Superstars In Parallel Time and Space

Chapter 351 Li Xiyue strikes again!

In the past six months, the company has developed rapidly. Chen Mubai and Qian Duoduo have made a lot of money for the company. Especially since Chen Mubai won the Golden Melody Award, his net worth has increased a lot. The prices of commercial performances and endorsement contracts have also risen. Getting better and better.

The success of "Diaosi Men" made the company a small hit in the industry, and at the same time brought popularity to the company. The small company founded at the beginning is now thriving and has a good development track.

"Diaosi Man 2" has already received a lot of sponsorship during the preparatory stage. All of this is due to Chen Mubai. He was the one who decided to shoot this drama despite all the opinions. Now it seems that it is an extremely correct strategy.

Chen Mubai's current announcement has been suspended, which will have a certain impact on his income, but it will not affect the company, because he has written too many classic songs in half a year, and the copyright fees for them are quite a lot!

There is no piracy here, and the Copyright Association protects the rights and interests of creators. All copyright proceeds are handed over to the creators, and only a handling fee is required. Everything is very convenient.

Just like this, the company has the cash flow to have the opportunity to carry out other operations.

Otherwise, the original "Diaosi Man" would not have been born.

After all, a lot of film and television personnel have been recruited. The effect of the company's expansion is obvious, and it has also greatly increased the company's expenses.

But fortunately, everything is developing in a good direction. There are also trainees in the company for training. Chen Mubai recruits mainly those who focus on acting, because this is related to his positioning of the company and the possibility of subsequent development.

He will not cultivate small fresh meat like other economic and entertainment companies, and make money and popularity by hype traffic.

What he hopes more is that the staff under his banner can rely on their strength to make money. After all, although he himself doesn't hate the way traffic stars are cultivated, he doesn't like it either, and he won't do such a thing.

This is the same as his previous experience. He debuted from Xiangjiang's training class in his previous life. He is familiar with this model, and he also looks better at this model. Back then, so many prosperous stars in Xiangjiang came from this. It can be seen that this kind of Patterns work!

You can make money and earn word of mouth, which is much better than ruining word of mouth just to make money!

Moreover, Chen Mubai has too many film and television projects to implement, and in the future, the lack of actors can also be found from within the company, and there is no need to spend too much money to find stars from other companies. Affect film and television shooting.

At Starway Entertainment, the shareholders sat together for a meeting again.

"Things went well. Tao Yaoyao and Chen Mubai got off the show, and Chen Mubai's endorsement contract was also terminated, especially the termination of the Men's Gang's contract had a great impact on him." A shareholder said.

"Well, the effect is not bad, can you make him miserable?"

"Difficult, unless he is eliminated in "The God of Songs", it will be a big blow. It mainly depends on how well he performs, or we can bribe the TV station personnel to see if we can get the song Chen Mubai wants to sing?"

"This can be. A large part of the reason for Chen Mubai's victory is the audience's curiosity and expectations for him. If the new song he sang is exposed in advance, then he will not surprise the audience at the scene and have an impact on his performance."

"Okay, let's try it."

This proposal quickly passed everyone's consent. After all, it was a means, and the difficulty was not particularly high.

The personnel of the TV station are mixed, and it is not impossible to leak some news.

As long as the money is in place, there is always someone willing to talk.

Starway Entertainment is willing to pay some money for this, as long as Chen Mubai can be brought down, he will have a great influence on the company's music.

"Two-pronged approach, Chen Mubai's plan continues, can we deal with his company again, and solve it for him directly!" Someone suggested.

"It's difficult, their company's business has nothing to do with ours, and he cooperates with micro-entertainment, and there are few people in the industry. At most, we can stop commercial performances with a lot of money through relationships, but it may not work."

If it's other celebrities, Starway Entertainment is sure to prevent Qian Duoduo from appearing on the show, but Qian Duoduo's father used to be the boss of Feifan Entertainment, and he also has connections in the circle. Although he has abdicated now, the influence is still there.

Others don't necessarily sell Starway Entertainment's face, besides, Chen Mubai is currently developing well, and those program groups don't want to make things difficult for Qian Duoduo and Mubai Entertainment, they still want Chen Mubai to be on the show!

Unless Chen Mubai was put down by Xingcheng this time, they might do this, everyone is a genius, how could they easily offend others!

It is difficult to make a lot of money, and it is even more difficult to make wooden entertainment!

After all, the two parties are not in the same circle, Mubai Entertainment is currently self-sufficient in resources, and it does not need other company stars to film "Diaosi Men", all of which are friends to help.

The online platform is Weishi, and the relationship between Weishi and Chen Mubai is very good, and it is unlikely that they will respond to Starway's request.

Since there is no way to restrict Mubai Entertainment and Chen Mubai from resources and platforms, then the only way is to restrict them from personnel!

"Didn't they poach a lot of extraordinary people before, and we also go to poach their people. I don't believe that their company is not enough manpower, and it can still develop!"

"Even if it creates some difficulties for their company's current filming of "Diao Si Man", it's fine to poach the director and others in charge of the filming of their company, and we will accompany you for liquidated damages, and then publicize the bad news about their company, which makes people panic. I I can't believe no one left!"

