...Looking at today, Sui Feng couldn't finish writing this chapter again.

I just talked about it with the veterans in the book friend group.

Here, I will also seriously talk to all book friends, and analyze my current real state.

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It has been exactly seven months since I wrote this book.

Suifeng used to work for nearly ten hours a day, and when I got home from get off work, I could still do 13,400 updates.

Up to now, writing is very tiring. I have spent five or six hours sitting in front of the computer stupidly for the past two days, writing and revising, and I can’t even manage a chapter.

Even after writing it, I still feel that something is wrong, and there is a high probability that it will be abolished.

In the past two days, while going to the toilet, Suifeng also went to the Internet to read the opinions of some seniors on the forum and so on.

The first reason for Suifeng's current situation is that after writing a novel for a long time, the spirit will be exhausted.

The longer the time, the more boring, without passion, and unable to enter the world in the novel.

The second reason is the plot. The more words and plots in a book, the more things need to be considered.

Even old authors who have written several books know how to read, and even eunuchs for this, let alone a newcomer like me who has no experience at all.

The anxiety in the past few days has even affected the restlessness of the whole family.

For this reason, Suifeng finally made a decision.

Today and tomorrow, that is, 22, 23 two days.

(Actually, I can’t write today. Tomorrow is a day off.)

I really stop updating, especially tomorrow, which should be the twelfth day of the first lunar month.

Tomorrow is the 8th wedding anniversary of my wife and I, Suifeng doesn't plan to think about writing a book anymore.

Prepare to relax your mind, take your wife and children to watch a movie, or go somewhere for a day.

(Or update a travel note tomorrow? Haven’t decided where to go or what to do.

If you have good suggestions, please leave a message.

Suitable for a small family of three. )

I also hope to use this to show that Suifeng can get the right to go back to the bedroom to sleep.

After all, the temperature has dropped again today, and the sofa is still quite cold...

Again, apologies to you guys.

Veterans who want to complain, you can come to this chapter to leave a message, and you can spray and scold as you like.

(Anyway, it's updated, so I'll delete this.)

Finally, this is the last time off for the month.

Because my writer points are only enough for three days.

The latter is absent from work, and I will update it every day.

The newly promoted fourth-level author may fall back again...but it's better than no full attendance reward.

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