel the need to abide by those trivial laws, as long as they respect the wishes of the lord.

Even among professionals, there are actually many people who cannot even understand the contents of legal provisions, let alone ordinary people who are mostly illiterate.

After discussion, the paladins of Silver Shield decided that it would be better to hand over the law-making power of the territory to the mayor appointed by the lord, and they could just abide by the laws of Tire themselves.

As a result, Lynn did not hesitate to formulate the rules of the town in accordance with the legal provisions they established.

Although the price was that Lynn himself didn't sleep for several days and nights.

Of course, Lynn asked Hill before making the decision.

Then he saw the "Laws of the Salar Country" which was even more detailed than Tire's law book, and even the thickness was not on the same level.

Lynn finally understood why Hill was so disciplined.

The craziest gods in Toril would not dare to enact such a law that encompasses a person's entire life.

Before that, we must first popularize culture, at least let the common people know what is illegal.

It's possible to do it in a place with few people like the small town of Aglaia, but in Waterdeep City with a population of one million next door, who can afford this price?

Even if God is the same, he is not his own believer.

Linn asked Hill to put the book away and resolutely threw himself into Tier's arms.

He knew very well that Hill, who was so powerful but still willing to abide by the laws of Salal, would not be willing to see a territory that was the same as an ordinary town in Toril.

Although he was a little tired, Linn was absolutely unwilling to betray Hill's trust in him.

The paladins of Tire were surprised to find that the new residents easily accepted the same legal provisions issued by the mayor's mansion in Linn.

At this time, many paladins suddenly understood why the priests in the church were sometimes even willing to obey some stupid laws proposed by the lords and nobles.

I also better understand why there is a line in Tire’s teachings to ‘deepen the understanding of the laws of various places’.

Many paladins have been promoted to one level because of this incident.

But Linn was even busier. The paladins only focused on the law, while he also had to take care of economic and government affairs.

After Hill informed him of the purchase of livestock, Linn had to order the puppet to purchase some affordable fresh meat and freeze it to avoid the impact of rising prices on local residents.

Although Hill only purchased live animals, Linn knew very well that the price of frozen meat would also increase, but no matter what kind of meat it was, civilians could not afford much.

The main meal on their dining table consists of small poultry such as chickens and ducks. Nowadays, very few can afford frozen meat.

However, Linn still hopes to be more prepared.

Linn was so busy doing his work that he didn't notice that Terry hadn't come to him to learn bartending for two days.

After being informed by Hill about the content of the maze game, Terry forgot everything, transformed back into his original form directly at the door of the tavern, and plunged into the maze.

The days when the tavern could only buy original wine from the puppets started again, and Jinlong's special cocktail was temporarily out of stock.

Many wealthy merchants and nobles who came here specifically to get bragging rights could only sigh with regret.

The merchants were short of time and had no choice but to continue on their way, but the nobles checked into the hotel and planned to wait here for a few days.

Although the golden dragon did not appear, they were also very happy. After all, they saw a huge silver dragon hovering in the sky on the second day, and on the third day, they also caught a glimpse of a larger golden dragon.

Although the two giant dragons rushed directly into Baojian Mountain, seeing such a big dragon was enough for them to brag for a long time.

After so many people see it, no one will think they are bragging.

Then the proud nobles noticed the young hero tour group who wanted to go into the water at noon on the third day.

For the nobles, they could not know the names of the scholars who lived nearby, but they absolutely had to know who the relatives of the nobles and powerful people in distant cities were.

They curiously stood at the edge of Hill's territory, pointing at the dozen or so people there who were about to enter the water, wondering what the four cities wanted to do.

Although it was a pity that the slope with the best view next to the Temple of Tire could not be climbed, they had no desire to try to go up and have a look.

After all, the heavily armed paladin standing above told these nobles that this matter was dangerous.

Rather than encountering risks, they are still willing to stand in the mystery and watch from a distance.

Hill, who was also standing on the terrace looking over there, discovered that the new residents in the town, after watching for a few minutes, sold a lot of tables, chairs, cushions, some food and drinks, and even helped these nobles to set up Put up a parasol.

These craftsmen react much faster than Hill's puppets in this regard.

They even took advantage of local residents' right to shop at a 20% discount to resell some exquisite luxury goods to these nobles.

This was originally a money-making channel left by Hill for them, so they just limited the number of purchases they could make each month. They couldn't make much money, but they could definitely live a normal life.

Otherwise, Hill doesn't know how to make a living with so many people moving here.

Prices here in Toril are too polarized, and Hill is a little confused.

But for those who are more diligent, as long as they sell the discounted goods they can buy at Hill's store at a higher price, at least the rent will be no problem.

Hill knew what was wrong with him. His money was too easy to come by, and he was too far removed from ordinary people's lives. Not to mention his down-to-earth attitude, the ceiling was something he couldn't touch even if he bent down.

So if it wasn't for the purpose of bringing Lynn over, he would never let ordinary people into his small town life.

But it seems that they are still living quite well.

Lin En is indeed very capable, and being the Sheriff of Cuelva is really unfair to him.

Hill smiled with satisfaction and looked at the Captain of the Silver Shield who was standing on the top of the hillside.

It seems that these paladins actually feel that Baal's remnant soul is still there.

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