Superhero Comic – Overlord’s Path

Chapter 88 20. Unexpected news

Saibo found his black SUV in the garage of the college. Agent May even thoughtfully helped him clean the car once. It looked clean and new. He sat in the driver's seat and took his own SUV from the rearview mirror. Sunglasses, worn over the eyes.

The bouncing little girl was sitting next to him, and she had fastened her seat belt. He looked back in the rearview mirror at the Xavier Academy for Gifted Youth, which was surrounded by green mountains and green waters. He shook his head and kicked the accelerator. It roared out of the academy.

"Are we going back to Gotham?"

Catherine hugged her teddy bear and looked at Sable, who said to her as he drove through the busy streets,

"Go and say goodbye to your parents first, and then we'll leave here."

With a lighted cigarette in his mouth, Saber puffed. "It's a terrible holiday, isn't it?"

"I think it's actually fine."

The little girl tilted her head and said, "I think New York is very interesting, except for that bad woman, won't Sister Mei go back with us?"

"She still has her own job. Everyone has their own job. Not surprisingly, you will have one in the future."

Saibo yawned and turned into the road to Brooklyn. While chatting with the little girl, he turned on the new phone and looked at it in front of his eyes. Frankly speaking, Saibo wanted to throw the phone away. Yes, even though it was May's gift, considering May's profession, Seber really didn't dare to use it to contact other people casually.

Agent, this is a group of guys who are always on guard against three points.

More than 20 minutes later, at the Pride couple's house, he borrowed Mr. Pride's mobile phone to make a call, as if nothing had changed. The Pride couple said goodbye to Catherine, and the little girl packed up and prepared Supplies on the road, these tedious things took almost 2 hours.

It wasn't until 4 o'clock in the afternoon that the car full of things drove all the way out of the city amidst the embracing and crying Pride couple waving goodbye. At the junction connecting the city ring road and the highway, at the intersection leading to the interstate highway, a black car was parked there, and a guy in a black suit and sunglasses was standing beside the car and looking around.

A smile appeared on the corner of Saibo's mouth, he reached out and patted the little girl's head,

"Sit here and wait, I'll be right back."


After a while, Saibo, wearing a black baseball cap and casual clothes, opened the car door, looked left and right, and then walked towards the fat guy standing aside.

This guy is tall and strong, the muscles on his body fill up the lining of the shirt, and he has a special sturdy smell on his body. When ordinary people see it, they will definitely take a detour. There is no doubt that this is either a thug, Either a bodyguard.

"Stark sent you here?"

With his hands in his pockets, Sable looked up at the muscular man, who didn't speak, but Sable could feel his eyes, behind the dark glasses, watching him, examining him.

"Okay...a boring guy."

He reached into his pocket and took out the black business card that Stark handed him. There was nothing on it, only a bronzing Stark logo, and handed it to the muscular man in front of him, who took it in his hand , opened the car door, and sat in the driver's seat. Saibo could see that he swiped the black card on a special instrument. After a few seconds, he got out of the car with a black card in his hand. suitcase.

It looks like a safe, but looks heavy.

"This is what the boss asked me to give you, and he asked me to bring you a sentence."

The bodyguard stretched out his hand with some difficulty and handed the suitcase in his hand to Saibo. The thing full of various things was heavy, but the latter easily reached out and held it in his hand, which surprised the bodyguard. But under the cover of the big sunglasses, he couldn't see his expression.


Saibo put the black card back into his pocket, raised his head, and saw that guy took out a gleaming silver mobile phone from his pocket, and handed it to him. Saibo's memory is very good, he could tell at a glance, This mobile phone is clearly the special model that Stark used at the weapons exhibition that day.

"The boss asked me to tell you that his meeting with Mr. Lucius has been completed. He is very satisfied with this transaction. He also checked your identity recently and found that many people are following you. He told you to be careful Some, if you want to contact him, use this special mobile phone."

Saibo took the gleaming silver phone, played with it in his hand, and gestured an OK gesture to this guy,

"I said, man, what's your name?"

The bodyguard hesitated for a moment, then said,

"Hogan, just call me Hogan."

"Okay, muscular Hogan, give me a word for Stark."

Saibo lowered his voice, "I have a good impression of him, so if you need help, you can contact me directly, but let me explain in advance that I am a mercenary and I need to be paid."

"Okay, that's it. Goodbye, Hogan. Next time you come out, you'd better bring a gun. The law and order in New York is terrible."

Saibo complained, and decisively carried the suitcase and turned around to leave. Hogan froze for a moment, shook his head and got into his own car. Soon, the two parted ways.

"Who is that? Cyber, is that your friend?"

Asked by Catherine, who leaned on the car window and watched everything that passed by, Seber left the black box on the back seat and smiled at her with his mouth open.

"Maybe we'll be friends in the future, but now we're just collaborators. Well, fasten your seat belts, it's time for us to go home!"

