When I found everything in this family, I was very kind to me. My master’s little daughter was the most considerate and considerate in her kindness. At her suggestion, I set aside the obstacles I descended from the upper soil and adopted Villia's clothing, but the clever wings made them act as a graceful mantle when walking. However, since many Freer Yaren-do not wear these wings when engaged in urban activities, there is no obvious difference between this exception and the race I live in, so I am able to avoid unpleasantness. Visited the town in the absence of curiosity. No one suspects that I come from the upper world,

The city is quite large in proportion to its surrounding territory, and its scale is not larger than the property of many British or Hungarian nobles. But the whole process, if the edge of the rock that constitutes the boundary, has been cultivated to the greatest extent, unless certain mountains and pastures are reserved by humans for harmless animals that they tamed, although not for family use. Their kindness to these despicable creatures is so great that the public treasure invests a certain amount of money in order to expel them to other Viliya communities willing to receive them, mainly new colonies, as long as they allocate the amount to the pasture. Too much. Give them in their hometown. However, the extent to which they have not reproduced is comparable to the reproduction rate of the animals we bred for slaughter. It seems that the natural law is that animals that are useless to humans gradually disappear from the realm they occupy, and even become extinct. This is an ancient custom of various sovereign countries, in which the Viliya ethnicity is distributed, leaving a neutral and uncultivated border area between each country. In the community I am talking about, this land is a savage ridge that is impassable on foot, but it is easy to cross whether it is a resident's wing or a motorboat. I will talk about it later. The road through the highway was also cut off to transport the driven vehicles. These areas of mutual communication are always illuminated, and the fees paid by the special tax are paid by all communities included in the faction in a fixed proportion. Through these means, a large number of commercial transactions were conducted with other nearby and distant states. The remaining wealth of this special community is mainly agriculture. The community is also known for being good at building tools related to animal husbandry art. As an exchange for this kind of goods, the goods it obtains are more luxury goods than necessities. Imported things are rarely priced at higher prices than birds teach. These are brought from far away, and they are wonderful with beautiful songs and feathers. I know that their breeders and teachers pay special attention to selection, and the species has been greatly improved in the past few years. In this community, I did not see other pets, except for some very entertaining and sporty species, they are also like frogs, but they have very smart looks, and children like them and keep them in private gardens. Although seemingly knowledgeable naturalists told me that they do not seem to have animals similar to our dogs or horses, these animals once existed in those places and may now be found in areas where other races other than-live. She said that since the discovery, they have gradually disappeared from the more civilized world, and their use has been cancelled as a result of the discovery. The invention of machinery and wings replaced horses as burdensome beasts. This dog no longer needs protection or chasing, just as Veliya's ancestors worried about their aggression or hunting small animals for food. However, as far as horses are concerned, it is true. The rocks in this area are so rough that the horses there are not intended for recreation or burden. The only creature they use for the latter purpose is a large goat, which is used extensively on farms. It can be said that the nature of the soil around these areas first hinted at the invention of wings and airships. The habit is to enclose each house into a separate garden, which is proportional to the space occupied by the city. Afrin-lives on a wide main street and expands into a vast square where the Sage Academy and all public offices are located. There is a magnificent luminous liquid fountain in the center. I call it naphtha and I don’t know its true nature. All these public buildings have unity, solidity and sturdiness. They remind me of Martin's architectural pictures. Along each high-rise, there is a balcony, or a terrace garden, supported by columns, filled with flowering plants, and rented by many tame birds. Customs make each house have a separate garden around it. Afrin-lives on a wide main street and expands into a vast square where the Sage Academy and all public offices are placed. There is a magnificent luminous liquid fountain in the center. I call it naphtha and I don’t know its true nature. All these public buildings have unity, solidity and sturdiness. They remind me of Martin's architectural pictures. Along each high-rise, there is a balcony, or a terrace garden, supported by columns, filled with flowering plants, and rented by many tame birds. Customs make each house have a separate garden around it. Afrin-lives on a wide main street and expands into a vast square where the Sage Academy and all public offices are placed. There is a magnificent luminous liquid fountain in the center. I call it naphtha and I don’t know its true nature. All these public buildings have unity, solidity and sturdiness. They remind me of Martin's architectural pictures. Along each high-rise, there is a balcony, or a terrace garden, supported by columns, filled with flowering plants, and rented by many tame birds. The Saint’s College and all public offices are placed in it; in the center is a magnificent luminous liquid fountain, which I call naphtha and I don’t know its true nature. All these public buildings have unity, solidity and sturdiness. They remind me of Martin's architectural pictures. Along each high-rise, there is a balcony, or a terrace garden, supported by columns, filled with flowering plants, and rented by many tame birds. The Saint’s College and all public offices are placed in it; in the center is a magnificent luminous liquid fountain, which I call naphtha and I don’t know its true nature. All these public buildings have unity, solidity and sturdiness. They remind me of Martin's architectural pictures. Along each high-rise, there is a balcony, or a terrace garden, supported by columns, filled with flowering plants, and rented by many tame birds. They remind me of Martin's architectural pictures. Along each high-rise, there is a balcony, or a terrace garden, supported by columns, filled with flowering plants, and rented by many tame birds. They remind me of Martin's architectural pictures. Along each high-rise, there is a balcony, or a terrace garden, supported by columns, filled with flowering plants, and rented by many tame birds.

