Superstars In Parallel Time and Space

Chapter 922 Chen Mubai is a

When the audience saw Parker find the original robber, they also wanted to see what Parker would do.

No matter what he does, it is acceptable from the audience's point of view, even if it kills them.

After all, the two were robbers and bad guys, and they even killed people, let alone Parker's close relatives.

Parker was full of anger and had nowhere to vent. When he caught the criminals, he just beat them up and didn't kill them, which surprised the audience a little.

However, after being surprised, there is admiration, which shows that Parker has learned to restrain his emotions.

He has always labeled himself as a "hero", so he can't do bad things, the other party has lost the ability to act, and handing him over to the police is the best choice instead of killing him.

Not everyone can make a rational choice in the face of this situation, let alone he is still a child.

When Parker chose to throw the suspect at the gate of the police station, the audience breathed a sigh of relief.

At this moment, Parker truly became a "hero".

If you want to be a hero, you must set an example and learn to restrain your desires and emotions. Parker, a high school student, can do it, which is commendable.

"It feels like this shot sublimates Parker."

"That's right, he has truly become a hero, a 'Spider-Man' who guards New York City!"

"If I were Parker, I'm afraid I can't do what he does."

"Me too, I'm definitely thinking of revenge, especially after he spent so much effort to finally find the suspect, the anger accumulated for so long is just right to vent..."

"I thought about it, if I were Parker, I wouldn't do better than him."

The audience sighed.

The perspective is switched. After the original robber got the money, the two parted ways.

The other person rushed back and sent the money to the hospital. After paying off her daughter's medical expenses, she gave her the extra money, telling her not to worry, but to recuperate well here.

Knowing that he would be wanted by the police and gangsters, it would affect his daughter, so he left the hospital and ran to the suburbs.

The reason why he robbed the money was to treat his daughter. His daughter was hospitalized, but he had no money to treat her, so he chose to take the risk.

Seeing this, everyone was silent.

Is he a bad guy?


Is he a good guy?

For a daughter, it is also a father.

In order to save his daughter, he did not hesitate to sacrifice his own life. He is a great father.

And in his flashback memory, everyone saw the truth of the matter.

After his teammates robbed Uncle Ben's car, he drove Ben out of the car immediately.

At this time, Uncle Ben was still teaching the two of them, hoping that they would not commit crimes, that life was beautiful, and that they should not give up their future lives because of immediate interests, especially when they were still young.

This robber chose to rob because of his unspeakable secrets. In fact, Ben's words were really persuading him, hoping that they would not go astray.

But I'm sorry, the matter is unsolvable. When he opened his mouth to thank and wanted to speak, his companion rushed to take him away. After all, it was a robbery, and the police will come here soon. If he is in a daze, he will not be able to leave .

As a result, during the pulling process, his pistol went off!

Then, the bullet fell on Ben's body, and Ben fell to the ground.

The two robbers were stunned. After Ben was shot and fell to the ground, he saw the panic in the robbers' eyes. Although he couldn't speak, it could be seen from his eyes that he didn't blame the robbers. A provocative look looked at him.

The robbers did not escape immediately,

Instead, he knelt down and hurriedly apologized to Ben: "I'm sorry..."

Another robber heard the sound of a police car honking in the distance, saw his companion still standing there, and drove away first.

Ben died soon, his eyes were ashen, and the robbers could only flee quickly.

After he gave the money to the child, he immediately left the hospital and ran for his life again.

Then, when he was hiding in the outskirts of the city, it happened that the government was conducting an experiment, and he accidentally fell into a pit, shrouded in a huge light, and everything in it turned into molecules!

The robber was among them, shouting loudly, and he watched his palms, arms, and legs dissipate into smoke and dust little by little.

After a burst of blazing white light flashed, everything in the area disappeared, leaving only the brown land, as if nothing had happened.

Seeing this, the audience saw the robber's conscience and felt deep sympathy for what happened to him.

Even if he shot Uncle Ben, it wasn't his intention, it was an accident.

But no matter what the process is, the result has not changed. After all, he killed someone, and Parker is still looking for his trace.

After a while, the normal-looking sand on the ground suddenly began to rotate, as if something distorted the space.

Then, the ashes slowly turned into a human shape, the robber did not die, he turned into sand but turned back into a human shape!

Like Parker, he also has extraordinary power!

