Superstars In Parallel Time and Space

Chapter 387 Announcing the number of votes!

The singers deeply agree with the artistic conception expressed in the song. After all, everyone has come this way. Even the most famous stars have a process of becoming famous, and that process is full of twists and turns. They are very familiar with this mentality.

"You call me pompous, I'm not afraid to add a few boos"

"I'm here, if there's something boring"

"Look at the performance, is it hysterical enough?"

"Spray flowers with tears, I only want to surprise you"

"I don't seem to exist in the past, increase the bet"

"The blue veins are also visible, do I know that they exist now?"

"Look at me, stop looking at the ceiling"



At this time, Chen Mubai's whole body was completely immersed in the song. He thought of his past and present, and all the past. Every encounter was unforgettable, and his true feelings and emotions came from the heart. Then spread it out in the sound.

These emotions are accumulated in his heart, and they are also a huge energy. At this moment, he wants to release all these emotions, so that everyone can listen to his voice and his strength!

Accompanied by the venting of all kinds of complex emotions, Chen Mubai only felt that he was sweating profusely but extremely relaxed, his whole soul was washed, as if he had been sublimated!

Although the body is very tired, but the spirit is very uplifting. This singing let him let himself go, let him perform and vent without any scruples. This is a singing that makes him hearty!

When Chen Mubai sang the last verse, he was performing crazily, as if he was the only one in the whole world, singing passionately, looking crazy!

But no one laughed at his behavior, on the contrary, they were moved and infected by his crazy state, and all watched his hard-working performance with enthusiasm!

Until Chen Mubai sang to the end, he roared out the last "ha" again in an extremely crazy state, sublimating the whole person and the artistic conception of this song for the last time!

The crowd couldn't hold back the excitement in their hearts any longer, they applauded and screamed frantically!

To give their applause and love to Chen Mubai's wonderful performance, all the people present are expressing their love and attitude towards this song in their own way!


This song is really amazing, especially the last [Ha], it makes my scalp tingle! "

"Me too, the state of Chen Mubai's singing at the end was too crazy, my whole body felt hot, and the hairs all over my body trembled from being shouted!!!"

"This song is amazing, especially the final sublimation, which shocked me even more. Each of us is a living being in the lyrics, but we are all used to following the crowd, and few people can jump out, and Chen Mubai is The one that jumped out, I can feel unwillingness, anger and other emotions..."

"There are too many ordinary and ordinary roads in the world, and I'm just one of them? Unreconciledness may be my biggest extraordinary, but it is this unwillingness that is the root of all my pain. The stronger the unwillingness in my heart, The more eccentric the behavior, the more sad the torment of contradictions will be.”

The whole song was sung at this point, but the atmosphere of the scene was still extremely hot, and did not cool down with the end of the song. Everyone's emotions were high, applause, screams, and shouts were endless, and they were all cheering for Chen Mubai!

"It seems that everyone has been infected. Needless to say, the quality of this song."

Hu Kai said with a smile: "This is also the third time I've heard Chen Mubai sing in Cantonese. The first two Cantonese songs are all golden songs. He has a deep command of Cantonese songs. Maybe the revitalization of Cantonese songs depends on him! "

Lin Zicheng nodded in agreement: "The song is very good, but his singing is also very good. A series of emotions such as unwillingness and struggle are all displayed in his voice, so that we can all hear his roar. Very strong."

"This song is also very difficult to sing. The treble throughout the whole process is a real roar. It has high requirements on the voice, and the voice must be very stable, otherwise it is easy to make mistakes. Even if we are asked to sing, there is no 100% Baizhuo can sing very well, let alone comparable to Chen Mubai's performance."

"Chen Mubai's performance in this game is very good, and the final finishing stage is also a stroke of genius. I think no one can surpass it!"

Zhou Junjie praised: "It is a song that is beyond my expectation, and it is also a song that I admire a little. The strong emotional appeal lies not only in the song but also in the spirit, and Chen Mubai's spirit made us listen to it. I am disappointed!"

"In a pompous society, only a more pompous attitude can highlight oneself, seek a sense of identity and realize self-worth. Therefore, whether the society is pompous or we are pompous, this is a thought-provoking question."

Qi Fei smiled and said: "It seems that everyone has the same opinion on this song. It is a rare and good song, which is really exciting. It is a great honor to see such a [perfect] performance live."

Qi Fei used the word "perfect" to describe it, which means that in his heart, Chen Mubai's song convinced him, and also made him think that the whole performance state is very perfect, an existence that cannot be surpassed, and it is an affirmation of Chen Mubai's strength and thumbs up!

"Phew, it seems that everyone likes Chen Mubai's "Exaggeration" very much."

Zhang Yu stepped onto the stage and said to Chen Mubai: "Now everyone is very excited, and I am also very excited. What do you think?"