Once they succeed in poaching corners and poaching the more important talents of Mubai Entertainment, it will have a great impact on Mubai Entertainment. If the director is really poached, the filming progress of "Diaosi Men" will be seriously affected, and the company's capital chain will also be affected. Have an impact, and even cause tension in the capital chain.

And once important people are poached away, coupled with Starway Entertainment's deliberate dissemination of remarks, it will really cause panic in Mubai Entertainment, and it is very likely that they will resign.

No one wants to accompany the company to close down. For their own development, they may leave early to find a new home. A large number of people leaving will definitely affect the company's development and even daily operations.

This is the domino effect. Once successful, it will indeed be a major blow to Mubai Entertainment and seriously affect the company's development.

As long as Starway Entertainment makes a good start, those remarks will naturally ferment, and Mubai Entertainment's disintegration will soon appear!

Mubai Entertainment's strategy is possible, and the specific operation is not easy. After all, it has to pay a lot of money, and it depends on whether you are willing to pay this price!

"Okay, I agree to give it a try and get in touch with the top management of Mubai Entertainment."

"I agree, find someone to contact, dig as much as you can, even if you can't dig it, you can let a little bit of wind to make them panic."

The two-pronged strategy has attracted many people's approval. As for Chen Mubai, they still hope that they can trample him to death at once. The combination of new and old hatreds is not too much.

Because of Chen Mubai's incident, Starway Entertainment lost a lot of money, and the company's stock price dropped a lot. Everyone here is a shareholder. Everyone lost a large amount of money because of Chen Mubai, so naturally they will not let him go.

"Also, now the public opinion on the Internet has gradually become biased. Chen Mubai's explanation has won the support of many people. At this time, continue to put pressure on them. It is best to let public opinion affect Chen Mubai's state, so that he will perform abnormally in the game at that time. most!"

"And the heat of this matter is not low now. Once something new happens, it will definitely keep the heat. It is best to let Chen Mubai bear more violence from public opinion."

They still don't want the matter to end quickly, and want to prolong the fermentation time of the matter. Anyway, as long as the rhythm is changed a little, someone will question it, and some "peers" are dissatisfied with Chen Mubai and take the opportunity to make trouble. They just need to be the pusher.

"It's almost done, and there is no new material here. How to divert the attention of netizens?" Some shareholders were puzzled.

"Let Li Xiyue play."

"Is it okay? Didn't you promise to let her pay? If this happens, her reputation will be bad, and it will not be good for her future development!" Someone wondered.

"It's not about asking her to admit it, but asking her to refuse to admit it, with an [ambiguous] attitude. There must be some netizens who don't believe it. Everyone thinks there is something strange, so they will naturally continue to discuss this matter. Li Xiyue will also be discussed by others. Chen Mubai will Impossible not to be mentioned," explained another proposed shareholder.

"That's okay. Li Xiyue's reputation is indeed not very good now, but black and red are also red, and some people talk about it, and there will be traffic and popularity, but it can be packaged." Someone agreed.

Many traffic stars are like this. They are scolded by hype or blogging, but they are very popular and can make a lot of money. Now is the era of entertainment to death. Many traffic stars are hyped like this Routine.

Those with strength will not do this, and lose their reputation, while those without strength will take the lead, harvest a wave of leeks in the short term, earn as much as they can, and don't think about long-term development. This is also the company's customization of the star's personal strategic plan.

Li Xiyue was also considered a half-strength faction before. She is beautiful and can dance, and her singing is not bad. She didn't want to get any grades, but after being exposed by Chen Mubai, her reputation took a sharp turn for the worse, and her fans became serious, even black.

It is not suitable to take the previous route, but you can take the black and red route to make a wave of quick money. This is also the follow-up development plan formulated by the company for her. For capital, it is enough to make money, and I don’t care about celebrities. future development issues.

Li Xiyue was originally a star who was responsible for Starway Entertainment and Zhang Yaohui. She has been hidden for half a year. Now it can be regarded as [waste utilization] and can bring some profits to the company. Why not do it?

In the eyes of capital, profit is the most important thing. Li Xiyue still has the value of being used, so Starway Entertainment will invest more resources in her. The most feared thing is people who are not worth using. At that time, Starway will not care about Li Xiyue.

For Li Xiyue, this is also a helpless solution. If she does not make a deal with Starway, she will have no chance of coming back. After all, the shelf life of a star is so long. If she does not appear in front of the public for a long time, she will soon be forgotten .

Both sides know each other's thoughts in their hearts, but everyone's current interests are the same, and the specific things will have to wait until later. No one can tell what the future will be like!

The matter of Starway Entertainment was finalized, Li Xiyue was notified soon, and she had to follow Starway's order.

So, she posted on WeChat:

"Regarding the recent news about me and Chen Mubai on the Internet, I want to clarify that my relationship with him is only an ex. This meeting was indeed requested by me, but I did not expect to be photographed by the media, and I do not have the ability Let the reporter squat ahead of time. I want to say sorry to Chen Mubai for causing him trouble. He is a very kind and gentle person. I really regret the harm I caused to him. In the next time, I will Do everything in my power to make up for the harm he has suffered, and pray for his forgiveness."

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