
Chapter 790: Juvenile spirit

When the album "Don't Mind" was first released, it did not include lyrics, and when Kurt sang it very vaguely, most people could not understand the lyrics, and the song "Youth Heart" was even more difficult to understand. Many people simply don’t understand what the song is about.

So, in the beginning, many TV stations refused to play this song, and even professional rock radio stations replied, “We can’t play this, I don’t understand what the **** that guy is singing!” Even though the radio station agreed later. Playing the song "Youth Heart" did not cause too much disturbance. It was not until the TV station began to play music videos on a loop that the song really became popular, probably because of this reason.

The lyrics written by Kurt have always been referential or profound. Many years later, when people studied the music of Nirvana, they always liked to comprehend the profound rock spirit from Kurt's lyrics. The song "Youth Heart" is one of the best.

"Fill the gun with ammunition and bring your friends, even if you lose, you have to pretend to behave. This is fun." In fact, this is calling the younger generation to gather and participate in the rebellion and revolution together. If you hit, don't be convinced even if you lose. On the contrary, you have to take pleasure in it, and use non-mainstream entertainment and game spirit to fight against the orthodox, rigid and indifferent mainstream spirit. This is the typical youth spirit.

"She feels extremely bored and extremely confident, oh no, I know an dirty word. Hello, hello, hello, hello? Hello, hello, hello, how bad is it. Flow? Hello, hello? Luo, how violent is it. Flowing, how violent is it. Flowing?"

Here is a metaphor to challenge mainstream authority by hitting up with beautiful women. The kind of "extremely boring and extremely confident" arrogant beauty is the most difficult to talk to, just like mainstream thinking. Therefore, in the face of her indifference and height, young people will become more indifferent and deliberately say dirty words to her to tease her. This is the spirit of play and entertainment!

In fact, this is evident from an anecdote between Kurt and Courteney Love (.).

At the 1520xs music and television awards ceremony, Kurt met their fateful enemy Guns and the Rose band, so Courteney deliberately joked to Axl Rose (axl.) and said, "You are willing to do it." Is our daughter's godfather?"

Guns and Roses’ rock peak dynasty collapsed because of the emergence of Nirvana. The huge transformation from top superstars to tomorrow’s yellow flowers directly angered the hot-tempered Axel. He confronted Ko. He scolded angrily, "Why don't you let your bitch. Shut your stinky mouth?"

And Kurt was not angry at all, instead he smiled deliberately and said to Courteney, "Shut up your stinky mouth, bitch. Bitch!"

Kurt's cooperation made Axor know that he was being tricked. He raised his fist and was about to use force. He also cursed Kurt as "gay", but it was backstage at the awards ceremony, so he was stopped by the people around him.

Afterwards, Kurt recalled with interest, "I couldn't help but laugh, because I have never encountered a situation like that since the sixth grade."

"The lights go out and the danger is reduced. We are here, come to entertain us! I feel stupid, but it is spreading again. Here we are, come to entertain us!"

In fact, this is telling the mentality of teenagers when they go to parties. In the mainstream view, this is a dangerous, stupid, and boring party; but in Kurt’s view, it is because of the weirdness and stupidity that it produces shock and Infectious, let more people know the existence and efforts of non-mainstream. The focus is not on the way of expression, but on the essence of the behavior. This is the true youthful spirit.

"A Mutola ()! An albino ()! A mosquito! My libido ()! Yeah! Hey! Yeah!"

The lyrics of this passage are also the most controversial part, because there are several unrelated terms listed here, but they are obviously not chosen randomly.

Mutola is Spanish, meaning mulatto. This word has the color of the early Spanish colonization of the Americas. It is derived from the Spanish mule and means hybrid. pay.

People with albinism have white skin due to lack of melanin. They cannot see the sun, otherwise they will be burned. But their greater pressure comes from society, because they are regarded as aliens, discriminated against and excluded by mainstream society, and even killed in some African regions—because the bodies and organs of albinos are in witchcraft. It has a wide range of uses and will sell for a good price.

Mosquitoes are considered to be the shadowy role of vampires, and they are also spurned by people. Libido is sex. Impulsive means, and also refers to excitement and impulse to other activities in psychology.

In fact, it is very simple. The first three words are consistent with the non-mainstream situation, and are not accepted and recognized by the mainstream society. The last one, libido, seems to indicate that the non-mainstream is a new force, full of vitality and excitement. Impulsive, and release energy in the subsequent roar.

