Superstars In Parallel Time and Space

Chapter 712 The collapse of Starway Entertainment

Superstar in Parallel Time and Space Chapter 712 Starway Entertainment's Disintegration Audio Novel Listen Online

No one expected that after the new year, there would be such a big news. Mubai Entertainment's actions were too fast, which caught everyone off guard!

Especially when it announced the establishment of Mubai Cinemas, it really shocked everyone.

It has never been heard that Mubai Entertainment has a tendency to enter the theater chain, and there has been no relevant news to discuss this matter.

Now Mubai Entertainment is very famous, if it buys theaters, there will be news, it is impossible for there to be no news.

However, it was so fast that Mubai Entertainment completed the acquisition unexpectedly.

Not to mention the general public, it was Jiaxing Economics and the other six that were taken aback.

They are people in the industry and have not received any relevant news. It was too sudden!

Originally thought that Mubai Entertainment might just have this tendency, which aroused their attention, but after some investigation, they discovered that Mubai Films' theater chains are not small, and many theater chains that were previously scattered outside have been acquired privately!

They knew about these theaters, because no one took over because of the price issue, they didn't expect to be taken over by Chen Mubai so quietly!

This is really the first big news since the beginning of the year!

Mubai Entertainment has done too many moves, and their ambitions have been exposed. They want to become the eighth largest, just like Extraordinary Entertainment!

Everyone thought that Chen Mubai was protected by the government, and the theaters would no longer deliberately target him, so he could sit back and relax, but no one thought that he would sneak into Chen Cang and start to enter the theaters by himself!

It seems that he made preparations because of that incident, and wanted to completely get rid of the shackles of others. This is to prevent problems before they happen.

People in the industry understand Chen Mubai's behavior, but this method is indeed a bit surprising, especially the investment in theater chains is very amazing. A movie theater needs a lot of money to invest, let alone a chain theater chain!

The integration of Mubai Entertainment's theaters has now been completed, and it seems that it has cost a huge price.

But when they think of the profits of the 5 movies they produced, everyone secretly feels sad, everyone is so angry!

The investment in each of these films is not high, but the box office is as high as the other. This kind of high-return investment in the financial market has a high return, which is outrageous!

Indeed, for other companies, the acquisition of those cinema chains may not be able to make money, but for Mubai Entertainment, it is a small problem, and their capital flow is too rich.

Every work is a high-quality product, whether it is a movie or a TV show, it is a big hit, and the return of this fund is too easy!

Such a huge cash flow is the reason why Mubai Entertainment can complete these actions. After many people figure it out, they can only admire it. It is difficult for others to create a miracle!

Even for a subsidiary like Extraordinary Entertainment, which is backed by large capital, its entertainment and real estate industries are separated after all, and it is impossible to subsidize the subsidiary with unlimited money from the parent company, and it is also difficult to achieve the same method as Mubai Entertainment.

Subsidiaries also need to make profits on their own, or come up with future planning plans to allow the parent company to transfer funds for implementation, which is very difficult.

Mubai Entertainment has no such worries. It is the parent company itself and has huge funds. It can do whatever it wants, and its execution is very strong, so it moves more and faster.

When everyone started looking at the theaters of Mubai Films, they discovered an interesting thing, that is, part of the theaters that originally belonged to Starway Entertainment were planned to be under the theaters of Mubai Entertainment!

In other words, Starway Entertainment sold some theaters to Mubai Entertainment!

"What's happening here?"

"There used to be a Starway Cinema near my house, but now it has been replaced by a Mubai Cinema. I laughed so hard."

"So, Starway Entertainment has an old love for Chen Mubai and deliberately sold it to him to make Chen Mubai rise?"

"The case has been solved, it turns out that we all blamed Starway Entertainment by mistake, teary eyes~"

"Haha, it means Star Cheng Entertainment is having a hard time, that's why they chose to give up some unprofitable industries."

"I hope Chen Mubai will work harder,

Squeeze Starway Entertainment to the brink of bankruptcy, so you can get revenge~"

After the netizens discovered this situation, they started to discuss frantically.

Starway Entertainment was dragged out to flog corpses again. During this new year, everyone in Starway Entertainment was not doing well. They were in the process of being flogged every day.

Even the employees can see the Internet mocking their company, which makes them somewhat embarrassed. Even when relatives ask them about their work, they dare not say that they work in Starway, but say that they work in Starway. Entertainment.

Starway Entertainment is like a villain, everyone can punish him, even the employees dare not reveal their identities and positions...

It has to be said that Starway Entertainment ruined the popularity of passers-by, and even its employees felt ashamed. From this moment on, many people thought of leaving their jobs.

There are also some people who regret it. They are the ones who left Mubai Entertainment in the first place.

At the beginning, when Starway Entertainment used schemes to frame Mubai Entertainment, they deliberately went over to poach people, and some people jumped to work. Now they see that Mubai Entertainment is developing so well, and their regret is beyond words.

At the beginning, they thought that Mubai Entertainment was going to die, so they chose to leave Mubai Entertainment and switch to Starway Entertainment. Who knows that there is reincarnation in the law of heaven, but now the situation is reversed, Starway Entertainment is going to die...


