Super Tycoon

Chapter 761 Too Suddenly

Zhang Yang returned to China and began to pay more attention to the news of Nintendo. The Wii has started pre-sale, and in the island countries and North America, I heard that the effect is not bad.

The main reason is that it is cheap. Many people are tempted when they see that it is 50 dollars cheaper than Zhiduoxing, and they can also play somatosensory games.

In addition, Nintendo still has some classic games i, how many people are waiting for the sequel, and there is a discount for those who pay for the pre-sale, you can download an n64 game for free, which is equivalent to another ten dollars in profit.

Because of the good pre-sale performance, Nintendo's stock price began to rise rapidly. Originally, because their nds handhelds were selling well, the stock price rose a lot, but this time it has risen again, and the market value gap with Sunny Computer Entertainment will be widened.

Of course, there is still no comparison with Zhiduoxing Group. The market value of Zhiduoxing Group has exceeded 60 billion US dollars. Now the growth rate is slowing down. People say that it is because they don’t know whether Zhiduoxing’s g3 sales will continue to be far ahead. Double competition for s3.

"Chairman, this is the company's plan to target the Nintendo Wii, and by the way, also target the NDS to suppress Nintendo in an all-round way."

"The following is a plan for Suuni's s3. As for their s1000, there is no need to pay attention to it. Anyway, few people buy it now. It's not worth wasting money to promote and suppress."

"There is another one for Sega Bandai Neptune and db2. We think that since we have already targeted those two, Sega Bandai should not be left behind."

Xiao Wang smiled and put the three documents on Zhang Yang's desk. He thought the strategy formulated by these three documents was very interesting, and it would definitely allow Zhiduoxing to widen the sales gap with other manufacturers again.

In the previous generation of video game consoles, the market share of Zhiduoxing was in the early 50s, and that of handheld consoles exceeded 65 percent. Although this generation of handhelds has joined the competition of Sega Bandai and Suony, Z5 still has guaranteed 60% of the market share, and it is still expanding, and may eventually exceed 70%.

Since handheld consoles can achieve growth in both sales and share, video game consoles must also do the same. The expected sales volume of the g3 series should reach 150 million units, so the total sales volume of the other three companies should not exceed 150 million units, and the average sales volume of one company should not exceed 50 million units.

At present, the sales volume of Sega Bandai's Neptune has exceeded 20 million units. It will continue to sell in the next few years, and with some hardware upgrades, it will not be a big problem to sell 50 million units.

But it must not be allowed to sell more, otherwise the market share of Zhiduoxing g3 will drop. Zhiduoxing needs both sales volume and share.

Zhang Yang flipped through the three plans,

Well done, it's written in great detail. Aiming at the weaknesses of the three manufacturers, how to publicize, how to suppress each other's sales, how to highlight the product features of Zhiduoxing, etc.

"Okay, let them prepare and execute according to the plan. Remember, this generation of game consoles not only guarantees an advantage in console market share, but also has an absolute upper hand in game sales."

"For new games, I hope to achieve a ratio of more than one to ten. Tell everyone, don't just focus on c-end online games, this market is still huge."

Zhang Yang signed and threw the three documents to Xiao Wang.

But within a minute after Xiao Wang went out, he stood at the door again and knocked on the door hastily.

"What's wrong? Something fell?" Zhang Yang raised his head from the computer screen, planning to play Crossfire for a while.

"Chairman, watch the news! Motorola has announced its withdrawal from Symbian, and Nokia will take over the relevant shares."

"Motorola quit Symbian?!"

Zhang Yang was also taken aback, the news was so sudden.

In the previous life, Motorola withdrew in 2003, and then tried to develop its own system, and later supported Microsoft's operating system.

It is precisely because of this that Ericsson withdrew, allowing Nokia to completely control Symbian in its own hands. After all, after Nokia became the controlling party, Ericsson's right to speak was too small, and Suoai was not satisfied.

But in this life, Mingzhi and Duoxing bought some communication technology from Motorola, so that Motorola didn’t need to sell the shares of Symbian, and Ericsson’s shareholding became Suoai’s shareholding. Zhang Yang thought that the three companies would always join forces. .

How do you know that Motorola actually withdrew when Saipan was on the rise? Why?

Motorola's net profit reached US$4.1 billion last year. Although its total sales were not as good as Nokia's, it suppressed Nokia's US$4 billion net profit.

It is precisely because of the very high net profit that reversed the previous decline in one fell swoop that Motorola regained the confidence to challenge Nokia.

At this time, the trouble is broken. Could it be that Motorola is planning to overtake? But they don't seem to have any explosive product pages this year. After reading the news on the Internet, they finally know who is behind the scenes.

Motorola announced that their new smartphones will only support Microsoft's operating system, and will work with Microsoft to create better smartphones for consumers.

Microsoft failed to win over Zhiduoxing, and turned around and took Motorola down.

Motorola had smartphones with Microsoft systems before, which actually made many manufacturers puzzled. Obviously, Motorola is a shareholder of Symbian, why buy other people's systems?

Now it seems that Motorola may have long thought of breaking away from Symbian, but it has never been implemented. And now, hit it off with Microsoft.

At the same time, there was another big news in the semiconductor industry. Motorola once spun off its semiconductor business and injected it into a company called Freescale. This company is also for sale, and the famous private equity fund Blackstone plans to acquire Freescale at a price of 17.6 billion US dollars.

At the beginning, in order to get rid of the semiconductor business, Motorola invested 200 million US dollars to inject assets into Freescale. This has allowed Motorola to slim down and turn a profit.

And Motorola's shareholders did not lose money. Many of them made a lot of money from this sale, but it's a pity that it has nothing to do with Motorola.

Zhang Yang leaned back, turned the chair, and looked out the window.

Microsoft now has Motorola as a major customer, plus Dopod, as well as island countries and South Korea also have manufacturer support, so it will be difficult to eliminate it in a short time.

However, Nokia and Suoai should be the ones who should be more troubled. Although Motorola's "betrayal" has been foreshadowed, the actual announcement will deal a great blow to Symbian.

"Xiao Wang, tell Lao Duan, I know about this matter, and there is no need to adjust our previous development strategy. Saipan's lead will be further reduced, but it is our opportunity!"


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