Lu Ming glanced at the prompt information.

Return to the panel identified by the Eye of Truth.

[Eight Wastelands] [Six Sides] [Four Seals] [Double Absolute].

Each one has specific requirements for knife types, and each one has unique effect characteristics.

But in fact, after reading all the knife skills instructions, he already made a decision.

"use immediately."

[Tip: Please choose the heroic sword skill. 】

"Double Jue."

[Tip: Successfully acquired the S-level heroic sword skill "Double Wisdom". 】

Yes, this was his choice.

Indeed, after learning the first three, you can immediately get a huge increase in combat power!

And they are all monster special effects that have been comprehensively improved by 400%.

But it also locked the upper limit on the path of swordsmanship.

Unless you can get an advanced version of the heroic sword skills you have learned.

Otherwise there will never be a possibility of improvement.

Of course, S-level skills are already extraordinary and outstanding, and ordinary people will graduate if they learn just one.

He is different, his upper limit is not among ordinary people at all.

Double mastery of this heroic swordsmanship.

At present, there does not seem to be any ability to increase combat power.

But it has two additional privileges for learning heroic sword skills.

As long as he can obtain the B-level legendary swordsmanship random book again in the future.

He can make up for the current temporary backwardness and learn two S-level heroic sword skills.

If you continue to get the third one.

He can have three S heroic sword skills at hand! Sweep everything.

More importantly, there are ultimate sublimation and universal discount coupons.

His future was far from that.

Smile slightly and open the personal information panel.

Lu Ming silently muttered "Ultimate Sublimation!" as the golden skill "Double Wisdom" covered the "Excellent Sword Skills" in the visual skill column.

[Tip: Please select the sublimation grade]

"level one!"

The reason why I did not choose the second level of sublimation is because after two levels it will become an exclusive skill.

There is no self-name for exclusive skills and above. You need to confirm the sublimation operation and make a new name in order to spy on the skill information.

But that price can only be afforded by the universal deduction coupon.

At the moment, he doesn't want to use the discount coupon.

He wants to go according to plan.

After obtaining the second discount coupon, use the universal discount coupon to offset the unlimited price of the second-level sublimation universal discount coupon.

Thus, two deductions can be exchanged for three deductions.

After all, the conditions for obtaining discount coupons are extremely stringent.

Currently, only those who reach the specialization level and reach the first place in the major level have the probability of obtaining it.

He must calculate carefully and use it as often as possible.

That's a real change of destiny.

As for why we should try the ultimate sublimation.

It was because he wanted to see what the effect would be after the Shuangjue Wisdom Heart was sublimated.

It may not be possible to deduce the skill information of the second level of sublimation from this.

But knowing more is always a gain.

[Tip: To sublimate the S-class heroic sword skill "Double Ultimate Wisdom Heart" requires 500,000 "specialized crystals". It is determined to consume 500,000 "specialized crystals" to upgrade the S-class heroic sword skill to the exclusive mythical sword skill "three unique wisdom hearts". ". 】

Mythical sword skills.

Three unique wisdom minds?

Tap to view information.

【Three Wonders of Wisdom】

Category: Exclusive skills

Note: Mythical sword skills are only applicable to horizontal swords.

The sword technique is sharp and unrestrained. After learning it, you will reach the peak of your sword skills, and you will no longer feel any lag when using the horizontal sword.

No additional characteristic effects will be produced.

But due to the existence of the "wisdom mind" state.

Learners can learn and use three additional heroic-level or higher-level advanced sword skills with horizontal swords.

Three sword skills.

That means that in the end, he can possess the Eight Desolations, Six Sides, Four Seams, and Double Jue at the same time.

This is only the effect of the first level of sublimation.

If it is second-level sublimation.

What kind of characteristics should be upgraded?

His eyes moved to the cost of 500,000 specialized crystal "bodies".

Lu Ming gave up the idea of ​​further investigation.

The first level of sublimation is 500,000.

The second level may not directly exceed millions.

As a result, this became another item that required deductible coupons to move up.

We can only hope to reach the next level of specialization, achieve the first place in the entire star, get three lucky draw opportunities, and draw discount coupons again.

Close the space bag personal information panel.

Lu Ming pulled out the Ancient Emperor Blade and chopped and stabbed.

Straight knives and horizontal knives belong to the same type of knife.

It fully meets the knife requirements of Shuangjue Wisdom Heart.

At dusk, the knife turns like a waterfall.

Lu Ming didn't know what his S-level heroic sword skills were.

He only felt that the ancient emperor's double blades were like arms in his hands, integrated into one body.

Ten minutes, twenty minutes, thirty minutes of swordsmanship, Lu Ming was still not finished.

For the first time, he knew that mastering a skill to a very high level would give him such a sharp and unrestrained feeling of relief.


He turned around and stretched his arms, slashing through the air with his blade.

A wind of sword slashed entirely by its own power swept across the ruins!


There was a loud impact and the ruins were flattened.

The smoke and dust rose up like a tsunami, flying to a height of 100 meters!

The energy swept across like a hurricane, hitting the surrounding buildings!

Although it combines the strength of the body, the power of swordsmanship, and the blessing of weapons.

The effect produced still surprised Lu Ming.

Considering what Li Jing said about science, Lu Ming was speechless.

There are countless reasons and unreasonable reasons. The improvement of specialization level seems to be a kind of energy evolution. Fantasy or science fiction?

After a moment of silence, Lu Ming let out a sigh of relief.

He sheathed his sword and regained his strength, looking back at Chuxue and Tyrant, his heart gradually emerged.

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