Of course, there is also a common saying that Kurt uses these words to refer to non-mainstream, mainly for rhyming and filling in the gaps in syllables, and they do not have a deeper meaning. This statement was approved by Nirvana drummer Dave, because after Kurt figured it out, it only took five minutes to complete the lyrics.

"I forgot why I was going to taste it, oh yeah, I guess it made me smile, I found it difficult, hard to find. Oh, well, just leave it alone, don't mind."

This passage fits most with the psychology of young people: we just try to taste new things, not necessarily for serious, noble or great reasons. If you have to give a reason, it is because this is prohibited by the mainstream, so try it. This is a typical rebellious psychology.

It is precisely because of this strong rebellious psychology that the rise and prosperity of the non-mainstream underground culture have been inspired. Once the non-mainstream rises, they gradually occupy the territory and become the new mainstream. When we look back at the original non-mainstream movement, we will forget that our original intention was not to become the new mainstream, but to become the new mainstream. It's nothing more than a rebellious struggle.

This is true of the hippie movement, so is the punk movement, and so is the rise of Nirvana.

Here is a very famous example that represents the famous "smiley face (. pattern of Nirvana. There is no definite conclusion about the origin of this smiling face. The most widely said is from Guns and Roses' Xo-Ross: When Nirvana was recording "Don't Mind" at the time, Kurt drew this smiling face casually. He also said that he painted Axor Rose. At that time, someone told him that it is best to draw the eyes as a cross, so that it means that Aix is ​​naughty. The medicine is high. So Kurt did, then put his smiling face on the table and left.

Later, a staff member discovered this graffiti and put it on the leaflet produced by the "Don't Mind" release party, so this smiling face gradually became a classic symbol of Nirvana-after Kurt passed away.

The reality is so ironic. Those so-called Nirvana fans who wear this smiling face T-shirt and even have tattoos on their bodies think that this smiling face represents Nirvana or Kurt, but in fact it is the biggest Nirvana band. Axel, the lead singer of Guns and Roses.

When Nirvana released the album "Don't Mind", they didn't anticipate the next thing. When they had become a classic rock band, Kurt was confused. He couldn't even remember who created this album. Original intention: not to become the mainstream, but to resist the mainstream.

In the spotlight of mainstream media, Kurt lost himself, so he escaped to poison. In the world of products. Today, Kurt chose to sing the song "Youth Heart", not only for the audience, but also for himself. He wants to find himself.

In an instant, Hugo’s eyes were filled with tears. He understood why Kurt tried to commit suicide in Rome. He understood why Kurt escaped from the drug rehabilitation center. He understood why Kurt took the initiative to provoke him. Understand the reason why Kurt sang "Youth Heart"... All of these thoughts are hidden in Kurt's decadent, hoarse, vicissitudes, confusion, and desperate singing. The difficult emotions seem to be sharp. The blade slowly penetrated into his heart, pain overflowing bit by bit, but it made people unable to scream.

"Hello, hello, hello, hello? Hello, hello, hello, how bad is it. Flow?... A rejection! A rejection! A rejection! A rejection! A rejection! A rejection! A rejection! One rejection! One rejection!"

Nine times, nine times in total, nine times over and over again, repeating the lyrics of "a rejection". That kind of strong resistance and unruly resistance slowly permeated through Kurt's voice, as if to the whole world. Vent out dissatisfaction.

All the audience under the stage are in is shaking their heads crazy and shouting, jumping, and caring, but no one finds the despair and pain in Kurt’s singing, the tearing His pain dyed those notes bright red, and desperate gray was overwhelming.

How ironic the world is. The nirvana band, which claims to be non-mainstream, has become a popular pronoun that the mainstream society has sought after. The "young spirit" who shouts against the mainstream has become the spiritual leader of the whole society madly, and has been attracted by the mainstream media. The grunge rock that was given a derogatory label became the key to the renaissance of the rock dynasty, and the Nirvana band was also marked as a "classic non-mainstream" performance, which is really ironic.

Seeing Kurt roaring on the stage, it was like a natural luminous body, attracting the attention of the whole world, but Hugo saw Kurt's soul drifting away in the wind. The lonely Kurt, proud Kurt, the narcissistic Kurt, the stubborn Kurt, the overbearing Kurt... just like fragments released in the musical notes, disappearing into the wind.

Hugo stood there, motionless, as if he had witnessed the last moments of Kurt's wanton blooming life, just like an epiphany. But what about the ending of the epiphany? supply. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to Kazakhstan to read it, and vote for recommendations and monthly tickets for the work. Your support is the biggest motivation for me to continue to create! )


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