Superstars In Parallel Time and Space

Chapter 725 Participating in the Los Angeles Music Festival

Superstar in Parallel Time and Space Chapter 725 Participates in the Los Angeles Music Festival Audio Novel Listen Online

"Wake up!?"

Chen Mubai opened his eyes, and found that Tao Yaoyao was lying sideways beside him, looking at him with beautiful eyes.

"Well, how long have you been awake?" Chen Mubai felt that the hangover was not completely healed, and his head was a little heavy.

"Just woke up."

"Any plans for today?"

"I don't know, what's your plan?" Tao Yaoyao asked.

"It's hard to come here, and I'm not in a hurry to go back. I'm here to check a few companies that want to buy the copyright of "Infernal Affairs,"

Chen Mubai said: "If possible, you stay with me, and we can play for a few more days?"

"Okay, okay!" Tao Yaoyao said happily.

She came to the United States to participate in the Oscars, on the one hand, because she is the heroine of the film, on the other hand, she also wanted to come and get together with Chen Mubai, which was a companionship.

If it is really based on the awards, she has no personal nomination awards. Although she is the heroine, she doesn't have many roles, so she can come or not.

The United States and Huaxia are far away, and they traveled across the ocean to rub the red carpet. If it wasn't for Chen Mubai, she would definitely not have come. She is not the kind of carpet star who uses all her strength to rub the red carpet.

She doesn't need this kind of traffic and news, because she doesn't need hype, and can completely rely on her works and word of mouth to do what she wants to retain fans, instead of relying on hype and publicity traffic to attract fans!

This is the essential difference. Stars with strength and works are so stubborn, while traffic stars can only rely on various news and popularity to maintain their popularity.


Chen Mubai's eyes straightened a little, and he glanced down.


"I hate it!" Tao Yaoyao quickly retracted into the quilt.

She was excited just now, and her body moved a lot, revealing her body wrapped in the quilt.

Last night, the two slept and she was only wearing her underwear.

The movement just now was too large, revealing her snow-white body.

Even if the two already had skin-to-skin relationship, she was not naked, but Tao Yaoyao was still very shy when Chen Mubai stared at her like this in broad daylight.

Her cheeks were instantly flushed, her ears were also flushed, and she became shy.

"Where do you hate it?" Chen Mubai deliberately teased Tao Yaoyao.

"I hate everything!" Tao Yaoyao hummed softly.


Chen Mubai threw off the quilt and covered himself and Tao Yaoyao.


Tao Yaoyao was startled by Chen Mubai's sudden movement and let out a cry of surprise.

"Eat early~"

Chen Mubai started the war again.

It's normal for boys to be vigorous and vigorous, but seeing this scene again, naturally they couldn't bear it.

Tao Yaoyao's shy voice kept ringing out.

Where did she expect Chen Mubai to come again early in the morning?

You obviously just danced the Latin dance last night, you haven't eaten yet, aren't you tired?

However, she did not reject Chen Mubai, after all, they are lovers, and she herself misses Chen Mubai very much.

"Drink more porridge."

The two had already got up and sat in the dining room to have breakfast, Tao Yaoyao made a bowl of clear porridge for Chen Mubai, and also brought him breakfast like steamed buns.

The place where they stayed was a partial hotel with a partial breakfast.

"Is your head feeling better?" Tao Yaoyao asked after taking a sip of milk.

Chen Mubai was hungover last night, and he still had a headache when he woke up early.

"Okay, I had a little headache when I first woke up, but it's completely fine after I exercise."


Tao Yaoyao blushed, and whispered, "Rogue."

Chen Mubai was a little drunk last night, and there was no memory fragmentation.

Seeing Tao Yaoyao taking care of him in every possible way, Chen Mubai was very moved, so he couldn't help himself.

The two are lovers, and this kind of thing is normal.

And this time I haven't seen each other for a long time, and the time we spend together is limited due to work,

Yesterday was also the most relaxing moment recently.

Although Tao Yaoyao came to accompany him before, but because of dancing practice, he spent a lot of time in the dance club and was very tired every day, which is why he was able to perform outstandingly in a short period of time.

I was originally talented in this area. I learned dance since I was a child. I haven't practiced for such a long time. After a few days of hard training, I regained my feeling and made my limbs no longer stiff.

What Chen Mubai paid for this was more than ten hours of high-intensity training every day, and he was very tired.

In addition, preparing for Oscar was a lot of pressure. She didn't want Chen Mubai to be too tired, and the two of them didn't have any intimate interaction. She simply stayed with him.

This time, after the Oscars are over, everyone is in a very relaxed mood, both psychologically and physically, so they will be interested in enjoying the joy of fish and water.

However, after such a stubble, the relationship between the two has become better.

Chen Mubai confessed his love for Tao Yaoyao in front of the whole world, how could she not be moved?

The relationship between the two has always been very good and stable, and everything is developing in a good direction.

The breakfast was finished with great affection, and the two talked and laughed, very happy.

At present, the most important things for them have been completed. Winning the Oscar is really a very important thing, and it has far-reaching significance for Mubai Entertainment and Chen Mubai himself.

Chen Mubai has become a very important figure in the domestic film and television industry, he is very important, even the leader is not an exaggeration!

In terms of director's honor, no one can overwhelm Chen Mubai, he is a well-deserved leader!

Besides, he is still so young and has great potential in the future. No one can tell what awards he will win, but everyone has very high expectations for him, and I believe he will definitely win another award at the International Category A Film Festival !

Luo Fan and others went back first. Their purpose in coming to Los Angeles was to attend the Oscar Film Festival.

Liang Wei and the others also went back. They still had work to do. The filming of "Infernal Affairs 2" had already been approved, and the original crew participated in the production again.

