He fixed his eyes on the socket again. In a short time since he first looked at it, the sky has turned black. It is black, it is black, and the stars are white fire spots. Now, the earth seems to be like a ball, a huge ball, the edge of which exudes the breath of sunlight and emits a hazy light. But he has no air there. He has no atmosphere. There is no whistling sound of atmospheric friction in the length of the silent rocket.

Then the dizzying white light pierced a piercing beam from that tiny spot. It is the brilliant sunshine without shelter. In a moment, as the rocket continued to rotate slowly, the faint light disappeared, but Li Huai began to realize what had happened at that moment.

He is in outer space beyond the earth and will never come back. He was the first person to reach the boundless airspace of the universe, and the universe was empty. He is the first, but who knows? Who can hear his helpless body, imprisoned in a bright airtight shell, now destined to float in the cosmic tide of interstellar space forever without doubt?

5. Never End

For a moment, Li Badi felt dizzy again, and the feeling of falling shocked him. He knew it was weightlessness. The feeling of weightlessness is the same as the feeling of free fall. His work goes beyond the influence of gravity. Somehow, atomic rocket fuel is much more effective or more effective than the inventors calculated. He knew that they never intended to launch this rocket beyond the control of the Earth, because if they had a rocket, they would not load the rocket on the test animal, nor would they put a parachute release device on the nose.

But now he thought that he might be wrong about it. He had already seen the parachute on the loading chart, and now he still remembers the parachute on the rocket above the small entrance to the top cargo hold. However, maybe there is no parachute there.

He wriggled again, trying to adjust to the nasty feeling of free fall. He felt as if he had to make a conscious effort to prevent it from turning out in his stomach. He had an urge to scream and wanted to move his hand, he had to remind himself that it was an illusion.

He rested for a while, floating in a small space, slamming into a wall or another wall steadily, with almost no room. The small burning beam pierced again and disappeared. Li Bad went through the peephole.

It is now the dead black of outer space, the black beyond the concept, and nothing can be reflected in it. In contrast, an incredible series of bright spots-the number of stars exceeds any number seen through the atmosphere. White, with some yellow and red, and blue everywhere. The earth moved into view again. Although it was still an impressively huge bowl, it was obviously smaller, but at the beginning it resembled a huge bas-relief globe, with its vivid faces and ethereal thinness of air and water vapor. The fog is breathtaking.

Li Badi realized that he was thirsty. Yes, also hungry. He counted his situation. He fumbled out of his pocket and took out one of the candy bars. He tidied it up thoughtfully. Should he eat or save now?

This raises the question he has been avoiding unconsciously. What is it for?

If he really wants to go to the boundless space, then he is a man destined to die. If he eats now, it means that he will be hungry earlier. If he procrastinated and sprinkled it on himself, it would only prolong the pain for a while, but would the result be the same?

The rocket may return to Earth in some way. It may describe a circle, an arc, and finally start to move backwards. If you do this, the parachute will operate and may even make Li Wei land safely.

Somehow, Li Huai seems unlikely, but this opportunity exists. If so, it will have to return to Earth before the entire starvation period can lead to death. Li Huai read somewhere that a person can not eat food for up to 30 days, but not drink water for no more than 7 or 8 days. If the rocket describes an arc or a parabola, then it will definitely start to return in less than a week.

With this in mind, Li Huai took apart the candy bar and ate it. The second one he will save as long as possible. But what about water?

The squeak of the test animal interrupted his thoughts. Of course, they must provide some kind of food for their flight? Li Huai turned to face the floor and began to dig the mat there. He managed to release it, pulling it to the side, revealing the floor of the compartment. As he hoped, it was not a metal plate. His own chamber The chamber used for the musical instrument is not a part of itself, but only a part covered by supporting plasterboard. Also, holes have been drilled to equalize the air in the two parts.

This answers another question that Li Huai tried to avoid. Although the air was old when he hid, how can the air be kept fresh now? Obviously, there is a small part of the automatic oxygen supply in the animal area, which has also penetrated into the upper compartment. Obviously, once the rocket starts flying, it will start to work and will continue to operate for the period initially calculated.

Li Huai used his finger to pull at the opening. The plasterboard gradually bends open, opening a space in the area below. He looked down with a flashlight.

There are two cages below, which are well cushioned. One of them, two little brown monkeys hugged tightly together, floating on the floor, looking terrified. They kept seeing him, but they were tightly locked in each other's arms. In the other rabbit, although one rabbit was upside down and the other rabbit was on the side of the cage, the four little rabbits were eating lettuce in big mouths.

There are several small boxes in each cage, and Li Badi can see that they distribute food and water to the animals on a regular basis. Li Huai reached out to the monkey's cage and began to loosen the small water can there. He found that once the fixing bolt was turned, it slipped into place. When he lifted the small flask up, a monkey tried to pinch his finger, but he retrieved it in time.

Pumping the water bottle into Li Badi's carriage made him feel better. This will make his place a little more comfortable. He felt sorry for the monkey who might be thirsty now, but he suspected that these two little beasts might be too hysterical to eat and drink. Li Wei wetted his throat a little.

He lowered his head, held out his hand, and investigated the food room. Sure enough, there were a few bananas in the monkey's food container. They will do the same.

He glanced again at the space below. There was an oxygen tank with a timer, and an oxygen tank hissed slightly. There is also a small heating device with a thermostat, which can obviously keep the temperature of the fauna at a level, and it is almost certain that the temperature of the entire area is the same.

Li Huai frowned when he put the filler back on the floor. He may remain comfortable for a period of time or longer for a day or longer. He said that although there is life, there is hope. When I deal with the parachute problem, it's best to check it too.

He neatly performed weightless somersaults, turning himself upside down, turning the floor that was once his roof into the floor, and filling there. But here he was frustrated because he found the round metal surface of this part of the nose. If there is a parachute, it obviously occupies its own compartment at the front end of the rocket nose.

He peered out from the upside-down perch, peering into the stars. He wanted to know if he could recognize whether a planet should be swaying in a narrow field of view, so he decided that maybe he could not do this because there were so many stars. He looked at the earth again and noticed that it had clearly rotated around its axis. That means a lot of time has passed. Mentally, he tried to calculate how much. He is now looking at the Eastern Hemisphere, or a corner of it. At least half a day, or maybe a day and a half or more. How could he know how long he slept, how long he was in a coma?

He realized that he was tired, but the painful take-off still made his body aches. He closed his eyes, not actually wanting to fall asleep.

His sleeping body slowly swayed back and forth in the narrow space, bumping gently from side to side. When he sleeps, he dreams of falling, dreaming of falling on a huge endless cliff, falling through strange cracks, being lifted by a big bird, and suddenly falling.

His subconscious will never give up the firm consciousness that his body is falling. To be sure, this is the dream of any astronaut. The built-in self-protection mechanism recognizes the feeling of weight loss through automatic fall warning. The Bandai climb from the primitive arboreal ancestor found that the warning was effective, otherwise any conscious knowledge would not close this instinctive warning.

He woke up again at the beginning and grabbed the branch in a panic. But he got rid of this feeling and rubbed his eyes. He took another sip from the water bottle, reached into the compartment below, and took a banana. The monkeys are still in each other's arms, but now they are asleep. The rabbit is spinning around in the corner of the cage, as if everything is normal.

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