His body can be turned into sand, and he himself can be turned into gravel!

After the sand man was resurrected, he was very happy.

It's not because he has this power, but because he didn't die, so he can continue to be by his daughter's side.

When the crisis just came, he didn't think about his own safety. The last thoughts that flashed in his mind were all related to his daughter. He was reluctant to give up her daughter and couldn't give her care and company.

Fortunately, he did not die, and he can continue to accompany his daughter to grow up!

However, knowing that he was still a wanted criminal, he didn't go back with much fanfare, but went back secretly to take care of his daughter.

As a result, he went to the hospital and found that his daughter was no longer in the hospital.

"Ruth is sick and hospitalized, where can she go?" Sandman was anxious.

He was afraid that the gangsters had taken his daughter away, so her life would be in danger!

The Sandman immediately found the manager who was robbed by him, trying to find out whether his daughter was taken away by them.

Then, the manager confirmed the incident, which also made the Sandman furious.

The Sand Man kills the manager and at the same time loses his mind with rage, massacring the gang.

But after killing everyone, there was still no trace of her daughter.

In the end, he learned that the gang was stopped by Spider-Man while trying to capture his daughter.

He has heard of the name Spiderman. He has been stopping criminals and crimes. He is a good man. If that is the case, then there is no need to worry about his daughter's life.

When Sandman was about to find Spider-Man, the two happened to meet.

"Hi, thank you for saving my daughter." The Sand Man saw Spider-Man very happy and greeted him with a smile.

As a result, Spider-Man fought him without saying a word.

The sand man didn't know what was going on, after the two fought for a while, both of them suffered some injuries and were panting.

"Why did you kill someone?" Parker said indifferently.

Speaking of this matter, the sand man showed guilt: "I didn't intend to kill anyone, everything was an accident..."

"Did you know he was the breadwinner of a family?"

Parker was furious: "His death caused his wife a lot of pain. Did you think about this when you killed the man? After you robbed the car, you could run away directly. Why did you shoot him?"

"No, this is not my original intention, he is a good man." Sandman said painfully.

"You know he's a good man, but you still killed him." Parker's voice was cold: "Do you know, he's my uncle!"

"What!?" The sandman turned pale with shock.

Only now did he understand why Spider-Man was so angry, and why Spider-Man was looking for him all over the world.

It turned out that the people he killed were Spider-Man's relatives!

This is an insoluble contradiction.


"It's too late to say these things now, you must obey the law and pay the price for it."

The sandman knew he had done something wrong and felt guilty, but he didn't want to leave his daughter, so he still needed to resist.

"You have no right to separate me from my daughter!"

"You don't deserve to be a father. Having a father like you is an indelible black spot in your daughter's life!"

The two confront each other and fight.

Sandman is very strong, but his ability to remove is strange. Parker is at a disadvantage in the fight with him. Even if the spider web entangles him, he can still choose to sand his body to escape from the bondage.

In the end, the sand man was beaten by Parker to a ditch, his body was soaked, and finally turned into sand and left.

Because Parker refused to tell the sand man the whereabouts of his daughter, the sand man had no choice but to use the public to force him to hand over his daughter.

He began to wreak havoc on the city, and blamed Parker for everything, while kidnapping Mary.

When the two were fighting before, Parker's headgear was pulled off, and he revealed his identity, so the Sand Man knew Parker's family and Mary was his girlfriend.

However, Zhenggong didn't know, he just thought that he had just caught someone casually, forcing Spider-Man to submit.

The city was destroyed, and the sandman turned into a giant sandman to destroy.

Some people began to blame Spider-Man's actions, and those who supported him also hoped that he could stop this disaster.

Parker went to the scene and had a decisive battle with the Sandman.

Because he has become a giant, his movements are relatively slow, and the spider silk can also entangle him, but it can't cause substantial damage to him.

On the contrary, it was Parker who was punched by him and was in pain.

In the end, Parker thought of how the sand was soaked by the rain when the two were fighting, and he communicated with high-level government officials.

The government immediately cooperated with Parker. After all, the previous missiles did not cause any harm to the sandmen, so they could only listen to Spiderman's words and give it a try.

The helicopter began to drop water at high altitude, and a large amount of water poured down like a torrential rain.

After the sandman was soaked by the rain, his body became sluggish. Parker sprayed out sharp spider silk again to cover him, and then cooperated with the helicopter to pull in different directions to disintegrate the sandman!

