
Chapter 320: Undercurrent

"Hugo Lancaster has officially become a member of the crew of Schindler's List, and will play an important role in it." This news was further confirmed by the "Hollywood Report", which means " The first-hand information of the Los Angeles Times was correct, which immediately caused a shock in the entire circle.

Steven Spielberg has been busy for ten years for "Schindler's List". This proposal has been rumored in the circle for a long time. Because Steven is too serious about this script, he is worried that he cannot be able to do so. Controlled and pushed the execution of the proposal to ten years later. During these ten years, the script changed hands before and after four screenwriters, and it took a full ten years to complete the creation of the script.

When preparing again, Steven tried to find Roman-Bo Lansky, Sidney-Bo Luck, Martin-Scosis, Billy-Wild and others to direct. I just hope that the true face of that period of history can be truly reproduced. This also made the proposal struggling in the early stage, and it took more than a year and there was still no clear eyebrow.

After hearing about the acts of ethnic cleansing in Bosnia and the shameless remarks of the deniers of the Holocaust, Steven finally made up his mind and decided to personally direct "Schindler's List" because neo-Nazism began to grow after the fall of the Berlin Wall. Look up, and Steven, as a descendant of Jews, naturally hates this.

After countless toss and toss, "Schindler's List" finally went to ‘Bo’ Lan for on-site shooting and officially started shooting. This is naturally explosive news for the news media.

On the other hand, from Steven’s hesitation and hesitation, from the front and back of several screenwriters and directors, we can see the difficulties of the script of "Schindler's List". It's not that the script is bad, but it's precisely because the story is too ‘exquisite’. It has the potential to become a classic, but it’s too difficult. Therefore, people in the industry feel that this proposal is a thorny hot potato, and the attitudes of major film companies toward it are somewhat ambiguous. In the final analysis, it is a word: lack of confidence.

Universal Pictures only invested a budget of 20 million U.S. dollars to produce such a great book that has the potential to become an epic. It really makes people unable to vote of confidence. You know, a year ago, the cost of "scenting and acquainting'women'" had a cost of 10 million yuan, and the entire crew was filmed near New York State, and now the entire crew of "Schindler's List" has moved. Bo'lan shot on the spot, and the budget of 20 million is really stretched.

Therefore, when the "Schindler's List" was launched, the media's attitude was quite warm. No one said that this movie was doomed to fail, and no one said with certainty that this movie would be a success. Almost all the media maintained a consistent slogan, thinking that “this movie is a very serious and heavy theme. The difficulty of filming is definitely not to be underestimated. The director needs to be cautious. Only cautious and cautious is the correct attitude towards such a subject..." As for the finished film, most of the media are silent and reluctant to talk more.

Although professional magazines headed by "Variety Show" and "Hollywood Report" have maintained a neutral attitude and do not have much tendency to'sex', in fact, their speech itself is a kind of invisible pressure, and the subtext is "this It's a tightrope walking process. If you are careless, you will fall into the abyss..." In other words, the possibility of failure is very'sexual'. It's just that the media didn't say it clearly, but the negative and cautious attitude has said everything.

This cautious mood almost represents the trend of the entire public opinion. It seems that "Schindler's List" has just started, and the dark clouds that hung over the Jews during World War II have swallowed the entire crew of "Schindler's List".

Since the "Schindler's List" project itself attracted countless focus, Steven, as the director, was the subject of discussion by everyone, so relatively speaking, the news that Hugo became a member of the crew did not cause too much attention. Many "waves", "Los Angeles Times", "U.S. Weekly" and other media reported the news in detail, but the response was very limited.

Regarding the addition of Hugo to "Schindler's List", everyone’s general opinion continues the attitude towards the entire movie, which is natural. Everyone is not clear about the prospects of the movie, and naturally it is not clear about the prospects of the actors in it. Up

The attitude of Roger Ebert, a famous film critic from the "Chicago Sun", is considered to be the most representative of "sexuality". Hugo, who has been plagued by countless scandals,’s recovery momentum over the past few months seems to have been temporarily curbed. It is difficult for a chick movie like'Night Sleep in Seattle' to bring more help to his actor career, and'Schindler' The list of'sex' such a movie full of countless possibilities also brought uncertainty'sex' to Hugo's trip to the big screen this year."

Roger Ebert did not directly say "Hugo will fail" but expressed his views in a worried tone. In fact, the subtext means "Hugo is hanging." This kind of uncertainty ‘sex’ is not a faint expectation of a positive result, but an anxiety about not knowing when the disaster will come down. This is the general idea of ​​the media on Hugo.

