Survive the Fourth Natural Disaster

Chapter 491: The Silver Shield Knights who applied to settle in

Looking at this group of fully armed Paladins, Hill, who was flying in the air, smiled and nodded: "It's been a long time indeed. How are you all?"

He glanced at the merchants collecting water in the temple and the stern-looking old customers at the door of the hotel, and sighed softly.

When they knew that bartender Terry was a giant dragon, they didn't act so cautiously.

Even those guys in Luskan who were no different from pirates still drank in the tavern without any scruples.

I was just careful about my behavior and didn't want to offend the bartender.

But before these knights entered the inn, many people were already guarding the door with swords.

Hill knew that if they were allowed into the hotel, there would be big trouble.

He showed his most sincere smile: "You are riding a Pegasus, right? Please fly up! There is enough space in my yard."

The paladins looked at each other in surprise. Very few people were willing to entertain them in their homes.

"Of course, no problem." The paladin captain laughed heartily. Their mounts were no ordinary animals. They obviously had their own intelligence. Soon the horse's hooves shone with light, and it followed Hill to the courtyard. inside.

"Can bluegrass and ryegrass be used?" Hill found the grass seeds that horses like from the seed bag after landing in the yard. There happened to be an open space in front of the building.

"Of course." The paladins dismounted and watched curiously as Hill waved his hand to sow the seeds, and then released the natural blessing.

The grass grew quickly, and the unicorn pegasus also rushed over and started eating.

"Mr. Hill," the team leader asked curiously, "We have also seen the accelerated growth released by druids many times, but it seems to be very different from yours. Our Pegasus doesn't like to eat the food that promotes growth. .”

Hill hesitated before answering: "They let the plants grow, using the vitality of the plants themselves. The faster the growth rate, the faster the nutrients disappear.

Pegasus is too smart to like that kind of food. "

Just like the fruits given out by the puppets, Pegasus likes to eat them, but he will never use them as a staple food. They are desserts after meals.

"Please come in." Hill smiled and said to the paladins, "This is my first time to welcome guests here. If there is anything wrong, please tell me. After all, I am a foreigner, and some customs may be wrong."

The paladins smiled gently and followed Hill into the tall hall.

Apart from the hall, there is only a large kitchen and a bathroom on the first floor, so the space is very large.

Even if a dozen tall paladins walked in, it was still plenty.

The couch in the middle of the hall was probably temporarily replaced by Liszt's puppets. It was spacious enough for everyone to sit.

"Mr. Hill. I am Thorne, the leader of the Silver Shield of the Knights of Justice. The small world I led the team to last time was almost completely destroyed." When Hill asked them to sit down, the team The commander said very solemnly, "We come here this time to thank you. My Lord also asked me to convey his gratitude.

Although Tire's followers never fear death, no one wants to die meaninglessly.

Especially many young people, Tier did not want to see them in the Kingdom of God so early. "

He and his men gave Hill a standard knightly salute.

Hill smiled and accepted.

He knew very well that the Paladins of the Tire family were always strict in doing things. If they were not allowed to express their gratitude clearly, it would make them suffer even more.

"Please take a seat!" Hill sat on the large single sofa, "I am a more casual person, and the place where I live is mainly about comfort. I don't know if you are used to sitting down."

Hill looked at the upright paladins who were also trying to sit on the sofa, feeling a little helpless. Liszt should have placed a bench.

"They are still too young." Thorne smiled and put away his armor and leaned comfortably on the sofa. "Paladins do not have to live a hard and simple life, they just don't need to be luxurious and decadent.

But they are not yet my age, and they are afraid that they will not be able to take it back if they relax. "

Hill nodded understandingly.

Even after hearing their leader's comments, the paladins still sat firm and put away their armor.

The paladins were all good-looking, and everyone was considered handsome, but some of them wore a gauze eyepatch over one of their eyes.

Probably the kind of fanatical believer.

Everyone else just wore a leather wristband on their wrist.

That was one of the hallmarks of their status as followers of Tyr.

However, as people who Tier had admired and sincerely expressed his gratitude to, they all had a good attitude when facing Hill.

"Mr. Hill." Thorne asked very solemnly, "My Lord wants to build a church on your territory. Is it possible? We will not preach here and affect the goddess Aglaia. We just want to keep an eye on the northwest." Temple of Baal.