On the other side, in an ordinary room in Queens, New York, the blue-skinned Mystique Raven is leaning on the sofa, holding the remote control in her hand, watching TV. It is the most ordinary soap opera, but Rui Wen watched with relish.

Her whole body is covered with blue scales with black spots, which looks like some kind of alien, but after getting used to it, she can feel a special beauty, like a blue flower with black spots. Black-spotted roses, and barbs that cannot be ignored, sharp enough to pierce the skin with just a touch.

She maintained that comfortable posture, allowing her beautiful figure to be displayed on the sofa, and from time to time she was made to lean forward and backward by that vulgar joke, until more than 20 minutes later, after the TV series was over, she stretched herself and got off the sofa. Standing up, she swayed towards the wine cabinet next to her, took out a bottle of wine, and was about to open it when the empty air behind her flickered slightly.


There was a soft sound, and a figure appeared in the room. It was a tall man with dark red skin, black hair, and a suit style that was popular in the last century. There was a scar on his face that ran through his left eye, but it did not hurt Eye.

He opened his eyes. Those eyes had a light gray luster, and the pupils were extremely small. With that unique hairstyle, they looked full of an evil feeling.

"You idiot, why are you here again?"

Ruiwen didn't look back, she held the wine glass in one hand, and poured wine into it. Behind her, the eyes of the devil-like man stayed on Ruiwen's body for a moment, and then whispered,

"I've brought new orders from Eric."

His voice was hoarse and low. When he spoke, the air in the whole room vibrated slightly. His fingers were moving. The tips of the fingers that resembled devils were black nails. It's no different from the devil in mythology.

"Humph...Eric is going on with his fanciful plans again, which don't make any sense."

Rui Wen lay back on the sofa with the wine glass in her hand. She took a sip of the wine, stretched out a finger, and said lazily,

"Get out of the way, you're blocking my TV show... Also, get out of here after you finish talking, I'm annoyed when I see you!"

The devil-like man was silent for a moment, but in the end he obediently stepped aside, spread his hands, and said,

"Eric's conversion instrument has been completed, but we still need a medium. We are looking for this suitable medium all over the world. I believe there will be results soon, and your new task is Congressman Robert Kelly. , that old guy has been promoting the threat theory of "mutants" and has a decisive influence in Congress, Eric thinks he will be a very good test subject."

"Okay, I see."

Ruiwen stared at the TV series in front of her, seeming to put her heart and soul into it. She covered her mouth with a chuckle, and then took a sip of wine, like chasing flies away.

"You are dismissed."

The red-skinned devil man ignored Mystique's extremely contemptuous attitude, moved his fingers, and whispered,

"Raven, I..."


Before he finished speaking, Mystique, who was immersed in the TV series, suddenly broke out. The glass in her hand was crushed directly, and the broken residue was scattered everywhere. Her eyes were bloodshot. She looked like a crazy woman, and her chest heaved rapidly. Obviously, the leader of the mutant brotherhood was in a state of extreme anger at this time.

"Azazzo, if it wasn't for Eric to stop me, I would have put a knife in your heart long ago! After you did such a damn disgusting thing to me, you still dare to appear in front of me! Do you know Know how much I hate you! Do you know that if I decide to do that, Charles and Eric will join forces and tear you to pieces!"

Her eyes were full of hatred and disgust. Long ago, on a mission in Germany, under the influence of alcohol and some kind of seduction spell, Asazo possessed her body, although for Mystique, This kind of thing is not unacceptable. If Asazo really likes her, she doesn't mind having a relationship with this powerful mutant.

But what disgusted her the most was that the guy in front of her clearly regarded her as some kind of experimental subject. Reminiscent of that unbearable time, Ruiwen's anger was like a flood that opened the gate, and it could not be stopped at all. Because she has already regarded Magneto King Eric's creed as her own creed in more than 40 years of work, I am afraid that Asazo in front of her has been assassinated by her many times.

With Mystique's abilities, almost no one in this world can escape her assassination. As long as she doesn't fight impulsively, she won't be afraid of any mutants.

Ten seconds later, she took a breath, turned around, picked up another cup,

"Get out! Don't let me see you again!"

Asazo's expression remained unchanged, he just looked at Ruiwen, and finally he said,

"Tell me the whereabouts of that child!"

"Don't think about it!"

Ruiwen ignored him and continued to immerse herself in the joys, sorrows and joys of the TV series, but after a few minutes, she seemed to think of something funny, her brows were raised,

"Azazzo... I have no feelings for that kid, and if you want it, you can do it... Do me a favor and I'll tell you where he hides... You know, he Inheriting your ability and my perception, even if you don't know the exact location, you can never find him!"

The red devil Asazo closed his eyes, he weighed for a moment, then nodded,

"Okay, let's talk!"

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