Superstar in Parallel Time and Space Chapter 720 Spacewalk Audio Novel Listen Online

"Congratulations, Chen!"

After leaving the stage, the host and Chen Mubai congratulated each other.


"Have you ever thought that you will gain something in terms of awards today?" the host asked with a smile.

"Yes." Chen Mubai nodded.

"Oh, so confident?" The host was a little surprised by Chen Mubai's affirmation.

"Yeah, I have always had confidence in myself, and this is also the driving force that supports me to get to where I am now."

Chen Mubai shrugged and said, "The truth is, I haven't debuted for a long time, but I'm not bad luck. All my works that were shortlisted for the film festival have won awards. This is God's blessing for me."

"The first film, "Buried Alive", won the Golden Lion Award at the Venice Film Festival, which greatly helped my confidence. It may be because of winning the award that I became more confident and made more and more successful films. This work allows me to stand here today to accept the award and compete with a group of top international stars on the same stage."

Sometimes, people's confidence before doing things is very important.

Often when you are confident, you will get twice the result with half the effort. If you are not confident, you will have a high chance of failure.

Therefore, Chen Mubai's first film won the Golden Lion Award, which indeed had a profound impact on him. His speech won everyone's applause.

Of course, Chen Mubai's words contained elements of flattering himself, but what he said was the truth, which made it impossible to refute.

Americans still identify with the strong and like confident people.

This is different from Huaxia, which likes to be modest. This is the result of cultural differences.

Therefore, Chen Mubai won everyone's respect by speaking with facts.

What was said did not come true. This is bragging.

What was said came true. This is a manifestation of strength. The ending is different, and the feedback obtained is naturally different.

At least, Chen Mubai is very awesome in the eyes of Americans.

"Wow, it's really amazing." The host laughed and said, "You are worthy of the name of a genius. It seems that you can continue this record."

"You have already won an award, do you think there is still a possibility of winning?" The host deliberately threw a topic to Chen Mubai.

"Yes." Chen Mubai said, "I believe that as long as you are nominated, you will have a chance to win an award. I believe everyone here thinks the same way."

"If you think you can't win an award, you probably won't come here and sit down to participate in the awards ceremony."

Randomly, he humored a bit, "You know, air tickets are not cheap. Wouldn't it be nice to have a big meal for yourself with this money?"

Sure enough, Chen Mubai's answer aroused roars of laughter from the audience.

"Ha ha."

"This Chinese man is interesting."

"Yeah? Very confident? And very humorous, which is very different from the rest of the Huaxia people."

Many of the stars here have collaborated with Chinese stars? It can be considered that they have a certain understanding of Chinese stars.

"I like this man."

"I like it too? Has strength and good looks"

"For the first time, I fell in love with a Chinese person, and I want to fall in love with him~"

"Almighty? Can sing, dance, film and even be a director? That's too good!"

Obviously? Chen Mubai's performance has won the respect of most people, and they have begun to pay attention to this Chinese star.

The host nodded and said, "It makes sense. As a filmmaker, you must have this confidence? This is the idea you should have to make a good film."

"Before you give your acceptance speech? May I ask you a question on behalf of everyone?"


"Can you lift your foot up and show me?"

What is the problem?

Chen Mubai was a little puzzled, but he still did as he did.

The host looked down and answered Chen Mubai's doubts.

"There are no wheels under his shoes"


Everyone was amused by the host again.

Well, why did he ask this question? Because of Chen Mubai's last moonwalk,

Some people guessed that Chen Mubai hid a wheel under his shoes? That's why he could do it.

At this time, the host asked this question? Obviously, it was deliberately making everyone laugh and adjusting the atmosphere.

You know? When Chen Mubai performed before? The costumes were changed? Then the shoes will naturally be changed. Even if there are wheels, it is impossible to still have them now!

This is obviously a joke, but it also attracts everyone's kindness and aggravates everyone's doubts.

After all, there is still no conclusion on this matter, and many people are still guessing the reason.

Now that the master is here, it is necessary to make some jokes. This is also a common technique used by European and American hosts. They like to joke with guests on stage, including people in the audience.

Originally, the host meant that the point was over, the atmosphere would be better, and then Chen Mubai was asked to give his acceptance speech.

Unexpectedly, the atmosphere was up, but Chen Mubai made a move that surprised him.

"Do you mean that?"

Chen Mubai walked aside, took a moonwalk again, and slid directly to the side of the host.

This time, everyone clearly saw the spacewalk again!


"how did you do that!?"

"It's amazing!"

"New dance steps, shocking the world!"

This time everyone saw that Chen Mubai's soles did not have wheels, that is to say, he did not rely on those things to complete this action, but relied on skills!

