Superstars In Parallel Time and Space

Chapter 906 The unsinkable giant ship has sunk!

Chapter 934 The unsinkable giant ship has sunk!

"Grass, this is too disgusting!"

"The poor don't deserve to live?"

"Even if you are fleeing for your life, it's okay for the rich to have privileges, and they don't care about the lives of ordinary people. This class is the biggest problem. In the face of life and death, people cannot be born equal."

"Damn it, let's just look down on the civilians, and not give people a chance to escape? Lock their escape route and let them wait to die? These crew members are really disgusting!"

When the audience saw this, they really discovered the indifference and ruthlessness of the society at that time in the movie, and everyone was furious.

Before that, everyone only saw the gap between the poor and the rich and class issues. Although there were contradictions, they were not so sharp.

Even in modern society, this problem still exists.

The wealthy class does have preferential treatment in some aspects, and also has a sense of superiority.

For example, the way people in the city look at people in the village is like this.

However, modern society generally respects human rights, and there will be no problems like those in movies, locking up the poor and letting the nobles escape first, this is indeed treating human life as nothing!

This is the root cause of social illness!

Looking back at Lushi's superior face, everyone hated this person even more, and Carl's words made people even more angry.

In their eyes, the lives of civilians may not be more important than some objects.

Originally, there were not enough lifeboats, but I thought it would not be crowded, and a few people sat comfortably on a lifeboat, as if going on vacation, and it was not at all a life-or-death situation!

The expressions of Lu Shi and others were in stark contrast to those of the civilians whose escape routes were locked. One side still maintained a high and calm posture, while the other side was burning with anxiety.

This is actually the epitome of two classes in society, one enjoying life leisurely, and the other struggling to survive in society.

Then, everyone saw all kinds of life, but the audience was moved by those musicians.

This is the real artist who is willing to dedicate everything to art!

In this life-and-death moment of escape, they played the last movement for people, even if no one would listen, they knew it, but they did it anyway.

In fact, the audience still understood that the captain did not announce the news.

After all, once the truth of the news is announced at this time, it will definitely cause chaos, which is not conducive to the maintenance of order. According to their instructions, they can do the best job of escape and let people escape in an orderly manner.

Ruth risked her life to save Jack, this is true love!

Otherwise, he would not be willing to take the risk to go to the flooded cabin at this juncture.

"Ruth, how do you know that I didn't steal it?" Jack asked, looking at Ruth who was anxiously looking for the key.

Ruth didn't hesitate at all: "I don't know, I just believe you didn't steal."

Ruth didn't know if Jack had stolen, but she believed that Jack hadn't, and that was enough.

Since Ruth and Jack met, she seemed to have been doing things she hadn't done before, she had abandoned the etiquette she had been given.

She started yelling, started to liberate nature.

Her tone and demeanor when ordering the crew to start the elevator made the audience burst into laughter.

This scene of solving Jack made the audience short of breath, and there were indeed too many dangers.

"Do it, Ruth, I believe in you!" Jack looked at Ruth firmly.

Regardless of whether Ruth came here to rescue him regardless of the danger of his life, or after finding the key and taking the axe, the water in the cabin has been soaked deeper and almost flooded the passage, Ruth never gave up.

Jack knew that a young lady like Ruth must have never used an axe. If she asked her to split the handcuffs directly, it would be very difficult and even cut his palm, but he still chose to trust.

The mutual trust between the two parties has been fully reflected at this moment. Even though they have just met, this trust is not like a couple who just got together, but more like a lover who has been in love for a long time!

This is also the reason why the two can be together. They can abandon everything for love. They are indeed a couple with compatible views, so they can attract each other. Their souls are similar.

At least, in Carl, there is absolutely no such trait. Carl doesn't trust Ruth but wants to control her. The two are not on equal status. This is what she can't bear the most.

As time passed, the news that the ship was going to sink could no longer be concealed, and the crowd began to panic.

The two sides began to clash, and in the face of life and death, people's instinctive desire to survive broke out.

