
Chapter 707: Adrenaline

The members of the preparation team are also very familiar with Hugo. Although the entire "Life and Death Hour" crew is not a well-known existence in the circle, they also have enough knowledge of the Hollywood circle. They are as diligent and conscientious as Hugo. The big names are definitely one of the few, and more fledgling newcomers are willing to fight, but Hugo has been out for more than ten years, and it is still in the limelight recently, but Hugo still maintains a humble attitude enough to invest in filming-or "speed of life and death." "Such a low-cost, unpopular work is even more impressive.

Therefore, in fact, the preparation team members have always welcomed Hugo to practice.

The two trailers were moving in the other direction. Hugo stood on the trailer and put on protective gear for his elbows and knees. After the protective gear was put on, Hugo began to move his limbs on the spot.

Jumping on a moving vehicle is also tricky. The main reason is that the take-off point and the landing place are parallel, but when the person takes off, the vehicle is still running, which means that if it is a parallel jump, then When people landed, the landing place was no longer in the original position. Therefore, when a person jumps, he must take off in the direction of the car, calculate the acceleration of the car, and place the landing area in front of the target point, so that he can accurately land in the planned area of ​​the original plan.

Hugo stood in place and breathed continuously. He has trained many times during this period. Since these are two trailers, there is no problem in landing safely, but it is not that simple to land in a predetermined area. At this time, listening to the constant roar of the engine, Hugo only felt that his heart rate began to rise, and an inexplicable sense of fear haunted him again. Hugo knew that this was because of the collateral effect of the fear of thinking about driving.

There are too many difficulties, setbacks and ups and downs in life, some can be solved, some can't, but if you don't try hard, you will never know the result. What if you worked hard at the beginning? What if you worked harder at the beginning? What if you were more willing to work hard at the beginning? Then can these problems be solved?

In the face of difficulties or even disasters, if you don't even try hard and surrender, this is a real failure; after hard work, even if you fail, you can raise your proud head and choose to give up.

Hugo does not know whether he can overcome the shadow of driving, but he knows very well that he has not even had the courage to face it in the past two years. Perhaps it is indeed time to face it; Hugo also does not know his own efforts. Whether he will get a corresponding return, but he raises his hand to surrender before trying, it’s never Hugo’s style; Hugo doesn’t even know whether the training he is doing at this moment is effective, and whether it is effective, but he I'm still willing to put my heart and soul into hard work.

Hugo didn’t have much time to think. He had to gather all his thoughts immediately. The speed of the trailer soon reached the expected 30 miles. When the speed of the two parallel trailers remained stable, he could hear Alexander’s The voice came from the sound of hunting wind, "Ready!"

Hugo clenched his teeth tightly, suppressed all the thoughts in his mind, then stood in the jumping position and kept telling himself, "You can! You can! You can!" Then he slapped himself with both hands. Your thighs, let the thigh muscles relax, not too tight or too weak.

Hugo stood on the spot, grabbed the support column on the trailer with his right hand, squatted down and stretched the whole person backwards, showing himself in the posture of a bow and arrow, taking a deep breath, and the biting air "swish" into it. After Hugo's lungs were frozen, the hot lungs that had just been running were frozen in an instant, and then Hugo pushed hard with both feet, and the whole person flew toward the direction of the trailer.

Countless gusts came violently in an instant, Hugo just felt like he was flying in the air, all the adrenaline burst out in an instant, and his brain surged toward the heart, causing Hugo's whole body muscles to burst out infinitely. Power, but all the thoughts in the brain at this moment are unprecedentedly clear and calm. At this moment, Hugo has no other thoughts. A pair of eyes is engrossed in the goal of landing, and all thoughts are concentrated on the goal that is getting closer and closer to him. Area, and then the whole person tried to stretch, with a muffled "slap", Hugo landed on another trailer.

Before Hugo could react, the cheers of the surrounding staff rang instantly. Hugo rolled over and rolled to the side. A hand appeared in front of him, and Hugo directly held the hand and felt The whole person was pulled up, stood up and saw that it was Igor.

Igor punched Hugo hard in the chest, "Hey, man, you did it, you did it."

