
Chapter 221: Wanton indulgence

Hugo only feels that he feels like his feet are stepping on a cotton'flower', unable to maintain his center of gravity at all. His head is very awake, very awake, but his brain is running at a speed like a snail crawling. Hugo can't tell where he is. It doesn't feel bad, but it feels like riding a roller coaster, swaying, "Where are we going?"

"Find... find Uma! Your magical'woman'!" A sharp voice pierced Hugo's ears. He looked back and saw Leonardo holding a coat. He kept spinning in circles on top of his head, and then suddenly threw it out, with a "huha" sound in his mouth, and then burst into laughter, "I got it, I got it in Uma, hey, Hugo , I have set your'girl' child.

"Uma is not a bison!" Hugo stood by and looked at Leonardo like a monkey juggler. He couldn't help but laughed, and the scattered fragments in his head were pieced together.

Just now they were welcoming New Year’s Eve in the bar. When the New Year’s countdown, everyone greeted the arrival of 1993 side by side. Amidst the countdown shouts of "Ten, Nine, Eight... Two, One", this group of them The partners hugged each other and drank, welcoming the first second of the new year. After midnight, the party entered a new climax, and everyone drank high.

Hugo and the group planned to go to other bars to celebrate the coming of the New Year with friends they didn’t know. So a group of more than twenty people walked along the streets of Third Street, visiting bars from bar to bar, and then again and again. Drinking once, just on this road, someone started to be left behind. I don’t know when Hugo and Leonardo were “lost”. I don’t know if they were left behind or everyone else was left behind. Fell apart.

Hugo did not remember when it was the seventh or eighth house, and then he shouted that he was going to find Uma, to celebrate the arrival of 1993 with his'girl' child, Leonardo volunteered to lead the way. , The two people searched one bar after another, and they came here dazedly. Hugo didn't know what happened in the middle.

Seeing Leonardo holding a wooden stake and shouting in excitement, Hugo chuckled, "Uma is not that short." But after speaking, Hugo himself thought it was funny. Very, and then laughed at myself, laughing happily. After finally stopping, Hugo frowned and began to look around, "What about the bar? Why is there no bar here? We...Aren't we looking for a bar?"

"There! There!" Leonardo pointed to a dim light not far away, and then ran over excitedly. The jacket in his hand didn't know where he dropped it. His voice was at the end of the transition period because After the excessive intake of the wine'jing', it became sharp and hoarse, torn apart in the rustling sea breeze, Hugo only felt Leonardo's voice in all directions.

"Where?" Hugo only felt that the scenery and colors in front of him were foggy and misty. In fact, he knew where he was and what he was doing, but the operation of his brain almost fell into a stagnant state, which made him There is no way to make a clear judgment, but to follow Ben passively. Can act, "Hey Leo, where!"

"Here!" Leonardo stood not far away, shaking his whole body, Hugo finally saw him, so he ran over.

"Why the grass here is so high?" Hugo grumbled and raised his awkward and heavy steps, trying to leap over, but he lost his sight for the height and length of his judgment, and he had no strength on his feet, so he stepped forward. He stepped forward, but when his right foot landed, the foot was soft. The whole person staggered and almost fell, "Damn it!" Hugo cursed dejectedly.

"This bar also has a'flower' garden, how about it, not bad...oh, damn..." Leonardo was talking in front of him, and then suddenly wailed. Hugo could not see clearly. He only saw a vague figure which was still straight ahead, but suddenly disappeared. After searching around, he finally saw a human figure struggling on the ground.

Hugo walked forward with deep and shallow steps, thinking in his head, why is this concrete floor so soft, is it a beach? But before he could think about it, his head hit a bouncy'sex'. Because of the inertia, the feet were still moving forward due to the inertia, but the advancement of the head was blocked, so the whole person rose up into the air forcibly and sat directly on the ground, "Oh, my God!"

Hugo only felt that his whole body was about to fall apart, and the whole person turned into a puddle of mud in an instant, lying on the ground unable to move at all. He thought he was still twenty yards away from Leonardo, but he was blocked when he was halfway through the brakes, and he fell off because of the brakes.

Hugo opened his dim eyes and tried to search for what was blocking his way. His feet were exploring in front of him. There were no obstructions in front of him. Then he saw a "hairy" in the dim light. 'The fluffy rope, even dotted with stars, is like an artifact, but Hugo knew it was just a clothesline. But why there is a clothesline at the ‘door’ of the bar, Hugo has no ‘energy’ to think.

