Not surprisingly, after the show ended, the whole internet exploded, discussing about Chen Mubai.

The birth of a golden song will definitely cause a sensation. Those media people are all waiting for the opportunity to interview Chen Mubai first. This is the first-hand news information!

#金曲 "东风破" was born, and Chen Mubai created another golden song!

#歌手program has another Divine Comedy, two are of good quality, and one is a golden song!

#陈木白 must be a high-quality product? This topic is verified tonight!

#歌手finals, can Chen Mubai make another golden song?

#《梦想歌手》has broken the ratings of 5, the next gold medal variety show has risen?

#A new type of music, Huaxia style comes out!

#New Jin singer-songwriter Chen Mubai has become the founder of Huaxia Style, and Huaxia people should have their own music!


When the WeChat list opened, there was no other enthusiasm, and it was all topics caused by tonight's singer's show.

The rest of the programs that belonged to the summer vacation were not popular at all, and all of them were screened by singer programs. The staff of David TV could only helplessly. The impact of the release of golden songs was too great, especially the golden songs that opened up a new type of music.

Even if they are both golden songs, there are differences between these songs. A song that can reach the golden song must be a best-selling pop song, at least popular in the streets and alleys, which is linked to sales.

Although "Dongfeng Po" has just come out, no one who listens to this song will suspect that its sales will be poor, and it is an inevitable result to become a golden song.

Take the song "Dongfeng Break" as an example, even among the golden songs, this song is unique, it represents more meaning than most songs, and its quality is better than many golden songs, both in terms of quality and sales, it must be a boutique golden song , is not the kind of golden song at the bottom.

Chen Mubai's personal wechat was flooded by countless people, his previous wechat replies had exceeded 10,000, and countless users left messages below, saying that he is so awesome that he wrote a golden song!

Someone even described Chen Mubai's life in short sentences, and was pushed to the top. Countless people commented that it was really not easy for him, and his achievements are worthy of his hard work and talent.

Congratulations to music star Sun Lu and Aite Chen Mubai for the first time, and also attached his complete singing version on the show.

This time, not only Sun Lu, but also many musicians in the industry followed Chen Mubai and left messages to him, asking how to write this kind of Chinese-style songs, and what are the specialties of music and lyrics?

Chen Mubai saw that the songs he composed were all songs from the previous earth. The reason why he brought those works to this world was just to let the civilization of another world bloom here and bring different cultural products and sparks to this world. .

What he wants to do is to be able to carry forward and promote these songs instead of keeping everything for himself. If he can make changes and promote the culture here, he is very happy.

Chen Mubai simply edited the wechat message, and then sent it out.

"Using ancient Chinese tunes and incorporating Western R\u0026B styles, the lyrics have Chinese cultural connotations, using new singing methods and arrangement techniques to enhance the atmosphere of the songs, producing song styles such as implicit, sad, elegant, and brisk, which are simply divided into "three ancients and three New" (ancient Fu, ancient culture, ancient melody, new singing, new arrangement, new concept) this is the characteristic of Huaxia wind, I hope more musicians can carry it forward, I am not the founder, I am just a single-minded Those who want to promote and innovate Huaxia music, hope that we can work together to let Huaxia music go to the world, instead of blindly imitating and borrowing from European and American music styles and characteristics.


This WeChat message from Chen Mubai talked about Huaxia Feng's songwriting and composition skills, and emphasized that he wants to contribute to music and let Huaxia's music go to the world.

Because the Chinese military power in this world is very strong, but the cultural industry is backward, and the cultural invasion of other countries is more serious. China is also vigorously developing the cultural industry to resist foreign cultural invasion. He hopes that China can have more and more With the emergence of talented people, they will carry forward Chinese culture and go to the world together, proving Chinese culture to the world!

Chen Mubai's new WeChat message quickly won praise and praise from countless people, and many musicians left messages of support below it.

As musicians, many of them had the same original intentions as Chen Mubai when they learned music, hoping to carry forward Huaxia's songs, not for money, they are all people with dreams, and their edges and corners may have been smoothed by life over the years. But what Chen Mubai said made their blood boil again, and their fighting spirit was ignited. They are also people with ideals, and they want to carry forward Chinese music culture!

For these people's compliments, Chen Mubai didn't feel much, including those musicians in the circle or 18th-line stars who wanted to gain popularity and traffic, and there were many words of praise from them.

Chen Mubai knew that these people were doing their best to show their skills, and it was for this wave of traffic, what they said was not necessarily the true thoughts in their hearts, and it was not even the icing on the cake.

Seeing too much of these praises will make him feel a little smug, which is not good for his mentality. He is very clear that these honors and praises are just a mirror image. Step by step with the work in a down-to-earth manner, tall buildings rise from the ground.

Chen Mubai didn't reply except for the words of thanks from a few people he knew, and he didn't have the time.

He rested early, and tomorrow morning he will go to talk with Lu Fang about the contract of the love variety show. He must maintain a good mental state. The first impression is very important, and etiquette cannot be lost.


"Brother Lu, is the contract finished?" Sitting on the high-speed rail, Chen Mubai said to Lu Fang who was sitting beside him.

Even when taking the high-speed rail, Lu Fang's sitting posture is very serious, just like his character, he would rather give up than give in.

"Well, you just signed in the past. The specific matters have been discussed in advance, and your salary has been greatly improved." Lu Fang nodded.

This increase in treatment is due to what happened last night when Chen Mubai released a golden song. His current value has soared. The love program group contacted Lu Fang overnight and raised the price on his own initiative. I hope Chen Mubai will definitely come to the show. It has a great effect on the exposure and traffic of the show. This is the first public appearance of the newly promoted Golden Melody singer!

The producer of the program group is also fortunate. Fortunately, he invited Chen Mubai in advance and got the answer to join. Otherwise, it would be difficult to invite him to join the program with his current topics and traffic. Even if he could be invited, he would have to pay a large sum of money. The amount is far from being comparable to the price paid now.

Chen Mubai and his manager are not greedy people, they didn't say anything about the contract and remuneration they had negotiated before, but the program team was a little bit sorry and gave them some money on their own.

After all, after last night's fermentation, Chen Mubai was crowned the double title of Golden Melody Producer and Golden Melody Singer, and his commercial value skyrocketed instantly.

In addition, it is in the center of traffic and topics, and there is no shortage of popularity. It is worthy of being a traffic star, just like Li Qunfan before.

Li Qunfan became so famous because of Starway's careful cultivation and management, while Chen Mubai rose from the grassroots. This kind of topic is easier for people to talk about.

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