Supreme Martial God Art

Chapter 2781 news that should not be heard

Chapter 2781 news that should not be heard

At this moment, the Underworld God was like a ball that was suddenly deflated.

I saw that his whole body softened a little in an instant, it wasn't that he fell down, but the toughness that he pretended to be before suddenly disappeared.

"Okay, I'll let him go."

The Underworld God said with a helpless and dejected sigh.

Regarding the decision of the Underworld God, no one in the Mingyuan Sect said anything more.

There was a suppression by the God of Fortune just now.

Not to mention resistance, they even wished the Underworld God quickly agreed.

They don't want to really make enemies of the God Clock.

I just said that, but I just felt that the God of the Underworld should be able to suppress the God of Fortune.

But since they didn't, they didn't want to really go all out.

After all, it's not there yet.

The divine bell of good fortune just wants people, just to stop their thoughts of getting holy artifacts and holy-level exercises.

I didn't think about what to do to them Mingyuanzong itself.

If they want to destroy their Ming Yuan Sect, their thoughts and decisions will of course be different.

But at this moment, they really did not have the idea to go all out.

"Let go!"

After a while, the Underworld God pushed Luo Jingtian, who was detained by him, away.

At the same time, he was also very depressed, and said to the others in the Ming Yuan Sect.

One after another, the people from the Ming Yuan Sect released the people who were detained by them, the Luo family, Xiao Jin, Bai Li'er and others.

At this moment, Wu Yun is the most excited.

Of course, little gold, little dragon, bald bird.

As well as Bai Li'er, Li Yanran, Bai Ling and others, of course, they are also extremely excited.

It's just that they didn't dare to expose themselves completely before they got to Wu Yun's side.

Don't dare to shout out loud.

But there were two people in the crowd who were not happy.

Or rather, a group of people.

It is the Luo family.

And the most unhappy, not even ready to leave the idea, are those two people, Luo Jingtian, and Luo Chen.

Of course, their unhappiness was because of Luo Yao.

As for Xiao Jin and the others, of course, it's not that they care about Luo Yao.

It's just that compared to Luo Yao, Wu Yun's place in their hearts is also extremely important.

Therefore, they were temporarily, because the joy of being able to meet Wu Yun again soon covered the sadness of Luo Yao's accident.

But there is no doubt that after they really reunited with Wu Yun, they will tell Wu Yun about Luo Yao as soon as possible.

However, that doesn't seem to be the point.

The real point is that Wu Yun is watching the excitement of Xiao Jin and Bai Li'er and others.

Sweeping the state of Luo Jingtian, Luo Chen, and the rest of the Luo family.

The rest of the Luo family were okay, although they were not too happy, they were still walking towards Wu Yun and the others.

It's just that Luo Jingtian and Luo Chen have been standing in the same place. Not only are there no joy, but they are full of extreme anger and grief.


For some reason, Wu Yun suddenly thought of Luo Yao.

But at this moment Wu Yun hasn't thought about the worst.

He was just guessing.

Luo Jingtian and Luo Chen were undoubtedly the two people in the Luo family who cared about Luo Yao the most.

Are they unwilling to leave because Luo Yao hasn't come out yet?

Thinking of this, Wu Yun was ready to speak.

Because he guessed that the God of Underworld did not bring out all the Luo family members who had been captured.

Therefore, he was going to remind the Underworld God to let him quickly let everyone go.

However, Wu Yun just had this idea.

He didn't have time to speak.

However, Luo Jingtian's sad voice came suddenly.

"God of the Underworld, you hurt my daughter's soul, you killed my daughter, accept your life, take revenge, I want to avenge my daughter!"

It was an even incoherent voice.

However, he also clearly conveyed the message he wanted to convey.

At the same time, Luo Jingtian flew directly towards the Underworld God.

This is to go desperately to find the Underworld God.

Fortunately, Luo Chen on the side, although also extremely sad, has not yet lost his mind.

He knew that Luo Jingtian was no match for the Underworld God.

Therefore, he immediately grabbed Luo Jingtian.

However, he did not leave with Luo Jingtian. Probably, he also wanted to seek revenge from the Underworld God, but he was not as impulsive as Luo Jingtian.

As for the God of the Underworld, facing Luo Jingtian's reaction, he could see a flash of anger and cold killing intent in his eyes.

But maybe it's because of the existence of the god of good fortune.

He didn't even plan to do it.

Just stood there quietly, not speaking.

And with Luo Jingtian's voice came out.

The rest of the Luo family who were about to leave did not leave.

Xiao Jin, Bai Li'er and others also didn't leave.

They all stood still, turned their heads, looked at Luo Jingtian, presumably, they wanted to wait for Luo Jingtian's next move.

If Luo Jingtian really wanted to work hard, then they would probably rush over without hesitation.

As for the distance, the black robe and the god of creation clock.

Hei Pao's reaction was not very strong. Although he knew about the relationship between Wu Yun and Luo Yao, he only knew it and didn't know it.

Therefore, he did not respond strongly.

As for the God of Fortune, he had followed Wu Yun all the way before, and he could be said to be the most aware of Wu Yun's feelings for Luo Yao.

Therefore, when he heard Luo Jingtian say the words just now, his heart throbbed.

Not afraid of anything.

I just vaguely felt that it was broken, and this matter, I am afraid it is really going to be broken.

Look at Wu Yun again.

At this moment, Wu Yun's whole body was trembling.

He was extremely depressed and couldn't believe it.

The excitement on his face had long since dissipated.

While shaking his head slightly, he kept mumbling in a low voice in his mouth: Impossible, this is impossible, Yaoer, Yaoer, how is it possible for her, how is it possible for her...

Wu Yun kept repeating these words.

And in the process of repeating the murmur, Wu Yun's eyes gradually burst out with an incomparably violent flame.

Even with the expression on his entire face, it gradually began to look hideous.

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