Chen Mubai created a new dance move, before him, no one has ever done it like this!

This footstep is so gorgeous that it makes people feel that they ignore gravity and can slide freely on the ground.

Some people with good dancing skills in the audience imitated Chen Mubai's movements with their feet. Even if they were sitting on chairs, their feet were not secure.

"How did you do it?"

The host did not expect Chen Mubai to perform a moonwalk again. He imitated Chen Mubai's movement clumsily, moving backward slowly like a penguin.

The host's clumsy movements once again made the audience laugh out loud.

However, he helped everyone to ask out their doubts. Everyone wanted to know how Chen Mubai did it.

"That's right."

Chen Mubai drifted past again in front of the host.


Everyone saw that the host was teased by Chen Mubai again, and everyone laughed out loud.

It was normal for Chen Mubai not to answer.

Who will tell everyone the secret?

This is tantamount to a trump card, and no one will tell others easily.

What Chen Mubai did today, I am afraid that countless people will analyze his movements, want to analyze how he did it, he can slide backwards on the flat ground, it looks like he is walking!

"Is this a movement you figured out by yourself?" The host changed direction and said, "Before this, I have never seen such a movement."

"Yes, I made this up."

"So does this action have a name?"

When most people create a new school or style, they will name it after the creator's idea. Since Chen Mubai pioneered this step, he naturally has the right to name it.

"space walk."

"So it's called a space walk"

"Spacewalk? It really fits this action, like roaming in space, without gravity"

Everyone in the audience listened attentively to what Chen Mubai said.

The name of the space walk is known to everyone, and what can be met is that countless people will learn and explore this movement!

"Well, I have to say that apart from being very talented in movies, you are also talented in dancing and singing. You are really enviable talent!" The host envied.

"Are you ready to be popular all over the world?" the host teased in a joking tone.

This is predictable. In addition to reporting on the awards, tomorrow's newspapers may be filled with Chen Mubai's introduction and his performance on stage.

The Oscar Film Festival is held every year, and every year there are films that can win awards.

But there is no other year where the momentum will be as big as this year. It is entirely based on Chen Mubai's stunning performance, as well as a new dance step, the moonwalk was born!

I'm afraid that this year's Oscar Film Festival will be popular because of Chen Mubai. Everyone will remember this year's Oscar, not because of the excellent quality of the film, but because of the birth of the spacewalk and the song "Dangero"!

Excellent song and dance perfectly combined to create this classic show.

I'm afraid that this performance will become a classic and will continue forever.

Never before has any performance been so attractive and able to make the scene extremely hot.

Unique ideas, different costumes and dances, as well as that clean and neat movement, all of which prove how amazing this show is!

"Must, I'm ready for everyone to watch my movie." Chen Mubai praised the Oscar Film Festival sideways.

Although his performance is excellent, this is a film festival after all, and it should focus on movies. Others can focus on other aspects, but he can't, and he can't deny the importance of the film festival in front of the host.

By saying this, he gave the Oscar Film Festival enough face, and made the organizing committee's impression of him much better.

After all, this is a world-renowned film festival, and the organizing committee doesn't want the film to be remembered. Instead, everyone remembers a song. What everyone is discussing is not about the xx movie winning or being wonderful, but about a song or a dance. Great.

For this Oscar team, it was a failure.

A world-renowned film festival is not about movies but songs. Isn't this a slap in the face of the official?

A lot of time passed, and Chen Mubai began to give his acceptance speech.


According to the usual practice, Chen Mubai said a word of thanks first, followed by Zheng.

"This script came about because I like police and gangster movies very much. Generally, the police are the righteous side, and the gangsters are the evil side, so I want to reverse this point of view. Do the police have to be good guys, and the gangsters have to be bad guys?"

"Writing this script from this angle, and then telling the story of the character's mental journey, people are easily influenced by the environment, but as a policeman mixed into the underworld, it is very rare to be able to maintain a kind nature. It shows that people are very persistent in their inner goals, this is a powerful belief, and it is also the driving force that supports everyone to move towards their dreams."

"And will a bad person always be a bad person? When he is in a good environment, he will also be affected, and he will also want to change. This is human nature. Everyone yearns for an ordinary life, and no one wants to be a bad person all the time."

Chen Mubai used the two protagonists in the script of "Infernal Affairs" to analyze human nature, and then explained.

Generally, films at film festivals like to discuss human nature, so Chen Mubai's speech aroused warm applause from everyone.

Anyway, he succeeded, so he was right.

Those who fail are not qualified to come to this kind of occasion.

Naturally, what Chen Mubai said makes sense.

superstar in parallel time and space

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