Super Tycoon

Chapter 121: Preinstalled Games (4/5)

"Dad, are you busy?"

Zhang Weiguang's hand trembled, a welding error occurred, and the board was scrapped. When he looked back, his son was back.

"When did you come back? Don't you have to go to school? Who told you to skip class!"

"Dad, today is the weekend and the school is on holiday."

"Weekend?" Zhang Weiguang turned off the device, "Can I come back on weekends? I don't know if I read more books at school? Is there something to do when I come back?"

He didn't believe that if nothing happened, his son would come back. How could a county be better than a city.

"If you go to the corporate management training class on weekends, I don't need to run back. I heard that you bought a few GMEBOYs, and you also want two for research? Are you trying to crack it now?"

"Didn't you say you don't want to make such a small thing? Why did you let the factory over Beihe buy it? If they didn't call, I don't know. Researching this thing, your dad is no worse than the engineers of those big factories."

"I don't want you to rest. We spent money, and the engineers in those factories should work. No matter what results they research, they belong to the factory, that is, to the company, to our family. Salary and treatment On the other hand, we have not treated them badly."

"That's right, I gave them a salary increase." Zhang Weiguang looked proud. Those factories were about to go bankrupt. After being bought by Zhiduoxing, not only did they make up their previous wages, but they also raised everyone's wages. Now who doesn't Miss him?

"However, it is better for us to study these by ourselves. What if someone succeeds in research and goes out to do it by ourselves?" Zhang Weiguang reminded.

"Dad, let them go out to work. This is not just a hardware problem, but also includes internal software programs. Do you understand this? Those engineers don't understand either."

"Of course, they can find other people to cooperate, but if they fight against us Zhi Duoxing, I guarantee that they will lose everything!"

The company and all its employees have signed employment contracts according to Zhang Yang's requirements, including some non-compete agreements.

If someone goes out with the results and works on their own, then Zhang Yang can sue them. With the brand of Zhiduoxing Company, coupled with the background of Lao Maozi's joint venture company, and financial strength, he will definitely be able to get the support of the local government and make those people lose their money.

Whether you talk about law or strength, Zhang Yang is not afraid, he can win.

"You can really brag. There are so many game console brands on the market, and you still say that all of them are yellow. Why do I see more and more of them?"

A few days ago, Zhang Weiguang went to other places to look around. There are many imitators similar to their brand, but more local small brand machines have appeared.

When everyone sees that this industry is making money, they swarm in, wanting to get a piece of the pie.

"Dad, how much profit can they make? Before the summer vacation, let the agents thoroughly check other brands in their agency area to see if they have registered with the industry and commerce, and whether they have quality problems. This will destroy a group of them."

"Then let's continue to publicize the 10,000-yuan prize, let the agents cooperate, and see which one consumers choose? Those of them who come with game cassettes will be in trouble soon."

This is what Zhang Benxiong told Zhang Yang. It seems that Nintendo failed to acquire Zhiduoxing this time, and some measures should be taken, such as suing for piracy.

Those who independently produce game cassettes have no foundation and are not easy to check. But for those game consoles that come with a pirated ~~ version of the cassette, just grab one.

It may still not completely kill this kind of thing,

But how many will have some impact. Some companies may have to stop production, or even go bankrupt directly.

Even if some dodge it, it can make those small brand game consoles a lot more low-key. Zhiduoxing can regain some markets without any effort.

And he suspects that some small factories are selling at a discount in order to open up the market. But how long can they last?

If Zhang Yang gets ruthless and cuts the price directly, those small factories will all go bankrupt!

"As long as you know what you want, what's the matter when you come back this time?" Zhang Weiguang lit a cigarette and smoked it beautifully. There is a wife at home to take care of him, but no one dares to take care of him in the factory.

"Dad, what do you think about this handheld device?"

"What else can I think, just crack the other party's technology and make some changes. Don't worry, I know that there are restrictions abroad, and it doesn't matter, we can bypass it."

The current handhelds are not only GAMEBOY, but also handhelds from other companies, such as Sega, NEC, etc., and some small brands that are gradually declining. Their technologies have merits.

Combining their technologies, you can make a handheld that is different from any other. It's just that there is a disadvantage, that is, it will be more difficult to upgrade in the future.

Another point is whether the interface of the game cassette must comply with other people's standards, otherwise it will not be compatible with other people's games.

"Son, it's just that the game cartridge is not easy to get. This one will take some more time. Have you found someone to do it? How soon can we produce it, and how much does a game cartridge cost?"

"Dad, we don't make game cassettes."

"Don't do it? If you don't do it, how can you sell game consoles? Compatible with other people's cassettes? Didn't you say that this would be detrimental to our development?"

It is precisely this that has delayed their progress in cracking, otherwise they can try to produce prototypes now.

"We are different from Nintendo and other game consoles. Think about the all-in-one game cartridges we produced at the beginning. How many electronic components do we need to add? How much has the cost increased? Is it better to sell?"

Zhang Weiguang suddenly realized: "You mean we can directly install several popular games in the machine? But this can't be replaced, and it's still not as good as others."

"Dad, there are only so many fun games, and people who play games are just to pass the time. A few games are enough. Besides, Nintendo and other companies actually make money from game cartridges. If we do this, it will Give them a head-on blow!"

"When consumers find that five or six games are pre-installed in our handhelds, and each of them is very fun, do you think they will buy other game consoles? How can their game cartridges be sold? "

"But where did we get the game? Just copy someone else's?"

"I have already found someone to develop it, and it is estimated that it will be made soon. You first bring people to fix the hardware, and we will be able to produce a prototype within a month. Try to let our handheld game console go on sale during the summer vacation."

"At that time, this product will bring us a large profit. If it is done well, we can earn at least one million a month!"

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