He tried to resurrect at Baldur's Gate a few days ago, but was defeated by a powerful hero. No one knows if this is another escape route he prepared.

Baal's bloodline is too numerous for Tyr's hand to detect.

On the contrary, he will definitely use these temples. "

"So you came here after Aglaia's divine light appeared?" Hill said noncommittally, "When did you know I was here?"

"The Temple of Tyr in Neverwinter also investigated after learning that someone had established a territory in the Swamp of the Dead." Thorne said honestly, "Your mark is obvious. Anyone who knows a little bit about Ferrell's affairs, Everybody will recognize you.

Moreover, my Lord also informed all the high-ranking priests and paladins about your appearance. He hopes that the believers in Tyr can do something for you to adapt to life in Toril.

But I didn’t expect that you handled it so well on your own.

We originally wanted to come here a long time ago, but our Lord said that the goddess Aglaia also came here and needed to preach.

If we Paladins of Tire appeared here, the impact would be too great, and it is likely that no one would want to stay here.

Our Lord tells us to wait for the right time. "

"In spring in Aglaia, it might be..."

"Who cares about Embry?" Thorne blurted out.

"If you don't interfere, Aglaia and I don't care if there are other people's temples in our territory. Do you need my help?" Hill said simply.

"We came here with the materials." Thorne was overjoyed.

He didn't expect Hill to agree so simply.

You know, many cities simply don't allow Tyr's temple to move in.

If it is not necessary, Tyr will not force it. They will only take tough measures in dark places.

But for someone like Mr. Hill, who was so benevolent to them, there was absolutely no way they could go against his will.

Although there were owners in the former Swamp of the Dead, the merchants of Waterdeep City would never allow the Knights of Justice to enter their territory.

Even if they don't plan to develop it at all.

If the knights insist on coming, they can only stay above the Temple of Baal.

But that would be too dangerous for the low-level knights and ordinary followers who followed the knights, and Tyr rejected their request.

After all, the reason why the Swamp of the Undead was difficult to live in before was not only because of the appearance of the undead, but also because there was no fresh water here.

Most of the Sword Mountain Range is made of rocks, and there are not even streams.

A vicious guy like Barr, since he himself is destroyed, he must bring the people around him with him. All fresh water sources are polluted by him.

Although the Temple of Tire has always attached great importance to this place, it can only come over for a few years to take a look. No one knows whether there is any hope of resurrection of the God of Death, but Tire is very concerned about it.

They also did not expect that Hill would come to Faerûn with his daughter of the Poseidon from the good camp, and planned to promote the name of Aglaia here.

Tyr was very happy when he found out. He had informed the gods from the good camp and even some neutral camp, hoping that they would not do anything to affect the establishment of the name of the Ocean Goddess.

Most of the gods in Amber are annoying, but there will always be a god in the ocean. It is better to keep her than the unknown.

No one expected that there would really be a kind-hearted Poseidon.

Chaos is no problem, the ocean cannot be lawful in the first place.

Some of the well-informed evil pantheon of Toril actually knew about this, but for some reason, Shar suddenly expressed his support.

Therefore, none of the gods showed any abnormal behavior, and Neverwinter and Waterdeep remained silent.

Now Tire has received the best reward.

This goddess' ability is indeed in line with the good camp. She can summon pure water so easily, completely unaffected by those polluted water veins.

Hill listened to his gushing emotions. He first praised William in his heart for licking everything to the end, and then showed a numb expression: "I have already fallen to the level of Ambori's strength that I can imagine. The lowest level.

But I was still a little scared.

Summoning clear water is the foundation of water gods, right? "

Poseidon is first and foremost the representative of water laws! Just because the ocean is the largest source of water on a planet, a powerful water god will naturally become the god of the ocean.

“She doesn’t have much authority over the ocean now, and no one knows whether she has this ability.

But from the beginning, she only showed the side of destruction and never summoned clear water for believers.

We also don’t know what Poseidon is like. Thorne shook his head and said, "Now she can even rob stronger merchant ships without her own avatar."

Even the Storm God wouldn't actually take action for her, but he might try to snatch Poseidon's authority for himself.

He took away a lot of the ones in Amboli. "

Hill smiled and didn't care. Aglaia didn't plan to fight for much power in Toril, but she just didn't want to waste this clone.

If the God of Storms wants to steal even this, then they have nothing to fear. Hill is really skilled in the absorption and confrontation of the thunder element.

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