The rabbit's situation is a little better. One of them died, but the other three were beaten but still alive, sniffing their pink noses. Li Badi saw that these animals had very little food or water left.

Then there are methods to test the moon’s ability to produce food and beverages. However, first, Li Huai decided to make a pen for the rabbit. If he is lucky, he can reproduce them and have at least one food suitable for his system.

He walked to the nearest pile of ball trees, took a look, and tested his strength. When he grabbed and pulled the trunk, they snapped easily and quickly. He discovered that it might be cut into pieces very quickly, and the shell of the stem was a piece of cotton.

He chopped up many stems, then tied them to the ground to make a small pen with a fence, and tied the whole rope together with a long rope hanging from the nose of the parachute. In this temporary pen, he released three rabbits. He filled their cage with water from the river and put it in a pen. The rabbit jumped up, sniffed, and drank. They did not seem to be affected in any way.

Li Badi broke a spherical plant from the tree and found that it contained a mixture similar to melon and potato. He offered some of this food to the rabbits, and they ate them after a while and seemed to like them very much.

When Li Badi did this, the monkey was trembling, suddenly came down, snatched a piece of spherical food and stuffed it into its mouth. Li Badi didn't want to use this little animal for testing, but it caused harm. However, the monkey seems to like it very much.

Li Bai sat on the ground and watched. He felt tired and now realized how tired he was. His experience made him very painful. After the fatigue, he felt warm and headache. He knew he still had things to do. He wanted to try to cook and cook the killed rabbit. He is also thirsty. He wanted to tie a rope to the monkey so that the animal would not run into the unknown and possibly dangerous area of ​​the cave. He wants to find a safe place to sleep and hide, if there is some kind of animal life around.

But he became very sleepy and felt very sick. He shrank, and before stopping, he was asleep.

The rabbit gave a bit. The monkey sits on a ball on a strange tree and watches quietly. Far away, somewhere in the cave, the mysterious hiss continued.

When Li Huai opened his eyes, he knew that he was a very sick person. He felt warm, sticky, and aches all over. He tried to sit up, but everything around him was dizzy. His arms, legs, and body were burning unbearably, and his whole body was itchy and powerless. He lay down, trying to gain strength.

After a while, he managed to climb to the edge of the water, filled the container he used in his trip from the earth, and dragged himself back. For an indeterminate period of time, he could not be sure that he was helpless in fever and pain, only waking himself up long enough to drink to soothe his tortured body.

Finally got a fever. He sat up, feeling very weak, but finally had a clear mind. He drags towards his feet, blessing the light gravity, realizing that his body won't react if he returns home. He felt that he was a disciple, knowing that he had experienced a terrible siege, he could only guess that when he was lying there, he was throwing around on the unfamiliar lunar ground, without protection in the cool climate of this unknown cave. He believes that the attack has been going on for several days, of course it is the day of the earth.

Later, he thought he had suffered severe space burns. After traversing the empty void between the planets, the ship is hardly protected from cosmic rays, nor can it penetrate the sun’s invisible rays. He thought he was lucky to survive.

He urgently needs food to rebuild his body. He looked at the rabbit pen. These little animals were there, obviously prospering on the spherical food he prepared for them before they got sick. Almost everything disappeared, he suddenly opened and chopped more. He wants to know how long the animals will reproduce—he knows that rabbits can reproduce quickly and in large numbers, and hope it will come true on the moon.

A strange tree was suddenly endless, and he looked up and saw a small brown face staring at him. After a while, the monkey jumped to the ground, and then jumped to Li Huai's shoulder, perched there happily found company again. The monkey's experience doesn't look bad, and he obviously gets along well on the lunar vegetation. Encouraged, Li Huai ate himself. First, he carefully tested everything about the monkey, but the monkey didn't object to anything.

But somehow, the food is not entirely satisfactory for the man, he feels that he needs more energy to restore all his energy. He looked at the rabbit again and the dead body. But he found that part of it had rotted and part of it had been consumed. He looked carefully, and for the first time saw the moon corresponding to animal life.

There are many tiny creatures, half an inch to an inch long, that initially look like ants, but on closer inspection they look more like three-segment worms because they have no legs and move like worms. Every small bug has no antennae, but has an upright stem at its front end, which ends in a yellow ball. Li Bai touched one of them, and it glowed instantly. He believes that this light organ is similar to that carried by deep-sea fish. These tiny things are eating dead rabbits.

Li Badi went back to check the remaining three rabbits. The two are men, and the women are obviously young. Well, because he knows his body needs meat, he has the ability to exempt one of the males.

But he put the rabbit back, realizing that first he must make a fire and decide how to cook. He touched his pocket. He was wearing a jacket from the soldiers of Las Cruces. As he hoped, he took out a pack of matches in a pocket. He turned his thoughts over. How can he make a fire when this bag is used up?

He piled up some dead tree trunks in a clearing. He lit them with one of his matches. They caught fire quickly, and soon he was on fire. He watched the smoke rise and found that the smoke drifted rapidly in the same direction as the current flow, which indicated that more caves were spreading in the distance.

He hesitated to open the scout knife. He has never cooked a rabbit before. In fact, he never had a chance to cook anything by himself. He thought that it was meat, even if it was eaten raw, savages could do it, so he could handle it. He considered boiling it in water and realized that a slight air pressure might boil the water without obtaining the necessary cooking effect. Therefore, the best way is to fry where he can observe the progress.

Irony himself, he caught the rabbit, killed the rabbit and skinned it, he found the latter completely unpleasant. Cleaning its internal organs was another unpleasant task. He cut the meat into large pieces, skewered a few pieces on a metal rod, which was part of a cage of the rocket, and then sat down to cook in the open space fire.

It turned out that it took longer than he thought, and he burned the meat completely in the process, but in the end he ate it and chewed it slowly. He realized that he needed salt and wondered if he could find any salt. This will have priority when he starts exploring.

He used a rope to hang the remaining meat on the tree. He did not see any signs of flying insects or creatures, so he hoped to keep the rest of the flesh.

So full, he sat down and began to plan his route. He told himself that I must do things systematically. I must track time, establish a regular life pattern, and find a permanent business foundation. I will have to explore this cave and the caves around it, find all possible enemies, and invent ways to defend myself. I will have to breed my rabbits in large numbers and find a way to use their fur and fur. I will have to determine all the remaining uses of the rocket material-metal etc.

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