Superstars Start with Krypton Gold

Chapter 396 I don't have any feeling of heartbeat

"Dancing well, the movements are neat."

"Singing is not bad, the breath is always quite stable."

The audience was silent, not only the five girls on the stage were waiting for Li Zian's comments, but also the many staff members in the studio who were interested in Li Zian's comments, as well as some MGs who sat in the office and watched through the computer broadcast. high level.

When the five girls on the stage heard Li Zian's first two comments, they couldn't help showing a little joy on their faces, but before the joy could be expressed, they heard Li Zian's next sentence.


"You didn't make me feel any emotion."

Li Zian held the microphone in his right hand, and pointed to the position of his heart with his left hand. At the same time, he looked very serious, without any hint of ridicule on his face.

The five girls on the stage were stunned, and everyone in the studio and MG's senior leaders were also stunned.

Is this also a problem? !

"What is a trendy girl group?"

"If you only have this level, you will never be able to reach the level of a popular girl group in your lifetime. You can only barely be called a girl group."

"Your girl group's lifespan will be very short, because behind you, there are countless girls who are younger and more beautiful than you, and their singing and dancing skills will definitely not be bad. After a few years, who will there be?" Remember you guys?"

Li Zian asked and answered by himself, asking two rhetorical questions one after another, making all five girls on the stage silent. Some of them clenched the microphone with both hands, some bit their lips tightly, and some had a little bit of stubbornness in their eyes.

And the leaders of those MG companies couldn't help but become serious when they heard Li Zian's words.

"Why is your girl group's lifespan so short?"

"It's still the question I mentioned at the beginning. You make the audience feel unmoved."

"Your dance is in the style of sweet girls. Your frowns and smiles are really beautiful, but there is no emotion in your frowns and smiles."

"What is a girl group?"

"I think the girl group is a product that should be able to satisfy the fantasies of fans, to become a man's dream, to become a woman's dream!"

"Why do popular girl groups often have such a long lifespan? Some live for as long as ten years. Even if the members of the girl group fly solo, every time they come back together, there will always be a comeback craze?"

"Because their fans have poured their affection into them, they were the perfect girlfriends of countless men when they were young, and the dreams of countless women when they were young."

"Do you understand what I mean?"

Li Zian talked a lot, and he narrated his analysis and views on the girl group.

These are not made up by him, but his experience summed up by combining the four generations of popular girl groups in the Korean circle in the previous life.

The five girls on the stage were not unconvinced anymore, because what Li Zian said was indeed reasonable. When Li Zian was speaking, they were constantly reflecting on themselves, and found that they had really poured themselves into the whole performance. very little emotion.

All she thinks about in her mind are actions, lyrics, camera positions, etc. As for emotions, she always thinks that as long as she smiles sweet enough, she will give people a sense of excitement, but now it seems that this kind of thinking is completely Big mistake.

As for Li Zian's words, it was no less than enlightening to some MG executives who were watching the screen. Many executives who have been running girl groups all the year round suddenly understood why the third and fourth generation girl groups failed one after another in the past few years.

"It's your first problem to make the audience feel unmoved."

"Your second question is that your style has always been too limited. I have seen your performance video a while ago, and your style has always been limited to the sweet girl style. Are you planning to implement the sweet girl style style to the end? ?”

"It's true that you can gain fans among certain fan groups who like sweet girls, but what about those fan groups who like cool girls, lively, sexy and other styles, are they all strategically given up?"

"Men are fickle creatures. They may like sweet girly girls today, but they may like sexy girls tomorrow. If you don't believe me, ask your former mentor Song Changxun. If you ask him, he usually only likes one pose. man?"

The five girls on the stage were listening carefully, but Li Zian suddenly made a 180-degree sharp turn, and inexplicably started to speed up the car, which made the five girls blush inexplicably.

At the same time, Song Changxun was also blushing. He was full of shit at the moment, why did he suddenly point the finger at me?

Why did the wheel of the car just get stuck in the face? !

I'm a person with the burden of being an idol!

"So in the next round of the general election, your style should start to change, stop sticking to your original fan base, focus on those fan bases that have not been captured by you, and expand your fan base , and at the same time give the original fans a sense of freshness."

"If you want to win the championship, then ask for change!"

"Although constantly changing styles will add a lot of difficulties to you, but if you want to become a master, you have to suffer. Do you have the confidence to overcome these difficulties?"

At the end, Li Zian raised his voice a little.


The five girls on the stage responded loudly in unison.

"Come on, introduce yourself again, speak louder, I want to see a mythical girl with a more sassy style!"

Li Zian stood up from the chair and said loudly.

"Hi everyone, I'm Bao'er!"

"Hi everyone, I'm Tina!"

"Hi everyone, I'm Song Shien!"

"Hi everyone, I'm Li Yunxi!"

"Hi everyone, I'm Kim Soo-yeon!"

"we are……"

"Mythical girl!"

The five girls spoke extremely fast, and their voices were crisp and loud. There seemed to be twinkles in their big bright eyes. The overall momentum was undoubtedly higher than that in the practice room by more than one level.

"Very well, I'll give you 20 minutes to take off your costumes and go back to the practice room. We'll start preparing for the first competition of the finals!"

Li Zian was quite satisfied with the current momentum of the five girls.

It is good to have confidence and vigor, as long as you have this energy in your heart, Li Zian is not afraid that you will not be able to train him.

Thinking that it is very possible to train a future trendy girl group from his own hands, Li Zian's heart is quite hot, after all, this is a very fulfilling thing.

Hearing this, the five girls bowed to Li Zian's side, then bowed to the staff around them, and hurried off the stage.

The matter in the studio was over. Li Zi'an and Song Changxun walked out of the studio, but within two steps, they met Park Chengming.

"Mr. Li, I heard that you plan to let them change their styles in the first competition?" Park Chengming walked beside Li Zian, and said slightly, "Isn't it a bit too risky?"

"Adventure?" Li Zian smiled when he heard the words, "If you always maintain the style of a sweet girl, then it's called an adventure."

"For the first competition, they not only have to change their styles, but also have to change drastically!"

"It would be a failure for me not to refresh the eyes of all audiences."

Seeing Li Zian's confident appearance, it was obvious that he had made up his mind, and Pu Chengming was a little bit entangled.

"Mr. Park, the so-called employing people is not suspicious. Since you have chosen me, then trust my judgment. We have common interests. If the mythical girl fails, it will not be of any benefit to you or me. I will not Joking about their future."

"Furthermore, if you intend to stick to the sweet and cute style, then you don't need to invite me, don't you value my creative ability in variety and diversity, what do you think?"

Li Zian stopped, looked at Pu Chengming and said seriously.

Hearing this, Pu Chengming took a deep breath: "Since Mr. Li, you are confident in your heart, then I won't say more, the myth girl depends entirely on you."

Li Zian nodded with a smile, and then patted Pu Chengming on the shoulder: "Mr. Park, if you want to see how I train them in the future, you don't have to watch the screen in the office, just come here openly."

Hearing Li Zian's words, Pu Chengming blushed suddenly.

Li Zian and Park Chengming didn't talk much, and soon Li Zian took Song Changxun back to the practice room, and started formal training for the five girls...

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