"Huh?" Yang Guo was dumbfounded.

"Don't you need famous stars?"

Although the main theme movie does not value the box office, if there are many well-known movie stars joining, it will also provide some help to the movie's box office.

There are some veteran actors plus young and middle-aged actors, and the gathering of three generations of old, middle-aged and young actors, coupled with their respective appeals, has greatly improved the movie's box office.

It is not difficult to get a box office of 100 million yuan.

Although Chen Mubai's current movie does not have a box office of less than 1 billion, but this theme movie will definitely break his myth. After all, no one will like to watch this kind of movie, and it is not easy to get a box office of over 100 million!

This box office is not based on the content of the movie, but on the influence of the stars.

There are very few people who go to the cinema purely for the content of the movie. They are all older people. If they want to review the development history of the motherland, young people seldom go to see it.

With Chen Mubai's move, he abandoned the appeal of celebrities and the box office that celebrity effects can bring!

Mubai Entertainment doesn't have many famous stars, but if you choose outside stars to shoot, those people's traffic will be very scary, there will be many fans, and the box office will increase a lot.

Therefore, Tao Yaoyao was a little stunned, did she completely abandon the box office?

You know, when shooting movies with the main theme, those stars basically don't need to pay for guest appearances or get a symbolic pay to go through the motions. This is an excellent opportunity!

The previous works are all star-studded.

If I don't look for them this time, I'm afraid the box office will fall to the bottom, and people will inevitably be ridiculed.

Everyone doesn't care about the content of the movie, but directly compares it with the box office of gift-giving movies in the past. Isn't Chen Mubai very embarrassed by then?

Although it is a gift film that does not need a box office, if the All-Stars are discarded, the box office may be too low, and it will still attract public opinion.

Especially at this point in time, Chen Mubai's reputation has risen and his scenery is boundless.

There are bound to be people who will take advantage of this point to magnify it, and the media will also try to attract attention to expand the influence of this matter, which is very detrimental to Chen Mubai's reputation.

It's like that sometimes, you can fail a million times and succeed, and people will praise you.

But if you have been successful? But failed one time? There will be a lot of pessimistic voices,

Especially your enemies will seize this point to attack you.

Chen Mubai is very famous now? But behind the scenes, there are many people who want him to fall? Because his existence is too dazzling, which puts a lot of pressure on other stars and capital? It even blocks their interests.

With official protection, others can't do anything to his works and company? Then we can only expect him to wipe out his popularity? Slowly step down from the altar.

When Yang Guo heard Chen Mubai's words, she focused all her attention on the stars who played the role, and didn't care that Chen Mubai said that she would write the script herself.

"Yes, I don't need those people." Chen Mubai nodded and said, "I'm not going to make a gift film with historical themes either? I want to make a film about modern soldiers? It's also a gift with the main theme, no problem."

"So, you want to make a commercial gift film?"


Yang Guo asked curiously, "Is the time rush?"

"April is coming soon, and you still have to write the script..."

"No problem, what about the actors? I'll be responsible for it myself, and I'll pick it myself when the time comes? You go and reply to the above, and I'll take it."

Chen Mubai said: "Tell the higher-ups? I will send the script up for review in a few days later. As long as it passes? The project will be established immediately!"

"Okay!" Yang Guo nodded and immediately dealt with the matter.

"The main theme movie? I didn't expect this opportunity." After Yang Guo left, Chen Mubai sat on the office chair and smiled.

This movie was a movie he liked very much in his previous life, but he didn't expect that he would have the opportunity to make it now.

Under normal circumstances, this movie cannot be shot without official support. Some of the aircraft carriers, missiles, and aircraft in it are strategic weapons of the country, and ordinary people have no chance to shoot them.

But it's different now, the country requires the filming of gift films, so the opportunity has come.

Since the higher authorities chose Chen Mubai as the director, they must give him all priority privileges as much as possible to satisfy his film shooting and let him complete the film.

However, he still has no way to communicate these things with the people above.

He has to finish the script first, and then send the script to the government for review, and the people above will know the type of film he wants to shoot.

If it passes the review, it means that the government will cooperate with him to complete the film. If it fails to pass the review, he can only change the script and shoot in a different direction.

Or return to the historical process of the motherland to shoot, this is the last way out, and it is also something Chen Mubai does not want to shoot.

History has already happened, what's the point of always going to stir up cold rice?

Tomorrow will be better. Everyone should focus on the future instead of the past. He doesn't want to follow the real story to make another film, which is meaningless.

Once it passes the review, it means that the people above know the military weapons such as tanks and cruisers that will be used in the movie, then they will definitely give support to Chen Mubai, and he can complete the movie.

In modern times, everyone is developing cultural industries internationally and infiltrating cultures into other countries.

China's military power is one of the best in the world, and Chen Mubai wants to use this movie to publicize this power, which can be regarded as a disguised propaganda of China's military power and culture.

It fully meets the above requirements and is a movie that fits the main theme and is used as a gift to the motherland.

October 1st happens to be the National Day, and it couldn't be better to use such a movie as a gift.

However, all of this can only be known after waiting for the reply from above. His most urgent task now is to complete the script and submit it.

Chen Mubai started to prepare for this matter.


The fact that Chen Mubai became the director of this year's film dedicated to the motherland has spread on the Internet.

The Ministry of Culture and Mubai Entertainment confirmed the news and made it public.