Several streets are divided from the square, all streets are spacious and bright, brightly lit, and sublimated on both sides. I have never been allowed to go alone in my small town outing. Avelyn or his daughter is my usual companion. In this community, adults are considered to be with any younger counterparts, as if there is no gender difference between them.

There are not many retail stores. The people who participate in customer activities are children of all ages. They are very smart and polite, but they are not important at all. The shopkeeper himself may or may not be visible; when visible, he rarely seems to be engaged in anything related to his professional business; but he started to engage in this business from a special perspective and is completely independent of his total wealth.

In general, after being active in her childhood, Anna in the community is a group of lazy creatures. Whether it is temperament or philosophy, they all list rest as the main blessing of life. Indeed, when you are far away from humans, you are motivated to act because of Cupid or ambition, which to me does not seem surprising.

In daily exercise, they prefer to use feet instead of wings. But for sports or to daringly misuse their public "promenade", they hired the latter, which is also used for the aerial dances I described, and for visiting their villages, these places are mostly lofty heights; moreover, when When they were young, they preferred to use wings to travel to other areas of Anna, rather than vehicles.

Those who are accustomed to flying can fly, even if the speed is not as good as some birds, but it can increase from 25 miles per hour to 30 miles per hour, and can maintain this speed for five to six hours. But Anna generally dislikes fast exercises that require strenuous exercise in middle age. Perhaps for this reason, when they have a principle that our own doctors would undoubtedly approve of, that regular transpiration through the skin pores is vital to health, they habitually use sweat baths, which we named Turkish or Romans , I added some perfume later. They are full of confidence in the beneficial virtues of certain perfumes.

During the prescribed but rare period, it may be healthy four times a year, and it is their custom to use a bath full of viruses. *

*I have tried the effect of bath. Its revitalizing ability is very similar to that of Gastein Baths, and many doctors attribute its advantages to electricity. But despite the similarity, the effect of the bath is longer.

They believe that this rarely used liquid is an important sustainer of life. However, when it is used excessively in a normal state of health, it will react and exhaust energy. However, for almost all diseases, they acted as natural chief assistants to get rid of their complaints.

In their own way, they are the most luxurious people, but all their luxuries are innocent. It can be said that they live in an atmosphere of music and fragrance. Each room has its own mechanical device to produce a pleasing sound, usually tuned to a soft noise, which seems to be a sweet whisper from an invisible soul. They are so accustomed to these soft voices that they can't find obstacles to talk and can't think alone. But they have an idea, that is, breathing the air full of continuous melody and perfume will inevitably play a role in soothing and improving character formation and thinking habits. Despite being mild, and completely banning other animal foods and all intoxicating beverages except milk, they are very delicate and exquisite in terms of food and beverages. Even in all sports of the elderly, the joy of a child is shown. Happiness is the goal they pursue, not a momentary excitement, but a universal condition of the whole existence; mutual polite and friendly showing concern for each other's happiness.

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