"Leo, Leo?" Hugo could hear the low moaning beside him, but he couldn't find Leonardo, and he touched his left hand to the side, and finally reached the point. A scorching body, "Leo, are you okay?" Originally, he lost control of his body because of the spirit of liquor. Now after suffering a fierce blow, Hugo only feels that he doesn't want to stand up at all. ——And also unable to stand up.

"Oh, Hugo, oh... I'm so uncomfortable..." Leonardo's groan made Hugo's still sober brain immediately realize that it is not good, although he still can't handle such a situation, he simply I don’t know what to do, but the remaining processing power of the brain tells him that he should at least look at Leonardo’s situation

Hugo grabbed Leonardo’s arm with his left hand and wanted to sit up, but found that the effort was too much. He could only roll on the spot and rolled in the direction of Leonardo. As expected, he felt it. When he reached the obstacle of the hot body behind, Hugo adjusted his body laboriously, "Leo, what's the matter with you?"

But before Leonardo could answer, Hugo heard a "vomit" sound, and then there was a burst of warmth from the left body and left hand, and the liquid mixed with solid things poured onto Hugo's left hand. It penetrated the shirt and touched his skin, the sour smell was really bad.

Hugo's brain vaguely understood what was going on, but he had no time to think. He also "vomited" and began to throw up. Hugo didn't know where he was throwing up. He only felt that his brain was blank and the vomiting was dim. . Hugo strongly doubted whether Alex's dinner was emptied before attending the Sidney party.

After vomiting, Hugo's whole body seemed to have disappeared. The brain that was still awake was as if power was cut off, and it darkened little by little, and then Hugo closed his eyes in a muddled manner. I no longer know.

If someone passes by, you can see two people lying on the lawn in front of the'door' of an ordinary house. There is a clothesline on the lawn, but they were knocked down at this moment, and the clothes on it were spread out in a mess. On the ground, and this is not the worst. To make matters worse, two people fell asleep next to the vomit. The typical behavior of a drunkard makes the stomach tumble. Even if it is a bit of alcohol, it is not touched. People will feel nauseous when they see this scene. .

Fortunately, it was late at night, and everyone was celebrating the arrival of the New Year. People on the Third Street who fell into madness because of the "jing" can be seen everywhere, so no one found the two drunks here.

I don’t know how much time has passed, Hugo woke up in a daze. He only felt that his brain was groggy, and he didn’t know where he was. Fortunately, his control over the body seemed to be back again. Then, he got up and sat up, and then saw that he was lying in a mess. Hugo couldn't help laughing with this appearance: the glorious and deadly life seemed to be back again.

Turning his head and looking, Hugo saw the figure lying next to him, not a glorious teammate, but Leonardo, which reminded Hugo that this was Los Angeles in 1993. Hugo couldn't help shivering. He was wearing a shirt now, and he was still wet, the dark night'color' around and the faint sporadic noises told Hugo that it was still in the early hours of the morning, no wonder he felt It's so cold.

Hugo shook Leonardo and found that he had no intention of getting up. In desperation, Hugo could only stand up, looked around and realized that they were lying in someone else’s yard, and they were still trying to get up. It was a mess, and couldn't help making a face. Hugo shook Leonardo again, "Leo, wake up, we can't stay here." Hugo increased his strength and shook it twice. This time Leonardo finally woke up. Come moaning and wailing in your mouth.

Hugo laughed, but with this smile, he twitched his forehead and had a terrible headache. Hugo vigorously'rubbed' the'Tian' acupuncture, "Get up! We must leave." Then Hugo bends over. Supporting Leonardo, the two of them leaned on each other, turned away staggeringly, and walked across the short lilac on the periphery of the lawn. Seeing the jacket they had thrown on the short lilac, they couldn't help but laughed and picked up the jacket casually. Then walk along the stone road.

Hugo looked around and tried to locate them, but found that they were already some distance away from Third Street. They actually walked to the edge of the beach, and the late night sea breeze continued to blow over, causing Hugo. Both Leonardo and Leonardo kept shivering, and could only rely on each other to resist the raging sea breeze.

After walking for a short distance, Hugo felt sore all over. Although he was awake most of the time, his body still did not recover. Leonardo was worse than him. Almost the whole body was pressed on him. Hugo is very laborious. In desperation, Hugo could only look around. Not far away, there was an observation deck where the beach rescue team usually observes the sea level, which could block the sea breeze.

Hugo supported Leonardo and walked off the beach, then stumbled towards the observation deck, hoping to take a break from the wind there.

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