And Xu Yujie and his group of students were all trained by Song Xi himself. Song Xi taught them singing, painting... training them in many ways made their lives more possible.

When the film team went to the school to select new actors, the reason why Xu Yujie was selected was not because of the talents Song Xi taught Xu Yujie?

Otherwise, how could Xu Yujie have such an opportunity?

Even if the opportunity was put in front of her, she would not be able to seize it!

"Yes!" Xu Yujie said in agreement, "If it weren't for Teacher Song, I would never have had such an opportunity, so I am especially grateful to Teacher Song, and I will always remember Teacher Song in my heart!"

It's not that Xu Yujie has never taken other teachers' classes. There is no one who takes classes like Song Xi. Song Xi really imparts everything she has to her students without reservation. Xu Yujie can feel the gap.

Afterwards, the three of them went to check the new house together. All the houses in the village were one-story villas with attics and large yards, and the walls inside the houses were painted white and clean.

It can be refurbished or not, and it is also possible to move in directly.

Xu Yunying opened the windows to let the house breathe.

Jing Yunming walked around the house and said with emotion, "The houses in your village are beautifully built, and they must be very comfortable to live in. I have never encountered such a good house outside! Are the construction drawings Did you find a master architect to design it?"

Xu Yujie smiled and shook her head, "These things are the things of the village, we ordinary villagers don't know about these things!"

Of course, the people in their village knew that the drawings were drawn by Song Xi, because the only person in the village who knew how to draw was Song Xi. Later, Song Xi taught everyone how to draw, and then the number of people who knew how to draw increased, but they definitely couldn't reach Song Xi's level. s level.

"Ordinary villager? You are not an ordinary villager." Jing Yunming said with a smile.

Xu Yujie glared at him coquettishly, "Why am I not an ordinary villager? I don't have any position in the village. I have already divided the land into households, and now I don't have to work. What am I not an ordinary villager?"

Although she is a student of the second year of the Film Academy, she is not a student of Ping'an Village.

"You can set up an acting training class in the village, so that you are not an ordinary villager." Jing Yunming said with a smile.

Xu Yujie gave him a white look, "Do you think I'm a god? I even came to the village to open an acting training class. My goal is to stay in school to teach. I don't have time to do these things!"

Even if she came back to give an acting training class, what's the point? Everyone has no chance to become an actor. The most important thing is that the students in Ping'an Village are still young. At this time, they should cultivate their acting skills. Who should they act with? Are you acting with your own family?

After more than ten years, it is unknown whether they will be admitted to the film school, so it is really meaningless to train them at this time, and they are not children of actors, they are destined to be actors, so they are suitable for training from an early age.

Xu Yunying came to Xu Yujie and said, "Okay, the windows of the house are all open for ventilation. In fact, the house has been repaired a long time ago and can be moved in. When are you going to decorate the house?"

Xu Yujie thought for a while and said, "I won't clean it up this time, and I'll buy furniture for my home when I come back next time."

The main reason is that she will only be back for 20 days this time. If she is afraid that Xu Yunying and Xin Nanjiang will be disturbed by staying at home, she can stay in the house of the eldest brother and the second brother for a few days. The houses of the eldest brother and the second brother are empty there. !

"Okay." Xu Yunying nodded.

She won't be the one to prepare for furniture, because young people have different visions, so let them choose by themselves, lest they don't like things chosen by their elders.

The next morning, Xu Yujie and Jing Yunming had breakfast at home, and then set off for the new village. They planned to go to the new village first to see if Song Xi was at home. If not, they would ask others where Song Xi was.

Eighty percent of the people in the new village moved here from the old village. Many people know Xu Yujie, unless they are children. Some children have seen Xu Yujie when they were young, but they haven’t seen each other for so many years. , even if they see Xu Yujie now, they can only recognize her as the big star Xu Yujie, but they cannot recognize her as Xu Yujie from this village.

As soon as Xu Yujie entered the village, she attracted attention. Whether they knew her or didn't know her, they would greet her when they saw her, because she was a big star!

Xu Yujie transferred to Beijing early in the year, and missed the opportunity to review, eat and live with everyone. She didn't know where Song Xi's family lived, so she asked someone else to find out.

Xu Yujie didn't bring much when she came back this time, even if she brought presents for Song Xi and the child, they were not many, Guangjing Yunming could carry them alone, and the two of them arrived outside Song Xi's house under everyone's attention.

Song Xi's house was built in the first batch of those years, so compared to the houses built later, it is naturally not as good, nor is it so beautiful, but Song Xi doesn't care about these, it's home, it's warm and convenient to live in That's it.

It’s really better than a house. The commercial housing in the city is not as good as the earthen house in the country. Living in a commercial housing is clean, but it’s not comfortable, it’s not soundproof, and the noise is loud. The neighbors upstairs and downstairs will know every little trouble. .

If you meet the kind of neighbor who likes to inquire about other people's affairs, and likes to listen to the corner of the wall, it is estimated that there is no privacy at home. They may even reveal what time you rest at night.

It may be because Song Xi went to work after graduation in her previous life, and lived in a high-rise building. Song Xi really doesn't like the high-rise building now. Now there are high-rise buildings outside, but there are no commercial housing yet.

Only the South started building commercial housing this summer.

The housing prices there will be very high in the future, and an ordinary house will cost several million dollars. Ordinary people have to bear mortgages for a lifetime. Song Xi decided to take the children there to buy some houses for investment in a few years.

She has to work hard to make herself a rich generation, and by the way, let her children become a rich second generation.

Hearing a knock on the door, Song Xi asked Zhou Toutou to knock on the door. She is not patriarchal, but she is not patriarchal either. She has the same attitude towards her sons and daughters. She has trained them to do small daily things since childhood.

She can let the children be princes and princesses and do nothing, but what if their parents leave? So we must train them well, so that even if their parents are gone in the future, they can live a good life with survival experience.

No matter how rich you are, you will be blind if you have no experience, because it is easy to meet people who cheat money, whether it is a boy or a girl, so you must teach them the experience of survival, and don't become a love brain.

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