Chapter 943 The Script of "Spider-Man"

"Director Britz, what I say next may make you unhappy, but for the sake of this drama, I still have to say it, please forgive me." Chen Mubai said.

Britz said with a serious face: "I know, if you have something to say, just say it, everyone hopes to make this work well."

"I'm the producer by name, but I'm not afraid to tell you that I am very optimistic about this movie. I think this movie is comparable to "Iron Man", so this is the only superhero movie that I supervise, and I don't get involved in the rest. I’m just going to see how it looks in the final edit.”

Chen Mubai did not hide it, but explained the status of the movie "Spider-Man" in his heart, and let Britz know his thoughts.

Blitz obviously did not expect Chen Mubai to say these words, and was a little surprised.

However, after thinking about it for a while, it is indeed the case. Both "Thor" and "Hulk" are in preparation, and I have never heard about Chen Mubai's name as the producer. From this point of view, Chen Mubai really attaches great importance to this movie.

Blitz didn't ask why Chen Mubai was so optimistic about this drama, he said: "We are all for the good of the work, if you have anything to say, I will try my best to be satisfied."

"Starting from the protagonist, it's good that Parker has always maintained this kind of broken-mouthed style. It is very suitable for the character of the character in the early stage. There will be changes later, but it will not change too much. He is kind and optimistic by nature, and he is a high school student. With superpowers, she will naturally imagine becoming a hero, all this is very new and exciting for her.”

Chen Mubai started from the story, and then told Brits some of his ideas and hoped to follow that direction for shooting. At the same time, he will participate in the production of this play, and may interfere with his shooting.

"No problem. When the time comes to shoot, feel free to point out any problems. Let's do our best." Britz nodded.

"Thank you for your understanding, happy cooperation."

"Pleasant cooperation."

The two smiled friendly.

For Chen Mubai, being able to communicate well is the best result. After all, Britz is Solomon's director, and he is not an unknown person. The director's accusation of wanting to interfere with him is actually a great threat to the director. Humiliation, most people would not agree, let alone a famous director?

But because the two sides are not in the same camp, he can't beg Britz to listen to him. He can only communicate first. If communication fails, he can only plan for the worst and change directors. This is a helpless move.

In this way, a lot of time will be wasted and the shooting progress will be seriously affected.

But for the IP of "Spiderman", even though it would be troublesome to do so, Chen Mubai will still do it.

It's just that I didn't expect Director Britz to communicate so well.

Let him a little surprised.

After Chen Mubai finished speaking, he left here. He was going to talk to Parker, tell him some effects he wanted, and then let him perform them.

Blitz watched Chen Mubai leave, and said softly: "It seems that your meddling has a great impact on me, and it is disrespectful to my performance, but it is not an opportunity."

"Blitzcrank, here's your chance to be famous."

Although the dialogue between Chen Mubai and him has always been very kind, but in fact the status of the two parties is not equal.

If he really disagrees with Chen Mubai's request, I'm afraid the other party will ask him to leave.

The cooperation between Solomon and Mubai Entertainment will definitely not be stagnated because of him alone, so the company will also stand on Chen Mubai's side. Britz has no choice but to accept it.

Furthermore, it is not unacceptable to Britz. After all, Chen Mubai is very talented. He has made so many excellent and blockbuster movies, which shows that he knows the audience's preferences and tastes, so his works make people Everyone likes it.

Although Britz himself has also directed blockbuster films, the box office they brought did not explode, but only made a small profit, which is far behind Chen Mubai.

With Chen Mubai's ability and influence, he believes that the box office of "Spider-Man" will not be bad, not to mention that he attaches so much importance to this movie.

Once it is produced according to Chen Mubai's request, even if his intervention may interfere with his own creation, as long as the film can be successful.

Anyway, he's the director, and if "Spider-Man" sells well, he'll gain acclaim and fame, which will do him a lot of good.

Although being a puppet director is very aggrieved, his nature is different. What he is most afraid of is laymen directing experts, but Chen Mubai is not an layman. He can be said to be the best director in the world!

Although Chen Mubai is pointing fingers, the effect is definitely not bad. After all, there are too many works that prove his ability. Everyone has this opportunity.