However, Chen Mubai no longer played the role, but Liang Wei returned.

In "Infernal Affairs", both Chen Mubai and Liang Wei's roles are played by young people, but Chen Mubai plays himself, and Liang Wei's role is played by another star.

This time, Chen Mubai quit, and his role was replaced by a newcomer. Liang Wei's Chen Yongren was played by the actor who played him in his youth before. The two leading actors have become young stars!

Liang Wei himself plays the role of Ni Yongxiao, who is also Chen Yongren's real brother!

Although the problem of the role is a bit of a drama, it is not a big problem.

Many films in Xiangjiang feature the same actors. Some sequel films are not sequels of the original film, but just use the sequel name of the film, but it is a brand new story. Even the characters have changed, but the actors have not changed.

Like "Infernal Affairs 2", the roles of the original cast, and a few people such as Liang Wei, are really nothing.

Whether it is the audience in Hong Kong or the audience in the mainland, they are still very much looking forward to the establishment of "Infernal Affairs 2". Everyone really wants to watch this movie.

At the beginning, Chen Mubai left an easter egg at the end. Many people were waiting to reveal the relationship between Police Officer Huang and Han Chen. The two are clearly rivals, but they still eat lunch together. 1 and 2 are two extremes.

They were all eating boxed lunches at the police station, but in 1, the two of them were in the same situation, while in 2, they were having fun, something big must have happened here!

Chen Mubai's easter eggs completely aroused the audience's interest, and the suspense was kept too good. When "Infernal Affairs 2" was announced and filmed by the same crew, it really aroused a lot of enthusiasm.

Although it is a pity that Chen Mubai is gone, the overall structure has not changed, and everyone can accept it.

Compared with the lack of an actor, everyone is more looking forward to the plot. Anyway, the old actors have not changed, and the quality of the movie is guaranteed.

Besides, the script is still written by Chen Mubai, so there will be no problem. The lower limit of the movie's quality will definitely not be low, at least it won't be a work for making money.

This is the effect of Chen Mubai's name, everyone fully believes in his character and ability!

If the screenwriter is not Chen Mubai, many people will definitely think that this is to enjoy the dividends brought by "Infernal Affairs", and some people will question it as a money-making work.

"Where are you going now?"

After the two had breakfast, they bid farewell to Luo Fan and his party.

Some people from the crew of "Master of Hypnotism" also went back with Luo Fan and the others, and now the two of them are still in the United States.

Everyone knows that this young couple will probably stay for a few more days to play, and let's talk about the copyright of "Infernal Affairs" by the way.

The copyright of "Infernal Affairs" is in the hands of Chen Mubai, so he has the leading right. Although Luo Fan and the others invited Chen Mubai to shoot the film, if we really want to investigate it, it does belong to Chen Mubai.

"A singer invited me to the music festival yesterday, and the time is almost here."

After Chen Mubai performed "dangero" on stage yesterday, a singer did invite him to attend a music festival in Los Angeles, and he agreed.

The music festival starts in the afternoon, and in the evening, there will be many people participating.

He now needs to open up markets in Europe and the United States, so he must keep his reputation rising and let foreigners know him.

At least, let everyone know his name and appearance.

To foreigners, all Asians look the same.

For Asians, it's the same for all Europeans and Americans, of course, blacks and whites are definitely not the same.

Although in the eyes of people of different races, people of other races look similar, but if there is an idol you really like, you will definitely learn about him deliberately, and you will remember his appearance and name.

Whether black or white, there are famous people, and many Chinese people like them, and they can distinguish the difference between them and other blacks (whites).

What Chen Mubai has to do is to let people in Europe and America remember his appearance and be able to distinguish him from other people of yellow race.

It is difficult for his film and television works to ferment quickly in Europe and the United States. Although "Infernal Affairs" has a film studio who wants to introduce it, it is still under negotiation.

Even if it is introduced, there are not many Europeans and Americans who can watch Chinese movies. The effect is limited and it will take a long time to ferment.

The music is much faster, whether it sounds good or not, you can know it instantly.

Moreover, he sings English songs in the same language, and foreigners will not listen to his songs because of the singer's name.

The biggest difference between watching a movie and listening to music is that everyone may watch a movie for the director or actor.

Listening to songs is different. Instead, people don't pay attention to who the singer is, but pay attention to the melody of the song, whether it sounds good, and whether they like it.

If you like it, you will search for the singer's information, if you don't like to swipe, you won't even know the singer's name

This is really not a good thing for singers.

There are many songs that are very popular, and everyone does not know who the original singer is, and they may remember the cover singer

This is a typical song that is popular if people are not popular, but film and television works are different. As long as the works are popular, people will definitely be popular.

This is the difference between film and television and music dissemination. The speed of song dissemination is indeed fast, but it is also more difficult.

Chen Mubai is confident that foreigners will get to know him gradually, and his film and television works will go international in the future, but before that, he will slowly accumulate his fame internationally.

Oscar's performance yesterday has been widely reported by many media today, and his name has already gained some popularity.

As long as he appears in the eyes of European and American people many times, everyone will be able to remember him.

He already has a small group of foreign fans. His previous songs and performance at the Venice Film Festival have attracted the attention of some people. Everyone remembers this Chinese.

"I have already made an appointment with him, he will take me to the scene, and then I will perform on stage."

Tao Yaoyao said, "Then what about me?"

"You come with me, play discs for me, and I'll go dancing."

"Okay!" Tao Yaoyao readily agreed.

She likes to do anything with Chen Mubai, especially the collaboration on the music side, which will make her feel that the hearts of the two are closer.

Music is sacred and her favorite thing, and doing what she likes with the people she likes is the happiest thing.

superstar in parallel time and space

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