But no one would deny one thing: Hugo got two film jobs on his own strength under the circumstances of negative news. This is definitely the best proof of Yuguo's power. Regardless of the movie work, Nora Efron and Steven Spielberg are two hard bones. This is a recognized thing in the circle. Only relying on personal connections to seek important positions is not in these two people. So effective method, especially the latter, Steven is now the top power owner in Hollywood, to impress him, there is only hard power.

Therefore, Hugo relied on the hard power of "smell the fragrance to recognize the "women" and "Yihai Xiongfeng". After experiencing a series of doubts and turbulences of big-name suspicions, Hugo actually used this gentle but tough way to fight back. , It is a result that the news media did not expect.

Moreover, it is certain that regardless of the future of "Schindler's List", the significance of this work to Steven is self-evident. Hugo can become a part of it, which is impossible for Hugo's future network expansion. Estimated positive impact.

Regardless of whether the news media’s views are positive or negative, the focus is on the entire "Schindler's List" crew. There is no doubt that this work that has just started on the European continent surpasses the one that is about to open. The Oscars ceremony has become the hottest topic in newspapers and magazines, and Hugo, who became a laughingstock for the chick film "Night Sleep in Seattle" not long ago, has once again become the focus.

In the overwhelming news, there was a dark'tide' that outsiders could not detect, and it began to surge. Even many insiders did not realize that the launch of "Schindler's List" actually brought a series of events. The follow-up response.

After confirming the truthfulness of the news, Tracy, Lang and Martin began activities again. Although the planning of "Schindler's List" ended in failure, it was not Tracy and others themselves. The reason for the lack of strength is mainly because Steven attaches too much importance to this project. Imagine that he has put in ten years of hard work for a project, even for the quality of the film, he will not hesitate to "hand over" his love to a trusted old friend to shoot. The only His scruples are to destroy the work himself, which shows that Steven cherishes "Schindler's List". Therefore, it is not surprising that Tracy and others were excluded.

In fact, the strength of the combination of Tracy, Lang and Martin is indeed not to be underestimated. Tracy can become the producer of many Oscar-nominated films and many box-office movies. Its own hard power and circle The internal connections are very huge, and the tip of the iceberg can be glimpsed from Hugo's calculations in the past two months.

So, Tracy calmed down. She knew that "Schindler's List" was gone. All she needed to do now was to find a work that could compete with "Schindler's List". Stopped the rise of Hugo for a while.

Any kind of confrontation can be divided into two types, ‘conspiracy’ and conspiracy.

Before the crew of "Schindler's List" set off for'Bo'land, everything was a conspiracy. The entanglement and struggle between Hugo and Tracy were hidden in the darkness, and no one else could see it. When things came together, only one result could be seen: Hugo took over the two scripts of "Night in Seattle" and "Schindler's List" under the turbulent situation of negative news. During the whole process, no one could perceive Tracey’s calculations. Even Hugo could not find any evidence, because this invisible network that relies on contacts and rumors will not leave any evidence. This is Hollywood.

But After the conspiracy failed, then everything will be conspiracy from now on. The small actions under the ‘private’ can no longer achieve the goal, so it depends on the head-to-head duel of the work. The so-called arrogance, in fact, is to follow the trend, follow the trend.

In fact, a'conspiracy' is to set traps out of nothing. The superiority depends on whether the traps are clever or not. However, even the most clever traps are fatal injuries in the conspiracy, as long as they are seen through or come up with countermeasures, Then the'conspiracy' went bankrupt. For example, Hugo's confrontation with Anthony at the press conference, for example, Hugo relied on his own strength to grasp the opportunity Green Hill created for him, that's it.

But Yangmou is not the case. Yangmou is transparent and flawless. In short, it is a head-to-head duel of strength. In the Hollywood environment, Yangmou is a face-to-face duel of works. Two works are competing, box office and word-of-mouth duel. The winner will be able to enjoy the next series of chain victories, while the loser will fall into a series of failures. .

The reason why Tracy intends to face off is actually betting that "Schindler's list" may not be successful, and at the same time betting that the work she has selected will be a complete victory! This is the same as Tracy's previous choice of "Sinder". It’s the same for Le’s list to work hard, except that now Tracy’s bet must be re-selected, and the opponent in the gambling game has become “Schindler’s list”.

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