The injured are no longer combat units, but individuals. Everyone cares about their own survival. Patriotism has disappeared from their minds, and they no longer worry about saving their country, but are only interested in saving their lives.

At the end of the path, a tall man can be seen moving upwards. nurse! He released the field glasses from his shoulders. Through a powerful lens, Nedra's light figure is very clear. He saw her move to the side of the path, kneeling beside an injured man who had no courage to go downhill. She inexplicably helped the man to his feet and lifted him up along the path. He stumbled and fell. The nurse knelt down beside him again, but this time she did not try to lift him. Instead, she stood up.

Li Huai determined that the man was dead when he fell.

She continued to climb the slope.

Below, the motor roared and then stopped. Turned around and saw that a first aid station was being established there. The military doctors are working fast; they have guided the injured to the back end of the truck, where checkpoints have been set up. However, they worked very fast and it was too late to help the vast majority of the wounded. The futile effort frustrated Li Wei, so he turned his attention to the nurse.

She was in the middle of the path again. The avalanche directly in front of her prevented her from moving forward. A man is with her.

The man with glasses looked as tall and rugged as a mountain. Without soldiers, he has no helmet or other headgear. His hair was flying in the wind, and his hair was as white as snow on the top of the mountain. His face looked like a statue hewn of granite. Li Huai guessed that he was a resident of the area. He was a climber who sought safety in these remote cells. He was blasted by Kuso’s radioactive explosives to his hiding place and wandered the trail And die. The nurse is talking to him.

Li Badi's legs involuntarily seemed to have their own will, and began to lift him up the hillside. He had already taken twelve steps before he remembered the wrist on the counter.

"Damn it!" he thought. "I'm going there and drag her here. She won't lose her life when I bump into it like a coward. I don't mind if she is one of the newcomers. She is human!"

He strode forward up the slope. Then he saw Nedra running towards him and waved at him.

"Colonel! You can't come here."

"I am coming there!" he shouted.


When he didn't stop, she ran to him faster. The rugged man followed her. After arriving at Li Huai, she grabbed his sleeve and turned him around to drive him downhill. "You can't be here." Her voice was breathless with protest.

"Are you placing an order for me?" Li Badi roared. He was secretly happy because she worried about him.

"If allowed, Colonel, I think Nedra's purpose is to save your life," the squirrel said. His voice is like a bell ringing in the distance, the tone is sweet and musical, but with strong overtones.

"How is her life?" Li Bad asked.

"I'm going down now, Colonel." The nurse said hurriedly. "They have set up a first aid station. They will need me there."

Li Badi said: "You need their attention to do what you mean."

"Colonel, counter!" she answered.

The needle has exceeded a hundred marks and is still rising.

"Come on, Colonel." Naidra hooked his arm to his arm and began to move down the rugged, uneven, pebbly path. Li Huai did not move. She pulled hard.

The man said politely: "Sir, your life is in danger."

Li Badi replied: "That's only interested in me." "What about your life?"

The nurse quickly said: "Colonel, I want you to know a friend of mine." "Colonel Lee Bad, Sam West. We will talk when we get to the emergency station."

"Nice to meet you, sir." West stretched out his hand. His hands were clenched, but there was extra strength in his fingers.

"Nice to meet you, Mr. West. Do you live here?"

"Over there," the Nazaki said, nodding vaguely.

The nurse pulled the arm again. He stood firmly on the mountain road. "We will speak here."

"But you are taking advantage of the illegitimate advantage," the rugged man protested. "This area is full of radiation. This is neither time nor a place to exchange horses."

"Then why are you two here?"

West said: "When I met Nedra, I left the area as quickly as possible." "If you don't stop me, I will still be out of trouble, but soon."

Li Badi said, "I didn't stop you." "To that path. Hit it. You can't either." He said to Nedra.

The nurse said, "Don't be silly, Kurt." She was begging him now.

"Okay. But there is one condition. Why did you come here in the first place? You know this area is very hot."

"I-I lost my head," the nurse said quickly. "My emotions will go away with me. I am a nurse, and the injured need my attention. I will go to them. You will go with us, won't you?" Violet eyes begged him to believe her.

"What made you lose your head?"

"Why? I think this is shock. This is the first time I was bombed. And, it was a scream at the wounded. Really, sir, I am a nurse." The way she said this, she was A nurse means some. Violet eyes were tired of begging and almost vomited anger at him.

Li Huai said: "I don't believe your **** words." "You are not lost in a potential hole."

"Please, Kurt." She looked at his arm roughly again. "I will talk to you about everything you want. But don't try to force me to stay here." Li Badi gave in helplessly to the pressure on his arm. Violet eyes appeared, and the face of this squirrel suddenly freed from a certain inner tension. Dimly, he thought he had seen Qi's face before, but the picture that came to his mind disappeared before he could put a time and a label on it. Along the path, he took the nurse to the truck, where medical staff installed equipment to test the amount of radiation exposure. By doing this, he found that she was leading him in the same direction.

He protested: "I don't need medical staff." "I'm fine. I haven't been exposed long enough to cause any harm."

"Of course you are fine," she replied. Her tone was similar to that of allowing her mother to comfort her injured child.

He said, "You are the one who needs help." He was sure that she had stayed for too long.

She said soothingly, "I will buy it if necessary."

Li Huai could hear the occasional creaking sound of his boots. West remained silent. He didn't seem to be in a hurry.

Li Huai began to talk to Naidra. What he wanted to say was vague in his mind. He couldn't fully find the answer, but he knew it was different from the world, and human beings did not try to destroy themselves. . Why is he doing this? The reason for his thinking became clearer. He wants the world to be different, so that he can make love with this nurse under the condition that this love can bear fruit other than frustration, despair and death.

He found that he wished to have a vine-covered hut somewhere, where a man and a woman could live peacefully and rationally, and raise some children who could play on the hillsides unsaturated with atomic radiation.

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