Supreme Mage of Hogwarts

Chapter 259 Great Moby Dick

Chapter 259 Great Moby Dick

At this time, all the white whales gathered on the sea, and the eyes of the white whale king became blood red, full of murderous terrifying aura. He roared at the sponge, and in an instant, countless white whales with sharp teeth were surrounded by him.

Now the Beluga King is undoubtedly the most vulnerable, and the Beluga group has formed a protective circle around him, enclosing him in the center.

An angry roar came out from the mouth of the Beluga King again and again, and the sound of the rolling waves made the entire sea tremble. Immediately afterwards, the same roar sounded from the mouths of other beluga whales, the same sound peeled off, forming a powerful energy that almost completely churned the sea around them.

Lin Xiao and Harry both watched this scene nervously, they didn't understand the language of the white whale, and they didn't know what they were communicating with.

However, from their roars, Lin Xiao knew that they were not surrendering.

"What are we going to do now?" Harry asked, looking at the beluga whales. "They are on the verge of collapse now. If we don't go up, the beluga king will die. But if we go up, they won't surrender and die. It's us."5

Lin Xiao pondered for a while, then said, "Let's hold our ground for now. As long as we don't move, they won't find us, wait a second, they won't make fun of the 330 lives of the Beluga King.

Lin Xiao looked around, "We are hiding in the Invisibility Cloak and keep quiet, but the Beluga King is in danger of life. He must be more anxious than us. We are now comparing who can last longer."

Their actions this time can be said to be perfect. However, Lin Xiao didn't have a clue in his heart. If the Beluga King is as proud as he is now and never declares that they have passed the trial, he really doesn't know what to do? Is it really possible to take risks?

However, obviously, they still underestimated the arrogance of the Beluga King. He would rather endure the poison of Lingshuang than declare that the two people passed the trial. And all the big white whales have already moved, and they seem to be looking for the two of them.

Lin Xiao and Harry used invisibility cloaks to hide extremely secretly. Judging from their current inspection route, even if they turned the whole ocean over, they would not be able to find them.

However, Lin Xiao's eyes kept looking at the big white whale king, and the big white whale king's breathing was almost stagnant, but he still did not admit them.

Harry's expression changed a bit, but Lin Xiao still had the same calm expression as always. Maybe the white whale king is also betting, betting that he will not kill it just because of a trial.

The exploration of the Beluga group lasted for nearly half an hour. During this period, the Beluga King had less gas in and more gas out. Even if they are the overlords of the ocean, facing this situation, they are helpless. Apart from trying their best to find the two of them, there is absolutely no other way.

But there was no gain for half an hour, no matter how angry the white whale king was, he had to recall the group of white whales.

At the moment when they stopped searching, the Beluga King suddenly became crazy. Although the clansmen around him responded quickly and moved away in an instant, one of them was accidentally injured by him.

Immediately, the atmosphere of the entire group of white whales became solemn. As kings in the sea, they never feared any enemy, but they never thought that one day their leader would attack them.

And they couldn't have any complaints, because the Beluga King suffered more than they did. The group of white whales obviously began to show impetuous emotions. They can't find an enemy to hurt them now. The inexplicable madness of the white whale king also makes them feel afraid.

This time, all the white whales started frantically searching for Lin Xiao and Harry hiding in the sea without the need for another order from the Beluga King. They tried hard to find any clues, but Lin Xiao and Harry, who were just below them at this time, at a distance of more than 100 meters, were also looking at them contradictingly.

Lin Xiao never went up to give the Beluga King an antidote, not only waiting for the Beluga King, but also for the reaction of the Beluga group (ahbd). The enemy hidden in the dark, the white whale king who attacks indiscriminately at any time, will cause their panic, and at the same time will kill their will. No matter how powerful the beluga whales are, their energy and vitality are limited.

When they were resting, Lin Xiao would attack again with the phoenix dagger, making the white whale king go crazy again, and letting the whole atmosphere of terror spread among the group of white whales.

After two or three rounds, there were already four or five of the same species in the Beluga group, which were accidentally injured by the Beluga King. And until now, they have never found an enemy who secretly attacked them, which is a huge blow to them, especially to their arrogant psychology.

Lin Xiao's eyes were always on the big white whale, because he knew very well that he was the one who made the final decision.

The entire White Whale group was already in a state of panic and fatigue at this time. Big White panicked, roaring again and again in the sea, setting off huge waves after another, trying to use this method to kill Lin Xiao and Harry. The two were forced out.

Lin Xiao and Harry were shocked by the strength of the White Whale King, but the more it was like this, the less they could show up.

Therefore, the beluga whales just wasted their physical strength in vain.

After rolling again and again, the Beluga King finally compromised. He recalled all the great white whales and made a voice into the sea, "Who is it? Come out! I know you are testers, and I now announce that your test pass."

With the issuance of the order, the entire Beluga group moved from the formation surrounding the Beluga King to behind the Great Beluga King.

For the white whale king, this blow is undoubtedly huge.

"He finally said that!" Harry said excitedly to Lin Xiao.

But Lin Xiao didn't move immediately, he looked at the expression of the Beluga King and could feel that the Beluga King did not admit them.

Lin Xiao stopped him, and Harry, who wanted to go up, said, "Wait a minute, let's make sure he really admits it? Or is he just trying to lure us out."

Lin Xiao took the phoenix dagger out of the Beluga King's body and replaced it with another ordinary white whale. This time, Lin Xiao's attack became a little unscrupulous. He was indiscriminately attacking all the great white whales, so that all the great white whales had to run away.

The sense of panic intensified on the heads of every white whale, "look at his reaction this time. 35 Lin Xiao looked at the white whale king not far away and said.

PS: Kneeling for flowers, evaluation tickets, monthly tickets, automatic subscription, full booking!.

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