Super Tycoon

Chapter 752: Dissatisfaction with Jason Huang

Zhang Yang didn't stay here to continue to pay attention to the e3 game exhibition, but came to Silicon Valley to see the situation of Chaowei Eagle Weida and hold a meeting by the way.

In the last board meeting, Chaowei Eagle Weida reported a lot of good news, and hope to bring more good news this time.

The meeting was presided over by the chairman, Jerry Sanders, who was very happy with his red face. Obviously it was a board meeting, but he was dressed like a trendy old man.

I heard that this guy has another girlfriend, this time she is a supermodel, and I don't know if his body can handle it at such an advanced age.

"Our processor chips are not only purchased by c manufacturers, but also by mobile phone manufacturers, translation machine manufacturers, da manufacturers, and game machine manufacturers. And recently we have also received orders from some companies that produce CNC machine tools. Our chip sales will improve again.”

"And the motherboards we designed have also been purchased by many c manufacturers, which has greatly increased our cu and gu sales. The cooperation with SanDisk has also benefited us a lot."

"Zhang, do you know that our sales this year are expected to reach a peak of 20 billion U.S. dollars. And according to our judgment, Intel's sales last year were finally adjusted to 30.8 billion U.S. dollars, and they are expected to be 340 U.S. dollars this year. I can guarantee that they will never reach this sales volume."

Among the semiconductor chip manufacturers, Intel will still be the leader, followed by Samsung and Texas Instruments, followed by Dongzhi. Dongzhi mainly benefited from the explosive growth of sales in the island country market, and ad finally ranked among the top in the industry. five.

This cannot but make Sanders happy.

Zhang Yang frowned: "Sanders, I heard that in the second quarter of last year, because you challenged the opponent to compete in dual-core technology and performance, Intel lowered their CU price?"

"Compared with the same period last year, this year has been reduced by 40%, and even some models have been reduced by as much as 60%. This should be the main reason for Intel's sales decline, and it does not mean that their sales have declined. .”

Because of the price reduction of the product, the total sales volume of the other party has not decreased. Of course, ad has increased a lot, and its market share has also increased a lot, especially in the c market, where it has won orders from several big brands.

"Now that you are the CU of CNC machine tools, you are competing with Texas Instruments, Samsung, etc., are you sure? Competing with the three giants at the same time, and even Dongzhi is eyeing them. Don't you think this is too risky?"

Sanders was a little dissatisfied: "Zhang, you are a young man, why do you speak old-fashioned? We are in a rising period, shouldn't we expand boldly? If you look forward and backward,

When can catch up with Intel? If we don't vigorously develop, can we become the top five in the industry? "

Zhang Yang didn't say anything more, and the meeting continued, listening to Sanders talking about some of the company's brilliance. Zhang Yang didn't listen to what the two co-CEOs said later, it was all in the report.

After the meeting, Sanders left, saying he was taking his girlfriend to a football game.

Zhang Yang came to CEO Jason Huang's office, and the two sat down and drank red wine.

"Zhang, Saunders has changed a lot in the past two years, becoming more and more high-profile. Moreover, the company's expansion is too fast. There are several projects that I think are not worthwhile, and he has also signed and acquired them."

"I admit that the company's sales are rising rapidly, even faster than I imagined, and Yingweida's graphics card business has also grown a lot."

"However, the company's financial situation is worrying. We used to have excellent financial conditions and no debts. At this time, the debt ratio is very high. Sanders also wants to issue additional shares to repay debts."

"I understand that additional stock is the best option for the company, but it doesn't need to be done. The company's sales are rising, but the profit margin is falling."

"I don't ask Chaowei Yingweida to have the high profit margin of Zhiduoxing Group, but it can't be too low? Intel's direct sales last year were indeed only 30.8 billion US dollars, but they still have some indirect sales, with a combined total of more than 350 million. billion, and a net profit of nearly $8 billion."

"What about us? According to Sanders' calculation, the sales exceeded US$150, but the operating profit was only a little less than US$3 billion, and the net profit was even negative."

"Chaowei's CU has gained a lot of market share, but they are all obtained by relying on low prices. What's the use of not making money?"

"Admiral's CU share in the North American c market reached 45%, which made Saunders very happy, but he didn't notice the changes in Intel."

"He pulled Intel's profit margin down, but Intel bought back 4 percent of its stock last year, paid $2 billion in dividends, and remodeled its production line."

"The biggest growth in the future market is notebooks, not desktops. Intel has already started the production of 65n. They announced the performance parameters of Core 2 Duo last week. In terms of dual-core technology, they have almost caught up with AMD. And Because of their more advanced technology and lower energy consumption, they will definitely be purchased by more manufacturers."

"If Chaowei Yingweida does not make changes, then by this time next year, Chaowei's sales will decline sharply, and its profits will decrease again, and it may even fall into a loss."

The more Jason Huang said, the more excited he became. Sanders was a bit too blindly expanding, and the other CEO was also an idiot, so he knew to follow Sanders' opinions, like a puppet.

If Eagle Weida hadn't made a lot of money here, I'm afraid Chaowei Eagle Weida would have fallen into a loss this year, and there would be too much money that shouldn't be spent.

Zhang Yang shook his glass and took a sip: "Jason, don't worry. As I said, my wife is pregnant, so I won't come to North America frequently in the past two years, and I won't have too many My energy is in charge of Chaowei Yingweida, at least wait until after my child is one year old."

"Sanders' expansion is very fast, and he has invested a lot of money. This can indeed reduce production costs. Isn't he planning an industrial layout?"

"Eagle Weida does not have a factory, so all production is done by Chaowei's factory, right? It is precisely because of this that Eagle Weida's development is so good. You can't deny that because Chaowei's CU sales have increased significantly, Did it also drive the sales of Yingweida's graphics cards?"

"Calm down, Chaowei Yingwei is still on the rise, isn't it? Although I don't agree with the strategy of grabbing the market at a low price, because Chaowei Yingwei can't burn money and burn Intel, but now the company's stock price is soaring , Merrill Lynch and other financial companies have also rated Chaowei Eagle Weida as a buy, right?"

"Last year, Chaowei Eagle Weida was very popular, and its brand awareness continued to rise. Eagle Weida didn't suffer a loss, right? You also heard from Sanders that he will not continue to expand factories this year. So this year's company's net Profits will definitely grow and turn around.”

"I have no objection to the issuance of additional shares. This is also the best choice for the company at present. Also, the investment in scientific research of the Huaxia Branch cannot be reduced. Great progress has been made. Maybe a finished product will be produced in a year or two. Then It will definitely bring huge profits to the company.”

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