Hugo looked at the excited smile on Igor's face, and soon he saw the excited expressions of all the other staff. The staff standing on the trailer on this side all came over, you and I took pictures. Hugo's back was expressing their excitement, and Alexander and the others on the opposite trailer also held up their hands in celebration.

Hugo only felt that he was vomiting blood when he was photographed on his back. He could only bend down and lower his head to ease the relief. Then he realized that he was standing half a step away next to the target position. This also meant that Hugo just now The take-off, flight, and landing were carried out in full accordance with the plan.

At this moment, the smile on Hugo's face also fully bloomed. After more than thirty times of practice, he finally completed the task with such precision for the first time. All the hard work and all the hard work have been rewarded at this moment. In a daze, Hugo even had the idea that if he is willing to work hard, it may not be impossible to overcome the fear of driving.

But Hugo knows that there is skill in volley jumping between trailers. At the same time, there is a little luck. Igor has succeeded at least three times before, but as long as one link goes wrong, it will still lead to failure. So, maybe his success just now was just luck.

Therefore, Hugo quickly forced himself to calm down and think carefully about everything that happened just now. In fact, he jumped into the air. From start to end, it takes one second, at most one and a half seconds, but that kind of adrenaline. Cyclonus's excitement was extremely clear. When Hugo came over, he really realized the pleasure of being stimulated to the limit.

"Wait, wait, I'll try again." Hugo quickly calmed everyone down and said loudly, "I seem to have a feeling. Let's try again."

The staff immediately understood what Hugo meant, and the trailer started again.

Hugo stood still and kept active his legs. Since this job tested the explosive power of the moment, after all the energy burst out just now, Hugo couldn't help but feel a little bit weak, especially just after the forty-five year period. In the shooting of the minute running scene, Hugo had to beat the thigh muscles again, trying to relax the muscles, and then regain strength.

"Hugo, Hugo, don't worry, let the muscles be in a state of preparation, and then apply force." Igor stood beside Hugo, patted Hugo's back, and waited until he was there. This two consecutive exercises in a short period of time is a severe test of physical fitness, muscles, etc., so more attention must be paid.

Hugo did not speak, but nodded towards Igor, showing that he understood. Hugo's eyes were fixed on the target area parallel to him, and then his left hand lifted up and grabbed the support column of the trailer. At this moment, all of Hugo's spiritual world could only see the rectangle two feet away. In the area, his eyes condensed all his energy, as if he could see through the trailer at any time.

When the command of "prepare" from the staff next to him was passed, Hugo knew that the speed had reached the established standard, and then took a deep breath again, adjusting his state.

This time Hugo's mental state was more concentrated. Because it was a standing long jump, there was no sprinting inertia, so Hugo pushed the entire center of gravity back, imagined his legs as springs, and clenched his teeth with a sudden snap. All the power was released, and the whole person jumped forward directly.

The sound of the wind made Hugo feel as if he was at the center of the hurricane’s center of gravity, as if every cell was trembling in the gust of wind. The feeling of floating made his heart panic, and his feet that could not touch the ground were even more shocking. Full of uncertainty, all of which caused adrenaline to explode with amazing energy. Hugo did not have time to think about those intricate All energy was focused on the target area in front of him, full The brain sounds like "landing, landing, landing", but the muscles burst open directly under the stimulation of adrenaline.

At this moment, Hugo only feels that he is omnipotent and invincible, as if all the difficulties in the world can be easily controlled by him. The huge energy bursting out of adrenaline makes Hugo a kind of flying in an instant. Illusion, and he seems to never land, just like Neo in the "Matrix" who finally understands his mission.

But the gravity of the earth still pulled Hugo down fiercely, and a loud bang was heard! Hugo landed, just for a second, but it seemed to have been flying for a century, Hugo landed!

This time, Hugo stood accurately in the landing area. He didn't even fall in embarrassment, nor did he use too much force or insufficient strength, so he landed accurately. In an instant, everyone was stunned, dumbfounded!

You know, due to the difficulty of this task, it is very difficult to complete accurately. Even Igor can't stand on the ground. Seeing Hugo's appearance, the completion is so easy and casual, as if it is just a piece of cake. Like. The shock brought by this kind of vision made the scene silent, only the rumbling of the engine kept ringing in the sound of the wind.

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