"Thank you very much for everyone's love for me, and thank you for liking this song. This song is a song I like very much. Okay, so it's been put on hold."

"Fortunately, today's performance is not considered a failure." Chen Mubai said with a smile.

"It's not just a failure, it's too successful, are you right?" Zhang Yu asked the audience.

"Yes!" Everyone replied together.

"Do you like this song? Tell Chen Mubai loudly, he doesn't seem very confident!" Zhang Yutiao laughed.


"Have you seen it? It's all about the audience's support for you, so you don't have to belittle yourself. This concert was very successful."

"Thank you, I will insist on making good music to repay everyone!" Chen Mubai thanked.

"Now you can vote. The judges who like this song pick up the voting device in your hand and start voting!"

Everyone's eyes were fixed on Zhang Yu, wanting to see how many votes Chen Mubai could get in the end!

The public judges in the auditorium began to pick up the voting devices in their hands and start voting.

The number of votes is rising rapidly, but no one can see the specific number of votes, because all votes in this round are private.

Only after the results came out, when Zhang Yu announced the number of votes won by the contestants, the final votes of the contestants would appear on the big screen!

"How many votes do you think he can get?"

Chen Jiadong and others were discussing in the background.

"I don't think it will be lower than his previous grade, and should be higher." Su Baoer laughed.

"498.499?" Luo Ran said.

"He should be able to get the highest number of votes in history, and he has won it before. This should be the second time he has won this number of votes."

Chen Jiadong nodded, then looked at Li Tian.

"Teacher Li Tian, ​​what do you think?"

Li Tian smiled, raised his eyebrows, and said, "You all have high evaluations of this song, and the predicted results are also very good, so you never thought about higher results?"

"Higher... unanimous vote!?" The singers were surprised.

It's not that they haven't thought about it, but when they think that no one has ever won unanimous votes, not everyone likes the same things and appreciates the same style, and there are always people who don't like it...

There are 500 people in the audience, as long as there is one person who does not vote, there is no way to get unanimous votes. This difficulty is not small!

Therefore, even getting 499 votes is an extremely difficult result, and it is also the best result and the highest number of votes in "God of Songs" so far!

The last song was "The Moon Represents My Heart". Chen Mubai won such a high number of votes by using this classic love song to win the appreciation of the old, middle-aged and young people. Only one person did not vote.

The last issue of "Ordinary Road", which was popular all over the Internet, only got 497 votes, and three people did not vote.

These two songs are high-quality boutique songs in terms of quality and standard, but they still haven't been loved by everyone, which shows how difficult it is to get unanimous votes!

Therefore, everyone naturally passed on this idea. Although 499 votes are difficult, it is much easier than unanimous votes. After all, it has appeared before, and after Chen Mubai sang in this issue, the response was very enthusiastic. This is a very possible number of votes. .

It's just that everyone didn't expect that Li Tian had such high expectations for Chen Mubai, thinking that he could hit a height that no one had reached!

"Teacher Li Tian, ​​are you so confident in this song..." Chen Jiadong asked a little dullly.

Li Tian calmly looked at Chen Mubai's figure on the big screen, and said, "Records are always meant to be broken, aren't they?"

"Besides, I also hope that Chen Mubai can get better results, which will give me more motivation to play against him in the next competition."

"I'm looking forward to his next song!"

Li Tianxia used Zhou Junjie's song for the next round. This song represented the psychology of the two people, and they both wanted to confront Chen Mubai!


On the stage, Chen Mubai's votes had been counted, and Zhang Yu had already obtained the data of Chen Mubai's votes, and he began to announce the results of each singer.

Starting from the seventh singer, the number of votes will be announced one by one, and the results of the announced singers will be displayed on the big screen behind for ranking.

"Luoran, got 474 votes!"

"Li Yu got 478 votes!"

"Chen Jiadong won 476 votes!"


When Li Wenjie's votes were counted, everyone's results were already known.

Chen Mubai and Li Tian's strength is tyrannical, and there is no problem with their performance. Chen Mubai's singing made the scene boil, and the results will naturally not be bad.

That also means that it is impossible for Chen Mubai and Li Tian to get a low number of votes, so the eliminated person has already appeared, that is Luo Ran.

Now everyone's suspense lies in the results of Li Tian and Chen Mubai, these two are also the most powerful contenders for the championship today!

The results of each round can also explain something from the side, so everyone is still very concerned about the number of votes for the two.

"Li Tian won 499 votes"

This number of votes is already quite impressive, higher than Chen Mubai's two songs in the previous issue. It can be seen that the adaptation and live performance of this song were very successful!

It was originally a very famous pop song, and everyone would unconsciously bring in the original singing, and use Li Tian's singing to compare with the original singing.

Being able to get this result is enough to show how strong Li Tian is, and the song adaptation is also very successful!

Li Tian got the highest number of votes in history, and it was too difficult for Chen Mubai to surpass it!

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