Super Tycoon

Chapter 715: Dr. Yan

Looking at the sales statistics of G3, Duan Yongping finally breathed a sigh of relief. Not only has the sales plan been completed, it has even been exceeded. The biggest growth is the Huaxia market.

But this time, he had a clever trick, which not only ensured the growth of G3's sales in China, but also weakened the opponent's strength.

In fact, since China's first ban on travel, the sales of Zhiduoxing G2 have begun to decline, because China's approval of game halls has become stricter, and many without licenses have been banned.

At that time, many second-hand game consoles were selling well, but the profit was not reaching Zhiduoxing, and even the sales of G2 were affected because of the second-hand game consoles.

Since then, basically there are no game halls for video game consoles anymore, but the game halls for analog machines are booming again.

Then with the rise of Internet cafes and online games, that kind of game halls also began to decline, but they were also driven by claw machines.

Others don't know, but Zhang Yang knows very well that until he is reborn, the game hall will continue to exist, and he will not make a lot of money.

Among them, claw machines, simulation machines and lottery machines are the ones that bring the most profits. This works best when combined with shopping malls, movie theaters, and playgrounds.

Therefore, on the side of the Sami Elf, the research and development expenses have not been reduced, and the other party must continue to maintain its position as the leader in the arcade industry.

But in the Chinese market, the decline in G2's sales is inevitable, and the loss of an important customer base has caused Zhiduoxing a headache.

The number of game consoles purchased by families in China has always been very small. The glory of the previous 8-bit console era seems to be gone forever. In fact, the biggest reason is that parents are unwilling to buy.

Back then, the 8-bit machine was sold for 300 yuan. Based on the per capita monthly income at that time, it was worth the monthly salary of many people, and even many people couldn’t afford it.

Now it's 128-bit game consoles, the price has become higher, and it's a little higher than many people's monthly salary, but it can still be used as a DVD player.

When VCDs first became popular, they sold for two to three thousand yuan. At that time, the per capita income was only five hundred yuan. Everyone bought them and took them home, just like TV sets, as large household appliances.

Now G3 can read Blu-ray discs, can also be used as a DVD player, and can also play games. It is not expensive, but it seems that the market still does not approve it.

According to the survey, the main reason is that it affects children's learning,

Many parents judge whether their children will be promising in the future based on whether their current academic performance is good or not, whether it is in the city or in the countryside.

Do games affect learning?

Duan Yongping personally doesn't approve of it, unless he is addicted to games. There are many college students and graduate students from prestigious schools in the company, and they all like to play games, but haven't they been admitted to a good school?

But it is undeniable that many children have poor self-control, and games are more interesting than learning.

Even if it is a holiday, if some children stay at home and play games every day, the parents will be very disgusted. They think that for example, let the children go out to play basketball and football with others. Learning is important, and the body is also very important. As for games, entertainment and relaxation Learning nerves, can't you relax by playing basketball?

Zhiduoxing is making great strides in overseas markets. Even in some small countries in Central Asia, sales have been increasing year after year, but in the Chinese market, it has actually declined for two consecutive years.

When the G3 came out, Duan Yongping didn't hold out much hope, thinking that sales of one million units would be the best. After all, there will still be people who like other companies' products, and the overall market will not exceed two million units.

Many people prefer computer games, whether it is the previous legend or the current World of Warcraft, the number of people playing is very large, which is unique in other markets.

But the chairman's trick changed all this.

Selling game consoles to housewives is something that no one has thought about before, because housewives are the most opposed to children playing game consoles. In many families, the mother takes care of the children, and the man earns money to support the family, that is, the male lead. Inside the hostess.

Many people who they thought would be impossible to let go now have let go, even bought them home, and play with their children and the elderly.

It's just such a move, without spending a lot of money, but the effect is still very good. The sales volume of Zhiduoxing G3 in China has exceeded 100,000 units, and it is still increasing rapidly.

It is estimated that there will be an explosive growth in the Chinese New Year. At that time, Zhiduoxing G3 may be able to complete the total sales planned before, and the next sales will increase.

The sales of Zhiduoxing's game consoles in the Chinese market will usher in a new growth, and may have a chance to exceed two million units, or even higher.

Ordinarily, the Huaxia market is so big, this sales volume is nothing at all. In a place as big as Xiangjiang, the sales of a generation of game consoles can have millions of units, because Xiangjiang can radiate surrounding areas, and many mainlanders will Purchased through Xiangjiang.

But seeing the growth is enough to prove that it's not that Chinese people don't like game consoles, but that they haven't found the right sales method before. Now that there is, not only this generation, but the next generation of game consoles can also sell better.

Of course, in addition to these sales strategies to help Zhiduoxing sales increase, Duan Yongping's other trick is more effective and greatly reduces the strength of competitors.

That is, he recruited Dr. Yan Weiqun, the founder of Shenyou Technology, to Zhiduoxing Group, and persuaded the chairman to give the other party a seat on the outside director.

From being the chairman of a small company to becoming a director of a large company, Yan Weiqun did not suffer a loss, and Zhiduoxing Group also did not suffer a disadvantage.

Because this Dr. Yan's resume is very exciting, and at the same time has a great influence on the game industry. He is the founder who introduced 3D animation and picture technology into video games, the co-founder of the American digital cable television system, and the co-inventor of international related technologies.

Moreover, the other party was originally wealthy. After selling the shares of Shenyou to another American investor, he bought some shares of Zhiduoxing and became an outside director.

This person not only understands technology, but also understands management, and at the same time has a high reputation in the industry. Otherwise, Nintendo would not have allowed him to take control of Shenyou Technology when it formed a joint venture with Nintendo.

After recruiting this person, Shenyou Technology's business tended to collapse. Nintendo increased its shareholding and turned it into a subsidiary company, but it was obviously going downhill, and even handheld sales were declining rapidly.

Dr. Yan also gave a lot of advice on the development of some technologies, and also dabbled in communication technology. His team greatly enhanced the technical strength of Zhiduoxing Group.

Zhiduoxing's technology will be improved again, and will leave some competitors far behind.

Duan Yongping really wanted to shout at this moment: "Who else?!"

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