Survival in the apocalypse: I can sublimate all things

Chapter 118 Will become history today

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Ignore categories, unconditional batch operations? !

Isn't this the feature he has always dreamed of?

In the past, it took him almost half an hour to sublimate the corpses of alien creatures for every thousand corpses.

Now the members of the shelter are working hard to hunt, and he may receive no less than 10,000 larvae corpses at night!

According to the original time consumption, he, as the city lord, would need to operate the mechanical sublimation without sleep for more than 5 hours.

In the future, if the city's population continues to expand and the number of hunters continues to increase, he is afraid that he will suffer the blessings of 007!

When the time comes, let alone being a boss, it will be even harder than being an employee.

Now, for batch operations, let alone 10,000, even 100,000, he can complete the sublimation output instantly!

He gave this positioning of functional increase 10,000 points!

It’s even more surprising than all the benefits he got from this trip put together!

It's a pity that he only has the corpse of a violent owl king in his bag now, otherwise he would definitely have a great time!

After calming down, Lu Ming returned to the special function of the space bag.

After unlocking the function, the information will become more detailed.

For example, space marking, in addition to the original understatement, now has the number of points that can be marked.


Only five points can be marked.

At the same time, the unlocked special space functions can finally be used for ultimate sublimation.

"Ultimate sublimation!"

[Tip: Please select the sublimation grade]

"Second level."

[Tip: Sublimating the special function "Space Mark" of the space bag requires 5,000 "Specialized Crystal Blocks". It is determined to consume 5,000 specialized crystal blocks to sublimate the "Space Mark" into a "Space Mark\

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