The people on the boat wanted to go down quickly, and they didn't want to carry more people. They only cared about their own lives, and some people started cutting the ropes of the boat.

This group portrait scene directly allows the audience to see the ugly side of human beings, and fully dissects human nature!

However, from the protagonist's point of view, they are still kind, even in the process of escaping, the two still chose to help him when they heard the cry of the child.

This is the brilliance of human nature, where there is darkness there is light.

They eventually escaped to the deck.

"I won't leave you and go first!" Ruth was unwilling to get on the boat first.

"No, yours is gone, right now!" Jack interrupted her.

"Get aboard, Ruth!"

"No, Jack." Ruth said stubbornly.

"Get aboard, Ruth."

At this moment, Karl came to the two of them.

Both were comforting Ruth, telling her to get on board quickly.

Carl once again showed a strong possessive desire at this time. He did not allow himself to lose to Jack, so he threw away Jack's clothes on Ruth and put on his own coat.

At this time, he already understood that Ruth didn't love him at all, and she didn't want to be with him, and the fundamental reason why he did this was because of jealousy and vanity, and his identity didn't allow him to lose to someone who looked down on him.

He still wanted to win another victory.

"I told the officer over there that Jack will leave safely with me, and we will go together," Carl said.

"Did you hear that?" Jack persuaded with a smile, "I also have a boat."

After Ruth got into the boat, she lowered it slowly.

Jack and Carl seemed to be communicating peacefully together for the first time, and their eyes watched Ruth leave.

"You're a good liar," Carl said.

"You're not bad either." Jack said, "The arrangement you mentioned is fake."

"No, it's true." Jack Carl said without changing his expression, "It's just that it has nothing to do with you. I'm always the winner, Jack."

"Everything beats you." Carl said conceitedly.

Jack didn't speak any more, with a gloomy look on his face.

At this time, Ruth on the boat watched the lifeboat slowly lower, away from where Jack was.

The eyes of the two met. There was a signal gun for help in the sky, and the white light of rumors was lit up, shining on the faces of the two. Jack looked at Ruth with a smile, and did not tell the truth of the matter.

To love someone is to give her happiness. This is the most beautiful love and the most sincere emotion.

Jack knew that Ruth and Carl lived together with a guarantee of life. If he told the truth, Ruth would not leave and it would be harm to her.

He wanted Ruth to be happy, which was a white lie.

Ruth could not abandon Jack, she chose to jump ship and return to the Titanic again!

Jack and Ruth meet again, and their feelings are extremely hot.

The place where they met this time was where Jack and Rose met for the first time in formal attire. The two kissed like no one else, and told their emotions.

And this scene broke Carl's mind.

His polite and polite face was finally torn, and he let go of his hypocrisy and became hysterical, wanting to kill the couple!

He chased them with a gun, and they began to evade Karl's pursuit, but they also missed the best time to escape.

Karl also missed the opportunity to board the ship because of the reason for chasing and killing Jack and the two men, and the previously bribed crew members no longer accepted his bribes.

At this time, the cunning side of the nobility was revealed again.

The captain ordered women and children to board the ship first. Carl found a child, pretended to be the father of the child, and ran to the lifeboat in troubled waters.

In this disaster, the designer and captain of the Titanic decided to live and die with the ship.

Both of them felt guilty. One was that they did not put enough lifeboats because they made the space of the ship look more spacious, which caused a large number of casualties.

The other is that because of selfish desire to be famous, letting the ship move forward at full speed and ignoring the iceberg warning is the main reason for this disaster!

The designer is praying in front of the fireplace, perhaps to ask God for forgiveness or to pray for everyone.

After the captain explained everything, he walked into the pilothouse silently and locked the door, watching everything sadly, and was then submerged by the raging sea water.

In this turmoil, the people who touched everyone the most were those who had nothing to do with the incident but risked their lives to die.

Several gentlemen in full suits sat in chairs, awaiting death.

Before dying, be decent.

Another group of people are people who play music, and now they can also be called artists.