Finally, the movie ends and Parker returns to normal life again.

It's just that after this battle, he became more clear about his mission and strengthened his heart, and his aunt depended on each other for life.

After the movie ended, all the audience did not leave their seats, but quietly waited for the eggs to come out.

After the subtitles end, the easter egg starts to play.

"Why did I mutate after being bitten by a spider?" Parker began to conduct an in-depth examination of his own phenomenon.

He began to read the books on genetics left by his father before his death. Because of his increased ability, he read books very fast, and then he saw a sentence in an old book.

His father used to work in the Tang Corporation, and he was also awarded by Downey's father!

This was the first time Parker knew about his father's footprints, so he decided to go to Huaxia on the other side of the ocean to see if he could find other clues about his father!

Parker applied to go to the Down Group to participate in observation and study.

Then, he went to Huaxia's Tang Corporation, and saw Downey. He seemed to be talking to his assistant. Suddenly, his eyes turned to Parker, and the two eyes met.

Easter eggs are over.


"Just saw it was cool..."

"Chen Mubai is so short!!!"

"I really want to see the next content!!!"

"Mo Dan, I want to watch "Spider-Man 2"~"

"I don't know if there will be related content in "Iron Man 2"."

The easter egg ended abruptly, causing complaints from the audience in the theater.

"What do you think of this movie?"

On the way home, Sun Dong and Zhao Ya excitedly discussed about movies.

"I think Parker is quite handsome, and the movie is also good." Zhao Ya was a little happy.

"I'm more concerned about the linkage. The films "Hulk" and "Thor" seem to have nothing to do with each other at present. As for the linkage between "Spiderman" and "Iron Man", I don't know what it means." Sun Dong analyzed .

After listening to her boyfriend's words, Zhao Ya nodded belatedly: "Yes, it seems to be true."

"Yeah, we can only see how the sequel will be released, or we will have to wait until the moment when those superheroes gather."

For the movie "Spider-Man", they were still not disappointed. They saw the changes after an ordinary high school student gained extraordinary power, and finally sublimated his heart.

Even superheroes have all kinds of troubles and restrained behaviors. "Spider-Man" gave them the deepest feeling, because they saw Parker's family and the changes.

Compared with the other few movies, it rarely depicts family matters. This movie focuses on the inner heart of the characters and the background environment, allowing the audience to see the hero's troubles and growth.

This is a very important thing, and unlike other heroes, this character is the youngest, his world view is still being shaped, and his character has not yet formed. He is very malleable, easy to become good and easy to learn bad.

For example, Parker chose to fight in the underground boxing ring to make money, or he chose to stand by when he was exploited by his manager. All these have a causal relationship, and it can be seen that he has changed and made a choice in his heart.

Fortunately, in the end Parker chose to stick to his heart and become a hero guarding the city.

In the face of the two suspects who killed Uncle Ben, he did not torture them privately, but chose to hand them over to the police. This is the best explanation.

The film's first day results were very good, with a box office of 250 million on the first day in China and US$120 million in North America!

The two largest ticket warehouses in the world both exceeded 100 million, and the results are very eye-catching!


The enthusiasm for this movie on the Internet has not diminished, and the rating on the Bean Sprouts website is 8.8 points, which is still very high.

The evaluation and word of mouth are also very good.

"A very good movie, unlike ordinary sci-fi movies that show off skills and special effects, it pays more attention to the inner heart of the characters, allowing us to see the growth of the characters."

"This movie has dug a lot of holes, and I look forward to the second one. The easter eggs are also very attractive. I don't know what kind of sparks Downey and Parker can create."

"Every movie of Chen Mubai has a line that impresses me deeply. This one is the sentence [with great power comes great responsibility]. I remember he said this sentence at the press conference back then. I use my own identity and status to talk about what I do, and now I also see this sentence in the movie, which is very philosophical."

"Isn't Chen Mubai a hero? He single-handedly opened the door to Chinese sci-fi movies, and at the same time promoted Chinese film and television culture to the world, broke many records, and won the first place in the global box office. All of this His achievements are too dazzling, he is a hero in real life!"

"The rich rely on technology, the poor rely on mutation, the air is shaking and cold, when will we poor people really stand up!!!"

"Let's not talk about it, I look forward to "Iron Man 2", this is the next movie I must watch~"

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