"Is there only people who pay attention to Mubai Films and no one pays attention to another news? Chen Mubai bought Starlight Animation, is he going to do animation?"

"No way, is it for children again? I don't want to watch children's cartoons like "Wolf and Sheep" anymore..."

"Hey, it's not that domestic animation is not good, it's just that it's for children, not for adults. I watch anime and watch foreign ones. Movies like "Monster" are all based on comics. It's really interesting. ~"

"Yeah, Japanese anime is really good-looking, very passionate, and it also tells about friendship, love, and mentorship. This kind of anime is the same as TV dramas and movies, but it is shown with animated characters. Develop quickly, and make some animations that can be watched by us adults!"

"I don't know if I can see adult anime in my lifetime..."

"Brothers, does Chen Mubai want to make adult animation? Otherwise, why did he enter the animation industry with great fanfare? I don't think he will make children's cartoons. His film and television works are quite connotative, I think Maybe it’s because I want to develop Chinese manga that I will change the form of expression..."

Those who discuss these topics are ordinary anime fans. Although the number of people is much smaller than that of film and television, after all, anime is not a real person, and there are no stars. There are fewer people who follow stars, but everyone is a loyal anime fan and has a high stickiness. .

Compared with Chen Mubai's other actions, they paid more attention to the animation industry.

There are also some people who are engaged in the animation industry. This is a career closely related to them, so the attention will be higher.

However, everyone does not have expectations, after all, this is not something that one person can change the status quo.

The overall level of animation in China is not high. Although there are a large number of potential people, the soil is not good. At present, children's animation is still the main focus in China, which is also the main direction of several other large animation companies.

The peripherals of children's animation are very profitable. Toys and books are things that children like to buy. Children's animation makes money. It does not require high special effects and plots, and there are great business opportunities, so everyone is making children's money.

There are also companies that have tried to produce adult animation, but unfortunately they failed. In addition to the huge investment, they still need to find a good artist, including special effects for the production of the plot, and so on.

In the end, it failed, with heavy losses, and no one produced it.

After all, a good animation requires a huge investment. After all, it is aimed at adults. If the plot is bad and the special effects are poor, it will be seriously complained about. reason for getting up.

After all, this is still an industry with large capital investment, and it is difficult to make money quickly, so the capital gave up.

It is easier and less risky to make money in other industries, so why consider animation, a high-investment, high-risk industry?

Even if you make a bad movie and invite a traffic star, you can have a fan effect, so the risk of animation is low!

In any case, at least some people are willing to enter this industry, which will somewhat promote the industry, not to mention that Chen Mubai himself is a person with a very good reputation, which is more worthy of everyone's trust.

Many people who love animation have given blessings to Mubai Entertainment, hoping that their animation career can be successful.


Starway Entertainment.

"Mr. Gao, several employees have left today, one is the management, and the other two are old employees..."

The vice president reported the company's situation to Gao Jin with mixed feelings.

"Got it." Gao Jin rubbed his tired eyes.

"Follow the formal procedures. The executives can stay if they can, and persuade them more."


Since the Spring Festival, many employees have offered to resign.

At the beginning, they didn't pay much attention to it. After all, it's normal for a company to have people come and go.

It's just that I didn't expect that more and more people gradually left, and even the usual atmosphere became tense.

Some people left their jobs one after another, and there were also old employees. This greatly deepened the anxiety of the rest of the employees and made them fear. Is the company going to go bankrupt?

After all, it's not that there is no relevant news, and many netizens hope that Starway will go bankrupt.

The departure of old employees hits the company the hardest. If nothing happens, why do old employees leave their comfort zone?

People like to stay in a comfortable place, which can be regarded as nostalgic. If you leave your job and go to a new place to restart interpersonal communication, it is far less comfortable to stay in the old place.

Although the company clarified that this was a rumor, and even issued a lawyer's letter to warn netizens, the failure of a series of recent works of the company and the sale of theaters are indisputable facts, which have deepened the anxiety of employees.

A large number of people resigned, but it also led to some vacillating people, who also proposed to resign.

People who work hard in society have a keen sense of crisis. They can share prosperity but not share adversity. It is rare for employees and enterprises to tide over difficulties.

People with this kind of character can be said to repay kindness or have a good personality, but those who don’t have this kind of character can’t be said to be bad, after all, they have to eat, so they don’t shiver.

"The shareholders want you to go there now."


After the vice president left, Gao Jin got up and walked towards the conference room.

He knew that the reason why the shareholders came to him was because of the company's recent problems, and he needed to be responsible, but he couldn't do anything about it.

However, he is the general manager after all, responsible for the company's operations. He still needs to explain to the shareholders and be responsible for these matters.

In fact, since he took over the company, he has not made any major wrong decisions, but the company is still inevitable.

The main reason is that Chen Mubai's incident hurt too much, the public opinion was one-sided, and Starway's reputation was ruined.

In addition, Chen Mubai's rapid rise instantly slapped them in the face, which put Xingcheng in an awkward position, and he has been targeted by Chen Mubai, making it difficult to fight back.


superstar in parallel time and space

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