Super Tycoon

Chapter 733 Industrial Adjustment

Zhi Duoxing's annual meeting was naturally full of laughter and laughter. Zhang Yang's parents did not attend this time, but Ye Jia came, because many people brought their families.

Ye Jia also found out that Zhiduoxing Group made so much money again in 2005. Zhang Yang didn't seem to do anything. Why did his assets keep rising rapidly?

Maybe this is what Zhang Yang said that after the foundation is laid, the rapid development of the global economy can drive the growth of the company's income.

This year's annual meeting was a little different from the past. It was like a party. Many executives came to the stage to perform, sing songs and so on. The atmosphere was very lively.

Even Li Zeju, who was very low-key, sang a Cantonese song with Zhang Benxiong, which won the cheers of the audience.

"Why don't you come on stage and sing a song? Shouldn't you take the lead in this kind of thing? President Duan is so old, and you fooled him into singing a song." Ye Jia asked with a smile.

"Do you see how happy Lao Duan is, how rock and roll he is wearing? Let me tell you, many people actually have a desire to perform, but they were suppressed because of their status before. This time, isn't it just an excuse to get over the addiction of the stage? And who said I can't sing?"

Zhang Yang remembered that in his previous life, many executives of large companies would perform at the company's annual meeting, enlivening the atmosphere and receiving wide acclaim. Although their singing and dancing are not good, but seeing the big boss playing tricks on stage, the employees feel happy and feel that the big boss is not so alienated.

Near the end, Zhang Yang stepped onto the stage and sang a new song, and the applause grew even louder. They don't even know who sang this song originally, why is it so good?

[Small dimples and long eyelashes, charming and hopeless~~]

Zhang Yang changed to a solo song for a duet song, and he looked at Ye Jia the whole time, the cheers almost lifted the ceiling.

Ye Jia happened to have two dimples, although they were not very obvious, but they were brought into him naturally, and there were tears in his eyes.

After singing, Zhang Yang stepped off the stage and sat next to Ye Jia. Ye Jia hugged Zhang Yang's head and kissed her. She had never expressed this in front of outsiders.

"Is this song written just for me?"

"Of course, otherwise, who else could it be? Do you like it? I'll ask someone to change it to a duet later on, and we will sing together in the future." Zhang Yang took the credit while licking his face.

Back home at night, Ye Jia became very enthusiastic, and Zhang Yang felt his bones were going to be weak.

the next morning,

The company's executives got together again, preparing to implement some specific measures and launch this year's development plan.

"Chairman, Mr. Duan, this year we plan to completely stop the production of life-extending electronic pets. This profit is not much, and there are not even a few counterfeit companies, and we also have similar games on our handhelds. This No one is willing to pay a premium for it anymore.”

Sun Tengfei is in charge of this. Originally, he planned to stop production last year and just sell the off-stock products. However, he found that after the price cut, many people still bought them, so he produced another batch.

But the profit margin is really not high. Although you can still make some money, it is better to authorize this to other companies, so that you can continue to make money without taking risks.

Things that used to sell for tens of dollars, now the price has been reduced to less than five dollars. Adding logistics costs, production costs, and excluding the profits of agents and retailers, Zhiduoxing really can’t make much money, especially sales. become very low.

One unit earns one dollar, and the sales volume is only one or two million units a year. This amount of money is simply ignored by Zhiduoxing. It is better to authorize the toy company to continue production, and also suppress Sega Bandai's Tyrannosaurus Rex by the way. It can also continue to increase the value of the IP brand of Pokemon.

"There is another thing, that is Wenquxing. Now Wenquxing produces more electronic dictionaries and translation machines. However, the number of buyers of electronic dictionaries is getting smaller and smaller, because we have added the translation function on MP4, which is a professional translation. It’s okay to sell the machine.”

"The repeater, another flagship product of the Wenquxing brand, is now experiencing a serious decline in sales. In other words, the entire magnetic tape-related industry is declining very fast, and even CD-ROM products are declining faster than before."

"The main reason is MP4, which can also have the function of repeating, and now there are many audio files. Moreover, cheap Walkmans have also impacted the repeater market. They only sell for thirty or forty yuan, and the repeater can't drop. This price."

"So according to our estimation, next year at the latest, the Wenquxing brand will be in crisis. Electronic dictionaries and repeaters will stay away from the mainstream market, sales will continue to decline, and it is unknown whether they will continue to be produced."

"We have an idea, that is, let Wenquxing also produce learning machines. This brand has an advantage over Zhiduoxing in terms of educational electronics brands."

Some products are always limited by the times, just like TVs with big heads are getting worse and worse, and black and white TVs have long been eliminated.

The Walkman, which was popular all over the world at the beginning, is not bought by anyone now, and even many record companies and audio-visual companies that produce tapes, etc. are now undergoing transformation or bankruptcy.

VCD has defeated the video recorder, but now everyone prefers to use a USB flash drive to watch various video programs directly on the computer. While many families have bought computers, not many people have bought DVDs.

Even KTV no longer uses such products, but uses computers, which can cut songs faster and have larger storage capacity, so there is no need to frequently replace discs.

Zhang Yang nodded: "Yes, there is no problem with dual-brand operation. But since we can do well on the translation machine, we should find a way to improve the technology in this area and make a more convenient simultaneous interpreter."

There is still great potential in the education electronics market, and we cannot just give up. The brand Wenquxing will replace Zhiduoxing in the future and become the number one brand of educational electronic products.

Many industries of Zhiduoxing will be adjusted this year, and the focus is naturally on the game industry. The second place is no longer educational electronic products, but mobile phones. After that came MP4, and finally educational electronics.

The adjustment of the industrial center also represents the adjustment of the company's resources to be invested and the adjustment of its future development strategy.

As for what to do if educational electronic products continue to decline in the future, there is no need to worry about this. You can use the Wenquxing brand to launch educational apps, and you can continue to make money.

It is even possible to split Wenquxing and set up a separate subsidiary.

Everyone is speaking, talking about some adjustment methods of the industrial structure, and also talking about the funds needed for this year's plan, the planned revenue, etc.

"Okay, that's all for today's meeting. Xiao Wang, you can organize it later. Please send it to everyone after the general review, and implement it according to the plan discussed at the meeting."

"Matsuda, Watanabe, Edson, you three come to my office."

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