With the superhero's IP and Chen Mubai's name, it is impossible for this movie to be bad. The producer is Chen Mubai, so the movie is inseparable from him!

During the publicity, it will also bind Chen Mubai for marketing. If the movie is made according to Chen Mubai's ideas, Britz can still enjoy the benefits brought by the follow-up. He has no reason to disagree!

Even, this movie may be the highest-grossing movie he has ever made since he started directing!

In the days that followed, Chen Mubai came to the crew to shoot movies with Britz from time to time, and the two discussed the content of the filming.

The staff of the crew found that the content of the filming had changed. This is the feeling Chen Mubai gave everyone after he came.

When Britz was filming before, he wanted to quickly intersperse Parker's campus scenes. This part was just a background explanation, but after Chen Mubai came, this part of the scene was aggravated.

This is definitely not what Britz meant, so it can only be Chen Mubai's.

So, everyone thought it over clearly, did Chen Mubai come to seize power?

But when they saw that Blitz didn't seem to be unwilling, but very happy, they felt that their guess was wrong?

Otherwise, any director who is seized power during filming must be very angry instead of peaceful.

To deepen Parker's campus role is actually Chen Mubai's desire to highlight the character of this character. This kind of daily role can let the audience know more about Parker's role, and thus get closer to his heart.

Including being able to see what kind of mood an ordinary boy with a little middle school has superpowers, and what kind of changes he will have.

There must be a change in mentality. This is a normal phenomenon after gaining extraordinary power. It is like a poor person who suddenly becomes rich. How could he still have the same mentality as before?

Chen Mubai focused on describing the comparison of Parker's life before and after he had extraordinary power, which was most obvious from the campus.

In this "Spider-Man", Chen Mubai's script preset is as follows:

Parker is a high school student with a very high IQ and his grades are very good, but he is not popular in the class because he is a bit out of place and not very gregarious.

The reason for this kind of incompatibility is that he has a relatively high IQ, and he is more addicted to studying than having fun. Among high school students in the United States, there are more people who love to play at this time, and coupled with youth, they prefer to gang up Pie, so Parker became the one to be excluded.

Generally, there will not be only one person in the class who will be excluded, and Parker's good friend Shaq is another object of exclusion. The two of them share the same illness, so their relationship is very close.

As all students love to discuss girls at school, so do Shaq and Parker, who often discuss what type of girl they like, although Parker has never said that he likes a classmate Mary Jane.

Mary Jane is the class flower of the class, and also a well-known talented woman on campus, with a good background and appearance, and Parker is a marginal character. Although he likes her, he just pays attention to her silently. There is too much difference between the two.

In school, there are countless people who like Mary, and Parker is far from being the most dazzling person.

He was afraid that Parker would be ridiculed if he said it out, so he never expressed his thoughts, even his good friend Shaq didn't know.

Although Parker has been excluded all the time, he has an optimistic personality and is smarter, but he doesn’t like socializing very much. He thinks that Shaq is enough, and there is no need to talk to those who bully him. After all, his high school career is coming to an end. , In the future, everyone will be separated from each other.

In an activity organized by the school, Parker was bitten by a spider, and he has supernatural powers since then.

He has the silk-spinning ability of a spider, and at the same time, small barbs appear on his hands and feet, which allows him to easily climb on the wall without falling, and has the same mobility as a spider!

His senses have become extremely sensitive, and his sense of smell and vision have been greatly improved, just like a humanoid spider!

After Parker possessed superpowers, he dared not tell others at will. His parents died when he was young, and he lived with his aunt and uncle. He was afraid of being arrested for research or being monitored and losing his freedom, so he kept hiding himself. , specially made a set of spider suits.

Like everyone who has ever dreamed of becoming a hero, Parker began to be a hero after possessing superpowers, punishing evil and promoting good, preventing many crimes.

Because of this, although the American government has always wanted to know the identity of Spider-Man, it has no way of knowing. The other party is very capable but has not done bad things, so he is allowed to exist.

The extraordinary ability and the pleasure of being a hero have changed Parker's state of mind. He is no longer as cowardly as before, but has become more confident.

