Supreme Mage of Hogwarts

Chapter 171 On the way home

Chapter 171 On the way home

Lin Xiao tilted his head to look at him, "Why should I fight you in an upright manner? No matter what, you can't beat me, can you? If that's the case, then I can fight as I want?"

"You!" Malfoy felt himself greatly insulted.

Lin Xiao didn't want to listen to what they were saying, and instantly turned them all into slugs even uglier than those who bullied Luna, carried them into the carriage of him and Harry, and threw them on the ground.

Let them squirm on the ground.

The few things Harry threw in at the beginning by Lin Xiao was disgusting. After hearing that they were Malfoy, Crabbe, and Goyle later, there was an indescribable expression on his face.

"Guess, if Malfoy's mother saw him get out of the car like this, would she have passed out with rage?

Harry watched Malfoy squirm on the ground, "two eighty" he still couldn't forgive Malfoy for what he did to him at school, to Luna, and the rest of the Dumbledore Army.

"I don't know Malfoy's mother," Lin Xiao said, looking at the always timid Gower, "but I think Gower's mother will be happy, don't you think he looks better now than before? ?"

Harry watched him seriously for a while, then nodded earnestly, "Indeed. Much more pleasing to the eye than it was at school."

The sound of a trolley came from outside the carriage, and Harry asked, "Lin Xiao, the trolley has brought food, do you want something to eat?"

Lin Xiao said casually. Harry walked over to buy a lot of food, and when he got back to the carriage, he saw Hermione was already in their carriage with the Daily Prophet in his hand.

"Hermione, why are you here?" Hermione, like them, spent the last day together.

Hermione glanced at Harry first, then at Lin Xiao, raised the newspaper in her hand, and said, "I'm not very relieved."

"What are you worried about?"

Hermione read the contents of the newspaper, "The previous morning, the Ministry of Magic had sent a large number of wizards to track down the dementors, and many dementors were re-pressed in Azkaban. Now, the Ministry of Magic is hunting a large number of predators. Dead Apostles, and Voldemort was seen one morning."

"They've been very active lately, and I think we'll be really face-to-face with him in the near future. 99

Hermione looked at Harry and Lin Xiao, "There are still many Death Eaters in Voldemort, and he won't let you two go. You..."

Lin Xiao and Harry looked at each other, they both knew what Hermione meant.

But Lin Xiao didn't care about Voldemort at all, he said comfortingly, "Don't worry, Hermione, we'll be fine. I've been with Harry this summer, don't worry! 99

Hermione shook her head in frustration. "It hasn't really started yet. I already feel the calm before the storm."

Harry is not as relaxed as Lin Xiao. If Voldemort moves too frequently, his forehead should give him a warning, but he clearly didn't feel anything unusual.

Since chatting with Sirius that day, he has never felt the pain in his forehead again.

Harry patted his forehead sharply, "It's too bad, I just said I forgot something, I forgot Sirius at Hogwarts."

Harry slumped on the bed with some love, "Oh, I hope when I go back to Hogwarts, he's not particularly angry and will still treat me like he used to.

"I think it's a little difficult, Harry." Hermione interrupted his fantasy, "Before I left, I went to see Hagrid in the Forbidden Forest. Sirius was there at the time, and he said firmly to me, you will go there to find him, leave Hogwarts with him." 5

"Oh my God!" Harry exclaimed, "I wish the summer vacation was a little longer so I could see Sirius later.

Several people talked about Voldemort again, Hermione found that Lin Xiao really didn't care at all, however, Harry couldn't care about Voldemort for the time being after the Sirius affair.

In his opinion, Sirius was more terrifying than Voldemort.

In the strife of the three people, the train gradually approached King's Cross Station, and they could clearly feel the car slowing down.

Hermione had never felt so reluctant to it as she did now, and she looked around, even a flash of thought, that she wished something would happen to give her a reason to refuse to get out of the car and drive straight back to Hogwarts.

But obviously, nothing happened.

Harry stood up, carrying the cage as before and pushing the suitcase out of the car.

The ticket inspector told Harry, Lin Xiao, Hermione, it is now safe to cross the fence to platform nine and three-quarters, Lin Xiao's eyes flashed with surprise...

There was a group of people he had never thought of, standing there to greet him.

It's Wesley and Mrs. They're wearing Muggle clothes, and behind them are Fred and George, but it's clear they haven't had a good time at home these days.

"Ronald!" Mrs. Wesley shouted, running over quickly, hugging her child tightly, turning her head to see Harry and Lin Xiao, "Hi, dear Lin Xiao, and Harry, how have you been? okay?"

"Very good," Lin Xiao also stepped forward and hugged Mrs. "Thanks to you, we had a good time at school."

Mrs. Wesley gently hugged him back, "Lin Xiao, I have always heard the two of them talk about your deeds, you are an amazing child, I am very happy for you.

"Thank you, ma'am!"

Lin Xiao has only met Mrs. Wesley once, that is, after Fred and George left the school, they did not leave Hogwarts. They have been hiding in the school, for fear of others being bullied by Umbridge.

Later, after Dumbledore returned to Hogwarts, Dumbledore went to them, but they all refused to return to Hogwarts.

As a last resort, in order to keep them, Dumbledore approached Mrs. Wesley. After hearing about their deeds, Mrs. Wesley expressed her support for all their wishes.

That time, Mrs. Wesley showed the greatest kindness to him, so Lin Xiao respected Mrs. Wesley very much.

Mrs Wesley looked at 1.3 and Harry asked, "How about you, Harry? Why do I feel like you don't look very good."

Harry stepped forward and hugged Mrs Wesley tightly, and Mrs Wesley hugged him tightly, "I'm fine, ma'am. Maybe it wasn't that great for a while, but it's fine now."

"That's fine, everything will get better.""

Mrs. Wesley hugged him and said excitedly.

Lin Xiao looked at Ronald and looked at Fred and George in amazement, "What are you guys wearing?

PS: Kneeling for flowers, evaluation tickets, monthly tickets, automatic subscription, full booking!.

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