The reason why the Ministry of Culture publicly publicized this matter is to remind all the stars that if Chen Mubai finds them to make a movie, it will be for the motherland, so try to cooperate.

At this time, no matter how big the conflict between the two is, they have to put it aside and focus on completing the movie.

Every year, the Ministry of Culture makes it public, just to make the movie go smoothly, so as to prevent accidents during the shooting and affect the progress of the movie.

In the past, when the director was publicly announced, not many people paid attention.

At least, netizens don’t pay much attention to it. Major entertainment companies and stars will pay attention. After all, it’s very important to them. Many people want to join the filming. Well-known stars respond to the call of the country, while unknown people go to hang out. curriculum vitae.

For example, Xiao Xianrou is going to be gilded, so it is still a work, and it is still a feature film!

This time, because the director is Chen Mubai, with his own traffic, there are more people discussing it.

Generally, directors don't have much traffic, after all, they are not stars who need to show their faces.

No matter how great the director is, he won't have much fame and influence. People in the industry believe it, but netizens only pay attention to celebrities.

Just like a movie, you will pay attention to who is the leading actor, but you will not pay attention to who is the director. For a song, you will pay attention to which singer sings, instead of paying attention to the songwriter, right?

The people who work behind the scenes, no matter how famous they are, are not as good as stars, compared to the audience.

Fame and influence in the industry and outside the industry are two different concerns. This is the common saying that laymen watch the excitement, and experts watch the way.

Chen Mubai is quite special. He is a director himself and a star with both strength and traffic, so his every move has attracted much attention.

Even if you are making a movie as a director, you will receive a lot of attention from the outside world.

Therefore, as soon as the news was announced, there was a heated discussion among everyone.

"Chen Mubai will take over the gift film now?"

"It's too fierce. Every director who shoots a gift film is a well-known director. This seems to be the first young director, right?"

"Don't be a young director or a young director. How many directors dare to say that they are better than him? Isn't it normal for him to take over?"

"It's true, he just won the Oscar, and those people are farther away from him..."

"That's right, what's the use of winning more prizes in China? It can only be said that he is great in his own country. Chen Mubai has won two big prizes in foreign countries. In this regard, how many people can compare?"

"Although the gift film is not interesting, but for Chen Mubai, I will still support it!"

"Me too."

The enthusiasm of netizens is very high, and many people expressed their support. At the same time, there are many fans of other stars who hope that their idols can make this movie, which can be regarded as joining forces with Chen Mubai.

Chen Mubai's current ability is obvious to all. Few celebrities have worked with him before. This time is a good opportunity, and fans of many celebrities are looking forward to it.

"I hope I can find Li Meng~"

"Wang Kai will definitely go, he is a powerful star, far from being able to touch porcelain with traffic~"

"Let's guess, which stars will Chen Mubai cast?"

"If you want me to say, with Chen Mubai's current influence, and according to the specifications of the previous gift films, all the stars will definitely want to go, it depends on which stars Chen Mubai can accept."

"I'm looking forward to it too, but the stars of Starway Entertainment must be excluded first, haha~"

Everyone was discussing that Chen Mubai would invite those stars to join the movie.


Jiaxing economy.

"Mr. Wu, Chen Mubai is the director of this gift film. We had a dispute with him before. Will he..."

Wu Tian sighed: "Of course he will, he is a person who will take revenge, as long as you don't provoke him, he will not take the initiative to provoke you, but if you touch him, he will never let you go, our Liang Zi It's over."

"Although there have been no conflicts recently, but offending him at the beginning, this matter is probably useless."

The vice president said: "Why don't you ask me a question, or find a middleman to set up a bureau and formally apologize?"

Wu Tian closed his eyes and pondered.

"The flashing supporting roles in this kind of gift film should be stars. We are the largest artist company. If we don't cooperate with us, there will be half of the stars. I don't think he will find unknown stars to play."

"To a certain extent, this kind of film is a film that shows the face of the country. The official will also hope that the momentum will be bigger. The more stars and famous people, the better."

"We have always had conflicts before, maybe this time we will give him a step to understand Liangzi?"

They did it wrong at the beginning. Now, although Chen Mubai holds a gift card and many celebrities want to join, he also needs to invite celebrities to join, and he needs to get the consent of others. This is a two-way choice, not a one-way choice. sex.

It is impossible for this movie to have too many unknown people, and well-known stars are needed to support the scene, so Jiaxing is the best choice. Relatively speaking, the initiative is in their hands.

This time, they had the advantage, and they took the initiative to apologize to Chen Mubai, they should be able to understand the festival, they gave Chen Mubai enough face, and their posture was also very low.

Wu Tian told the vice president about this idea, and the vice president thought about it for a while, and felt that it made sense.

"That's it, then I'll go get in touch and see the other party's reaction." The vice president said pleasantly.

He was very surprised that Wu Tian could think of such a good solution quickly, which is really amazing!

If this matter can be resolved, they can be regarded as having completed a major event and solved the problem with Chen Mubai. There may not be no possibility of cooperation between the two parties in the future!

Taking this opportunity, Wu Tian can not only send his own star to participate in this movie, but also solve the conflicts between the two sides, killing two birds with one stone!

Not only Jiaxing Economics, but all entertainment companies are paying attention to the actions of Mubai Entertainment and Chen Mubai's every move.

This matter is really related to their interests, and it is normal for everyone to care about it.

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