Shaq also noticed the change in Parker and was sincerely happy for him.

The gang of campus bullies bullied the two again because he didn't finish what they asked Shaq to do last time.

When several people gathered together to punch and kick Shaq, Parker stopped them and gave them a hard lesson, and the opponent retreated.

This scene was seen by Mary Jane. She thought that Parker was a very kind boy, and the two began to get in touch, and their relationship became close.

Good looks, good study, cheerful and confident personality, certain skills, these are all advantages, Mary and Parker gradually fell in love with each other during the contact, and a light love was born between the two parties.

The relationship with Mary Jane has become close, which makes Parker very happy. The two sometimes date and play together, and they both need money, and Parker’s family is not very rich, and he is not the kind of kid who spends money recklessly. Burden on uncles and aunts.

So, he decided to go to the underground boxing ring to fight and make money by his skills.

Then, he did become a new rising figure and earned a lot of money, but he was exploited when looking for the person in charge to get his salary, half of his salary was taken away!

Parker was very angry, but he didn't want to mess with them. After all, people who did this kind of thing had power behind them. Once he made an impulsive decision, his life would definitely be affected. He was afraid of hurting his uncle and aunt.

Therefore, although he was extremely angry, he still chose to turn around and leave.

On the way to leave, after a while, a person ran away in a panic with a sack and hit him, and the manager behind him shouted for robbery.

The man who hit Parker was a mugger!

Parker should have kept him, but thinking of what the manager had done to him just now, he chose to let the robber escape.

On the one hand, you can vent your anger on yourself. On the other hand, this underground boxing arena is not a serious place. Robbers are black and white. It does not belong to robbery in the traditional sense and has nothing to do with civilians, so it is not considered helpless.

Parker took the salary he earned to date Mary, and when he came home at night, his aunt was very sad and told him that his uncle was dead!

The place where the uncle died was the place where he punched before, and the reason why he was killed was because the robber hijacked the car and shot him dead!

Parker was stunned, because he let the robber go!

If he hadn't let the robber go, then the uncle wouldn't have been killed, so he was the culprit who indirectly caused the uncle's death!

It's like a domino set with a chain reaction.

Because of this, Parker was full of guilt, and he didn't dare to tell his aunt about it. His temperament became depressed and blamed himself, and he became much more depressed.

This incident made him much depressed again, and his temperament underwent a third change.

The robber ran to hide in the outskirts of a government experiment because he was in a panic, but was affected by the experiment and eventually became a sandman.

Parker has been looking for the robber who was released at the beginning, and even more frantically arresting those criminals and cracking down on gangsters, just to find out the whereabouts of that person.

No one knows, but his behavior has made the underground forces panic, and they start targeting Spider-Man.

Eventually, the Sandman appeared, and Parker fought him and defeated him.

Parker's relationship with Mary ended without a problem, because after his uncle's death, Parker's temperament changed drastically, and he didn't have the heart to talk about love. All he wanted was to avenge his uncle.

Mary was left out, and she had no shortage of suitors, and her graduation was also a breakup season, so she didn't pay much attention to this hazy relationship, and finally came together with another rich second generation.

So far, the movie is over.

The content left in the egg is to link other movies.

Chen Mubai added the campus scenes, so the crew filmed a lot of scenes according to his request.

"Parker, I told you, can you show it as much as possible?"

Before the filming started, Chen Mubai looked at Parker and asked.

"I'll try my best sir." Parker nodded nervously.

Acting in front of his idol and fulfilling his orders made him feel a little pressured, but it was more of a motivation.

Not everyone has the opportunity to express themselves in front of their idols, and Parker is very concerned about his performance.


"Parker, did you find the money?"

In the class, Shaq looked at Parker who looked very happy and couldn't help asking curiously.

This scene was filmed after Parker gained superpowers and dressed up as Spider-Man to do some heroic deeds.

It focuses on showing that Parker has improved his self-confidence, so some of his usual behaviors look the same, but they are actually different. Adding a change of self-confidence, Chen Mubai asked Parker to show a sense of self-confidence from small movements.

After the slate was fired, Parker immediately entered the state and began to act.

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