They gave up the chance to survive, and continued to dedicate the last performance for everyone at the end of their lives!

The group of four, who have cooperated for decades, was about to separate, but because one person continued to play, the other three also gave up the chance of escape and got together to play again.

At this time, all words are silent, in the music, this is the music they dedicated to.

In this sad music, the camera flashed.

Not everyone was running for their lives, some people gave up the process of escaping, and everyone quietly waited for death.

In the elderly couple that appeared in the trailer, the two were lying on the bed. The husband hugged his wife so that she would not have to worry about it, and there was gurgling sea water under the bed.

This is a mortal ending, but the audience is silenced because of this warm action, this is true love, life and death together.

There is also a mother who is telling her two children a bedtime story, but in fact this is the last story.

The two children fell asleep and would never wake up again.

Many women shed tears when they saw this scene.

Especially those who are mothers can understand this emotion better.

These people actually know that it is difficult to escape the fate of death, so at the last moment of their lives, they did not use time to escape, but to accompany their dearest people and family members.

Trying to prevent a riot, a crew member opened fire and inadvertently killed a civilian.

The crew looked at this scene with a painful expression. This was not what he wanted to see. Unable to accept the condemnation in his heart, he swallowed a gun and committed suicide.

Scenes of shots constitute the various states of life.

During this lengthy scene, the entire audience watched very quietly, and everyone was deeply moved by these scenes.

"I don't know what to say, but this is indeed the shot that moved me the most. Each character creates different emotions, and these emotions hit the depths of my soul." What a film critic wants to write, In the end, I had nowhere to write, so I could only write such a paragraph.

He didn't expect to see so many complicated things in this love movie.

At the beginning, he was ready to focus on the protagonist, but he didn't expect not only the protagonist, but everything exploded in this scene!

The protagonist is not the protagonist, these supporting roles are the protagonists!

Even if they may only have this scene, it is enough.

The short shots are extremely tense, and people can clearly feel their emotions.

The Titanic finally sank halfway over time, and those who had no time to escape were submerged in the water and lost their lives.

In fact, in these shots, the light of Jack and Rose is completely taken away, and everyone is trapped in the perspective of those civilians.

"Great maternal love, sincere love, strong friendship"

"These scenes really brought tears to my eyes. Even without lines, I can deeply understand their sorrow."

"Originally, I thought that I might cry for love after watching this movie, but I didn't expect to be moved to tears by the emotion after the disaster~"

"These shots are fantastic, impeccable!"

"Chen Mubai is really good, whether he is playing romance or playing this kind of emotion of life and death, he can make people amazing."

The audience watched this plot, and they were all shocked and amazed in their hearts.

With these pictures alone, it is worthwhile to watch this movie!

The film critics are even more excited, because they have recorded a lot of things from the beginning of the film to the present. It seems that the quality of the film is very good. With the many things expressed in it, this film may become a benchmark!

Yes, they thought the quality of the film would definitely be very high, that kind of world-class excellence!

"Perhaps, this movie can win an award."

At this moment, those film critics have very high expectations for the award of "Titanic".

A love movie has been made into a disaster movie, and the scenes of these disasters are clearly seen and vividly remembered.

The luxurious cruise liner is torn apart in front of the turbulent sea, and the disaster is merciless!

When the ship was erected at a 90-degree angle, the disaster scene that had been laid out for a long time came to a climax!

People kept sliding down into the deep sea, and people kept falling from the railing and screaming helplessly.

Lu Shi watched the sinking of the ship, and she became silent, no longer maintaining a high-ranking attitude like before.

At this moment, she may have realized something, there are always some things that are more convincing than anything when they happen in front of her eyes.

Chen Mubai gave a full shot of the scene of the boat slowly descending slowly, allowing the audience to see this scene more clearly and straightforwardly.

The huge waves rolled, the hull went down, and the water splashed in all directions. After all the ships sank, the waves returned to calm.

The huge hull sank into the water, countless people died, and some people survived, struggling hard on the sea surface. This huge ship, which was said to be unsinkable, sank!

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